…found myself being whirled along at a terrific pace — up, down, dash, smash, through pebbles and puddles, on and on I flew, and I saw all around me thousands of other boots and shoes, all propelled by gigantic, never-tiring Suffragettes, who covered the ground with prodigious, elephantine bounds. This terrible punishment went on for days and nights, till I at length grew so thin that there was scarcely anything left of me. Sometimes I was baked, sometimes drowned, whilst, at all times, my inside and outside were torn and mangled.Then, to my immeasurable joy, I was kicked off, and for some brief moments enjoyed perfect rest.From this happy state I was abruptly awakened, to find myself sitting bound and gagged in a high- backed chair. Bending over me was a very tall and slender dentist with a big, round, babyish face and happy, innocent smile. In one hand he…

The path in dreams indicates the way people go from one point to another. The path might also indicate the things that already happened in your life and you are unable to forget or the future which you are dreaming about and have some plane to fulfill it. If you find yourself being stuck in some path, it means that at some point of your life you are unable to move. If you do not find the way out of this path, the dream shows that you are feeling lost in some kind of situation. If you took the wrong way from your path, then such dream means that you accidently will put yourself in unpleasant situation.

To dream that you see the battle symbolizes tiredness. This dream is a warning that maybe you worked too hard and now you feel overstrained. Make sure you will find the time to relax and relieve all the fatigue. Your thoughts are very confused and it is hard for you to find the reasonable solution. The other meaning seeing the battle represents sexuality. Maybe you are trying to hide and cover up your sexual desires or maybe you are expressing them beyond the limits.

…Dreaming of being kidnapped basically means that you feel very uncomfortable in the environment you live, so you crave for an immediate change of life. Dreaming of collaborating for kidnapping someone means that you are living and interacting with people with a very low moral level, maybe criminals. A young, single woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she’s getting old and still doesn’t find a husband, or that her occupation or job is unpleasant but can’t find anything else that suits her desires. A married woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she has a very uncomfortable life with her husband because she doesn’t have a nice relationship with her family, her mother in law, or because the husband is very jealous, disobliged or vicious. Dreaming of being in a in a safe place means that you are confident in everything that…

…an argument, or a confusing deal, or doubt about something, it means that he will bring clarity to that problem. If he is incarcerated or if he is suffering from persecution, it means that he will bring proof of his innocence and escape from his difficulties. If he is depressed, it means that he will be able to dispel his worries. If he is travelling in a foreign country, it means that he will find a way back to his mother land, where he will find happiness again. Carrying a book or a letter in one’s left hand in a dream means that he has done something bad, or something which he will regret. Carrying a book in the right hand denotes a prosperous year. If a stranger takes one’s book away from him in the dream, it means that someone will take away from him his most precious and…

…For a lover to find his lady’s garter, foretells that he will lose caste with her. He will find rivals. For a woman Dreaming that she loses her garter, signifies that her lover will be jealous and suspicious of a handsomer person. For a married man Dreaming of a garter, foretells that his wife will hear of his clandestine attachments, and he will have a stormy scene. For a woman Dreaming that she is admiring beautiful jeweled garters on her limbs, denotes that she will be betrayed in her private movements, and her reputation will hang in the balance of public opinion. If she dreams that her lover fastens them on her, she will hold his affections and faith through all adverse criticisms….

…To find yourself bewildered by some mysterious event, denotes that strangers will harass you with their troubles and claim your aid. It warns you also of neglected duties, for which you feel much aversion. Business will wind you into unpleasant complications. To find yourself studying the mysteries of creation, denotes that a change will take place in your life, throwing you into a higher atmosphere of research and learning, and thus advancing you nearer the attainment of true pleasure and fortune….

…If you use a thimble in your dreams, you will have many others to please besides yourself. If a woman, you will have your own position to make. To lose one, foretells poverty and trouble. To see an old or broken one, denotes that you are about to act unwisely in some momentous affair. To receive or buy a new thimble, portends new associations in which you will find contentment. Dreaming that you use an open end thimble, but find that it is closed, denotes that you will have trouble, but friends will aid you in escaping its disastrous consequences….

