To wear only socks in a dream, means that the one feels confidence and security at the place he is at the moment. The dream could also indicate the tendency to put other people first instead of caring only his own business. If you lost the sock, it means that there are some things which you find it hard to put together or you are in conflict with someone and unable to find an agreement.

…To dream of digging in clean and healthy ground, is a sign of thrift, and good luck generally: if the ground be dirty or wet, it shows trouble: if you are digging for gold, and find large and rich lumps, it shows you’ll have some good luck, but if the product is meagre, or if you don’t find any, it foretells disappointment li you lose any of your tools it is a sign of a quarrel. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14, 71….

…If you find yourself morose in dreams, you will awake to find the world, as far as you are concerned, going fearfully wrong. To see others morose, portends unpleasant occupations and unpleasant companions….

…Dreaming of a janitor, denotes bad management and disobedient children. Unworthy servants will annoy you. To look for a janitor and fail to find him, petty annoyances will disturb your otherwise placid existence. If you find him, you will have pleasant associations with strangers, and your affairs will have no hindrances….

If you dream that you are speaking in some foreign language, then it could predict you frustration as you are trying to understand others, but find it hard to be done. I f you feel comfortable while speaking the other language you know, then it shows the self-trust you have and there are no barriers to you that could be impregnable. If you try to speak in foreign language, but cannot find the right words, you will be shamed because of some situation by other people.

If you dream of seeing the detective, then such dream indicates worries and threat which are waiting for you. Perhaps there is some situation in which you have made mistakes, therefore you are afraid of being caught. If you are the detective in a dream, then it means you are trying to find some answers to questions about your personality or other people you are surrounded by. The dream shows how hard you are trying to find the solution for these issues. If the detective has been following you, then such dream shows the things you regret and wish they never happened before. Perhaps the dream suggests you to fix these problems if you wish to feel well again.

…Plums, if they are green, unless seen on trees, are signs of personal and relative discomfort. To see them ripe, denotes joyous occasions, which, however, will be of short duration. To eat them, denotes that you will engage in flirtations and other evanescent pleasures. To gather them, you will obtain your desires, but they will not prove so solid as you had imagined. If you find yourself gathering them up from the ground, and find rotten ones among the good, you will be forced to admit that your expectations are unrealized, and that there is no life filled with pleasure alone….

If you dream of an abyss, it represents the barriers you are facing in your life. You should consider the things you want to do in your life and try to find out what barriers do not let you move forward. Do not be afraid of challenges you are going to have, as you will sort everything out, you will be capable to find the solution to achieve the task. This dreams also shows that you are worrying about your future, about who you are, what you feel and what you are afraid of. If you are dreaming that you are falling into abyss, it signifies your hidden plans for the future. The dreams also could be the meaning of your fear to start something new in your life or your fear taking the risks.

It symbolizes intimately desired things. If we want to get some dollars it symbolizes the desire for another person of the opposite sex. To find dollars and be afraid of being seen taking them refers to illicit relations. To buy something and be given more dollars or find dollars means that what we bought had a value higher than we imagined, in the moral, material, or sentimental sense. If our lover steals from us it means we exaggerate our love sacrificing things that are also important. To lose money indicates we fear losing something very dear.

…For a young woman Dreaming that she is a bride, foretells that she will shortly come into an inheritance which will please her exceedingly, if she is pleased in making her bridal toilet. If displeasure is felt she will suffer disappointments in her anticipations. Dreaming that you kiss a bride, denotes a happy reconciliation between friends. For a bride to kiss others, foretells for you many friends and pleasures | to kiss you, denotes you will enjoy health and find that your sweetheart will inherit unexpected fortune. To kiss a bride and find that she looks careworn and ill, denotes you will be displeased with your success and the action of your friends. If a bride dreams that she is indifferent to her husband, it foretells that many unhappy circumstances will pollute her pleasures. See Wedding….

To dream of losing money denotes losses in business. To find money, if gold, or large bank bills, is a good omen, and signifies success in all your undertakings; but to dream you find small silver or copper coin foretells a discovery made too late to be of any benefit to you. To dream you are melting or see money melted or bank bills burned, presages disappointment in some cherished design. To dream you throw money away foretells chagrin and want. To dream you change money foretells inconstancy in a lover or sweetheart. To dream you have money given or paid to you, implies success in love affairs, and much domestic happiness. To dream of counterfeit money is a bad omen, and foretells quarrels, sickness, and secret enemies; it also presages domestic unhappiness. To dream of money in bags or boxes, also denotes misfortune of some kind.

