Receiving presents in a short time.

…(Cure | Bitter almond | Sweet almond | Truth) In a dream, almond represent a cure for an illness, impeachment of a governor or loss of one’s job. In a dream, almond also represent a deceased person in his shroud or in his grave. Yet, seeing fresh green almond in season in a dream means profits and blessings. Sweet almond in a dream represent lawful money or earnings, depending on the quantity one sees in his dream. Eating sweet almond in a dream means profits, though to be earned with a fight. Plucking almond from a tree in a dream means earning money from a niggardly person with a fight. An almond tree in a dream also represents one who is stingy with people, though generous with his wife and children. Eating sweet almond in a dream also means tasting the sweetness of one’s faith. Bitter almond in a…

Good prospects in life. 199.

Escape out of danger.

Receiving handsome presents.

…Snake-dreams are unlucky, and signify injuries by enemies, scandal, unkind gossip, and falseness on the part of those who have hitherto posed as friends.From among the many snake-dreams I have heard and recollect, I select the following, as examples.A lady, who had formed a great friendship with a woman with a peculiar cast in her eyes (a disfigurement which, in my opinion, frequently points to deceit), once dreamed she was walking in her garden, when out of a rose glided an enormous green snake. Greatly alarmed, she was on the verge of running away to solicit help to kill the brute, when she saw, to her amazement, that it had human eyes, and, on bending down to examine it more closely, she found herself looking into the countenance of her woman friend. Hair, features and complexion were exactly similar, but the expression was different: it was an expression of…

…(Band | Chain | Fetters | Shackle | Strap | Ties) In a dream, a bond signifies assiduity, piety, a pretext, an illness, an ongoing debt, cognizance of the one who puts the chain, or a rope around one’s hands. A silver band in a dream means a lasting marriage. If it is a brass band in the dream, then it means decisiveness but with trickery and regarding something loathsome. If the bond is made from lead in the dream, then it means having determination about something weak or unworthy of such attention. A bond made with a rope in the dream signifies piety and religiousness. If it is mad of wood in the dream, then it means persistence in hypocrisy. If it is a bond made of a piece of cloth, or a thread in the dream, then it means attachment to something that will not last. In…

…(Giving birth) Seeing one’s wife giving birth to a son in a dream when in fact she is not pregnant means wealth. If a pregnant woman sees herself giving birth to a girl in a dream, it means a boy, and if she gives birth to a boy in the dream, it means a girl. Giving birth to a girl means relief from distress, while giving birth to a boy in the dream means distress and worries. If a sick person sees his mother giving birth to him in a dream, it means the approach of his death, for a deceased person is wrapped in a shroud, while a newborn is wrapped with a receiving cloth. If the person in question is poor, it means that his financial conditions will change for the better, but if he is rich, it means restriction of his earnings, for a child is…

…Dreaming that we fall into an abyss is the warning that the end of a catastrophic situation is near, due to the basis on which our life is based, whether moral, economic or professional it’s falling apart because it is false or inadequate, making it necessary to urgently look for what is wrong, to correct it and adapt them to the real situation. Only when we are awake and make a lucid analysis of the current situation we can know if the danger is moral, economic, ethical or professional, because in many cases what the dream reveals is our inner fear of giving in to what we consider base instincts. Dreaming that we fall into an abyss but we manage to get out of it, or we are forced to cross on a weak walkway, means that there is a chance to mend the situation and regain happiness, but…

An abyss represents a hazard. If we fall into it, that warns us a disastrous ending of any kind. If we fall but can get out, it means that there is a possibility to be separated with difficulty from a disaster. The same happens if we pass over the abyss by a fragile bridge. If we see it but we do not fall in it, we are on time to avoid bad things.

…The cliff represents danger. If we fall into the cliff, it warns us of a disastrous ending of any kind. If we fall into the cliff, but we cannot get out of it, means that there is a possibility to break apart with many difficulties of the disaster. The same occurs if we pass over the cliff by a fragile bridge. If we see the precipice but we don´t fall from it, we are on time to avoid the disaster….

…(Contract | Homage) Making a pledge of allegiance to the blessed family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or to their descendents, or true gnostics and leaders among his followers in a dream means following true guidance, walking on the straight path and truly observing the divine laws and abiding by them. Making a pledge of allegiance to the governor of a seaport city in a dream means winning victory over one’s enemy, glad tidings, honoring piety, being grateful to one’s Lord and oft-praying for salvation and forgiveness. Making a pledge of allegiance to an impious person or to an evil companion in a dream means helping evil people. Making a pledge to someone under a tree in a dream means receiving blessings from God Almighty….

