…the judgment. If one sees himself standing before God Almighty on Judgment Day and if his good deeds weigh heavier than his sins in the dream, it means that he will reckon himself, reflect about his bad actions and correct the course of his life. Consequently, his reward in the hereafter will be greater. Seeing the Balance of the Day of Judgement in a dream means vulnerability of people’s secrets, exposing one’s actions in public, recognition of the ultimate truth, joy, happiness, victory and justice. If one’s deeds are praiseworthy, then he will be a winner. If one’s deeds are blameworthy, then he will be a loser. In general, a balance in a dream represents a guide, an example to follow, a scholar one seeks to learn at his hand, a ruler, a criterion and the Qur’an. It also may represent one’s tongue and correctness, truthfulness, lies, incredulity or trustworthiness….

…that people will follow his instructions. Hearing, or reading any Qur’anic chapter which is customarily read for a deceased person in a dream, signifies the death of a sick person in that family. Professional Qur’an readers in a dream represent the leading people of the society. To hear a professional Qur’anic recital in a dream means that people in authority will soon gather in the place where the recital is seen in one’s dream. If one sees himself reading his book of records on the Day of Judgment in a dream, and if he is an unlettered person in wakefulness, it means that he will become rich after having suffered from poverty, and that he will answer all the questions he will be asked on the Day of Reckoning, or that he will be protected by God Almighty from what he fears most. This happens if one’s reading of his…

To see the hose in a dream is a good sign. The hose symbolizes clarity, purity and refreshment. The dream shows that you are becoming better person day by day, therefore you see a hose in a dream. The hose could also signify the sexual desires the one has, because it stands for a sexual instrument such as penis or simple intercourse between to individuals.

…to succeed in life, which promises future welfare. Dreaming of a broken and dirty flag indicates failures and losses. Dreaming of only one flagpole indicates that you don’t know for sure what you want. For a woman, who dreams of a flag, indicates that she will have to change her behavior and, after this, she’ll be successful; it also indicates that she will receive good news. Dreaming of your own country flag flowing in the wind during a turbulent day suggests that there will be a victory, but dreaming of this in a peaceful day means that you’ll be successful in whatever you are doing. A woman that dreams her country flag implies that she’s somehow related to military man and may have romantic relationships with a member of the army or the navy. Dreaming of foreign flags generally indicates various problems either in the family or with friends….

…Hearing the sound of the trumpet of the Day of Res- urrection in a dream means hearing the truth. Blowing in the trumpet of the arc angel Israfil (uwbp) in a dream means salvation of the righteous ones. In a dream, the sound of this trumpet invokes fear incurring news that cause shivers and trembling in people’s hearts. If one hears it alone, then the news are exclusive for him. If everyone hears its sound in the dream, then it is a public affair. If one hears the sound of the trumpet and anticipates that everyone has heard it too in a dream, it means plagues and adversities, for the first blow indicates the end of the world and the death of everyone in it. The second blow indicates their resurrection back to life, which will be followed by the Grand Gathering for the Day of Judgment. If a…

Dreaming of an empty crib reflects insecurity and dissatisfaction with ourselves. If we swing a child, it portends marital happiness. If there is more than one child in the crib, it represents our goods will be increased day by day.

To dream that you are in downtown, can be induced by external stimuli, which means that you have a meeting in downtown. Also in same manner, it means that it is time to wake up and get ready for the day. Had you any important appointments in next day after this dream? Alternatively, downtown can be interpreted as an induction of internal stimuli. In such manner, center of the city in dream represents material aspects of your personality. Do you have a lot of concerns about valuable possessions? Also it indicates large amount of activity and work for the better conditions and easier way of living. On spiritual plane, downtown represents inactivity in your spiritual life. You have no connection with other worlds, but you are very materialistic and you have extremely good connection with physical world, in which we all are living our actual lives.

Seeing a signal in a dream indicates that something or someone drains energy and strength from you. A relationship or your day to day work is sucking the life and energy out of you. This dream can be a signal that represents your feelings of discomfort or irritation.

…(.arb. Jumu’a, the sixth day of the week.) Recognizing Friday, the sixth day of the week in which the believers gather for their congregational prayers in a dream means receiving God’s blessings, recuperating a lost property, receiving compensation for one’s losses, and changes in his financial conditions from tightness to ease. If one sees people gathered to pray the congregational Friday prayers at the grand mosque while he is still in his house or shop, and if he hears the call and segments of their prayers, or if he suspects people to be leaving the mosque to return to their homes in the dream, it means loss of his status in that town. If one joins the congregational prayers in the dream, it means that he will receive protection and honor in that town. If one thinks it is Friday in his dream, then the meaning will be more…

In all cases, a tribe represents the affective circle, family or relationship, in which you live day after day. It would be necessary to analyze all the elements in the dream to offer an exact meaning in the proper context.

