…To dream you make enclosures your fortune you’ll make….

…When you dream of being in a cold air it represents the proportion of your household and work. Make sure you keep the balance between your personal life and work. This dream could be a sign of the risk being out of proportion. Maybe there is something you are not sure about and lost connection with truthfulness. This dream wants to show you that you should take a break, go away even if it’s just for a few days. If you dream of breathing a hot air it means that there are too much of negative energy around you, be aware of that and make sure you are attentive to people around you….

The frog shows that you tend to move one very fast while jumping through big problems. To make the progress you have to take step by step, otherwise you will make big mistakes in your life.

…For a girl to dream of sweeping the house, foretells that a lover will soon make his appearance: if a married woman dreams this, it shows that some outsider is charmed with her, and may venture to make dishonourable proposals. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 39, 12….

…When you dream of seeing an alloy it symbolizes the work you do and danger you will have. Make sure you are not tricking your colleagues and are honest doing your business. However, don’t make any rush decisions as this might lead you to bankrupt and there is a possibility loosing all you have. Anyway, even if the things will go not the right way, it won’t involve your personal life….

…Dream of kissing a dead person indicates a long life. When you make someone die, then it shows loss or damage. When you see a corpse in a coffin, then it means indigestion. See someone dead who is alive and in good health indicates annoyances, sorrows, loss of lawsuits. To see someone die who is already dead in reality, means approaching of a very rear relative, or a friend, bearing the same Christian name with the deceased. See a dead person who does not speak in a dream, represents to the dreamer that he/she has the same passions and the same destiny like the person he dreamed of. To see or to speak to dead person, means that you should be aware with the situation in your business, especially if the dead one is someone from your friends or relatives. See one dead whom you know is living, means…

Dreaming of betting, wagering, gambling money is a warning which means that you must be cautious when you make deals or business with strangers. It also announces that your opponents seek for an opportunity to harm you. It’s the same if you dream of playing with money in casinos or any board game or table game; it means that you must be careful of not wasting money. Dreaming of betting money in any way, suggests that you proceed without reasoning in your everyday life, which will make you to have problems. Dreaming of losing bets announces that you’ll experience setbacks in the affairs you’re handling, but if your play with money gives you profits, if it looks like you are winning, then this dream indicates that you’ll triumph.

There is a necessity for a better regulation of your life. You should make sure that the things you do are going to make great profits for the future.

Dreaming about bills is a sign that you will have to make a financial outlay. If you dream about lottery money, make sure remember the number well, since it can be the winning number.

To see a brood of chicks reveals the need or desire for marriage and maternity. If next to the chicks there is a threatening broody that won’t allow us to approach them, then it means that there will be obstacles and problems arising from relatives that will make difficult to make our wishes come true.

To dream of attending the convention, denotes to the lack of interaction and contact with other people. Consider that the decisions you are making always makes the influence on the other people. Make sure you include those people in your life and decisions you make. The dream could be interpreted much better if you remembered what kind of convention you attended to.

…When you dream of being caught in air raid, it indicates how shocked you are of the things that’s happening around you at the moment out of nowhere. This is a sign how you are not managing your problems. Make sure you know what’s rambling your positive minds and what actions you should do make thing on track as they were before….

To dream of aiming someone or something, represents that you should move on the right direction. Make sure you are facing only the destination you are directed to. There will be many circumstances that will disturb you from the actions you should do, but do not loose the vigilance, make sure you concentrated on one thing. When you dream of aiming the weapon it signifies your rage and hard feelings you have against someone. This dream could also be the meaning of your restrain sexual feelings. Maybe there is some things you are afraid to talk to your partner and do not feel fulfilled in sexual life.

If you dream of getting an advice from someone, it symbolizes that you have to listen to yourself, make sure you hear what the inner voice is telling you. When you dream of giving and advice to someone, it signifies that you could assist someone who needs an assistance. Make sure you do not refuse helping the others.

If you see yourself as an acrobat in your dream, it represents you being afraid of other people who will try to make obstacles in your way, when you will try to achieve the results you wanted to achieve. If you dream about yourself playing an acrobatic tricks, it symbolizes your competitors will be superior than you are. Make sure that you are ready to compete like in a contest with your competitors.

