Dreaming of abstinence, for example from drinking, drugs, smoking or any other dependence you are in, is a sign that you are too confident and truthful in your own skin. Dreaming about being abstinent also can mean that you are a little bit arrogant person. What you have to do, is to make sure that you do not move forward too fast. The interpretation of the abstinence symbol in the dream is telling for you to find out what do you want from your life, what you do the right way and what you do the wrong way. Make sure, you know what you are looking for.

To dream that you are in a slaughterhouse, can be interpreted as symbolism of psychological imbalance or physical obstacles. Maybe you are in the middle of progress to achieve your own success, but now you have stopped and have no idea how to go further. In this situation you must concentrate and make important decisions what to lose and which way to choose. Alternatively, slaughterhouse in the dream may act as trigger for you to make a compromise within your psychological state in order to move ahead with your future plans and ideas.

If you dream of playing or watching a badminton game it signifies that there are possibilities and you will have to make up your mind about those choices otherwise you will not get the same chance again in your life. Make sure you are not in doubt, have an opinion for everything and go on with your gut.

…If you are dreaming about dishes, then such dream indicates the creativity, new ideas and plans. If you see the dishes that are unwashed and dirty, then such dream foretells about the situation in your waking life that doesn’t make you happy. Maybe there are certain things you didn’t notice and the consequences are not going to make you happy. If you are washing the dishes, then it means you are moving on in some direction of your life. You made some perfect plans for your future. If the dishes in your dream are perfectly cleaned and look shiny, then it shows the effort you have put in order to succeed. The dream also shows that you wish to be approved by others. If the dishes in a dream are broken, then it shows the frustration and hardships one will suffer. Perhaps you do not feel appreciated by others….

…Dreaming of bidding cheerful adieus to people, denotes that you will make pleasant visits and enjoy much social festivity | but if they are made in a sad or doleful strain, you will endure loss and bereaving sorrow. If you bid adieu to home and country, you will travel in the nature of an exile from fortune and love. To throw kisses of adieu to loved ones, or children, foretells that you will soon have a journey to make, but there will be no unpleasant accidents or happenings attending your trip….

…If you dreamed about sex, then such dream may have many different explanations depending on the various contexts of the dream. To dream that you were having sex, could show the actual lack of sex in your life. Maybe partner you have do not pay enough attention to you, especially the sexual one. The sex is also the symbol of fertility, new life and new opportunities. Maybe you are willing to start a family life therefore the regular sex is inseparable part of it. The sex in a dream could also show the massive impact the media does to you such as magazines, internet, television and others where the sexuality plays a huge role. If you had a sex with your partner in a dream, then it shows the strong bond between you two. To have sex with your ex denotes to the lack of sex in your waking…

…To dream that you are in an accident, symbolizes the guilt you are carrying with yourself. This guilt might come from something you did in the past and can not forgive yourself. This might be the meaning of you concerning and punishing yourself. If you dream of a car accident, it represents how spiritual you are. The sign of dream could also want you to take things slower and move forward without pushing yourself too hard, because as a result of it, you will not achieve anything you have been expecting. Do not worry, just make sure you know what you are doing at the moment, think twice before you say anything to anyone. If you lose someone you love in an accident, it represents part of you, that is not part of you anymore. It also could symbolize your relation to that person, how important he is to…

The dream, in which you see yourself in the process of divorce, then such dream shows the necessity to make apart two completely different subjects within your personal life. On the other hand, the dream may indicate the apprehension you have to get split from your significant other. Perhaps you feel insecure about something while being in relationships. The dream suggests you to find the problem and solve it as soon as it is possible. The dream could also reflect the relationships you are in at the moment. Maybe you are thinking about divorce or separation? Or maybe you are simply not happy with what you have got at the moment? The divorce in dreams usually shows the huge changes you are ready to make, but not necessarily the personal ones.

To dream that you are bewildered, indicates that you are stuck in the middle between two opposing views. It represents your indecision and your inability to make up your mind. Such dreams often reflect your waking state of confusion and shock. When dreaming of being bewildered or confused it symbolizes the state of imbalance that your mind is affected. It seems that it is hard for you to decide which direction you should go, you do not know the answers to the questions and have no ability to stay on the track, instead of that you are always in doubt. Sometimes it is very hard to find the solution, but remember that if you avoid, to make up your mind, you will not achieve a thing.