Asylum in dream can be as secure shelter, as some kind of protection from danger or as an institution for the care of orphans or even insane asylum. It is matter what kind of asylum you have dreamed about. But most common interpretation explains asylum as symbol of hardships. When you dream of being at an asylum (madhouse or badlam) or orphanage, it signifies the stress you are suffering from. You are looking for help and trying to find support from someone. This dream symbolizes your weakness and deficiency. Try to admit your problems and find the help you need.

It symbolizes knowledge, inner richness that only a dangerous quest can achieve. If we do not reach the treasure as we wished, then it indicates desire for perfection and despair for not having reached yet. If we find the treasure full of dirt and corroded by time and humidity, then it is a way to recognize internally that the desired treasure was exclusively material and perishable. If what we find are worthless objects, then dream indicates that our desires to be rich are utopians.

If, during a dream, we find ourselves blowing a fire to keep it alive, it means that we’re making a great effort to keep our illusions alive. If, during a dream, we find ourselves blowing a fire to put it out, then it indicates that we’re tired, disenchanted and we lack the strength to keep fighting. We advise you to let go of your pessimism, to be persistent and keep on trying. If we see ourselves dusting off an object, it’s an omen for a secret that’ll be revealed soon.

If you see a shovel in a dream, then it shows that you are trying to find who you are and what you are able to do. This time of your life you are in a progress while trying to find things that are appropriate and true to you. On the other hand, the dream could show you that you give too much pressure for yourself.

…To dream that you find one is a good sign; to dream that you find one without either eggs or birds, shows you will meet with great disappointment. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64….

Sick, burned or dried up liver means dissipation and loss in riches and treasures. To see or find liver of an enemy, triumph over that of enemy and you will enrich yourself with his spoliation. To find the liver or lungs of an ox, bull, ram, or other horned animal, approaching inheritance of goods, employment and dignity from your surroundings.

To see yourself walking in a corridor, denotes to you desire to find the exit from some situation or relationships in your waking life. Perhaps you wish to find the escape from this situation, therefore you are walking in corridor. The dream could also represent how you are getting ready to make an important step in your life.

To dream that you see yourself being in the temple, means that you are trying to find the spiritual aspects of your personality. You try to find the connection between yourself and other world that is unknown to us. The temple could also indicate the new phases of your life that you are trying to understand and pass.

…Dreaming that you are taking part in the Holy Communion, warns you that you will resign your independent opinions to gain some frivolous desire. If you dream that there is neither bread nor wine for the supper, you will find that you have suffered your ideas to be proselytized in vain, as you are no nearer your goal. If you are refused the right of communion and feel worthy, there is hope for your obtaining some prominent position which has appeared extremely doubtful, as your opponents are popular and powerful. If you feel unworthy, you will meet with much discomfort. Dreaming that you are in a body of Baptists who are taking communion, denotes that you will find that your friends are growing uncongenial, and you will look to strangers for harmony….

…Wearing a fur coat in the winter in a dream means benefits and profits, for cold in a dream signifies poverty. If it is in the summer, then it means benefits accompanied with a sickness, distress and trouble. Sable, squirrel or tiger’s fur in a dream represents an iniquitous and an unfair person. Sable’s fur in a dream also means dominion, ungodliness and wickedness. It is also said that squirrel’s fur in a dream signifies pride, ostentation, a high rank or beauty, though without any religious or moral concerns. Wearing a fur coat inside-out in a dream means showing one’s wealth and being excessively ostentatious. Mending or repairing a piece of fur in a dream means suffering from an unexpected illness. Fox fur in a dream represents an insidious, crafty and a deceitful person. Sheep’s skin in a dream represents a noble, strong and an unassailable person. (Also see…

The antelope shows your fears or the feminine beauty.

If we dream of an estuary that announces joy because of a well-deserved success. The beauty of the landscape, the water, the riverbank are of great importance, they will help us define the dream.

