…To see anything hanging above you, and about to fall, implies danger | if it falls upon you it may be ruin or sudden disappointment. If it falls near, but misses you, it is a sign that you will have a narrow escape from loss of money, or other misfortunes may follow. Should it be securely fixed above you, so as not to imply danger, your condition will improve after threatened loss….

…Dreaming of seeing walls plainly plastered, denotes that success will come, but it will not be stable. To have plaster fall upon you, denotes unmitigated disasters and disclosure. To see plasterers at work, denotes that you will have a sufficient competency to live above penury….

Dreaming of stringing beads suggests that some important personalities will show up to help the dreamer in certain projects. Dreaming of counting beads hints joy and wellness. Dreaming of having the beads fall to the floor and stepping on them indicates loss in some way, including friendships.

…If you’re watching some people skiing, the dream denotes your wishes of more risk and adventure in your everyday life. If you fall while skiing means the opposite, in other words, you’re going too fast on some matter….

The rhinoceros is the symbol of protection and security. The one who is dreaming about this kind of animal is feeling confident, brave and very much sure about his decisions. Sometimes the rhinoceros is the omen of the situations or people in your waking life that are hard to understand. You feel like you are against the fall, therefore you do not know how to treat yourself through it.

…Dreaming of crossing a clear stream of water on a foot-log, denotes pleasant employment and profit. If the water is thick and muddy, it indicates loss and temporary disturbance. For a woman this dream indicates either a quarrelsome husband, or one of mild temper and regular habits, as the water is muddy or clear. To fall from a foot-log into clear water, signifies short widowhood terminating in an agreeable marriage. If the water is not clear, gloomy prospects. See Bridge….

Dreaming of ploughing is good, but if the horses seem to sink into the ground, it portends loss of labour, dearth of corn, and ill-harvest weather; but to plough on a hill, and on a sudden to be loosening the team, and setting them up in a stable, doth show a lazy disposition in the ploughmen, and also that the horses shall not stand, but fall sick in the stable. See Farm, Manure and Husbandry.

Usually indicate, especially when in the dream we are the ones that do the acrobatics, potential instability in some aspect of our life. Whether you keep your balance or you fall, this dream always remember us the need for caution and tact in our projects.

To dream you fall into a pit, and cannot get out easily, denotes some serious calamity; that your sweetheart is false, and will prefer another.

Can express both, the creation and destruction, birth or death. Usually scissors predicts arguments or fights between spouses or lovers. If we have them in hand, then we might face slander from other people about us. If they fall to the ground, then it signifies disputes between family members.

Dreaming you Bee a pit full of fair water in a field, where there i3 none at all, is a good dream; for he who dreams this is a thriving man and will suddenly be married, if he be not so already, and will have good and obedient children. To dream you see a pit whose water overflows the banks, implies loss of substance, or the death of wife and children; and if the wife have the same dream, it shows her death or the loss of her substance. To dream you see a friend fall into a pit, shows that such a person is then near his end; and if it be a parent, aunt or child, that you dream falls, expect to see the death of such a relation very suddenly.

…If the rope is hanging from above, then it symbolizes a way of ascension. If we are suspended from it, it portends that we will reach a higher position soon. If we’re climbing up the rope, then it indicates our desire to move up. If we’re down or we fall, it portends a decline position, frustration of our hopes. If the rope is on the floor, on furniture or in our hands, then it is interpreted as the warning about the condition of our business. It has the same meaning if we acquire or receive a rope….

Seeing a fig leaf in the dream indicates a loss of virginity or a shortage of innocence or a fall from grace.

…If the string hangs from above, then it symbolizes a means of ascension. If we’re hanging from a string, then it means we will reach a higher position soon. If we’re going up the string, then it indicates our desire to move up. If we’re down or we fall, dream indicates a decline position, frustration of our hopes. If the string is on the floor, on furniture or in our hands, then it is a warning about the condition of our business. It has the same meaning if we acquire or receive a string….

…Dreaming of having fits, denotes that you will fall a prey to ill health and will lose employment. To see others in this plight, denotes that you will have much unpleasantness in your circle, caused by quarrels from those under you….

To dream you fall into a pit, and cannot get out easily, denotes some serious calamity; to the sailor ship-wreck; to the farmer a bad harvest. But to dream you fail into a pit and cannot get out by any means, augurs death.

You’re at a stage where you want to hit rock-bottom in order to free yourself from your burdens but you have to pay attention to your health and your mind so they won’t fall apart.

…As sure as you dream of this creature, you will be deceived by your warmest friends. Enemies will assail you at every turn. Dreaming of stepping on a crocodile’s back, you may expect to fall into trouble, from which you will have to struggle mightily to extricate yourself. Heed this warning when dreams of this nature visit you. Avoid giving your confidence even to friends….

…(Disease | Ophthalmia) In a dream, eye inflammation means tightening of one’s earnings, or it could mean heedlessness. Seeing one’s eyes inflamed in a dream means that one’s father or mother may fall sick. Inflam- mation of the eyes in a dream also denotes near blindness or suffering from a cataract. Any vision loss in a dream represents failing to properly perform one’s religion, loss in business or an indication of the state of one’s children….

If you dream that you fall down, but rise again, quickly, you will attain too much honour; but if, on the contrary, you remain where you fell, you will live obscure and in poverty.

To fall into one signifies calumny.

This dream shows insecurity, fear and anxiety. It warns us that we have entered a new slippery ground that can take us down. (Also look at the meaning of “To fall”)

…Dreaming that you are riding in a chariot, is interpreted as a sign of uncontrolled situation. Maybe in your dream your subconscious is suggesting that you need to exercise more control in your life. To dream that you or someone else fall from a chariot, announces coming failure in your or other person’s life….