…To visit an academy in your dreams, denotes that you will regret opportunities that you have let pass through sheer idleness and indifference. To think you own, or are an inmate of one, you will find that you are to meet easy defeat of aspirations. You will take on knowledge, but be unable to rightly assimilate and apply it. For a young woman or any person to return to an academy after having finished there, signifies that demands will be made which the dreamer may find himself or her self unable to meet….

If you see some directions that are hard to understand in your dream, then such dream indicates the confusion you are suffering from, therefore you are trying to find the answers to your questions. If you are unable to understand these directions, it means that you do not know what to do in certain relationships or situation. If the directions are very easy to follow, you will find the solution to your problems very easily.

…To see snow in your dreams, denotes that while you have no real misfortune, there will be the appearance of illness, and unsatisfactory enterprises. To find yourself in a snow storm, denotes sorrow and disappointment in failure to enjoy some long-expected pleasure. There always follows more or less discouragement after this dream. If you eat snow, you will fail to realize ideals. To see dirty snow, foretells that your pride will be humbled, and you will seek reconciliation with some person whom you held in haughty contempt. To see it melt, your fears will turn into joy. To see large, white snowflakes falling while looking through a window, foretells that you will have an angry interview with your sweetheart, and the estrangement will be aggravated by financial depression. To see snow-capped mountains in the distance, warns you that your longings and ambitions will bring no worthy advancement. To see…

If you see the junkyard in the dream, it shows that you are dealing with unpleasant circumstances in your life. If you are picking up good stuff from the junk yard, it shows that you are not enjoying your life and trying very hard to find the positivity in all of this mess. Sometimes the junk yard indicates the life you are not happy with, because of the others damage that was made to you. The junk yard could have a positive meaning either, because it shows your ability to find the goodness in the bad things and take what is the best for you.

The meaning of this dream depends on the situation we find ourselves in during the dream. If in the dream we find that the curfew is imposed on us, then it usually means that there will be sudden events that will impose prudence, and quite possibly serious problems that will upset everyday activities.

The hair are the symbol of your mind, femininity and thoughts. The hair that are grey signifies knowledge. The dream in which you find the hair signifies the unexpected things you will find out. If you are combing your hair, then such dream indicates some journey you will have to take. The longer the hair, the longer the journey. If you see yourself getting bold, then such dream foretells about the things you wish to get rid of, or you are afraid of losing yourself, because many people need your attention. If the woman dreams of two different colors of her hair where one part of it is dark and another bright, then she will have to choose something between two.

…The marketplace represents the theater of our external existence and material things. The people we see there, are those that are ordinarily in our real life. The corridors and marked trails in the market represent the paths of our life. The market and its stalls tell us that in this life we must pay a price because we acquire and possess. Seeing a market from afar, with no details, and doing nothing to approach it, often reflects a period of material hardship. To enter the market without actually buying reflects the search, the need to find the means or the most appropriate way for the realization of our projects and ambitions. Also entering without buying can mean a simple desire for promiscuity that usually appears in our life when we lack human warmth or communication. Not to find in market what we look for or feel overwhelmed by the…

The frustration foretells about your relationships or situations that you are struggling while solving them. Make sure you find out what is the frustration is caused about, then you will be able to find the way to do something about it and won’t feel any stress anymore.

…I can fly. To substantiate my statement, I then climb on to the table or chair, spring off, and, with both feet together, rise to the ceiling, much to my own gratification and the edification of my audience.Bitter, indeed, is my chagrin when I awake and discover that I am as far off flying as ever. Again, many is the time I have dreamed I have been in a huge, empty house, pursued by some grotesque monstrosity that, after chasing me up endless staircases and along the most blood-curdling corridors, has at length cornered me in a gloomy top attic. All seems hopeless, and I am expecting to be caught every second, when, just as the dreadful creature bounds into the room, I leap on to the window-sill and, with a prodigious bound, spring into space. And then, joy of joys, instead of falling, I find I can fly —…

