…— one stair — they are on me. I make up my mind I am caught, when behold, they pass me by, and on venturing to look up I see nothing! And yet the sounds are still going on, up, up, up, until they die away in the interminable heights above me — and all again is wrapped in silence. After a brief pause I continue my ascent, and presently find myself at the entrance to a long stone corridor, pierced with innumerable doorways. There is something so inconceivably grim in the cold, yellow atmosphere of this passage, something so horribly suggestive of a thousand uncanny possibilities in the aspect of its doors that I stand still, rooted to the ground with terror.Every moment, I expect to see the doors fly open and the horrors they conceal spring out on me. Nothing happening, however, 1 am congratulating myself that my…

…When you dream of a bed it represents your personal life and/or sexual intentions. If the dreamer sees his own bed, it foretells that you feel safe and secure at this moment of your life and the opposite explanation is of seeing or being in someone’s else bed. This condition indicates insecurity and regrets for your own actions, which you did in the past. Have you ever thought about saying: “What goes around, comes around?” There is a possibility that you are feeling guilty of something you did and/or getting back the results as the effect of your behavior. Usually when you look out for the bed, but can not find it, then this symbolizes difficulties while recognizing the familiar and intimate aspects of yourself. Maybe you find it difficult while expressing feminine or masculine side of your personality. Otherwise it could show the lack of internal safety in…

If you dream of seeing your ankles it means that you are looking for help. It is a sign that you need a hand while moving on the right direction. First of all you need to find out where you going to and then try to find someone you can trust, who will help you to go on the right track and find yourself as happy as you can be.

…For a young woman Dreaming that she shakes hands with some prominent ruler, foretells she will be surrounded with pleasures and distinction from strangers. If she avails herself of the opportunity, she will stand in high favor with friends. If she finds she must reach up to shake hands, she will find rivalry and opposition. If she has on gloves, she will overcome these obstacles. To shake hands with those beneath you, denotes you will be loved and honored for your kindness and benevolence. If you think you or they have soiled hands, you will find enemies among seeming friends. For a young woman Dreaming of shaking hands with a decrepit old man, foretells she will find trouble where amusement was sought….

…dream means caring for the daughter of a relative. Finding a pearl in a dream also means finding a wife. Borrowing a pearl from someone in a dream means begetting a son and giving him for adoption, or that the boy will die shortly after his birth. Pearls in a dream also mean becoming wealthy from an inheritance. As for a scholar, a pearl in a dream represents knowledge, and for a governor, it means expansion of his power. As for a merchant, it means a growing business, and for a craftsman in a dream, it means advancement in his craft. Pearls in a dream also represent the final step in adorning something and the proper way to display beauty, or they could represent fantasies and attractions. Drilling a hole in a pearl in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with a blood relation. Swallowing a pearl in a…

…(See Sores.) To dream that you have this disease, foretells health and good fortune: if a lover should be so ungallant as to imagine that his sweetheart is thus afflicted, it is a sign that he will marry a great beauty; if she happens to be a beauty, it will be all right, of course; if not, he will look out for number two. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41, 32….

…a whiskerless person sees hair growing over the sides of his upper lip in a dream, it means that he carries burdening debts, or that he has lost dignity. If one’s face looks different or missing some of its clarity or beauty in a dream, it denotes someone who jokes excessively, for immoderate jesting, hilarity or mirth decreases people’s respect. If there is no skin to cover one’s cheeks in a dream, it means that he lives from asking others for his needs. Dust coveringone’s face in a dream means deficiency in one’s religious devotion. If one’s face or eyes turn bluish in a dream, it means that he is a criminal in God’s sight. An opaque face in a dream represents a liar or an innovator. If the color of one’s face is blush or reddish with white spots in the dream, it means joy, happiness and good living….

