…Dreaming of facing a huge and hideous spider indicates the end of a bad streak and the beginning of better times. However, if the spider manages to bite you, the bad streak will continue. Dreaming of running away from a big spider suggests that there will be losses and discomfort as a result of lack of energy and character to address your problems. Dreaming of killing a spider indicates that you have chances of being successful, but if the spider revives and attacks, (but it doesn’t sting you) it announces the presence of dangerous enemies. Dreaming of one or more spiders indicates that if you are careful enough while doing your things, you will achieve significant benefits. Dreaming of spiders weaving its spider web indicates that you are in safe and happy environment. Dreaming of killing one or more spiders indicates that some business you have, a family member,…

…The eggs are the symbol of richness, potency, abundance. To see eggs in your dream is very fortunate omen. To eat eggs in dream represents your fertility, potential for any kind of birth and your creativeness. Dreaming about eggs may suggest that something new is about to happen. To find a nest filled with eggs in your dream, signifies huge financial gain; the more abundant and bigger the eggs, the more important the gain. To see cracked or broken eggs in dream denotes that you will suffer from many displeasures and misfortunes. It is revealing a fragile state of your life and feelings of vulnerability. Alternatively, you may be breaking out of your shell and being comfortable with true yourself. To see bright colored eggs in your dream means festivity of a happy event. To dream of rotten eggs, signifies damage and loss. You may have allowed some condition…

…(Eggs in a basket or a place.) Eggs represent the element of prosperity, or the fear of depleting one’s riches. Eggs in a dream also represent marriage for an unmarried person and children for a married one. If one’s chicken lay eggs for him in a dream, it means a new born in his family. Eating a boiled egg in a dream means comfort and income while eating a raw egg means unlawful earnings, adultery or distress. If one sees his wife laying an egg in a dream, it means that she will bear a child who will lack faith in God. If the egg breaks in the dream, it means that his newborn will die shortly after birth. If one sees himself raising chicken for eggs, then if the eggs hatch in his dream, it means that some of his affairs that where unsolvable will rejuvenate with success,…

…Dreaming of finding a nest of eggs, denotes wealth of a substantial character, happiness among the married and many children. This dream signifies many and varied love affairs to women. To eat eggs, denotes that unusual disturbances threaten you in your home. To see broken eggs and they are fresh, fortune is ready to shower upon you her richest gifts. A lofty spirit and high regard for justice will make you beloved by the world. Dreaming of rotten eggs, denotes loss of property and degradation. To see a crate of eggs, denotes that you will engage in profitable speculations. Dreaming of being spattered with eggs, denotes that you will sport riches of doubtful origin. To see bird eggs, signifies legacies from distant relations, or gain from an unexpected rise in staple products….

…To dream that you find a bird’s nest with several eggs suggests upcoming successes including in the economic aspect, and consequently this will bring many satisfactions and pleasures. For married couples, this type of dream usually announces that they’ll have several children. To dream that you’re eating eggs suggests that something may cause difficulties at home or within your family. To dream about broken eggs suggests that you may get what you want, but this may happen if you act with caution to avoid tripping. To dream about bird eggs announces up coming good news from far away. To dream about rotten eggs suggests that you should not expect to be rewarded for what you’ve already done or for what you may do in the future, because some misunderstandings and losses are soon to come. To dream that someone throws eggs, and at the same time that person spots…

In a dream, a spider represents a malicious woman, or a weak, perfidious and a distant man. A spider in a dream also represents a weaver, an ascetic or a monk. If one sees a spider in his dream, it may mean that he will meet a pious and a religious man. Weaving a web in a dream means becoming weak. A spider in a dream also could represent a pleasing wife. If one sees a spider hanging down from the ceiling in a dream, it indicates a severe winter in that area. (Also see Tarantula)

…Dreaming of a spider, denotes that you will be careful and energetic in your labors, and fortune will be amassed to pleasing proportions. To see one building its web, foretells that you will be happy and secure in your own home. To kill one, signifies quarrels with your wife or sweetheart. If one bites you, you will be the victim of unfaithfulness and will suffer from enemies in your business. If you dream that you see many spiders hanging in their webs around you, foretells most favorable conditions, fortune, good health and friends. Dreaming of a large spider confronting you, signifies that your elevation to fortune will be swift, unless you are in dangerous contact. Dreaming that you see a very large spider and a small one coming towards you, denotes that you will be prosperous, and that you will feel for a time that you are immensely successful…

Broken eggs means losses. White eggs, increase in the number of family, prosperity. Few eggs, harmony and good relations. Many eggs, misfortunes. Color eggs, joy.

…To dream that you see a spider coming toward you, is a sign that someone will soon pay you money: if you imagine that the spider spins down before your face, the omen is similar, for you will make a good lot of money in some way. If a married woman dreams of seeing a large spider, it foretells that she will have a miscarriage, which she will not be sorry for. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 72, 16….

