…In a dream, pebbles represent men, women, little children, or counted money. They also mean memorizing a book of knowledge, understanding it, knowing it by heart, or writing poems. They also mean performing one’s pilgrimage to Mecca and pelting stones in the valley of Mina at a placed called Jamarat. Pelting stones in a dream also means harshness, toughness, slander, or youth. Collecting pebbles for pelting from a marketplace, a street, under the trees, or in a farmland in a dream means receiving financial benefits. Collecting pebbles at the foot of a tree in a dream means receiving a gift from a person in authority, or profits from the sea, learning at the hand of a good teacher, a gift from a wealthy wife, or they could mean the birth of a son if one does not have a son. Throwing pebbles in the sea in a dream means…

…Dreaming of living in a hotel, denotes ease and profit. To visit women in a hotel, your life will be rather on a dissolute order. Dreaming of seeing a fine hotel, indicates wealth and travel. If you dream that you are the proprietor of a hotel, you will earn all the fortune you will ever possess. To work in a hotel, you could find a more remunerative employment than what you have. Dreaming of hunting a hotel, you will be baffled in your search for wealth and happiness….

…prophet Lot in a dream means distress and trouble caused by one’s own people and wife, or perhaps it could mean victory over one’s enemy and witnessing God’s wrath toward them. Seeing the prophet Lot in a dream also denotes obliteration of a nation, effacement, earthquake and destruction if the people who displease their Lord and follow the conduct of the dwellers of the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Seeing the prophet Lot’s wife in a dream means that one’s wife will rebel against him and strive to destroy his life and perhaps she will also be destroyed during that process. If everyone sees Lot’s wife in a dream, it means that evil will spread among the women of that land. Seeing the prophet Lot, upon whom be peace, in a dream also denotes a warning against sodomy, and it means that one’s wife is a corrupt woman….

…Dreaming of eating peas, augurs robust health and the accumulation of wealth. Much activity is indicated for farmers and their women folks. To see them growing, denotes fortunate enterprises. To plant them, denotes that your hopes are well grounded and they will be realized. To gather them, signifies that your plans will culminate in good and you will enjoy the fruits of your labors. Dreaming of canned peas, denotes that your brightest hopes will be enthralled in uncertainties for a short season, but they will finally be released by fortune. To see dried peas, denotes that you are overtaxing your health. To eat dried peas, foretells that you will, after much success, suffer a slight decrease in pleasure or wealth….

…distress, a sickness or a growing enmity toward an insolent person. If one finds himself unable to control his camel in a dream, it means being overcome by a strong opponent. If one sees himself holding the reins of a camel and driving it on a paved road in a dream, it means that he will guide a heedless person and lead him on the straight path. If one takes the camel through a side road in a dream, it means that he will lead such a person into wrongdoing. If a she-camel leaves one’s house in a dream, it means separation from one’s wife through either a divorce or death. A camel in a dream also represents prosperity, trials, a tree or women’s holdings. A tamed camel in a dream represents a learned person. Collecting camel’s fur in a dream means money. (Also see Counting camels | Milk)…

Dreaming of walking barefoot and even worse if it’s at night, is a warning that if the dreamer does not take care of his image, he or she will fall victim to gossip and slander that will damage the dreamer’s honor. This symbol is especially applicable to women.

…also mean elation, or ecstasy unless they are of mixed colors. Mice in a dream also represent the members of one’s household. Killing or catching a mouse in a dream means taking advantage of a woman. Throwing a stone or shooting an arrow at a mouse in a dream means backbiting or slandering a contemptible woman, or corresponding with her eliciting the unlawful. Seeing a family of mice inside a well or near a slanting land in a dream means nearing the end of one’s life. Seeing a large family of mice inside one’s house in a dream also could represent a gathering of women, or holding a party in one’s house. A mouse inside one’s shirt in a dream represents a woman friend out of whom no good can come. The skin of a mouse in a dream means little money which is taken from a vile woman….

If a sick person dreams of galloping on a horse through forests, their condition may get worse. If the patient gallops through a city, they will heal soon. Mounting a steed indicates success and prosperity. Falling down of a steed means losses. If the horse is saddled but nobody rides it, then it signifies the meeting with a women. Selling the steed means property loss. To punish a steed symbolizes false accusations. Seeing a steed shoeing means that we must prepare for a trip. Feeding it will bring wealth. If the steed has a very long tail, we can count on our friends. If the horse is white, then we will receive good news. Black steed is known as the symbol of problems. Bay steed is known as the symbol of dignities. Sorrel steed shows difficulties. Gray, obstacles.

The dream, in which you see the cabinet, indicates the feminine aspects of your life and also the fertility of the women. The womb is also associated with the cabinet because of the shape of it. The dream could also symbolize the secrets you are carrying within yourself. To get more of the information about the dream you should pay attention to the size, shape and color of the cabinet. If somebody made a mess in your cabinets you changed everything, then it means you will get irritated by some certain people.

Dreaming of having an abortion suggests that a certain idea or plan is yet to come. This dream can also be interpreted as a warning about your behavior. You should alter your path or you may risk losing something very valuable to you. Also, this dream may indicate that you have been wronged in some way. For pregnant women, dreams of having an abortion are common in the second trimester of pregnancy.

…Dreaming of seeing a marmot, denotes that sly enemies are approaching you in the shape of fair women. For a young woman Dreaming of a marmot, foretells that temptation will beset her in the future….

…Dreaming of pepper burning your tongue, foretells that you will suffer from your acquaintances through your love of gossip. To see red pepper growing, foretells for you a thrifty and an independent partner in the marriage state. To see piles of red pepper pods, signifies that you will aggressively maintain your rights. To grind black pepper, denotes that you will be victimized by the wiles of ingenious men or women. To see it in stands on the table, omens sharp reproaches or quarrels. For a young woman to put it on her food, foretells that she will be deceived by her friends….

…To see a fan in your dreams, denotes pleasant news and surprises are awaiting you in the near future. For a young woman Dreaming of fanning herself, or that some one is fanning her, gives promise of a new and pleasing acquaintances | if she loses an old fan, she will find that a warm friend is becoming interested in other women….

…Dreaming that you are an object of scandal, denotes that you are not particular to select good and true companions, but rather enjoy having fast men and women contribute to your pleasure. Trade and business of any character will suffer dulness after this dream. For a young woman dreaming that she discussed a scandal, foretells that she will confer favors, which should be sacred, to some one who will deceive her into believing that he is honorably inclined. Marriage rarely follows swiftly after a dream about scandal….

…Dreaming that you see children kissing, denotes happy reunions in families and satisfactory work. Dreaming that you kiss your mother, you will be very successful in your enterprises, and be honored and beloved by your friends. To kiss a brother or sister, denotes much pleasure and good in your association. To kiss your sweetheart in the dark, denotes dangers and immoral engagements. To kiss her in the light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women. To kiss a strange woman, denotes loose morals and perverted integrity. Dreaming of kissing illicitly, denotes dangerous past-times. The indulgence of a low passion may bring a tragedy into well-thought-of homes. To see your rival kiss your sweetheart, you are in danger of losing her esteem. For married people to kiss each other, denotes that harmony is prized in the home life. Dreaming of kissing a person on the neck,…