…Dreams of apparel, denote that enterprises will be successes or failures, as the apparel seems to be whole and clean, or soiled and threadbare. To see fine apparel, but out of date, foretells that you will have fortune, but you will scorn progressive ideas. If you reject out-of-date apparel, you will outgrow present environments and enter into new relations, new enterprises and new loves, which will transform you into a different person. To see yourself or others appareled in white, denotes eventful changes, and you will nearly always find the change bearing sadness. To walk with a person wearing white, proclaims that person’s illness or distress, unless it be a young woman or child, then you will have pleasing surroundings for a season at least. To see yourself, or others, dressed in black, portends quarrels, disappointments, and disagreeable companions | or, if it refers to business, the business will…

…brother, then it means that he will receive money or an inheritance. Cutting one’s hand with a knife in a dream means that one will see wonders. Sheathing a knife in a dream means getting married. If one is married, and if his wife is pregnant, then it means that she will beget a boy, unless if what she carries with her in the dream is more suited for a girl, then it means that she will give birth to a baby girl. If one needs a witness for a trial, and if he sees himself carrying a knife in a dream, it means that he will find such a witness. If the knife is sharpened in the dream, it means that one will find a true witness. If the knife is dull in the dream, it means that his witness is shabby, or that his witness may be hurt…

If you were in search of something, then such dream shows that you find it hard to find the answer to particular question or situation you are in at the moment.

…To dream that you’re digging suggests that in your real life you’re trying to hide something, what causes you psychological fears. To dream that you find something shinny while you dig the ground suggests that the results will depend on how you conduct your personal commitments. To dream that you’re digging mud suggests poor results in your affairs, and worse if the mud is pestilential. To dream that you’re digging and accidentally find a clean water well announces an upcoming success, but if the water is dirty, it indicates failures….

…Dreaming you have a rival, is a sign that you will be slow in asserting your rights, and will lose favor with people of prominence. For a young woman, this dream is a warning to cherish the love she already holds, as she might unfortunately make a mistake in seeking other bonds. If you find that a rival has outwitted you, it signifies that you will be negligent in your business, and that you love personal ease to your detriment. If you imagine that you are the successful rival, it is good for your advancement, and you will find congeniality in your choice of a companion….

…Dreaming of clay, denotes isolation of interest and probable insolvency. To dig in a clay bank, foretells you will submit to extraordinary demands of enemies. If you dig in an ash bank and find clay, unfortunate surprises will combat progressive enterprises or new work. Your efforts are likely to be misdirected after this dream. Women will find this dream unfavorable in love, social and business states, and misrepresentations will overwhelm them….

…journey by land. A banner or a flag in a dream also means that one will be wrapped in ambiguity in relation to a particular matter and he will not find a way out. If one sees a flag and a brigade in a dream, it means that he will be able to find his way through the difficulties and overcome his sadness and adversities. His heart will have peace and his path will open before him. If the flag represents a country in the dream, it means that one may visit such a country. If a woman sees herself burying three banners in a dream, it means that she will marry three men who belong to the noble class of the society. Such three people will die one after the other. As for a pregnant woman, a flag in a dream means a son and for an unwed woman,…

…Dreaming that you are in a library, denotes that you will grow discontented with your environments and associations and seek companionship in study and the exploration of ancient customs. To find yourself in a library for other purpose than study, foretells that your conduct will deceive your friends, and where you would have them believe that you had literary aspirations, you will find illicit assignations….

…For a young woman Dreaming that she lives in fairy like opulence, denotes that she will be deceived, and will live for a time in luxurious ease and splendor, to find later that she is mated with shame and poverty. When young women dream that they are enjoying solid and real wealth and comforts, they will always wake to find some real pleasure, but when abnormal or fairy-like dreams of luxury and joy seem to encompass them, their waking moments will be filled with disappointments | as the dreams are warnings, superinduced by their practicality being supplanted by their excitable imagination and lazy desires, which should be overcome with energy, and the replacing of practicality on her base. No young woman should fill her mind with idle day dreams, but energetically strive to carry forward noble ideals and thoughts, and promising and helpful dreams will come to her while…

It symbolizes things we desire intimately. If we desire to get money it symbolizes desire towards a person of another gender. To find a treasure and fear being seen taking it is a reference to illicit relationships. To buy something and be given more money or find money means that what we bought had a value higher than we imagined, in the moral, material, or sentimental sense. If our lover steals money from us it means we exaggerate our love sacrificing things that are also important. To lose money indicates we fear losing something very dear.