…To see a train of cars moving in your dreams, you will soon have cause to make a journey. To be on a train and it appears to move smoothly along, though there is no track, denotes that you will be much worried over some affair which will eventually prove a source of profit to you. To see freight trains in your dreams, is an omen of changes which will tend to your elevation. To find yourself, in a dream, on top of a sleeping car, denotes you will make a journey with an unpleasant companion, with whom you will spend money and time that could be used in a more profitable and congenial way, and whom you will seek to avoid….

…Dreaming of ice, betokens much distress, and evil-minded persons will seek to injure you in your best work. To see ice floating in a stream of clear water, denotes that your happiness will be interrupted by ill-tempered and jealous friends. Dreaming that you walk on ice, you risk much solid comfort and respect for evanescent joys. For a young woman to walk on ice, is a warning that only a thin veil hides her from shame. To see icicles on the eaves of houses, denotes misery and want of comfort. Ill health is foreboded. To see icicles on the fence, denotes suffering bodily and mentally. To see them on trees, despondent hopes will grow gloomier. To see them on evergreens, a bright future will be overcast with the shadow of doubtful honors. Dreaming that you make ice, you will make a failure of your life through egotism and selfishness….

If you have sores on a body, then such dream symbolizes the hard feelings you are keeping suppressed from others. Make sure you let them out and do not keep them in. Make sure you pay attention to the part of the body and where the sores where located as it would indicate the situation more clearly, as for example the sores that are located on the area of the chest, shows the worries you are having about something.

When you hate something or someone then such dream indicates the anger that is lurking in you. You need to express those negative emotions. Alternatively, the dream of the hate represents your tendency to make other people do what you want them to do, which is not always a good behavior. Make sure you do not give too much of the pressure to those around you, otherwise people won’t like you.

The costume in dreams represents the image you are trying to create in order to make some impression. Perhaps you do not want to show who you actually are and trying to make the image of someone else. Consider to pay attention in what kind of costume you were wearing.

…example: If in the dream the train or bus, or car in which he was traveling leaves the dreamer stranded, then it indicates that it is unlikely to make the trip or change what he wants soon, perhaps because he have failed to seize the opportunity presented to him before and he delayed the date without actually knowing it. If in the dream you appear to get into the train, then it indicates that it is very likely that you will travel or make the change you wanted for so long. If you are traveling along with a moving train and watching the scenery go by, then it signifies that the chances to live the life you wanted are very close, therefore any of unconsidered moves shouldn’t be done. If you are traveling on a boat or a plane, your chances relate to very long trips, for example abroad….

…To see your body appearing tattooed, foretells that some difficulty will cause you to make a long and tedious absence from your home. To see tattooes on others, foretells that strange loves will make you an object of jealousy. Dreaming you are a tattooist, is a sign that you will estrange yourself from friends because of your fancy for some strange experience….

The dream, in which you saw yourself signing the contract denotes to the preparation for some important decision in your waking life. Perhaps you are ready to take some commitment. Maybe there is a certain person you are ready to grow together or you are going to make an important project that will have magnificent changes in your life. If you saw yourself signing the contract that doesn’t make you feel happy or have the gut about doing it wrong, then it means that unconscious mind of yours is sending a signal to think twice before making any commitments to the person or situation.

If you dream of seeing or using an antifreeze, it means that you are not enough in contact with those around you. Maybe you should open up a little bit more to the others, show your personality to those you love, and only then you will make yourself and others feel good about yourself. Make sure you do not cover up from people and keep communicating as much as you can.

If you are fainting in a dream, then it suggests you to slow down while doing something. Make sure you make some changes while it’s not too late. If one of your close friends or relatives fainted, you will find out about their unusual activities that will surprise you.

If you dreaming that you are arguing, it shows that you want to solve personal problems you have with particular people. Make sure you know who you were arguing with, try to recognize that person in your dream, how does that person acts while arguing with you. This is a sign of your life making progress and it only depends on you if these changes will make a good or bad impact.

