If you eat a hamburger in a dream, then it denotes to things that are missing in your waking life. You are looking for fulfilment, therefore you are eating a hamburger. The hamburger could also represent the unhealthy lifestyle you have. Consider to start looking after yourself. The dream could also symbolize the past, experience youve had and the lessons that needs to be learned. Make sure you look at the dream from wider perspective, only then you will get a right interpretation of the dream.
Dream dictionary: mathe nachhilfe hamburg pr۱ivat dream meanings
If you dream of mathematics, then such dream indicates the decision which will have to be done, while thinking logically. The dream also suggests you to forget the emotions while making that particular decision. If you are unable to solve the mathematical issue in your dream, then it means you are having the chaos in your life and do not know what to do to figure out the lurking problem. The dream could also indicate the necessity to start acting now.
If we are studying math in a dream that announces future meeting with someone of great knowledge.
…To dream about math indicates that you’ll evaluate a situation of your life where you must think more rationally. It is better not to act according to your emotions. To dream that you can’t solve a problem or a mathematical equation denotes a problem that keeps you feeling confused. The dream can also provide an indirect solution or a new approach to this problem….