…(See Stranger.) Dreams of kissing work curiously: if a girl dreams that she is kissed by a young man m whom she takes no particular interest, it may be a good omen, and it may not; for if he happens to be a silly fellow who imagines that she is in love with him, it is a sign she will be slandered in a way that will make her unhappy; but if he has no such sentiment, then the sign is exactly the reverse — that is, someone will speak well of her to those whom she esteems highly perhaps to her lover. If a girl dreams she is kissed by her lover, it predicts that he will say something unpleasant to her at their next meeting; if a lover dreams that his sweetheart kisses him the sign is similar. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1….

…be seated on a fence with others, and have it fall under you, denotes an accident in which some person will be badly injured. Dreaming that you climb through a fence, signifies that you will use means not altogether legitimate to reach your desires. To throw the fence down and walk into the other side, indicates that you will, by enterprise and energy, overcome the stubbornest barriers between you and success. To see stock jumping a fence, if into your enclosure, you will receive aid from unexpected sources | if out of your lot, loss in trade and other affairs may follow. Dreaming of building a fence, denotes that you are, by economy and industry, laying a foundation for future wealth. For a young woman, this dream denotes success in love affairs | or the reverse, if she dreams of the fence falling, or that she falls from it….

The abyss in dream is interpreted as the barriers. If you didn’t fall into abyss, but you dream of it, then such dream represents the fact that you will deal with problems easily. When you fall into abyss, then such dream signifies the necessity to become more careful while dealing with business matters.

…Dreaming of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life. If you run from danger, you will be threatened with losses, and you will despair of adjusting matters agreeably. To see others thus running, you will be oppressed by the threatened downfall of friends. To see stock running, warns you to be careful in making new trades or undertaking new tasks….

…Dreaming of making candy, denotes profit accruing from industry. Dreaming of eating crisp, new candy, implies social pleasures and much lovemaking among the young and old. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that disgusting annoyances will grow out of confidences too long kept. To receive a box of bonbons, signifies to a young person that he or she will be the recipient of much adulation. It generally means prosperity. If you send a box you will make a proposition, but will meet with disappointment….

When you dream of playing the backgammon game, it signifies new people in you life which you did not expect to see and you will not be satisfied and comfortable seeing them. If you dream that you are being defeated in backgammon game it might be the sign of a failure in your love life. Maybe you start making a new relationships with inappropriate people. Make sure you think twice before making new friends or lovers.

Dreaming of anything somehow related to making an announcement indicates that you’re being careless with your personal affairs, because you’re paying more attention to unimportant things, which will obviously cause damages and losses. Dreaming of announcing something in the dream means that there is a deep concern that something is wrong, and you don’t know how to correct it to avoid probable losses and diseases for you or your relatives. Dreaming of placing ads of any kind implies that, deep in your heart, you’re not satisfied with what you have, and you want to make a change, taking the risk of making everything worse. Dreaming of reading ads suggests that someone is planning somehow to harm you, like giving you bad news. Dreaming of taking ads from some places anticipates that you suspect of someone cheating on you, or backstabbing you in business.

…(Kitchen | Stew) A ladle in a dream represents a household manger, or the lady of the house who properly manages its finances. Eating meat cooked with vinegar from a ladle in a dream means living happily with dignity from money one has earned from his own labor, or it could mean serving the domestic needs of others, working for rich people and making good money, making healthy profits from one’s trade, or winning an important political appointment. (Also see Kitchen)…

If the man dreams of abscond, there could be a possibility of deception or it could represent the deceit of your colleagues. If a woman is dreaming of absconding, there can be a warning for not falling in love with someone to soon. Pay attention with who you are in contact, as there might be someone who is not appreciating your feelings. Be careful before you fall into someone, as the person might not feel the same way you do.

…Dreaming of any secret order, denotes a sensitive and excited organism, and the owner should cultivate practical and unselfish ideas and they may soon have opportunities for honest pleasures, and desired literary distinctions. There is a vision of selfish and designing friendships for one who joins a secret order. Young women should heed the counsel of their guardians, lest they fall into discreditable habits after this dream. If a young woman meets the head of the order, she should oppose with energy and moral rectitude against allurements that are set brilliantly and prominently before those of her sex. For her to think her mother has joined the order, and she is using her best efforts to have her mother repudiate her vows, denotes that she will be full of love for her parents, yet will wring their hearts with anguish by thoughtless disobedience. To see or hear that the…

…To dream you see a yacht under full sail, while you are on shore, is a sign you will soon fall in love with a pretty maid, or widow. To dream you are sailing in a yacht with a pleasant breeze, is a good omen, and denotes success in business, and to lovers, happiness. Dreams of sailing on smooth water are good to all persons, but to dream the weather is stormy, predicts quarrels and strife. (See Ship and Boat.) Lucky lottery dream numbers – 71, 29….