…In a dream, anklets represent one’s son. Wearing golden anklets in a dream means a severe illness, or that one may commit a major sin. However, if a woman sees herself wearing anklets in a dream, it means that she is safe and protected. If she is unwed, it means that she will marry a gracious and a generous person with whom she will live happily and content. If a man sees himself wearing a pair of golden anklets in a dream, it means adversities, distress or imprisonment. It is said that anklets in a dream represent shackles in wakefulness, except for a wedding ring or a necklace. What a woman sees as beauty or imperfect in her anklets in a dream will reflect upon her husband. If she is unmarried, the anklet will then reflect on her adornment or makeup. In a dream, anklets also represent honor, wealth,…

When you see the deer in a dream, then such dream foretells about harmony, innocence, beauty and elegance. The dream about deer indicates many feminine aspects of the dreamer, where the one uses the beauty and grace as the tool to success. The deer that is black indicates your wish to get rid of all the feminine factors. Perhaps you do not feel comfortable being the woman. If you were hunting for a deer and killed it, then it means you are no longer in connection with being a woman.

…I believe there are people who dream the same dreams repeatedly, even down to the most minor details. One of the dreams I am continually dreaming is as follows: I am walking along the sea-front of some popular watering-place, which, judging by the style of houses and appearance of the people, I should say was abroad. The sun is shining, the sea exquisitely blue; whilst, to enhance the beauty of nature, a band is playing, and playing remarkably well, some gay operatic music. What I see, what I feel, what I think, has about it nothing of the unmistakeable idiosyncrasy of a dream, but all is rigorously self -consistent. I am enjoying myself to the utmost, when, on turning round, I perceive behind me a tramp — a man with a shock head of red hair, and features that are ineffaceably stamped on my memory. He is a blight,…

…(Woman’s milk-producing glands) A woman’s breast in a dream represent’s one’s wife, progeny and a large property. They also represent honor and prosperity. Their beauty is her beauty, and their ailment is her illness. If one sees a woman hanging down from her breast in a dream, it means that she has committed adultery and that she will give birth to a bastard son. If a man sees milk coming from his breast, and if he is poor, it means that his poverty will end, his life will be a long one, and he will even carry the financial responsibility of caring for two of his brothers. If he is unmarried, it means that he argues about his fertility and doubts his own ability to conceive children. If a young woman sees her breasts in a dream, it means that she will bear a child. Otherwise, if a single…

For a young woman Dreaming of meeting her ideal, foretells a season of uninterrupted pleasure and contentment. For a bachelor Dreaming of meeting his ideal, denotes he will soon experience a favorable change in his affairs.

…(Cover | Hide | Farmer | Infidel | Ingratitude | Profane | Unbeliever | Ungodly) In a dream, seeing an irreligious person means meeting an enemy. Seeing an elderly person who is irreligious in a dream means meeting an old enemy whose hatred is clearly shown on his face. Seeing an irreligious housekeeper, or an old employee in a dream means suffering from the hidden evils of an avowed enemy. Becoming irreligious in a dream means embracing innovation, or whatever practices one considers and uses as his religion. Seeing an irreli- gious person sitting on a table with a plate of honey before him and refusing to eat from it in the dream means that he is ungrateful to his Lord, and that he does not confess to the innumerable favors which God Almighty has given him during this life. A gathering of irreligious people in a dream represents…

…To dream of a religious revival, or of being where a great many people are holding a revival meeting, is a sign that you win go into a disreputable public place and lose caste: if you take part in the meeting, it foretells that you will come to disgrace, as all such dreams work contra wise. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 13, 57….

…in a dream also signifies an oath, meeting with one’s beloveds, peace, tranquility and safety. Meeting with God- fearing people in a dream means attaining one’s goals and receiving glad tidings. Seeing the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in a dream means adversities, earthquake, fear and corruption. Seeing a city in a dream also could mean repentance from sin. A province in a dream represents its governor or renowned scholars. Governing a city in a dream means rising to a suitable position, getting married, recovering from an illness, repenting from sin, or receiving guidance at the hand of a learned shaikh. Seeing a deceased person walking alive in a city in a dream perhaps means that he is in paradise enjoying its blessings. Seeing a deceased person in a village in a dream means that he might be in hell laboring with its people. A city in a dream also…