If you made a list in a dream, then such dream signifies the things you must do. You are thinking about it even during your sleep. Make sure you organize everything well, because it will be easier to make it work. The dream is interpreted better when you look at other details that are related to your dream.

The ritual sacrifice indicates some kind of misery and unknown. Usually people who make a ritual sacrifice in reality make more damage than goodness. Beware of the fact that is it very dangerous to play with unknown world.

Judge or justice is sign that you will have to make a fundamental decision in your life very soon. Be cautious and analyze carefully in order not to make a mistake. Judges also represent integrity and honesty with your actions.

When you dream of an adder it signifies someone very smart, clever and tricky. Be careful, as you can not trust this person, do not believe anything he says, as the behaviour of this person could make you many problems. This dream could also be the meaning of losing someone or something. Make sure you are prudent at this time of your life.

The starling is the bird that causes much of annoying voce. The dream could be an indicator that you feel disturbed by your life, because of the people or situations that make you feel this way. The starling is also a symbol of diseases and sickness. However, this explanation could only be applied to those who were attacked by starling. The bird won’t make much of the damage to your life, but be careful and look after yourself.

When you dream that you received something for bargain it represents you as being underestimated. There is a possibility that you are not working hard enough to get the results which would make the others pleased. Maybe there are some unfilled gaps at your work that supposed to be done and to satisfy the management, or maybe you do not pay enough attention to your partner. Make sure you know the item you have got at the bargain, as it could give more clue and explanation about this dream.

…This dream shows that we found ourselves facing a conflict situation in which the only way out is symbolized by the bridge. If instead of crossing the bridge we look at it and cannot decide to cross it or not to cross it, then it indicates that our situation will be deteriorating. To dream about a bridge in a summer landscape means that you will be happy. If it is a rickety bridge, built with farfetched materials or it’s very narrow bridge, then it indicates that we fear our future. If we fall from the bridge into a river, it means that we will be dragged by passions or instincts. If we fall into a cliff, then it symbolizes perdition. If we stop while we crossing it and do not get to the other side, then it shows our inability to make choices or it could indicate our fear…

If you dream of the spice, then such dream indicates the need of the changes in your life. Maybe you need to make various differences in your life to make it a bit spicier.

To dream of using the tools, denotes to your ability to make the best of what you was given. You are the person who finds it easy to be creative and make things on your own. On the other hand, the dream may suggest you to take more initiative and start doing things you always wanted to do. The tools could also be associated with the sexual intercourse where the penis is seen as the tool.

To dream of a barrier signifies the interruption to your emotional increasment. There is a possibility that you feel suppressed when it comes to expressing yourself completely. Make sure you remove all the barriers out of you way and be yourself. Alternatively the dream could also symbolize your unwillingness to make any changes.

If you dream that you have lots of money, it means that you wish to become rich and fulfil all of your needs. If you see lots of money that do not belong to you, you will get disappointed soon. If you stole the money that are not yours, you will be sorry for your own affairs. If you lost the money, you will make some decisions that will make you feel guilty. On the other hand, losing the money means the opposite, you will receive the big amount of it.

To dream of ague, symbolizes your mental characteristics. This is a sign of mental confusion you are going to sustain. When you dream of other people being in contact with an ague it means that you will hurt other people around you. This dream wants you to make sure, that you are in control of what you are saying to the others or doing to them. Make sure you are not rude , intolerant or aggressive and be patient.

The dream, in which you see a fork in the road, indicates the significant decision you must to make. The dream may show the different options about certain situation. On the other hand, the dream of the fork shows the reached balance between two completely different sides. Perhaps you are able to add the various aspects of the life and still make the harmony out of them.

The dartboard in a dream, shows the protection you are feeling from someone. Make sure you show your emotions in more understood language to others. On the other hand the dartboard may symbolize the tasks you wish to achieve. Make sure you always move forward instead of staying at one place.