…If you see strange and weird illuminations in your dreams, you will meet with disappointments and failures on every hand. Illuminated faces, indicate unsettled business, both private and official. To see the heavens illuminated, with the moon in all her weirdness, unnatural stars and a red sun, or a golden one, you may look for distress in its worst form. Death, family troubles, and national upheavals will occur. To see children in the lighted heavens, warns you to control your feelings, as irrevocable wrong may be done in a frenzy of feeling arising over seeming neglect by your dear ones. To see illuminated human figures or animals in the heavens, denotes failure and trouble | dark clouds overshadow fortune. To see them fall to the earth and men shoot them with guns, many troubles and obstacles will go to nought before your energy and determination to rise. To see…

…(Glass slippers | Hoof | Protection | Wooden clogs | Wooden slippers.) Slippers in a dream represent property, protection, a ring, or preventing evil happening. Wearing a pair of slippers in a dream also means a journey, or travelling by sea, or it could mean buying a new vehicle. Tight slippers in a dream means tightness in one’s livelihood, entanglements, or being pursued by debt collectors. Removing one’s slippers in a dream means putting an end to one’s strains. Wearing embroidered slippers coupled with a shawl over one’s shoulders in a dream means increase in one’s wealth and respect. Wearing them in the winter is more beneficial then wearing them in the summer where they mean distress. Seeing one’s slippers on fire or if they fall into a well in a dream may mean the death of one’s wife. In a dream, a pair of new slippers that are…

…(Flower garden) A garden in a dream means repentance, and repentance from sin in a dream means a garden. Watering one’s garden in a dream means having marital relations. If one sees his garden dry in a dream, it means that his wife has commenced her menstrual period during which he is not permitted to have sexual intercourse with her. If he sees someone else watering his garden in a dream, it means that such a person will betray him with his wife. If one sees himself entering an unknown garden with its trees unattended and its pasture unkempt in a dream, it means distress and worries. A garden in a dream also represents a woman. They both need water and they both bear fruits or children. In this case, if the garden is interpreted to represent a woman, then its trees and fruits represent her tribe, family and…

…Dreaming of abusing a person, means that you will be unfortunate in your affairs, losing good money through over-bearing persistency in business relations with others. To feel yourself abused, you will be molested in your daily pursuits by the enmity of others. For a young woman Dreaming that she hears abusive language, foretells that she will fall under the ban of some person’s jealousy and envy. If she uses the language herself, she will meet with unexpected rebuffs, that may fill her with mortification and remorse for her past unworthy conduct toward friends….

…one’s spouse that will end in reconciliation. If a sick person or a prisoner sees himself coming out of a hole in a dream, it means that he will become free from his trials. Falling into a hole and crying for help to no avail in a dream means taking a short trip. A hole in a dream also represents a poor woman who strives to cover others pitfalls, though she cannot veil her own. Hiding inside a hole in a dream also means appeasement of one’s fears, or ending of one’s adversities. If while hiding, one finds food, or fresh water, or a cloth to cover himself in the dream, it means profiting from sources one does not anticipate, or making peace with an opponent. To put a hole in one’s shoe in a dream means facing trouble and adversities. (Also see Den | Mouse hole | Tunnel)…

…ceremony, it indicates that soon someone in the family will suffer a disease or perhaps may die. When a young unwed woman dreams of herself as a bride, but doesn´t look happy with it, it symbolizes very close frustrations in love relationships (if any), disease or adversaries and hypocrites who try to harm her as revenge (This dream suggests that the dreamer proceeded wrong in something or hurt someone, and her subconscious is making her realize about it.) To dream that you’re in someone else’s wedding suggests that much parties and joys will come, especially if the dream is very colorful, and you see many ornaments, but if you can´t devise bright colors and guests are wearing dark or black clothes, it indicates that in the immediate future the dreamer will suffer sorrows and hardships. To dream about being a legal witness in a marriage implies that you’re truly estimated…

Dreaming of rabbits indicates favorable changes in life. For people who manage business, this dream indicates lawful earnings. White rabbits, for single people, indicate upcoming satisfactions, and for women it hints promises of love. For married people it indicates peace at home. Dreaming of being surrounded by rabbits that run happily suggests that children will bring happiness to the home. Dreaming of a rabbit that is fleeing insinuates that there is a risk of mysteriously losing valuable objects, but that the dreamer will be able to recuperate everything. Dreaming of making a good luck charm with the leg of a rabbit reveals naivety or superstition in the dreamer. Dreaming of people being chased by a rabbit indicates that the dreamer will have difficulties with friendships. Dreaming of shooting or hitting a rabbit hints that all that energy should be applied against others who are creating problems for the dreamer.