…an eminent station of a very uncommon incident. He had occasion to correct with a few stripes a lad that lived with him at Rochester; and the lad, resenting the punishment, left. But sometime after, on the youth appearing to repent of his behaviour and humbling himself accordingly, he was received into the house again, when he behaved in a most becoming manner and was doubly diligent in his service.”One night his mistress dreamed that this lad” was going to cut her throat; and, as if the dream was not of sufficient significance in itself, she shortly afterwards had a letter from a sister stating that she, too, had dreamed the very same thing. The lady at once took the letter to her father, who lived not very far off, and was surprised to hear that he, likewise, on the same night, had a dream to the same effect. The…

…If you dream of the morning, then such dream shows the new beginning of something important. Pay attention to the state of the morning as if it was bright sunny day or was it the cloudy and muddy day? If the morning was nice and bright, then everything you will start to do will go according to plan, but if the morning was cloudy, then it means you will have minor troubles when starting something new….

The turkey if it is dreamed during the Thanksgiving Day is only a symbol of this celebration, because many people eat it during this day. The turkey could also represent the hunger you are suffering from while sleeping. Overall, the turkey is a happy sign which brings happiness and joy for those who dream about it.

…To dream of being chased by a bull portends some accident, such as breakage or loss, seldom anything more serious. For example, I see in one of my letters that a gentleman dreamed he was chased along the Marine Parade at Worthing by a bull, the day before one of his most valuable china ornaments was broken; and, referring to another letter, I see that a lady in Grifton dreamed a bull ran after her in Guthrie Road, and tossed her over the railings of Emmanuel Church, the day before one of her servants fell downstairs and broke the larger part of a valuable tea-set of Worcester china….

…prior to my husband’s loss of half his fortune in the failure of an American mine, I dreamed I was bitten by a tortoiseshell cat. Hence; I consider dreaming of a tortoiseshell cat a very bad augury.”Speaking from my own experience, I have found dreams of black cats unlucky. For instance, the night before I had an accident on the stage, I dreamed a huge black cat persistently followed me out of doors, and that when I tried to drive it away it scratched me. And again, before I received an injury in one of my eyes, I dreamed a black cat flew out of a wood and clawed a hole in my hand. And yet again, before I lost a train which it was of vital importance for me to catch, I dreamed a black cat upset an inkpot all over a suit I had just bought, completely ruining…

one of the houses and fell in a heap at her feet.She then saw to her horror that it was metamorphosed into her father, and, sure enough, the very next day, she received a telegram to say that her father had died, quite unexpectedly, in the night. She also dreamed, a day or two before the death of her greatest friend that she was travelling by rail with two greyhounds seated opposite her in the same compartment. Another person told me; that, shortly before a fire in her house, she had a curious dream about a mastiff. The creature entered the room in which she was sitting, and suddenly flew at the hearthrug and tore it to pieces.Another lady I once questioned as to her dreams informed me that she had been engaged three times, and that prior to the termination of each engagement she had dreamed of a dachshund.There…

…Foxes figure so largely in folk-lore that one need not be surprised that fox-dreams, in the case of many people, are particularly significant. Silver foxes in dreams would appear to portend excessive good fortune; black foxes, excessive misfortune; ordinary foxes, good luck in a moderate degree.Among the fox-dreams that have been related to me was one dreamed by a Negro. ”I dreamed,” he said, ” I was starving to death in the streets of a big city, and had come to the decision that, sooner than go on in misery, I would terminate my existence in a deep, brown river that flowed sluggishly by me, when suddenly a white fox came bounding down the street, and, stopping in front of me; vomited sovereign after sovereign. With a wild shout of delight, I sprang forward, and, clutching hold of the gold, was filling my pockets with it when I awoke….

…The dream about the wedding usually symbolizes the fresh start and new goals of your life. The people who are getting ready to get married in their waking life, very often dream about the wedding, because of the importance of the day, anxiety and things they are afraid of. Many people dream of the wedding that goes wrong, but only because of the fear they have to put everything in place. The wedding is one of the most important day of our live, therefore we want everything to go according to plan. The stress and many problems that are caused by the wedding reflect in our dreams. The symbol of the wedding in dreams is associated with sadness and bad emotions, but only in those cases when the dreamer is suffering about certain things in his waking life. On the other hand the dream of the wedding denotes to…

…(Day of Reckoning | Doomsday | Resurrection) Seeing the reckoning of a deceased person in a dream denotes his sufferings in the hereafter. If a traveller is asked to account for his travel expenses, and if he is treated with kindness during the reading of his report in the dream, it means profits from his journey and a safe return to his homeland. If one reckons himself in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. If one is brought for judgment on the day of reckoning, and if his questioning is made easy in the dream, it means that God has blessed him to marry a pious wife who has love and compassion for him, and who cares about his interests. If his questioning is strict and detailed in the dream, it means that he will incur losses. If a person sees himself questioned, probed…

If you see yourself in a dormitory, then such dream shows how you appreciate the wisdom and learning skills you are able to get from others. You appreciate the fact that you are learning from life experiences every day. If you are the student in your waking life and live in a dormitory, then it simply reflects the daily life you have and the problems you are solving every day.

