The dream, in which you see an incubator, denotes to the necessity of tranquility in your daily life. Perhaps a lot of stuff is happening around you. On the other hand, the dream about incubator could represent the new beginning of some aspect in you. Perhaps you earned some qualities which can be used for the certain project or could be implied in some relationships. The changes are going to be magnificent. If you see yourself being in incubator, then such dream shows that your behavior is very childish or you simply trying to get away from the duties that you have.
Dream dictionary: meaning of a lot of ripe plantain dream meanings
…To see intestines is explained as the dream with the symbolism of tough times, sorrow and grief. The dream about intestines also means deceitful partners, envious enemies, disaster in professional activity, and extreme misfortune in overcoming difficulties. Alternatively, dreaming of intestines can symbolize the possibility of huge financial gains, but it requires a lot of patience in coping with hard situations. There might be huge work that must be done before any result can come on in the life of the dreamer….
The person who has been attacked in his dream is having a lot of pressure and stress in his waking life, therefore he feels that everyone is attacking him. The dream also shows that you are unable to take criticism from other people, perhaps because you think of yourself in very good way, or you cannot handle criticism because you never criticize other people.
To dream that someone else is dying, means that you are afraid to lose this person, because you love him//her a lot. The death of someone else could also represent the fact that you are no longer interested in relationships with this person.
…Dreaming that you have and enjoy from an enormous wealth, can mean that you live a difficult life so you must put all of your effort and energy, and maximize your abilities to get to achieve the things you saw in the dream. Dreaming of being wealthy too often may mean that what you have, be little or a lot, doesnt satisfy you and there is a risk of you losing it. This is a warning so you dont enter in risky business. Dreaming of others enjoying their wealth suggests that some wealthy friends of yours will help in difficult times. Dreaming that youre rich but that you suddenly lose everything usually means that you will surprisingly receive some economic benefits (by winning the lottery, for example). Dreaming of greedily accumulating wealth suggests that you aspire to engage in uncertain adventures that are likely to more or less make…
To dream that you are the leader, means that you tend to be in the center of the attention. You also like when the control is in your hands. If you see someone else as being the leader in your dream, but not yourself, it means that this person has a huge influence in your life. You tend to trust this person a lot.
The window indicates the insights the dreamer has, his possibilities and view to word. Depending on the size of the window different explanations following it. if the window is small, you dont have big expectations in life, if its small you wish to achieve a lot. Window is also a symbol of gateway. Maybe there is something you wish to escape?
…To see or ride on a Ferris wheel, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of repetition. It means that you are like a hamster, which is in the wheel and going around in circles. You are headed to the mist. You need to restart your life and retarget your destination. On the other hand, if in the dream you have a lot of fun and positive emotions, then such dream is symbolic importance of completeness in the circle of your life. Don’t be afraid of ups and downs, because happiness in the life is reached by overcoming obstacles in the way to the success….
If you are pregnant and dream of the baby, then this dream shows the excitement and joy you have. If you are not pregnant and have a baby in the dream, you wish to have one, or you care about others a lot.
…To have interaction with whiskey in the dream, can represent protection or egoism. To see whisky in bottles, has meaning of your positive qualities. Bottles of whiskey represents matured side of you. It is a sign of your alertness, carefulness and protective nature. Dreaming that you are drinking whisky, can be interpreted as egoism. Drinking of whiskey has symbolism of your selfishness. This quality may cost you a lot. You may lose your friends or important relationship with someone. On the other hand, there can be different explanation. Drinking of whiskey sometimes has the symbolic significance of the shortage in trust, self-assurance, secret, authority. Do you feel your lack of self-confidence? Maybe you are trying to escape the routine, because of the responsibilities of your everyday life….
The dream about the lake could have several meanings depending on the circumstances and the state of the lake. The lake that is crystal clear and you see swimming yourself in it, indicates your ability to move through life with grace and beauty. If the lake is muddy and dirty, it shows that the circumstances are very unfavorable to you. The lake could also be interpreted as the symbol of freedom, especially if you are floating in one. If you are drowning in the lake, you feel helpless in some situation which scares you a lot. The waves of the lake indicates the chaos and turbulence in your waking life.
To dream that you are weighting yourself means that you are checking your health or caring a lot about your image. To dream of weighting the other things, but not yourself, means that you like to check things before you do something.
…(Sated | Saturation | To eat one’s fill) In a dream, to eat one’s fill means fidgety or restlessness. If one sees himself satiated with food and could not eat any more in a dream, it means changing of his condition, losing rank, losing business, or his death. This interpretation is applicable unless one finds in his dream extra space to fill with food, then the dream means that his lot in this world will equal the size of that remaining space. Eating to one’s fill in a dream also represents working for one’s livelihood or recovering extra money. Some interpreters convey that hunger in a dream is better than satiation, while to drink extra water in a dream is better than thirst….