…Silk in any form, is a symbol of erotic and physical pleasures. Overall, this dream usually predicts physical or emotional satisfaction, and it also indicates that it is a good time for love. Dreaming of resting on a silk cushion or pillow means that you’re trying to solve the issues you have in your own affairs and poverty at the expense or sacrifice of others. Dreaming of silk cushions without touching them announces prosperity or success in the affairs you’re handling. A young woman who dreams of sewing or making a silk cushion, indicates that she wants to get married with someone good. Dreaming of wearing silk clothes suggests that you have too many ambitions for money, power, and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming with silkworms may mean that you’ll get a…

…It symbolizes love and passion. If they are red, it will be a passionate love. White one indicates that we can trust the love which is promised. Yellow means this love will be accompanied by jealousy….

To have interaction with a tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard material in your dream is a symbol of fresh start and new beginnings. To see a drill, when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion that you are headed toward a new direction in life. You are opening yourself up to new experiences. You will get new insights in your own life throughout practical contact with and observation of new facts and events.

If you dreaming that you are arguing, it shows that you want to solve personal problems you have with particular people. Make sure you know who you were arguing with, try to recognize that person in your dream, how does that person acts while arguing with you. This is a sign of your life making progress and it only depends on you if these changes will make a good or bad impact.

…hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward with your goals. To see a happily barking dog in your dream, indicates pleasures, friendship and much social activity in your life. If the dog is barking ferociously, then it represents your habit of making demands on people and controlling situations around you. It could also indicate unfriendly or dangerious companions. To dream that you are buying a dog, indicates your inclination to bribe or buy your friends or buy compliments / favors. Alternatively, it suggest a need for you to find friendship, companionship and new place in society. Dreaming that you are dressing up your dog with clothes, signifies your attempts to cover up your own character imperfections, flaws and habits. Also you must reconsider the conceptions associated with the word dog, such as loyalty (man’s best friend) and to be “treated like a dog”….

…The dream, in which you see yourself dancing, indicates the freedom, and peace within your life. This time of your life you are getting to the point where you trying to meet the agreements with yourself. The dancing also indicates the celebration, positive attitude and sexual needs. If you are dancing with someone, then it means you have a special bond with that certain person or having the sexual desire that includes him. The dancing in circles could indicate the necessity to make some changes in your life, because you are getting to the same point as always. Alternatively, the dream may indicate the point you are getting yourself into, because of the circles you were making. If you feel uncomfortable or awkward while dancing, then it means you should reconsider the confidence, because there is a possibility that you have lost it. If you are the dancer in…

…(Amusement | Cynicism | Playing games | Playing) To play games or to act sprightly in a dream means pride, arrogance, being cynical, profanity or defiling what is sacred in one’s religion and lacking reverence for it. Playing backgam- mon in a dream means exaltation, gaining power, honor and rank, or it could denote one’s pride, arrogance and cynicism. Playing with a wedding ring in a dream means concealing secrets, except if someone else appears in one’s dream, then it could mean looking for a missing person. Sitting and playing with one’s heels in a dream means governing. Playing football in a dream means recon- ciliation or making peace with one’s enemy. If a sick person sees himself playing a game in a dream, it means recovering from his illness and returning to a normal healthy life. Playing cricket ball in a dream means a fight followed by reconciliation…

…A priest is an augury of ill, if seen in dreams. If he is in the pulpit, it denotes sickness and trouble for the dreamer. If a woman dreams that she is in love with a priest, it warns her of deceptions and an unscrupulous lover. If the priest makes love to her, she will be reproached for her love of gaiety and practical joking. To confess to a priest, denotes that you will be subjected to humiliation and sorrow. These dreams imply that you have done, or will do, something which will bring discomfort to yourself or relatives. The priest or preacher is your spiritual adviser, and any dream of his professional presence is a warning against your own imperfections. Seen in social circles, unless they rise before you as spectres, the same rules will apply as to other friends. See Preacher….

…people’s perfidy, for honey also attracts flies and wasps. Purified honey in a dream means relief after suffering from a depression, or recovering from a nervous breakdown, or giving birth to a child after completing a full pregnancy, or it could mean marrying a woman after she had observed her Iddah of either the passing of her husband or divorce (See Iddah), or it could represent clean money, or earnings which are purified through paying the due alms and charities, or it could mean knowledge that is free from innovation, doubt or suspicion, or a final guidance after which there is no heedlessness. Purified honey in a dream also means hard earned money, a medicine, or the embrace and kisses of lovers. Licking honey in a dream means getting married. Eating bread and butter with honey in a dream means living a rich life. (Also see Lick | Love)…

If you kissed someone in a dream, then such dream means that you are looking for love and affection. The kissing is also something we share with those we love, so it could show the lack of love you are suffering from, therefore you at least dream about it, because you get no kisses in your waking life. If it is not pleasurable for you, or your partner kisses somebody else, it means you are afraid of unfaithfulness.