If you were sewing something or became a sewer, then it means that you are trying to make new relationships with others. It could also show something that you are trying to repair, therefore you use the needle and a cord or a sewing machine. Probably you are trying to make a new look towards something.

…Dreaming of keeping a ledger, you will have perplexities and disappointing conditions to combat. Dreaming that you make wrong entries on your ledger, you will have small disputes and a slight loss will befall you. To put a ledger into a safe, you will be able to protect your rights under adverse circumstances. To get your ledger misplaced, your interests will go awry through neglect of duty. Dreaming that your ledger gets destroyed by fire, you will suffer through the carelessness of friends. Dreaming that you have a woman to keep your ledger, you will lose money trying to combine pleasure with business. For a young woman Dreaming of ledgers, denotes she will have a solid business man to make her a proposal of marriage. Dreaming that your ledger has worthless accounts, denotes bad management and losses | but if the accounts are good, then your business will assume…

If you see yourself being handicap, then it shows how worthless and fragile you are. Perhaps you must pull yourself together and make the most of your potentiality. Make sure you pay attention to which part of your body was handicapped, as it would give much more information about the dream. On the other hand, the dream about being handicap, denotes to the pride and very good opinion you have about yourself. The dream suggests you to be simpler.

…Personal experience as a boy scout will definitely affect subconscious activity and provide the dreamer with the boy scout as a symbol of the dream. But if the dreamer never was a boy scout and he/she dreams that he/she is a boy scout, then such dream stands as an alert to seek for discipline. Maybe the dreamer need to finish some task and he/she must act quickly with deep commitment and discipline toward rules. The dream may give special importance to a sense of belonging to community, and feeling of helpfulness. To have interaction with a boy scout or just to see boy scout in the dream, represents perfect model of functioning. Maybe the dreamer or someone else has displayed exemplary way in which one acts or conducts oneself. The dream also announces successful accomplishment of project, plans. For female to dream boy scout, represents happiness in relationship. Gains…

…Seeing a turd portends an unexpected benefit. Manipulate it: If you use them to model as if they were clay reflects love for art. If they are accompanied by sadistic reactions or fear, then it indicates a personality disorder. To defecate: If there are difficulties to defecate reflects greed and desire to dominate. If you have diarrhea that reveals a tendency to waste. If defecation is normal that’s an omen economic benefits….

…Seeing in a dream droppings, it portends an unexpected benefit. Manipulate with them: If they are used to model as if it were clay reflects love for art. If it’s accompanied by sadism or fear it indicates a personality disorder. To defecate: If there are difficulties to defecate, that reflects greed and desire to dominate. If you have diarrhea reveals a tendency to waste. If defecation is normal, it announces economic benefits….

If you dream about the Tyra Banks it could mean that you watch some of her shows where she plays the main role. The Tyra dream could also indicate your desire to be noticed. Some models see Tyra Banks as the figure model who they wish to follow. If you watched the Tyra Banks show before your sleep, the dream means nothing. To get more detailed dream interpretation please also see the meaning of Tyra Banks Show dream.

…To dream of models suggests illusion, hypocrisy and lies. Dreaming that you’re a model suggests that you try to hide your true self and show who you really aren’t….

…(Instructor | Master | Mentor | Teacher) In a dream, an educator or a teacher represents himself, or he could represent the principal of a school, or a model, a pillar, a shaikh, a jailer, one’s son or one’s mother. An educator in a dream also means a coach or an animal trainer. Seeing oneself as an educator in a dream means advancing in one’s field. A math teacher in a dream represents intellect and wisdom. Adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing in a dream represents common benefits and losses one incurs during the course of his life. A Qur’an teacher in a dream represents singing, honor or favors. An unknown teacher in a dream represents the Almighty God Himself. (Also see Teacher)…

To see a gymnast, when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol of controlled emotions and feelings. Gymnast in the dream is also a sign for strength and grace. To be a gymnast in your dream, represents your ability to move freely and easily with comfortable adaptation of society standards. Also it means that your strength and grace is exemplary model of living for others.

If you dream about the time of the day which is evening, then it means that you are ready to relax and take things slower.