…for a person who could not find a job, or reconcili- ation with a long forsaken friend or relative. If one leads the prayers in his dream, it means that he will guarantee something to someone, or it could means that he will borrow money for a term. If one prays behind an Imam in the dream, it means that he will become a burden to others. The midday prayers known in Arabic as Zuhur signify a manifestation, a proclamation or exposing what is hidden. Praying Zuhur in a dream means attaining one’s goal, satisfying every need, obtaining everything one has asked for from earthly gains in this world, or it could mean spiritual benefits in the hereafter and particularly if one sees himself completing his prayers in the dream. Completing one’s prayers means achieving one’s goal. If one is incarcerated because of a debt and sees himself completing his…

…dream. Otherwise, if one sees him disheveled, dirty, frowning or crying in a dream, this also denotes his condition in the hereafter. If one sees a deceased person sick in a dream, it means that his condition is contingent upon the satisfaction of his debts and that he is awaiting the Divine justice to take its course. Performing a funeral prayer for deceased people in a dream means asking for forgiveness on their behalf or visiting their graves, or it could mean admonishing someone with a dead heart, or it could mean bidding farewell to travelling people or taking care of needy people. If one’s wife dies and returns back to life in a dream, it means making profits from a plantation or a farm. Discovering a body of a deceased in a dream means finding money. Walking behind a deceased person in a dream means following his footsteps or…

…(Compromise | Peace | Reconciliation | Settlement) Making peace with one’s adversary in a dream means disagreement in wakefulness. However, reconciliation between two adversaries or friends in accordance with the prescribed laws in a dream means unity, repentance from sin, guidance that pleases God Almighty, blessings and profits. It also could mean an argument with the person seen in the dream. If one sees himself making peace with an adversary in a dream, it means that he will call upon a heedless person to walk on God’s path. Making a settlement with an adversary over money in a dream means profits for the lender. In a dream , signing a peace agreement between two enemies in the battlefield means safety and prosperity, intending to get married, or building a business partnership. Conciliation between arguing drunk- ards over what they are drinking means enmity between people. If two groups of…

money. Killing a yellow scorpion in a dream means making a good investment that will show profits. The sting of a scorpion in a dream represents the benefits one will receives and they will not remain long in one’s possession. If scorpions pierce through the walls of one’s house in a dream, it means the death of one’s enemy. A scorpion in one’s pants in a dream represents an enemy who blackmail or takes advantage of one’s wife. Eating a cooked or a broiled scorpion in a dream means making money behind the back of one’s enemy, or winning ajust inheritance case against one’s opponent. Eating an uncooked scorpion in a dream means backbiting a corrupt person. Eating a scorpion uncooked in a dream also means getting unlawful money. A scorpion coming out of one’s anus in a dream means begetting children who will turn enemies of their father. Swallowing…

…Prophet (uwbp), it represents her growingfaith. If one sees him (uwbp) looking into one’s affairs in a dream, it means that God’s Prophet (uwbp) is admonishing the one seeing the dream and commanding him to render his wife her due rights. To walk behind him (uwbp) in a dream means following his (Sunnah) traditions in wakefulness. To eat with him (uwbp) in a dream means that one is commanded to pay the annual alms tax (Islamic law) due over one’s money making assets, or liquid assets, gold, silver, jewelry, savings, etcetera, excepting one’s home or vehicle. If one sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) eating alone in a dream, it means that the one seeing the dream refuses to give charities and disdains to help those who ask for his help. In this sense, it is as if God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is commanding the person to give charities and…

…(Kitchen | Stew) A ladle in a dream represents a household manger, or the lady of the house who properly manages its finances. Eating meat cooked with vinegar from a ladle in a dream means living happily with dignity from money one has earned from his own labor, or it could mean serving the domestic needs of others, working for rich people and making good money, making healthy profits from one’s trade, or winning an important political appointment. (Also see Kitchen)…

…If one sees himself in a dream invoking false oath, or making false claims to market his merchandise, it means that he will turn into that state to live in falsehood and oppose his own conscious. This includes prejudice, belit- tling the value of things, underweighing the selling measures, or accumulating interest from usury. A wheat salesman in a dream denotes someone who loves the world and does not think about his life in the hereafter. If one sees himself receiving money for his merchandise, or if he discards his profits from the sale in his dream, such an act maybe rewarding. Selling yarn in a dream means travel. Selling salt in a dream means earning extra money. Selling expensive fashion clothing and declining from taking money in a dream represents a trustworthy person who will attain a high ranking position. A fruit salesman in a dream represents a…

…(Alms | Charity | Contribution | Donation | Fulfilling needs | Gift | Offering | Profits | Religious endowment) Making a religious endowment in a dream represents good deeds that are done for God’s pleasure, seeking to be in His nearness and asking for His blessings. Making a religious endowment in a dream also means rising in station, both in this world and in the hereafter. If what one donates for this purpose is a house or a book or money in the dream, it means repentance from one’s sins and guidance on the straight path, or it could mean begetting a son. Offering a swine or wine as an endowment in a dream means rising in rank in the world, injustice, and causing harm to others….