To see a sidewalk on which you are walking, symbolizes the road one is taking while trying to achieve the goals. Probably you are taking the new way in your life. Consider that if the sidewalk is broken or cracked, then it shows the barriers and obstacles one will face while walking to the end of that road. Make some changes which can make that sidewalk easy to walk on.

…in the immediate future, there will be some short trips made and some issues that disturb your tranquility will be controlled. Dreaming about being worried about losing your own car, but then finding it, indicates that these setbacks, you’re experiencing, will disappear soon. The solutions and the time in which you find the car are the same you’ll solve your problems in real life. Dreaming of a new luxury car indicates that you want to have, though not luxurious. It also means the visit of very dearly people, or that you will have to make a short trip to visit someone simply for affection and pleasure. Dreaming of driving a luxury car, especially if it’s black, it insinuates diseases because of neglecting your health. This is actually a warning so you can avoid greater evils. Dreaming of simply driving indicates that you are restless, despite of having nice living conditions;…

Dreaming that you see the fork in the road signifies the necessity to stop and think about some serious question and make the final decision for it, because it will change your life completely, that is way you must think about it a lot with lots of attention. If seeing the fork in the road is very normal to you, then it shows minor problems that aren’t solved, however this will not make much of the stress.

Dreaming of judges or justice reveals anxiety about our situation. To dream with a judge reflects our hope that someone helps us overcome a fearful or underrated situation. If we are being judged that indicates that we find ourselves in the hands of chance. It doesn’t matter whether the result of the judgment is favorable or not. If we dream of ourselves as judge or jury that reveals that we must make a decision we think important and we do not know how to make it.

…To dream of one or more emeralds suggests your desire to make a good business and have great profits, and to have a comfortable and sumptuous life, but it also warns you that this will be very difficult to achieve and that you’ll first have to overcome various problems. To dream that your beloved one carries emeralds on her/him suggests that a tough to beat opponent may exist. To dream that you’re buying emeralds indicates that you’ll make bad businesses….

When you dream of seeing ashes in your dream it signifies unpleasant variations and failures. Dreaming of ashes shows possibility of unsuccessful professional activities or personal life. Make sure you are avoiding negativity and trying to escape the disruption. This dream is a sign of hard work ahead of you, but do not worry, as nothing is lost yet. Make sure you do not think too much of your past, try to forget the past and move on.

…(Splice | Entwine | Twine) To splice a rope or a thread, or to twist a rope around oneself, or to whorl it around a spindle, or to make a bobbin in a dream means undertaking a journey. If it comes out thin in the dream, then the outcome of one’s journey is meager. If the rope comes out thick and strong in the dream, it means that the outcome of one’s journey is beneficial. If the twisting of the rope or the thread is easy in the dream, it means that one’s endeavor is free from constraint. If one sees himself plucking the hair of his beard and twisting it like a rope in a dream, it means that he will receive a bribe to make a false testimony in court. Twisting a rope or a thread in a dream also could mean signing a contract, establishing a…

When you dream of seeing an anteater it is a warning of someone trying to get in your way. Make sure, that at work you make smart decisions. The smallest mistake could lead you to disappointment, but do not worry, because if you stay cautious nothing will lead you to bankrupt.

The intersection in dreams is known as the symbolism of the communication or even interaction with those we are surrounded by. If there is some person that goes out of intersection, it shows the feeling you have about certain people in your life who are no longer interested in communicating with you and you are feeling it. If you are in intersection while choosing between something and cannot make up your mind, it means that you are feeling in doubt in your waking life as well, it is difficult to make a final decision. The dream may show that you are in doubt, because you do not have enough of the answers, therefore you feel trapped in your mind.

If you are dreaming having aches, this could be the sign of you having too many doubts about your business, you should be careful and stronger if you want to achieve the goal in your life, because there might be someone who is stealing your ideas and will make their own business out of your ideas. If you dream of having the aches and the pain on your whole body, make sure you are not carrying any illness.

If you dream of feeling dizzy, then such dream indicates the chaos of your mind. Perhaps you do not know how to make some final decision about the issue that was on your mind. You should pull yourself together and make the right choice without being nervous or confused.