…Dreaming of your flesh being full of pimples, denotes worry over trifles. To see others with pimples on them, signifies that you will be troubled with illness and complaints from others. For a woman Dreaming that her beauty is marred by pimples, her conduct in home or social circles will be criticised by friends and acquaintances. You may have small annoyances to follow this dream….

…If we dream with a river’s estuary it indicates joy for a deserved success. The beauty of the landscape, the water, the riverside, they’re of great importance. All of this will help us define the dream better….

If you see the wart in a dream then such dream offers you to accept and get to know the beauty that is in you. Perhaps you are judging yourself and being too harsh on yourself. Make sure you forgive yourself otherwise it will be very hard to live on.

For a young woman Dreaming of a physician, denotes that she is sacrificing her beauty in engaging in frivolous pastimes. If she is sick and thus dreams, she will have sickness or worry, but will soon overcome them, unless the physician appears very anxious, and then her trials may increase, ending in loss and sorrow.

…(Balance | Beauty | Capital | Craft | Death | Father | Knowledge | Life | Measur- ing cup | Oven | Parents | Teacher | Tent) In a dream, the head represents leadership, presidency, or one’s capital. If one’s head looks bigger than usual in the dream, then it represents his father, or it could mean rising in rank and receiving honor. If one’s head looks smaller in the dream, it means loss of respect, rank and honor. If an intelligent person sees his head smaller in a dream, it means that he will turn to ignorance, or perhaps lose his job. Seeing oneself in a dream having two or three heads means victory over one’s enemy, wealth for a poor person, blessed children for a rich person, marriage for an unwed person, or attainment of one’s goal. Seeing oneself in a dream without a head cover means…

Seeing orchids in a dream symbolizes the beauty of romance and sensuality. It can suggest that you need to give some special attention or care about a person, or it may represent a special occasion.

…To dream of this vegetable, signifies that a secret will be discovered, which will occasion a muss in the family. To a girl, it is a sign she will lose her beauty and to a lover, it foreshadows he will be “cut out” by some other nice young man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 38, 13….

Usually the gardens are the symbols of great joy and happiness. If the garden is not created by human, but made by nature, then it shows that you will struggle at some situations, however if the garden is beautiful, the universe will help you solving the situation. The garden that is full of flowers signifies joy and happiness in love affairs if the flowers are fresh. The garden that is filled with vegetables represents fertility, financial luck in your deals. The garden that is old and messy with no beauty in it, signifies the losses the dreamer will suffer and the unhappiness he will face.

…a woman, then his humiliation will be greater. Heceiving used garments but in a good condition as a gift in a dream means money, though if they are in bad condition, they mean trouble. A dog wearing a woolen cloak in a dream represents a just ruler. If one sees a lion wearing a cotton or a linen cloak in a dream, it represents a ruler who confiscates people’s properties and money. Wearing linen cloak in a dream also means living a dignified life. Eating a clean garment in a dream means receiving lawful earnings, and eating a dirty garment in a dream means living from unlawful money. Burning one’s garment in a dream means the end of his difficulties. Ironing off the creases of one’s garment before wearing it in a dream means interest in beauty, glitters and ornaments. (Also see Closet | Colors | Filth | Trader)…

…The window that is circular represents the spiritual aspects of the dreamer and the square or rectangular window indicates more grounded aspects of nature. If the view through the window is nice and sunny, then it reveals that our hopes and desires will become real in the near future. If we see only darkness while looking through the window, then it shows that the future is very uncertain, both materially and spiritually. If instead of looking out the window we are inside the room and we see the window far from us, then such dream shows that we understand the real beauty of the life. When we are not able to see the light and only perceive darkness, then it indicates our lack of responsiveness and our stubbornness. If we want to look out the window, but do not dare to do so, then it is a sign of…