…(Mecca | Mount ‘Arafa | Mount of mercy | Plain of ‘Arafat | Reunion of beloveds) If one sees himself standing in prayers in the Plain of ‘Arafat during the pilgrimage season on the 9th day of the Arabic month of Zul-Hijjah, it means the return of a long awaited traveller to his home, a happy reunion, a family reunion, reconciliation between friends or peace between two individuals. Seeing Mount ‘Arafa or the Plain of ‘Arafat in a dream also could represent the pilgrimage season, or performing a pilgrimage, visiting Mecca on ‘Umrah (See ‘Umrah), or it could mean the Friday congregational prayers, the sixth day of the week, a marketplace, or engaging in a profitable business. Seeing oneself standing at ‘Arafat in a dream also means rising in station, changing conditions, reversal of one’s state from good to bad or from bad to good, or perhaps it could…

…(10th day of Muharram | Anniversary of the martyrdom of Husain at Kerbela.) If a descendent of the blessed family of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, sees himself on the day of Ashura in a dream, it means that he may have to face an adversity. If anyone else sees that in a dream, it means the opposite….

…The dream, in which you see the computer foretells about growth, knowledge and intelligence. Perhaps the dream shows that new chances have been given to you. The computer could also indicate the state of your mind where you are being emotionless and stagnated. Perhaps you should open up more to others and show the way you feel instead of hiding all of your feelings. Consider if you are making any effort in order to make your life easier and more interested. The computers could also represent your desire to learn new things every day. The opportunities you have while using the computer are magnificent, therefore it shows how interested you are in various aspects. The dream, in which the computer has virus, represents the things you are unable to control, because of other peoples actions. If you are working with computer in your waking life, then it is very…

…indicates that the dreamer’s prosperity and tranquility will soon turn into failures and sorrows. Dreaming of standing before an old table, with no dishes, indicates a risk of loss, poverty and various troubles, and even worse if there are no remains of food at the table. Dreaming of a deteriorated dining table, especially if it’s broken, indicates that business and affairs are not going well and that they will get worse every day if the dreamer doesn’t take care of them. Dreaming of a dining table moving on its own indicates that business and affairs are not going well, which means that the dreamer has to make fundamental changes. Dreaming of a table, which strikes the ground by itself or scrapes the wood, it indicates that the dreamer has no considerations towards family or friends, which endangers the success of the dreamer’s business and affairs with serious economic problems….

…Reid was strangely impressed with the belief that his father had (by a form of process peculiar to the law of Scotland) purchased these lands from the titular, and, therefore, that the present prosecution was groundless. But after an investigation of the public records, and a careful inquiry among all persons who had transacted law business for his father, no evidence could be recovered to support his defence. The period was now near at hand when he conceived the loss of his lawsuit inevitable, and he had formed his determination to ride to Edinburgh next day, and make the best bargain he could in the way of compromise. He went to bed with this resolution, and, with all the circumstances of the case floating upon his mind, had a dream to the following purpose.His father, who had been many years’ dead, appeared to him, he thought, and asked him why…

…same plight. Oh, what a day we’re having!’ But, before she had finished, Mrs. Gardner (don’t ask me to describe her) had fled from the room with a shriek; and I, catching sight of myself in the mirror, had all but fainted. I was nude — quite nude — absolutely and wickedly nude!”Well, cheer up! I ejaculated, “For you have got plenty on now, at any rate” — which was only too true, for Mr. Simpson was one of those people who, not content with excluding the fresh air, only partly undress at night and go to sleep in more than half the clothes they have been wearing in the daytime. On our arrival in port he received the welcome news — which he certainly lost no time in making public — that he had been promoted to another and more lucrative living.Dreams of this sort generally augur well….

…Dreaming of camping in the open air, you may expect a change in your affairs, also prepare to make a long and wearisome journey. To see a camping settlement, many of your companions will remove to new estates and your own prospects will appear gloomy. For a young woman dreaming that she is in a camp, denotes that her lover will have trouble in getting her to name a day for their wedding, and that he will prove a kind husband. If in a military camp she will marry the first time she has a chance. If a married woman after the dream of being in a soldier’s camp is in danger of having her husband’s name sullied, and divorce courts may be her destination….