The authority figure in dreams indicate the certain person in your waking life who has the power in controlling your life. This person has an ability to make the decisions you wish to make yourself or the power to control you in all aspects of your life. However, the dream may have a positive meaning, because it signifies your devotion to another person and the influence he/she gives you is not necessarily a bad one.

To dream of scorpion relates to birth and death which means that the one who sees a scorpion in his dream should change some aspects of his personality and incorporate something new, totally different that he had before. The scorpion that is in the water symbolizes the negativity that is suppressed and needs to be expressed. Make sure you get rid of those unfavorable emotions and feelings. The scorpion could also signify the scars that were made by others and you find it hard to remove them. Make sure there are no hard feelings towards the others as it will cause only disruption and problems in your life. Consider that scorpion is also one of the astrological signs.

The guillotine in dreams is explained as the warning sign. The dream shows that you should pay attention to certain situation and get over with it as soon as it is possible. The dream could also symbolize something very strong that will change your views. Perhaps you will have to make some rash decisions even if it won’t be suitable for those around you. Alternatively, the dream about guillotine could suggest you to slow things down. Perhaps you should stop for a while and think about the time that is dedicated only for yourself. The guillotine could also warn you about the temper in your personality. Maybe you should start being calmer, then you will see things clearer and will be able to make the right decisions. You should ask yourself: What kind of life I want to have in the future? Am I hurting anyone?

…Dreaming of the ghost of either one of your parents, denotes that you are exposed to danger, and you should be careful in forming partnerships with strangers. To see the ghost of a dead friend, foretells that you will make a long journey with an unpleasant companion, and suffer disappointments. For a ghost to speak to you, you will be decoyed into the hands of enemies. For a woman, this is a prognostication of widowhood and deception. To see an angel or a ghost appear in the sky, denotes the loss of kindred and misfortunes. To see a female ghost on your right in the sky and a male on your left, both of pleasing countenance, signifies a quick rise from obscurity to fame, but the honor and position will be filled only for a short space, as death will be a visitor and will bear you off. To…

When you dream that you are the android it means that you lost your spiritual aspect of yourself. Maybe you should go to church to look for some answers you have or maybe you should read some of religious literature to help yourself reclaim your spiritual views. The other meaning of this dream could be that you should consider to make sure what you say before things are being said. Make sure you are liable for your actions.

…in which I found myself, was at least three times the size of any I had hitherto seen. It was already full of white-faced people, who, sitting and lying among innumerable boxes in, apparently, the most uncomfortable postures, were fast asleep and snoring — snoring to the most fantastic and taking of tunes I have ever heard. My not having a ticket greatly perturbed me. I expected every moment the collector would put in an appearance and make a scene, and, sure enough, in accordance with my forebodings, in he came, accompanied by the guard, engine-driver; foreman, and half-a-dozen other officials, who, rushing on me with livid faces and flashing eyes; were about to annihilate me altogether when a tremendous hubbub on the line attracted the attention of one and all, and a most extraordinary spectacle presented itself to our gaze. Exactly opposite our compartment was a monstrous green engine…

To dream of the scepter denotes to the power of the human beings. The dream shows that you can be whatever you want to be and make whatever you want to make.

…breaking off of a marriage through my agency; the lion, marriage.Shortly after this dream I went to the Pacific Coast of America; a great friend of mine was very successful in his speculations on the Stock Exchange but was much worried over a series of troubles at home; whilst another friend, equally dear to me, foolishly got engaged to the daughter of a nouveau riche who was vulgar even for a parvenu. A quarrel arising between them, owing to her grossly snobbish behaviour to some of his poor, albeit presentable, relations, he came to me for advice, and although I make a strong point of never interfering where love is concerned, I considered this an exceptional case, and strongly urged him to break off the engagement. He acted on my counsel, and within six weeks the girl married someone in her own set, as vulgar and pretentious as herself….

If you dream of the school bus, then such dream shows the new destinations of your life, that you are willing to make yourself a better person and gain more experience in life. To be a driver of the bus, means that you wish to take control over someone else and make the better life for them.