The Easter eggs indicate the celebration of Easter. If you are dying the Easter eggs during the dream, it shows your creative side and the fact that you are waiting for this celebration. If you are looking for Easter eggs that are hidden somewhere, it is interpreted as the childish side of you and good memories you have from your past. Perhaps you enjoyed being the child where no responsibilities were given to you.

To dream that a spider looks at you, foretells that you will be the victim of treachery. To kill a spider, sorrow and ill luck.

If we are debating in the spider web, then it indicates that we are in a delicate and committed situation where we don´t know how to get out. If we dream about objects covered with spider webs, then it means that we have forgot what those objects mean to us or it is a suggestion that we should forget it at all.

…To dream of the spider, shows your fear of the spiders in your waking life, especially if you felt frightened by them. Such dream could also denote to feminine aspects of the dreamer, especially if the dreamer is a woman. To dream of killing the spider, shows unpleasant news you will receive or bad experience you are going trough. To see the spider that is spinning the web denotes to your hard work which will be appreciated. It also indicates the little steps you are making while working, especially the view of the web. The creativity and adjustment you have reflex in a dreams. As a bad omen, the spider can be interpreted only in those cases when you were caught by the spider and trapped in his web. Maybe there are some circumstances that you should be aware in your waking life. If the spider has bitten you,…

…(See Rotten.) If married people dream of eggs it is a sign they will be prolific of children. If a newly married lady dreams of finding a nest full of eggs, it foretells that her first born will be twins or triplets. If a young girl dreams such a dream, it is a sign that she will soon be married, or get in a condition that she ought to be a wife. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 47….

To dream of eggs, is honourable, because whatever you are then about will succeed. To dream of broken eggs, if married, you will have no children. But to dream of eating them, you will have many. To dream the cock and one hen remain on the roost after the others leave it, if married you will lead an easy comfortable life; if unmarried and a cock and a hen gain the roost, and the others do not, is a sign you will marry a constant companion.

To see one, means that you feel misunderstood by others. To kill one means loss of money proportionate to the size of the animal. Alternatively, the spider could also show that you will reach victory over others.

To dream of the spider could be interpreted as the nightmare, but only if you felt frightened. You are not coping at some point of your life. You are afraid of the future or do not feel comfortable in the present.

Dreaming that you killed a spider means you will have health conditions in the near future, if you only see spiders, it means you may be deceived and treated with disloyalty.

When you are dreaming of a spider web, then it implies the chance of entering deals, relationships or businesses that require you to be careful. We must be very careful with our adversaries, because right now they’re plotting against us to make us enter situations that’ll be very hard to get out of, and that will have dire consequences. Dreaming of spiders weaving indicates that you’re safe and happy in your surroundings.

To see spider-webs, denotes pleasant associations and fortunate ventures.

if you dream about the eggs, then such dream brings everything positive that is related to your family. If you found the nest, which has the eggs in it, then it means you will have a great financial growth within few next weeks. If the eggs you see in the nest are small, or there are only couple of them, then it means you will have a fortune, but not a very big one. The eggs that are cracked, or damaged in any other way, then it means you will have misfortune and won’t be able to access the biggest goods. Eating the eggs shows great health of yours and if the eggs are colored in many different colors, then joy is unavoidable.

In small numbers represents some kind of profit and/or gain. In large quantities, loss and disappointments. White, trivial superiorities. Colored or hard, great vexation. Cracked eggs symbolize annoyances, idle talk. To be besmeared with the yolk of an egg, humiliation.

To buy eggs is ill luck, to boil them a mistake.

To dream of eggs signifies that you will have success with all your undertakings. Please see Hens.

…If the eggs are whole that symbolizes fertility, marital hope, wealth and prosperity. If they’re broken that reveals the fear that our hopes will not come true. Fear of sterility, loss of a pregnancy, sexual failure and unwanted fatherhood….

The spiders are the symbols of great fortune. If the spider is seen on some wall, the love of your life will visit you soon. If the spider is spinning the web, you will achieve great results in your endeavours. The spider that is sitting on the important subject such as your laptop, means that you will receive great news. The bigger the spider, the greater the news. The spider if it is tarantula is a bad omen that indicates disappointments.

Unpleasant omen. You have had some indiscretion that will lead you to cheating or deception.

Unimportant conflict that you will solve shortly. Confused understanding that will not allow you to act without reason.

Dreaming that you kill an arachnid means future ailments. If you only see the spiders, then it is a premonition of deceit and disloyalty.

At night, success, money; in the morning, a lawsuit; to kill one, pleasure.

Getting into a law-suit.

Loss of money; after other interpreters it denotes good fortune.

Father’s joy, or being happy otherwise. 62….

Discord, opposition, disagreement. 48.

Affliction and disharmony in domestic life.

Severe sickness.

Wrath, fire, death of friends.

Good success in business, better circumstances, promotion, good children, old age.

Loss, quarrel, poverty, separation of friends or beloved ones.

Sorrow and anguish, injury, quarrel. 35.