…An apple tree in a dream represents a good man who serves and cares about his community. A crack in a tree in a dream represents members of one’s family who will brace against him. A palmyra tree in a dream represents a wise man, a poet, or an astronomer. Seeing one, or sitting under it in a dream means meeting such a person. An oak tree in a dream means profits, prosperity, honor, associating with heedless people who live in the mountains, or perhaps it could mean visiting righteous people or a renunciate who lives in the wilderness or in uninhabited ruins. A mimosa tree in a dream represents stinginess, evil, or pursuing the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire. A buckthorn tree that grows datelike fruit in a dream represents a noble and a generous woman, or it could represent a noble and a generous man. The…

…(Admonition | Fellowship | Gathering | Meeting | Religious meeting) If one who does not qualify to be a spiritual leader or a scholar sees himself holding a religious gathering and admonishing people to do good and to forbid evil in a dream, it means distress and an illness which he is praying hard for it to be lifted by God’s leave. However, if he does speak wisdom during such a spiritual gathering in his dream, it means praying hard to have one’s distress and illness lifted by God’s leave. Consequently, and God willing, he will recover from his illness and be able to dispel his adversities. His condition will change from tightness to abundance. He will repay his debts and overcome his oppressors. If one sees a spiritual gathering where God’s Name is glorified, the holy Qur’an is read and wisdom is spoken in his dream, it means…

…(Friend | Responsibility | Support) Riding over the shoulders of one’s enemy in a dream means committing a wrongdoing or a shameful act against someone. If there is no enmity between the two, and if one sees himself riding over the shoulders of his friend in a dream, it means that he will earn something from him. Carrying someone over one’s shoulders in a dream means being indebted to him. Carrying a hypocrite over one’s shoulders in a dream could mean that one may work at a lumberyard, or deliver wood for living. One’s shoulders in a dream also represent his parents, brothers, partners, one’s station, or beauty. Anything that affects them in a dream will show in any of the above. Shoulders in a dream also represent one’s partner, his employee, assistant, or a close friend. As for a prisoner, having large shoulders in a dream means serving…

…In a dream, nose relates to the sense of smelling. It represents the element of comfort by taking in needed oxygen for the body to satisfy its needs. The immediate sense of physical tranquility produced by inhaling through one’s nose in one’s dream represents liveliness and comfort. If breathing in also includes smelling a sweet fragrance in the dream, then it reflects the immediate results of one’s satisfaction. Nose in a dream also represents an aspect of one’s beauty, or what one adorns himself with, such as wealth, or pride he takes in his father, a son, a brother, a wife, a just partner or an employee. A beautiful nose in a dream represents the good conditions of one’s life. A large nose in a dream means oppression or compulsion. Smelling a good fragrance in a dream means rising in station. If one sees himself in a dream having…

Dreaming that your lover, boyfriend or girlfriend, is beautiful but poor, implies that you want to have a rich partner. Dreaming you’re in a relationship with a partner that is old but rich, means failure if you were to marry your current lover. Dreaming that your lover, boyfriend or girlfriend, is dead means doubts as to formalize your relationships.

Dreaming of being short-sighted without actually being short-sighted in real life, indicates ignorance of one-self, which will produce bad results. It also implies infidelity from the dreamer’s partner. Dreaming that a romantic partner is short-sighted implies that this person is indifferent to the love of the dreamer.

If you dream that you are being unfaithful to your partner means that you are having thoughts of being by yourself or have a crush on the person who you were unfaithful with. The dream shows that you are not happy the relationships you are in, at least this time of your life. If your partner is being unfaithful to you in your dream, it means that you are afraid of being betrayed or you do not trust this person as much as you would like to. Sometime we dream about our partners being unfaithful, because we are jealous while they are communicating with other people or simply doesn’t pay as much attention as we would like to receive. The unfaithfulness is very common dream, so you should consider the relationships you are in and why you have these kind of dreams.

If you are kissing someone in romantic way, it shows your romantic feelings towards that particular person. You have a very close relationships to that person. If you kiss someone who is not your partner, it shows that you have the feelings to this person or would like to see the features of him/her in your partner. If the romantic kiss is not enjoyable, you do not have the sexual affection to this person or simply are angry for something and have unsolved problems. The romantic kissing could also show how much you are longing for it, because it don’t experience romantic kissing in a very long time. To get more interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of non-romantic kissing.