…(Also known as John in Western traditions. God’s prophet Ishaq, son of the prophet Jacob, upon both of them be peace.) In a dream, seeing him indicates adversities and hardships. If one has a son who ran away in disobedience to his father, and if he sees God’s prophet Ishaq in a dream, it means that he will return to his home and be obedient again. This dream also indicates a surge of glad tidings, peace and tranquility. Seeing Ishaq (uwbp) in a dream also means suffering from persecution by the senators of one’s town, or from some of his relatives, and finally God Almighty will come to his help, and grant him back his integrity and honor. If one sees him in his best form and radiant beauty, it becomes a sign of glad tidings, whereby one’s progeny will engender leaders, governors and righteous people. Seeing him in…

If you see a bronze in a dream, then such dream indicates the achievements you have achieved. On the other hand, the dream about bronze could show the lack of responsibilities you take towards other people. The bronze is also associated with the beauty, healthy skin and charm in general.

…(God’s prophet Joseph, upon whom be peace | arb. Yiisuf) Seeing God’s prophet Joseph (uwbp) in a dream means attaining high rank or a vice-regency. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also could denote a time of rising prices, drought, loss of one’s family, or suffering from people’s stratagem, entering a prison, then be released by God’s grace. It also denotes one’s luck with women and adversities related to one’s beauty and good character. Seeing God’s prophet Joseph in a dream also means acquiring knowledge about dream interpretation, or catching one’s enemy, then forgiving him, or digging a river, a water irrigation, or transporting dead people from one country to another. It also could represent a great advent or a miracle by the fact that he (uwbp) had performed a miracle by God’s leave and returned his father’s sight. Joseph’s shirt in a dream means dispelling distress, sorrows and…

Dream of colorful flowers symbolizes kindness, compassion, tenderness, beauty and profits. The dream may mean an expression of love, joy and happiness. Wilted or white flowers symbolize disappointment and sad situations. To dream that someone gives you a bouquet of flowers is a sign of respect, admiration and recognition of others towards you. Dream of flowers in a desert means your energy and positive attitude will help you overcome current problems.

To dream we lose teeth is a symbol of frustration, castration or failure. To a man the dream of lacking teeth, especially because the teeth have decayed and fallen out, reflects fear of losing his virility or a defeat in life. To a woman it also means fear of growing old and in the case of being pregnant, fear of a difficult birth. It also depends on which teeth are lost. The incisors are figurative teeth. They symbolize external appearance, fame, celebrity and beauty. The canine tooth symbolizes rage and aggression. The molar tooth symbolizes stubbornness and perseverance.

Dream of a Virgin symbolizes the mystical mother, a giver of life and beauty, it also means blessings.

Dreaming of a wolf means you’ll have relations with a false person of bad feelings. Also represents hostility and aggression. On the other hand, it may reflect an uncontrollable force or situation in your life. Dream of fighting with a wolf indicates an implacable enemy, serious problems or obstacles difficult to overcome. Dream of being bitten by a wolf is a sign of moral damages and resentments. Dream of killing a wolf indicates betrayal and secrets that are revealed. Dream of a white wolf symbolizes beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and pride. You can keep your calm in a variety of social situations and can handle any situation with ease and grace. The white wolf also means courage and victory. You have the ability to see the light even over your darkest side.

The dream about the lake could have several meanings depending on the circumstances and the state of the lake. The lake that is crystal clear and you see swimming yourself in it, indicates your ability to move through life with grace and beauty. If the lake is muddy and dirty, it shows that the circumstances are very unfavorable to you. The lake could also be interpreted as the symbol of freedom, especially if you are floating in one. If you are drowning in the lake, you feel helpless in some situation which scares you a lot. The waves of the lake indicates the chaos and turbulence in your waking life.

If you dream about the swan, then such dream shows that you recognizing beauty and grace within yourself. The swan is also a symbol of love, therefore it could show how much in love you are at this time of your life. In some dreams the swan could be interpreted as the other person who has these qualities and you adore or enjoy seeing them very much.

These flowers represent delicacy and beauty, as well as delicate manners. For this reason, many authors interpret their appearance in dreams as a desire to incorporate harmony into our lives, or desire to change the social environment always looking for further refinement.