…If a woman dreams that she kills a lot of buffaloes, she will undertake a stupendous enterprise, but by enforcing will power and leaving off material pleasures, she will win commendation from men, and may receive long wished for favors. Buffalo, seen in a dream, augurs obstinate and powerful but stupid enemies. They will boldly declare against you but by diplomacy you will escape much misfortune….
Seeing a theft usually means loss, problems, worries, and obstacles. To dream that you have something stolen denotes that you are in a crisis and you are suffering a lot. Dreaming that you are stealing denotes fiscal or legal problems. Alternatively, it may mean unfulfilled goals.
The dream in which you see your own dad, may indicate the deep connection you have with this person or simply missing him a lot. The Dad could also be the figure of the God you believe in and the connection you have with him.
…Dreaming of jealousy means that there is a danger, fear and a lot of apprehension. You must be very careful to avoid bad situations in the future. Dreaming that you’re jealous means your unconscious feelings toward a person are seen. On the other hand, it represents vulnerability and fear of intimacy. You must work in recognition of your self-esteem. To dream that others feel jealous towards you means, honor and optimism….
The dream, in which you see the calculator, denotes to the problems that need to be thought twice. Perhaps there is a very important issue in your life, where you cannot make any mistakes. The dream suggests you to get planned things and look forward in the future of what you could achieve. The calculator could also reflect the state of your waking life where you have to calculate and work with numbers a lot.
The significance of this dream depends on how the skein is seen in the dream. If you see an unrolled skein, then it indicates that you are sensing a new activity that involves a lot of work ahead. Also its usually a harbinger of complications if you are trying to look for the tip of the skein and you are not able to find it.
…If we are young and we dream of ourselves elderly that reflects we still have a lot to lie and perform in our lives. If we are mature or elderly and we dream that we are much younger it’s a sign that we feel we are still young and we still have plans and ambitions to achieve. The old man dreaming of being old means that he feels finished, has lost the illusion and the need to continue living….
Dreaming of one or more barrels with wine is an announcement of spontaneous joy, but if they appear filled with water instead of wine, it indicates a lot of work before achieving what you want. If they are empty, it indicates youre neglecting or not paying proper attention to the things youre handling, which will result in losses, failures, etc. In general, seeing a full barrel in dreams is an announcement of prosperity, but if its empty, its an indicator of suffering financial difficulties.
If you dream about the horse, then such dream indicate strength, sexual aspects of your personality and liberty. Sometimes the horses are interpreted as those who brings the news no matter they are bad or good, but it depends on people who dreamt about it. When you are horse riding, then such dream indicates how well you are prepared and the fact that you trust yourself a lot. You have no issues with self-confidence. The color of the horse also gives an important message, which shows much more of the interpretation about the dream. For example, the white horses represent purity, love and affection, the black ones indicates the strength, the grey ones our ability to adapt in different circumstances or the wisdom. Piebald horse is the symbol of chaos, different energies and stress. The tan horses indicates the sexual aspects of your personality.
…Dreaming of playing with cards suggests carelessness and superficiality in handling affairs. Dreaming of betting money with cards is a warning that the dreamer is risking a lot and that in the end there will suffering due to losses and problems. Dreaming of playing with cards with several people, but without money being involved just for pure fun, suggests good social relationships. Dreaming of losing by playing with cards announces the presence of adversaries waiting for the opportunity to attack the dreamer, even legally. If a young woman dreams that her fiancé is playing with cards, is a warning that he is not a man who would be good for her, since he is only looking for fun. Cards in dreams usually have the following meanings: CLUBS: difficult and complicated marriage. CUPS: Love, fidelity, an acceptable marriage, but not a happy one. SWORDS: becoming a widow in a short…
To dream that you have an abscess and is growing means that youll get something you have been longing for a lot of time, but youll have to overcome some obstacles before getting it. If you dream that youre starting to get an abscess, it means that youll face some difficulties.
A rainbow is a traditional sign of peace, love, and blessings coming from heaven, therefore it is good sign of health and prosperity for adults and the elderly. One of the many old legends relating to the rainbows says that the place in which the rainbow ends is found a lot of joy, the fountain of youth and great treasures with plenty of gold. All of this is usually symbolic in dreams. For many people, since the ancient times, the rainbow has been a symbol of peace and alliance of heaven and earth. Dreaming of a rainbow with all its colors is a sign of happiness that usually comes from success from the affairs that youre managing. This dream between lovers announces marriage.
…The jewelry in dreams may have various different meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream and your life. If you see the person putting on the piece of the jewelry, it means that this person or you care a lot about the way they look in front of the others. It shows how the person who wears the jewelry would like to be seen. Make sure you pay attention what kind of jewelry you or other person is wearing, because it shows the better piece of jewelry, the better opinion about yourself you have. For example, the cheap piece of jewelry shows that you do not value yourself enough, you think you are not worth good and valuable things in life. If the jewelry is expensive and beautifully shaped, it shows that you respect yourself and have a good opinion about yourself. Sometimes the piece of jewelry such…
The pimple in your dream is a sign that some important issue will take your attention and you will be in the place that will need a lot of concentration.
