The dream in which you see your partner that you love such as your wife or your husband, signifies some cause why you dreamed about it. Make sure you know what is happening in your waking life, therefore you can interpreter your dream better. The dream in which you see some person being your partner, but in reality he is not, means that you like this particular person or wish to see the qualities he has in your partner. The dream may also signify that you wish to be with someone special, especially if you are single. Sometimes people who are in relationships dream about their dreams. If you dream that your ex-boyfriend or husband is your partner again, then it means you are longing for love and affection or simply missed the person you’ve been with for some time.

To dream that you find something symbolizes the accomplishments in business (in career) throughout hard work. Nothing is going to come easy. Alternatively, to find something is like to find your covered aspects. Maybe you are coming into contact with hidden aspect of your psyche or subconscious. You are identifying a part of yourself that was earlier repressed or undeveloped enough. Alternatively, it represents transformation. To dream that you find someone represents that you are recognizing new aspects of a relationship. You may be taking the relationship to a new direction toward higher level. In some cases, it represents marriage or birth.

If someone has dreamed of Beauty Parlon, it foretells that maybe you are considered too much about your outer beauty instead of looking deeper into inner beauty. Sometimes we put ourselfs out there as very nice and beautifull people, but it is always better to pay more attention to things which would make you feel better and more confident about yourself. Also this dream refers to the meaning of dream Salon.

…Dreaming about your partner represents your relationships and feelings. It’s important to analyze what role your partner has in the dream and what feelings it causes in you, you should analyze it well in order to know the meaning. Dreaming that you have a partner, when in real life you’re single, symbolizes a relationship or a compromise….

If you are in the meeting in your dream, then such dream shows the necessity of being more concentrated on things such as the special areas you are working on. On the other hand, the dream could be the indication of your capability to learn from your surroundings. If you are late for the meeting in your dream, then such dream shows the lack of self-confidence. Perhaps you feel you are not as good as your colleagues or simply not ready to do some work that was given to you.

…Dreaming of seeing your business partner with a basket of crockery on his back, and, letting it fall, gets it mixed with other crockery, denotes your business will sustain a loss through the indiscriminate dealings of your partner. If you reprimand him for it, you will, to some extent, recover the loss….

…(See Ball.) To dream that your partner in a dance slights or snubs you, is a sign that someone is enamoured of you: this applies to either sex: if you dream of a particularly agreeable and attractive partner, it shows that you will quarrel with somebody of the opposite sex: for a man in business to dream of taking a part, foretells that he will be robbed. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 17, 38,…

Beauty in any form is pre-eminently good. A beautiful woman brings pleasure and profitable business. A well formed and beautiful child, indicates love reciprocated and a happy union….

When you dreamed of the Beauty Contest the best description of this dream would be explained in the dream meaning of Pegeant. You will be able to see the full explanation of your dream and find the right answer to your questions.

Dreaming that you are beautiful represents that you will become ugly with sickness and that you will become weak in body. Increasing beauty represents death.

Dreaming that the person you love is beautiful, although in reality he or she is not, indicates true and lasting love. Dreaming of beauty is always good and indicates spiritual and mental tranquility and, therefore, peace and harmony with others. If a woman dreams of beautiful children, it indicates that she is able to provide with genuine, sincere and honest love, which is reciprocated. Dreaming of beautiful things, no matter what it be (flowers, meadows, buildings, artworks) insinuates that many people appreciate you.

In a dream, a beauty mark means honor and dignity for a woman, and it means wealth for a man. (Also see Birthmark)

It announces jealousy of the dreamer to their partner.

To dream that you are in a meeting suggests that you should mediate your ways to take a new decision and make more effort.

…between them, and if he sees himself riding over the shoulders of a friend in a dream, it means earning something from him. Carrying something over one’s shoulders in a dream means debts. If one sees himself carrying a hypocrite over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he may work in a lumberyard or carry wood to earn a living. One’s shoulders in a dream also represent his parents, brothers, partners, station, or beauty. Anything that affects them in a dream will manifest in any of the above. In a dream, one’s neck represents an embrace, a donation with terms, a legal will, or a conditional endowment. The neck and the shoulders in a dream represent one’s trust or trustworthiness. A healthy and strong neck in a dream means trustworthiness and ability to meet one’s obligations. Wounds, festering or purulence in one’s neck in a dream mean betraying…

To dream that you can’t find your way because you are being lost, indicates the fact that you feel very similar in your waking life as well. Perhaps you feel lost in some situation and do not know how to act.

To see one’s own appearance in a beautiful state in a dream, including one’s look, attitude, clothing or ride reflects the condition of one’s enemy….

Overcoming disagreeable things, victory over a rival, keeping your position against others.

Good; for an enemy, bad. 9.