To dream about reading or hearing some kind of lyrics indicates your feelings with particular song. Make sure you pay attention to the lyrics you hear and what kind of words it has, because it will tell much more about your dream. Sometimes these lyrics would mean nothing, only the reflection of the song you heard before your sleep or the day before you went to bed.

…Dreaming that you are jealous of your wife, denotes the influence of enemies and narrow-minded persons. If jealous of your sweetheart, you will seek to displace a rival. If a woman dreams that she is jealous of her husband, she will find many shocking incidents to vex and make her happiness a travesty. If a young woman is jealous of her lover, she will find that he is more favorably impressed with the charms of some other woman than herself. If men and women are jealous over common affairs, they will meet many unpleasant worries in the discharge of every-day business….

If you dream of the telephone, then such dream indicates the communication you are trying to make with someone or yourself. If you did not pick up the phone, then such dream denotes to unsolved issues you have with the certain person, for who you did not pick up the phone. Probably you are trying to avoid to get sorted all of those problems. If you were talking on the phone with somebody you know, then such dream foretells you that, there is a need to meet that person. Alternatively, the telephone could mean nothing in a dream, as it is part of your lives and we use it every day.

…the dream, the greater your chances of success will be. To dream that you fall down while you’re trying to climb suggests setbacks and failures, the higher you fall, the more severe will those setbacks and failures be. To dream that you’re going down a slope suggests that if you don’t pay much attention to your business, it will worsen each day. To dream that you’re fleeing from danger through a slope suggests that the risks that you’re facing may be postponed and perhaps they’ll even disappear. To dream that you’re exhausted and feel like you’re choking because of the effort that you’ve done to climb a slope suggests that you’re accepting more work and responsibilities than the necessary or appropriate. Dreaming about a broken non-mechanical ladder indicates that you have no chance to succeed in what you are planning. To dream that you’re walking under a ladder indicates that…

If you dream of being an analyst it is a sign, that you have to pay more attention to what you say or what you do. There might be some things that could offend people around you, so make sure you think before you say anything to anyone. If you dream of seeing an analyst in your dream it is a sign that you are not honorable in some situations of your life. Make sure you are honest, as this will lead you to making lots of errors in your life.

The raft in dreams usually means that you are going through life in very risky way. Perhaps you are not sure about your future, you do not know where you will be brought with the flow and who will save you. You should rely only on yourself, because you cannot let yourself go with the flow, the effort is needed to make your life better which will make you happy. If you see yourself being already on that raft, the changes must be done immediately, because you are feeling very scared, don’t know where you are going and how you will reach your destination in life.

Dreaming of being arrested by the authorities is a way of self-reproaching the fact that you’re not properly addressing your issues. Dreaming of witnessing the arrestment of very respectable people, suggests the desire to make changes in your life, but you don’t dare to make them because of unfounded fears of failing. If the ones, about to be arrested, resist, it indicates that the dreamer must reject his fears and try to achieve his dreams.

When in the dream you are watching at something, then it shows that you are very shy person and you are afraid to make a first step. You are afraid to make mistakes and misfortune or to support one of the sides that is why you stay aside and watch everything from neutral position. If you have been watched by someone then it indicates that you feel limited and restricted at work or personal life. You think that others stepped into your own space and this makes you feel anxious.

Make your own means melancholy. Make one for other person means joy, profit.

…The dream about dying very often indicates changes, rebirth, new views and values. The dying could also stand for the apprehensions you have towards the future and your own life. Usually these kind of dreams make positive changes in dreamers life, because the one understand the true meaning of life and make changes that bring positive results. If you dream of seeing yourself dying, then it means you should reconsider the true values of the life. Perhaps you should understand what you want out of life and start getting it. The dying shows that there is not much time left for the things to do and tasks to reach, because every minute of the life is very important and we are not going to life forever and ever. The dying could also be interpreted as the end of something in your life. Maybe you are trying to get rid…

If you read the Zodiac and feeling awkward about this fact, then it means that some kind of unpleasable incident will make you sad or even angry. Make sure you prepare yourself for that, then it won’t be a surprise of something unfavourable. If you read the Zodiac and enjoying it, it means that the growth of your finances are on the way and you will also be happy with your current relationships. If you see your own Zodiac, you know yourself very well and like to examine your thought, feelings and emotions.

If you dream of terror, then such dream foretells about your fears and troubles that has been unsorted. Make sure you solve these problems as soon as it is possible, otherwise it will cause you much more stress. On the other hand, you could be the person who likes to control others and make the influence in their decisions.

Dreaming of something is above you is fortunate omen. If you dream of something above your head it means that you should make bigger expectations of yourself. What you have to do is to become the person, who is always seeking for ultimate results. If you do so, this will make your life more successful and joyful.