If you dream that your spouse partner has made an adultery, means that you have the trust issues. You are afraid to lose this person, therefore you dream that he or she will find someone better than you. Some people who have experienced the adultery in reality dream about it either, because it was unforgettable and painful experience. The dream could also indicate the fact that you are very jealous person and do not trust your other half. If you have been betrayed through the adultery in your dream, it means that there are some unsolved issues with your partner and you wish for revenge or simply are angry.

If you see the fool moon at night while dreaming, then such dream signifies misery and tranquillity. The full moon is also an omen of richness. The moon that is not full foreshadows the unfaithfulness from your spouse partner. The two of you are not fully happy, therefore your partner will look for the comfort somewhere else. The moon that is in eclipse signifies the necessity of help from your friends. If you see yourself looking at the moon with your sweetheart, you will become happy and stay loved forever by this person. The joy and love will finally be in your life. If you are feeling afraid of the moonlight, you will have small problems that will be easily solvable.

…(Secretary) In a dream, shelves represent one’s confidant, the keeper of his secrets, one’s secretary, one who veils noble women’s personal pitfalls, or one who creates a facade for some charitable women. To see a shelf that carries some unique or precious collectibles in one’s house or shop in a dream means that one may beget an intelligent son who is diversified and capable, and who will grow to become a renowned man of knowledge. A shelf supported with rods in a dream represents a chaste woman who protect her husband’s secrets. A shelf in a dream also represents a trustworthy business partner who labors hard for the success of the business, and who respects and guards his partner’s interests….

…greatly confused, it whirled round and round at a tremendous rate until it tied itself up in a hopeless knot.” If that isn’t a misfortune, I don’t know what it is!” whistled the boy. ” Have some honey?””But how am I to get it?” I enquired.” I can’t cut you open!””If you were not quite so big,” he said,” I should suggest you let yourself down into my inside by your tail, but alas! It’s your size that’s in the way. And, after all, honey may not be good for you!”That is because you want it all for yourself, I cried, trying in vain to stop dancing, and all but tripping over my partner, who had the most irritating knack of flapping between my legs, “Life is full of gluttons,” whistled the boy. ”I’m one, you’re one, and so is your partner,” and, leaving off whistling, he turned very pale…

…To dream that you are homosexual person, which in your waking life you are not, signifies alliance with all parts of yourself. The dream shows that you are united within yourself. You accept all of your negatives and positive aspects of yourself. Alternatively, the dream might show that you are in doubt with the feminine aspects of your personality or masculine aspects of your personality. If you dream that the person you are in love with is homosexual, then such dream shows your fears and anxieties you have about that person. Perhaps you are afraid that you are not good enough to be the partner of that person. The dream could also indicate the fact you are avoiding to face about your partner that he or she is actual homosexual, therefore the subconscious mind of yours is telling you do not deny this. If you are homosexual in your…

…In a dream, a bow means travels, a brother, a wife, a son or closeness to someone. A covered bow in a dream means that, one’s wife is pregnant. If a pregnant woman hands a man a bow in a dream, it means that she will conceive a girl from him. If a pregnant woman hands her husband a bow in a dream, it means that she will deliver a boy. Stretching the strings of a bow in a dream means longevity. Stretching it without an arrow in a dream means planning! to travel. A broken bow in a dream signifies the death of a brother, a business partner, or a son. A bow is broken bow in a dream means that an accident may cause the hand of a brother or a business partner to fracture. Holding a broken bow in a dream means losing one’s job or…

Kissing a person of the opposite sex and not our partner means harbinger of infidelity, but kissing our partner on the other hand, it indicates that good times are coming. Kissing the ground is a sign of feeling humiliated or scared of arriving penalties. Some authors add that seeing us in a dream kissing a dead, presages heritage. Also in this dream we must take into account that it could be showing repressed sexual tendencies.

…If you dreamed about sex, then such dream may have many different explanations depending on the various contexts of the dream. To dream that you were having sex, could show the actual lack of sex in your life. Maybe partner you have do not pay enough attention to you, especially the sexual one. The sex is also the symbol of fertility, new life and new opportunities. Maybe you are willing to start a family life therefore the regular sex is inseparable part of it. The sex in a dream could also show the massive impact the media does to you such as magazines, internet, television and others where the sexuality plays a huge role. If you had a sex with your partner in a dream, then it shows the strong bond between you two. To have sex with your ex denotes to the lack of sex in your waking…

If we find ourselves in some sort of meeting within dreams, where a person is speaking nonsense, then it usually means that there are one or more people trying to make a profit at our expense and we should be aware so we take all possible measures to prevent issues of our businesses being affected.