Much pleasure. 16.

Sickness and death. 33.

Presages unforeseen difficulties which will show that your projects will not come true.

Long life. 93.

You will receive emotional support of a relative or sincere friend.

…decayed and you pull them out, the same, only yourself, is prominent in the case. Dreaming of tartar or any deposit falling off of the teeth and leaving them sound and white, is a sign of temporary indisposition, which will pass, leaving you wiser in regard to conduct, and you will find enjoyment in the discharge of duty. To admire your teeth for their whiteness and beauty, foretells that pleasant occupations and much happiness will be experienced through the fulfilment of wishes. Dreaming that you pull one of your teeth and lose it, and feeling within your mouth with your tongue for the cavity, and failing to find any, and have a doctor for the same, but to no effect, leaving the whole affair enveloped in mystery, denotes that you are about to enter into some engagement which does not exactly please you, and which you decide to ignore, but…

…judge. This interpretation is possible in most cases except if the necklace breaks in the dream. In this case, if the necklace is broken, it means that one will break his promise, or forget his learning, become heedless, suffer eviction, deportation, or be exiled from his home or country. If one sees himself wearing one or even two pearl necklaces in a dream, it means that he subscribes to God’s revelations, memorizes God’s Words, recites the holy Qur’an, speaks words of wisdom, and that he is one of the carriers of the divine trust who demonstrates trustworthiness, piety, trueness, religious commitment and beauty of character. All depending on the beauty, radiance and clarity of one’s necklace. If one sees himself in a dream carrying many necklaces and decorations, and if he finds them heavy and unbearable to carry, it represents his incompetence, or his inability to complete a job. (Also…

…If you dream that you commit adultery or cheating on someone, this is a sign of you not being honest with yourself. Maybe there are some things in your life you can not admit to yourself and hiding the feelings deep down inside of you. Also, this could be a sign of you being invoked into something against the law. If you see your partner or your friend cheating on you, this is a sign that you are afraid of being neglected by the ones you love. You should consider, as there might be something missing in the relationships you are having, that why you are having those fears. What you should do is not humble yourself down. If you dream of cheating on your partner with his friend, this is a sign that there are changes that has to be done in your relationship with your partner, as…

…(Affiliation | Alliance | Business association) In a dream, business partnership means happiness, or it could mean exaggeration in one’s devotion toward God Almighty, or it could mean going to extremes to attain business success and prosperity in the world. If a poor person sees himself involved in a business partnership with a rich person in a dream, it means that he will become wealthy. If he is hoping for an inheritance, then seeing this dream means that it will come through, and that he will find abusiness partner. If one sees himself in a business partnership with a known person in a dream, it means that they deal justly and equitably with one another. If one’s partner in the dream is an unknown old person, then he represents his grandfather and such a year will be a prosperous business year for him. If one’s partner in the dream…

…or without license means that you are wandering throughout your life without plan, without goal, without identity. You are trying to find these aspects by yourself, without any help. Also, it means that your actions is not controlled or is not permitted by someone who should be in charge. Are you in relationship? Maybe you are the one who acts without consultation with partner. Additionally, driving without permit means that you are the person, who thinks that he is always the right one. Thus, you don’t go into anything where you can be controlled. Dreaming without license doesn’t show that you are bad, you are just different. But if you get caught by police in the dream, it shows that sometimes you have feeling of being devious. Also, to be caught without permit shows your fear of being isolated from everything what you are doing. Are you afraid to lose…

…for a person who could not find a job, or reconcili- ation with a long forsaken friend or relative. If one leads the prayers in his dream, it means that he will guarantee something to someone, or it could means that he will borrow money for a term. If one prays behind an Imam in the dream, it means that he will become a burden to others. The midday prayers known in Arabic as Zuhur signify a manifestation, a proclamation or exposing what is hidden. Praying Zuhur in a dream means attaining one’s goal, satisfying every need, obtaining everything one has asked for from earthly gains in this world, or it could mean spiritual benefits in the hereafter and particularly if one sees himself completing his prayers in the dream. Completing one’s prayers means achieving one’s goal. If one is incarcerated because of a debt and sees himself completing his…

To dream that you are trying to find something in your locker means that you are trying to fill the gap in your waking life, because there is something missing in it. If you are unable to find the thing you are looking for in this locker, it means that you have some troubles that are hard to be solved, however you will find solution to it shortly. If you are getting rid of the stuff that is in this locker, it means that you are changing your life completely. If you are unable to unlock your locker because the lock is broken, or you can’t find the key, then it means that you lost control of your own life.