If you are dreaming about the ladder, then it means you will reach the top of your goals. Make sure you pay attention the how long the ladder is, because it will tell you how long you will have to climb to your achievements. If you climb the ladder and then suddenly fall, then such dream signifies unexpected obstacles that are impossible to avoid. If you see the particular person who hold the ladder to you, then it means that you trust this person and give your carrier on his hand. The ladder that is broken signifies your ups and downs in the life that will be also hard to escape.

Dreaming of incestuous practices, denotes you will fall from honorable places, and will also suffer loss in business.

If you play is a sign that will have to go through a bitter struggle to get what you crave. If all the pines fall, it means sorrows and misfortunes.

…Dreaming of a scaffold, denotes that you will undergo keen disappointment in failing to secure the object of your affection. To ascend one, you will be misunderstood and censured by your friends for some action, which you never committed. To decend one, you will be guilty of wrong doing, and you will suffer the penalty. To fall from one, you will be unexpectedly surprised while engaged in deceiving and working injury to others….

…To see, in your dream, one or more houses burning, but not wholly destroyed, signifies, for the poor, that they will become rich; and for the rich man, that his riches will be augmented; but if the fire is furious, and the houses fall down, the dreamer may expect losses, disappointments, shame and death. If he sees his bed burning, sickness; to see furniture and clothing, or curtains burning, is significant of trouble. A store seen burning, loss of business; to see the front windows of a house burning, shows the death of a brother; the rear windows, the death of a sister; a burning door, trouble for a housekeeper. To see a man burning in bed, foretells loss of goods and sickness; to see one’s finger burnt, shows that someone is envious of you. To dream that you are burning to death, shows that you will soon be…

To dream you are in a boat and that you fall in the water, and are rescued from the element by the male, he will become your husband to a certainty. If you slip and sink, and he or she still saves you, it is a bad omen, one or the other will prove false.

…To dream that you participate in a heroic act or in a simple personal sacrifice or idealism, suggests that you can be easily influenced and prone to fall under adverse and dangerous situations. This is the case of the suicide bombers that are influenced by others and so they commit this type of sacrifice. People who often dream that they participate, in some way, in a heroic act, are not reliable persons because they suddenly change their minds, depending always on the people who approach them. To dream that you somehow sacrifice yourself implies that you’re a temperamental person and that you have a difficult to control character, i.e., you’re conflictive and contradictory, as you can be happy and sad or quiet and irritable at the same time. To dream that you eyewitness a heroic act usually indicates that you’re experiencing a failure, either sentimental or in your job…

…If you dream of being idle, you will fail to accomplish your designs. To see your friends in idleness, you will hear of some trouble affecting them. For a young woman Dreaming that she is leading an idle existence, she will fall into bad habits, and is likely to marry a shiftless man….

Draw water from well, means advantageous marriage, it the water is clear. If it is muddy or dirty, disastrous nuptials and sickness. Give this water to others to drink, is to contribute to their fortunes if the water is clear, ruined future if the water that was given is dirty. Over flowing wells, means loss of wealth, minor illness of wife or child. Fall in one or to cleanse one, signifies injuries, insults. Wells full of water in a field where there is no water, symbolizes advantageous establishment for the dreamer and if dreamer is married, birth of a virtuous and submissive child.

Climbing it quickly portends that our ambitions will be fulfilled. If we are at the top, it means we have our goal in sight. If we are lying on the hillside, it means that we will rely on someone whose influence will be decisive and beneficial. If we slip and fall, we will not manage to carry out our goals.

…To dream that you’re escaping from a danger is warning that this may possibly happen to you in real life, for example: if you scape from a bad business, an enemies or a diseases, etc. If your not able to scape from it, then it indicates that you’ll fall in that danger’s trap….

Dreaming of one or more pirates dressed up and armed like in the old days announces problems due to intervention by people who are acting in bad faith. Dreaming of being a pirate is a warning that soon the dreamer will fall into social disrepute, which will cause material losses. A woman that dreams of her partner or lover as a pirate suggests that she doesn’t trust him because she feels like he’s cheating.

Making a long journey, an early and happy marriage.

…To dream of making your will is a sign of long life, and good fortune generally: if you imagine that you make your will to give a legacy to a lady, it foretells to a man (whether married or single) that he will marry. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 22….

Dreaming of resting on a luxurious silk cushion or pillow indicates that there are matters and poverty that the dreamer is trying to fix at the expense of effort and sacrifice of others. Dreaming of luxurious silk cushions or pillows without touching them announces prosperity or success in matters that are being handled by the dreamer. A young woman who dreams of sewing a cushion or making a luxurious silk pillow, indicates that she desires to get married to a good man. In the event that the cushion is made of a cheap fabric, it then indicates that the marriage will not be very good.

…(Fire worshipper | Magi | Magus | Mazdaism | Sorcerer) Seeing an old man worshipping fire in a dream means facing a person who cares little about obliterating his enemy. Seeing oneself worshiping fire in a dream means apostasy, committing adultery, theft, murder, making a false oath, polytheism, or being an unjust person. Turning away from worshipping fire to embrace Judaism or Christianity in a dream means experiencing major changes in one’s life. Worshipping fire in a dream means desiring worldly pleasures. Worship- ping the fire in a dream also means desiring to work for the ruler or a king, or it could mean going astray. If the fire one is worshipping is not lit in the dream, it means that he is seeking unlawful earnings….

If, during a dream, we find ourselves blowing a fire to keep it alive, it means that we’re making a great effort to keep our illusions alive. If, during a dream, we find ourselves blowing a fire to put it out, then it indicates that we’re tired, disenchanted and we lack the strength to keep fighting. We advise you to let go of your pessimism, to be persistent and keep on trying. If we see ourselves dusting off an object, it’s an omen for a secret that’ll be revealed soon.