The dream in which you won the bet, means that the fortune is on your way. If you lost one of the wagers, you will be disappointed a lot and might suffer illness and losses. To make a wager means that you will have the different thoughts you had before.
…Dreaming that you get in a car indicates that a trip that you already have in mind, will happen soon, but with different conditions than the ones you previously thought. Dreaming of getting down of a car insinuates that the things, that have started out well, are likely to go wrong, if you dont pay attention to the details. Dreaming of driving a car in a place or street where there are a lot of people indicates success, but also means that envious people are trying to damage the things you have achieved. Dreaming of driving a car on a road where high mountains are seen in front of you, indicates the desire to climb the ladder to reach important hierarchies, its possible to achieve this through hard work, perseverance and effort. The mountains are a symbol of effort and high status. Dreaming of many moving cars suggests that,…
To dream that you are watching Tyra Banks Show means that you have some admiration for her personality and wish to obtain them into yourself. Sometimes we dream about things that we think or watch a lot in our waking life, in this case the dream is simply a reflection of our dream. The Tyra Banks show could also indicate your desire to become famous.
To dream about tornado means that you are in emotional turbulence. Perhaps you feel very confused about some situation in your waking life. Some people who have unhealthy relationships and fighting a lot dream about twister, because it is the part of their lives.
To see a fire damper in the dream represents the friendliness of persons around you. They may have a lot of love to offer for you. Alternatively, it may represent your blockings and annoyance. You are holding yourself in your harmful emotions. You must be more positive. If the damper is broken, then it indicates a situation or relationship that has made you emotionless and hostile.
If you dream that you are recording the VCR, it shows your desire to hold on to the past. The dream could also represent the creative side of your personality. If you are watching VCR, it shows the strong connection with your past, because the memories are very important to you. The dream may also indicate the current situation in your life you wish to remember because you enjoy it a lot.
If you are putting together the jigsaw puzzle, it means that you are trying to figure out some problem. The dream shows that before you felt asleep you were thinking about something a lot. These kind of dreams could also show that you are unable to relax fully, your mind keeps working, because you have too many thoughts. You should try to learn to relax. If you are make the jigsaw puzzle and some of the pieces are missing, it shows that you are feeling like something has been missing in your life as well.
…When you dreaming of something abnormal, it represents that finally you have found the solution to your problems and you’ve made up a decision to achieve the task you wanted to solve. When you see things being abnormal it signifies your attention to specific phase of the particular question. This means, that you have the opportunity to find the answers to the questions you are looking for. It also can imply that there might be things in your life you are not fully satisfied. Be aware of the challenges you are going to face as you will need to work a lot, to solve the problems you will have, but do not worry, as you are going to sort them out….
To have interaction with or to encounter or to see an oil spill, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as your being in the state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty. Maybe you are in psychological turmoil. If yes, then you are experiencing troubles in your personal relationships. That gives you a lot of stress. You need to take a break and relax.
…Dreaming that youre taking a bath in clean and transparent water is an announcement of success, joy, fun, etc. On the contrary, if the water is dirty, or worse, muddy, is at least an announcement of diseases or bad news. Dreaming of children playing with clean water is a sign of future success and happiness in the family, but if they are playing with dirty water, it indicates the opposite. Dreaming of a young woman bathing in clean water suggests that the relationships she has or her honest desires are likely to be materialized and reach a successful end. Bathing involves using water, and water in dreams, since ancient times, has well known meanings: Crystal clear water indicates health, happiness and joy. Turbid water indicates discomfort, unpleasantness and disappointments. The muddy water indicates illness, misfortune, poverty and hate. Dreaming of wanting to take a bath can indicate that the…
It usually symbolizes a conflicting experience and the setting of it has a lot to do with it. Its important to be aware of the role that we have in the dream, since this will reflect the position that we have taken against the problem. Pay attention if we are spectators, actors, directors of the show or observers from backstage. The plot of the play and the aspect of the theater will also give us clues about the problem that is consciously or unconsciously making us worry and that the dream wants to reveal to us.
…For a woman Dreaming of eating bread, denotes that she will be afflicted with children of stubborn will, for whom she will spend many days of useless labor and worry. Dreaming of breaking bread with others, indicates an assured competence through life. To see a lot of impure bread, want and misery will burden the dreamer. If the bread is good and you have access to it, it is a favorable dream. See Baking and Crust….
…Dreaming of an academy of wise men usually means you dont like being taught, and upcoming cheerful moments. If the dreamer is a young woman, it means a marriage from which she can have a lot of profits….