To dream that you are the one who is cheating on your partner means that you are feeling angry for something he did or didn’t do, therefore the subconscious mind of yours is sending you a message that you wish for the revenge. Sometimes it simply is the fantasy which you have and means absolutely nothing. Sometimes the dream shows that you feel unhappy in small domestic things with your partner therefore you dream about cheating. If your partner is the one who is cheating on you, it could mean that you are afraid of losing him and the fact that he might find someone better than you. You do not trust yourself and think there are better partners out there. Sometimes it indicates your fear of being cheated because you are very jealous person and do not want to share your loved one with others.

To dream about your spouse partner means that you are thinking a lot about certain person. Perhaps you spend a lot of time together, therefore you even dream about him/her. Alternatively, people who miss their spouses dream about them as well, because of the time they haven’t met or simply are very much in love. If you see someone being your spouse partner, but in reality this person is not your spouse, then it could mean that you have a crush on this person or you simply adore the features of him/her and wish to have them in your partner. Sometimes we dream about your ex-spouses, which is very normal, because the stimulants we are surrounded by such as familiar place or the food that was eaten together with that person reminds us of our ex-spouses. In this case the dream means nothing.

If you dream that your partner is being unfaithful to you, means that you feel very insecure about yourself, or have the trust issues with this particular person. Sometimes the infidelity dream could represent the lack of time you are spending with your other half and do not feel satisfied in these kind of relationships. You feel jealous that your partner is spending time on his/her own or with other people. If there is someone else who betrayed you in the dream, but not your partner, it suggests to be aware of that dream, because the subconscious mind is giving you a signal do not trust everyone. The infidelity could also represent you, the things you promise yourself to do or not to do, but it doesn’t happen.

The dreams about your spouse partner who is being unfaithful shows that you do not feel comfortable in your own skin. You tend to think that your partner might find someone better than you, therefore you are afraid of being betrayed. Sometimes people dream about betrayal because they experienced it in the past and are afraid of it happening again. The betrayal could also indicate the fact that you are very jealous person and think that your partner will betray you. Some dreams about betrayal have nothing to do with unfaithfulness, it simply shows that you do not feel happy in your life, because all of the people are pretending being happy. You think that you are surrounded by fakeness. To get more detailed dream interpretation please see the meaning of unfaithfulness.

…borne at a terrific speed through every description of varied scenery, in a country that was entirely new to me. I saw bare mountains rising to a prodigious height; wide plains where never a blade of grass grew; great sweeps of prairie alive with every kind of vegetable life; slow rivers, narrow rapid streams, and cataracts of hellish fury; forests of pines, moaning as in a hurricane; trees with strange faces like living things; woods full of flowers and peopled by maidens of exquisite beauty; meadows bathed in sunlight; and lofty cities built of coloured marble.And I was borne past all these and set down at the entrance to a sombre city, whose black and silent streets re-echoed to my footsteps. Cold with fear, — for every building I saw was black, and destitute of any sign of life, whilst overhead the blue sky had turned to an intense grey…

When a table appears in the dream, it’s a sign that we can expect good conditions for the companies we initiate. If, during the dream, the dreamer himself/herself or another person cuts the table, it’s an omen for impediments and obstacles of all kinds. If, in the dream, we find ourselves adding a table to others, it shows that it’s time to partner up if we wish to find success in the business world, as we’d surely associate with people that will bring us benefits.

…If you dream of discussing religion and feel religiously inclined, you will find much to mar the calmness of your life, and business will turn a disagreeable front to you. If a young woman imagines that she is over religious, she will disgust her lover with her efforts to act ingenuous innocence and goodness. If she is irreligious and not a transgressor, it foretells that she will have that independent frankness and kind consideration for others, which wins for women profound respect, and love from the opposite sex as well as her own | but if she is a transgressor in the eyes of religion, she will find that there are moral laws, which, if disregarded, will place her outside the pale of honest recognition. She should look well after her conduct. If she weeps over religion, she will be disappointed in the desires of her heart. If she…

If you dream of playing with the slot machine, then such dream indicates your tendency to spend more than you have. Consider you find something different to do, as your spending will lead you to a bankrupt. Try to find something interesting to do or find a hobby that does not cost you too much.

…Dreaming of finding money, denotes small worries, but much happiness. Changes will follow. To pay out money, denotes misfortune. To receive gold, great prosperity and unalloyed pleasures. To lose money, you will experience unhappy hours in the home and affairs will appear gloomy. To count your money and find a deficit, you will be worried in making payments. Dreaming that you steal money, denotes that you are in danger and should guard your actions. To save money, augurs wealth and comfort. Dreaming that you swallow money, portends that you are likely to become mercenary. To look upon a quantity of money, denotes that prosperity and happiness are within your reach. Dreaming you find a roll of currency, and a young woman claims it, foretells you will lose in some enterprise by the interference of some female friend. The dreamer will find that he is spending his money unwisely and…