If the dreamer sees himself/herself as bisexual person when in real life is not, the main explanation of this dream foretells about your sexual suppressions. Sometimes we are afraid to express our needs only because we try to avoid the rejection. It is not possible that all of your needs will match to someone’s also, but you should try to find the compromise to solve those differences. Alternatively, the dream could also represent bewilderment. Try to look deeper into your soul and find out who are you.

The dream, in which someone has locked you up, denotes to your fears of being unapproved and discarded. Perhaps you find it difficult to find the contact with others. The place of where you have been locked up, would give much more of the interpretation about the dream.

…To attend a wedding in your dream, you will speedily find that there is approaching you an occasion which will cause you bitterness and delayed success. For a young woman Dreaming that her wedding is a secret is decidedly unfavorable to character. It imports her probable downfall. If she contracts a worldly, or approved marriage, signifies she will rise in the estimation of those about her, and anticipated promises and joys will not be withheld. If she thinks in her dream that there are parental objections, she will find that her engagement will create dissatisfaction among her relatives. For her Dreaming her lover weds another, foretells that she will be distressed with needless fears, as her lover will faithfully carry out his promises. For a person Dreaming of being wedded, is a sad augury, as death will only be eluded by a miracle. If the wedding is a gay…

…shows your wish to change yourself. If you see new clothes with tags on it, then it shows how you are trying to adjust new things in your life. Perhaps you find it being too difficult and not what you wish for. If you wear clothes that are torn, then it shows the minor issues while accepting different opinions. The dream also shows the negative features of your personality. If the clothing you wear is too tight or too small, then such dream represents the situation in your life you find hard to fit. If the clothes you wear are too big or very loose, then it could show the mellow features in your personality. Such dream could also indicate the stage in your waking life you feel uncomfortable to be. If you dream of the clothes that are all white, then such dream could show the bland aspects of…

…If you are behind something or someone in a dream, then it means you are looking for acceptance and support from those around you. The dream also shows the lack of security feeling you are suffering from. On the other hand, the dream may symbolize the thoughts that are coming out from the subliminal mind of yours. If someone has left you behind, then it foretells about the declination you are suffering from. There is also possibility that you find it hard to adapt on various circumstances. Mostly of the time you are trying to find of who you are, and how dormant you are. If you were the one who left someone behind, then it denotes to the past you were able to forget….

To dream of reading the map means that you are trying to find the answers to your questions for particular questions. To dream that you can’t read or understand the map, means that you are unable to find the solution to your questions. You do not know which direction to choose. The dream in which you see the map that has many different symbols, you should pay attention to these symbols and work the out to understand what the subconscious mind of yours is telling you. Try to remember each symbol and look for their meanings in other dream explanations.

To dream that you are throwing stuff away into the garbage shows that you are getting rid of the unnecessary things, individuals or emotions that are in your life. If someone has thrown the garbage at you, you feel disrespected. If you are picking up things at the garbage, it means that you are trying to find goodness where is impossible to find.

To dream you find bird’s nest is a good sign. To dream you find one without either eggs or birds, shows you will meet with a great disappointment.

The freeway in dreams indicates the way people go from one point to another. The freeway might also indicate the things that already happened in your life and you are unable to forget or the future which you are dreaming about and have some plane to fulfill it. If you find yourself being stuck in some freeway, it means that at some point of your life you are unable to move. If you do not find the way out of this path, the dream shows that you are feeling lost in some kind of situation. If you took the wrong way from your freeway, then such dream means that you accidently will put yourself in unpleasant situation.

…In a dream, a dream interpreter represents happiness for a sad person and sorrow for a happy person. If one who desires to maintain secrecy around his life and goals sees a dream interpreter in his dream, it means that he will find an intimate friend or a confidant to complete his intention. If one is expecting news from an associate or if someone in a different land sees a dream interpreter in his dream, it means that he will receive the desired news. A dream interpreter in a dream also represents knowledge of sings, deciphering mes- sages, analyzing substances, a tracer, a religious scholar, a lawyer, a good advisor, a compassionate friend, a judge or a physician. A dream interpreter in a dream also represents someone who does not keep a secret or someone who brings people both happy or sad news. In a dream, he is also…