…one’s dues or to distribute alms tax on one’s liquid assets, because one cannot enjoy his catch unless he first cleanse it. Seeing sea fish swimming toward sweet waters, or river fish swimming toward the sea in a dream means hypocrisy, falsehood or the rise of an innovator or an impostor. If one sees fish swimming on the water surface in a dream, it means ease in attaining his goals, exposing secrets, unveiling hidden past, reviewing old books or redistributing an old inheritance. If one sees fish that have the look of human beings in a dream, it means business, trading or meeting with an interpreter, or a translator, or associating with people of good character. If such fish with a human face look beautiful, then one’s companions are good. Otherwise, if the fish look ugly in the dream, then it means that he has associated himself with evil companions….

…If you ascend to heaven in a dream, you will fail to enjoy the distinction you have labored to gain,, and joy will end in sadness. If young persons dream of climbing to heaven on a ladder, they will rise from a low estate to one of unusual prominence, but will fail to find contentment or much pleasure. Dreaming of being in heaven and meeting Christ and friends, you will meet with many losses, but will reconcile yourself to them through your true understanding of human nature. Dreaming of the Heavenly City, denotes a contented and spiritual nature, and trouble will do you small harm….

…tale-dream, the introductory scene of which was also in Hyde Park. I thought I was sauntering down one of the quietest and least -frequented of the side-walks that converge, and, meeting, form an angle atHyde Park Corner, when I saw, sitting on a bench, a man whose mere outline instantly arrested my attention and enlisted my sympathy. As I approached, the gaslight caught his face and threw his features into such strong relief that I paused to look at him; and if ever I saw real, honest resentment at Fortune’s capricious behaviour deep-rooted in a human countenance, I saw it in this man’s. Here was no mere idler, no miserable whiner; here was a man who was up in arms against Providence, because he felt he had justifiable grounds of complaint.He had a strong, massive frame, which, had it been decently nourished, would undoubtedly have marked him for a fine…

…To see a sweet potato in you dream, can be interpreted as symbolism of psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives. If you eat sweet potato in the dream, then it means that your sexual appetite is stronger than the person that you are with. If your partner is eating sweet potato, then it means otherwise – your libido is lower. In both cases, sweet potate shows demand of balancing relationship. You need to find compromise within some aspects of yourself in order to make the relationship comfortable and satisfying for both….

Dreaming about tracking the wild games signifies the growth of your financials or luck in some issues. If you missed some kind of animal, you will not succeed. The female who is hunting in a dream will find the partner of her life. This might be the man who will become her husband in the very near future.

…Dreaming that you are jealous of your wife, denotes the influence of enemies and narrow-minded persons. If jealous of your sweetheart, you will seek to displace a rival. If a woman dreams that she is jealous of her husband, she will find many shocking incidents to vex and make her happiness a travesty. If a young woman is jealous of her lover, she will find that he is more favorably impressed with the charms of some other woman than herself. If men and women are jealous over common affairs, they will meet many unpleasant worries in the discharge of every-day business….

When you are dreaming of trying to find the right answer to an addition case, it represents how difficult and hard is going to be for you while you will compete with your competitors. If you want to achieve the task you always wanted to reach, make sure you are working hard enough. If you see a miscarriage in an addition case, it represents that you will be the first one to find out about your competitors plans, and you will be the one who will fulfill it.

…To pick up money in dreams signifies impending petty troubles. How often have some, perhaps many, of us in our dreams seen a sovereign on the pavement, and, on greedily picking it up, seen another, and then others, until the whole street — like Whittington’s of yore — seemed paved with gold. And how bitterly disappointed, I venture to think, have most of us been on awakening, to find the golden harvest flown!The finding of a coffin in a dream portends a death, usually that of a child. To find bones presages illness or death….