…A battle between spearmen in a dream represents a blow of fate, a mishap, or a calamity. The way to avoid such a mishap is by spending money and efforts on God’s path. Such a battle also could mean an attack against one’s religion, a calumny, or mocking another person’s faith, or speaking ill of righteous people, or being sarcastic about religion, or it could mean slander, defamation, confuting someone, defaming him, vilification, or making libelous statements against someone. If one sees himself stabbing someone with a spear, a sword, a lance, or a wooden post in a dream, it means making or publishing libelous statements about someone, and in that case, he is the assailant and he is liable for his actions, also he will be subjected to the same destiny. If one stabs, wounds, or threatens someone with any of the above weapons, or if he points…

…perhaps tell a real, soft satin from the inferior quality, I’ve heard my wife call papery stuff; but I do know a flaming scarlet velvet bodice with a short yellow skirt and high-heeled patent leathers are as out of place in most gentlemen’s houses as a pair of bishop’s pants would be in mine.”But then, of course, they were Socialists, and there is no accounting for anything, so I have always been told, among that class of people.”Good evening, constable, she said to me, smiling all over her rubicund face and making the trinkets on her bracelets rattle like half-a-dozen bead curtains. ‘My husband and I are so very much obliged to you for taking such care of our house during our absence, and we think the least we can do in return is to invite you to join us at dinner, after which my husband intends making you a…

…(Armor | Kingdom | Money | Peace | Shield) In a dream, a coat of mail represents protection from one’s enemy. If one sees himself making a coat of mail in a dream, it means that he will build a castle. To see oneself wearing one means becoming a leader. If a merchant sees himself wearing a coat of mail in a dream, it means that his business keeps growing, being completely sheltered and protected from losses. If the coat of mail is understood to mean a friend in the dream, then it will represent a gracious friend and a good helper when one needs him. A coat of mail also represents one’s son who is strong and capable, who suffices himself and helps his father. Wearing a coat of mail in a dream is a blessing and a favor one receives from a third party who will support…

…Urinating in a dream means wasting money in an unnecessary or an unlawful way. It also means a marriage to an unsuitable or a non-compatible person. Frequency of urination in a dream means receiving regular income. On the other hand, suppression of urine in a dream means the opposite, or it may mean hastiness, or making an incorrect decision. If one sees himself urinating in an unknown place, in someone else’s house, a lodge, a town, etcetera in a dream, it may mean kinship with its people. Wetting one’s underpants in a dream means a newborn in the family. Urinating in the sea in a dream mean paying taxes or giving charity. Urinating in a valley in a dream means expansion of one’s progeny. Emitting bad odor after urination while others are looking with despise in a dream means defamation, or exposing one’s ills in public. Drinking urine in…

…great success; whereas to dream of vultures portends failure and illness.Magpies, whether single or in numbers; mean death — if in flight, the death of some acquaintance or relative; if motionless, the death of the dreamer.To dream of hawks signifies the making of an enemy; to dream of owls implies the breaking of a friendship, the breaking off of an engagement, serious illness, accident, or death.Parrots in dreams are significant of impending scandal and gossip; pigeons are significant of presents of all kinds.Ravens portend grave misfortunes, and not infrequently the near presence of some phantasm; sparrows signify petty losses and quarrels; swallows portend grief — grief at someone’s illness, misfortunes or death— but grief, invariably grief.Storks in dreams mean an approaching birth; wrens an approaching engagement or marriage.The following are a few of the many accounts of bird-dreams upon which I have based my assumptions: “A lady writing to me…

…To see hemp seed in dreams, denotes the near approach of a deep and continued friendship. To the business man, is shown favorable opportunity for moneymaking….

…(Garbage | Refuse | Sweeping) Sanitation in a dream means profits for its professionals, a street sweeper, or a garbage collector. If a poor person sees himself engaged in such a profession in his dream, it means easing of his difficulties, and making money from a new employment. If a rich person sees himself managing such a business in his dream, it means profits, leadership, honor and earning everyone’s respect. (Also see Garbage | Sweeping the floor | Trash collector)…

…Silk in any form, is a symbol of erotic and physical pleasures. Overall, this dream usually predicts physical or emotional satisfaction, and it also indicates that it is a good time for love. Dreaming of resting on a silk cushion or pillow means that you’re trying to solve the issues you have in your own affairs and poverty at the expense or sacrifice of others. Dreaming of silk cushions without touching them announces prosperity or success in the affairs you’re handling. A young woman who dreams of sewing or making a silk cushion, indicates that she wants to get married with someone good. Dreaming of wearing silk clothes suggests that you have too many ambitions for money, power, and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming with silkworms may mean that you’ll get a…

(Blotches | Speckles) Freckles in a dream represent crimes or sins one has committed just for the sake of making money.

…Dreaming of seeing a beard, denotes that some uncongenial person will oppose his will against yours, and there will be a fierce struggle for mastery, and you are likely to lose some money in the combat. Gray beard, signifies hard luck and quarrels. To see beard on women, foretells unpleasant associations and lingering illness. For some one to pull your beard, denotes that you will run a narrow risk if you do not lose property. To comb and admire it, shows that your vanity will grow with prosperity, making you detestable in the sight of many of your former companions. For a young woman to admire a beard, intimates her desire to leave celibacy | but she is threatened with an unfortunate marriage….