…struggled, but with no avail; and all the while I watched the ghastly, hideous terror in my friend’s upturned eyes and the increasing pallor in his cheeks. I saw him clutch and unclutched his fingers as he threw them wildly above his head and clawed the air; and then I beheld him sink — sink with one final, blood curdling scream for help that rang and re-rang through my brain as I awoke. The following day, I received a letter from this friend to say that he was in the greatest trouble owing to the illness of his youngest child; the doctors gave no hope of her complete recovery; they had unhesitatingly pronounced her a cripple for life. Often have I been drowning in dreams. The Thames has claimed my immaterial body times without number, and my frantic death-struggles have aroused the sympathy of scores of limb-tied spectators on Waterloo…

…(Apron | Serviette) A towel in a dream represents one’s servant, employee, housekeeper, or it could represent a pilgrimage to Mecca. In a dream, a towel also represents one’s wife, and for a woman it represents her husband. If a towel is used as a mat during sexual intercourse in a dream, then it represents a discrete servant who protects his mistress’s secrets, or it could represent money that serves woman’s needs and those of her children. To throw a towel at someone in a dream means to slam the door in his face, or it could mean separation between two people. To throw in the towel in a dream also means to give up one’s fight….

Dreaming of telling stories or anecdotes that make someone laugh indicates that the dreamer is naturally prone to be a victim of backbiting and criticism, and prefers the superficial, the trivial, and frivolous, over what can be truly transcendent, which will create problems. If a young girl has this dream it insinuates that she has by nature a frivolous and perhaps sexy personality. In reality, this is a warning dream for the dreamer to correct his or her behavior.

(See Mental derangement)

If you dream that you are looking out for help in some medical office, then this dream means that you actually need some mental or physical help. To get more interpretation of your dream, please also see the meaning of doctor, illness and sick.

The silver coins in dreams are the reflection of valuable things in your waking life such as money, jewelry or real estate. Sometimes the silver coins indicate the features such as your mental goodness, financial situation or emotional state. The silver coins can also be a reflection of the investments you have made in your waking life and are seen in the form of coins.

There will be bodily suffering and also mental agony. Great suffering due to enemies and death of relatives, etc.

When you dream of seeing an alley it represents your restricted choices. Maybe there are some things in your domestic surroundings which you do not know how to sort it out. When you dream of walking down the alley it symbolizes the danger you might be in. What you should do is to be more cautious and careful. This also could be a sign of someone talking behind your back, so be aware of that, as the image of yours could be understood in a negative way. This dream also tells you that mentally you might get tired and exhausted. Ty to look for support from people who genuinely loves you and cares about you.

Eat them, represents annoyances, sufferings and mental injuries. When rotten, sudden illness or pain.

It symbolizes our anxieties to experiment, use and even abuse in our desire to satiate. If we dream of being attacked by vampires, it is a warning that there might be someone around us wanting to take advantage of us in any of our daily activities. And if we are the vampires, it’s a warning of the danger that we could suffer due to getting carried away by our passions, the risk of harming ourselves either physically or mentally.

(See Insanity | Irrationality | Mental derangement)

The dream is presenting for something that is related to our future, whether in the mental, material or emotional level. You have to look if the kitchen is well stocked or not, because that will tell us if we are prepared to face events. If we are cooking, we’ll know if we still have much or little to learn to achieve our goals, depending on how good the stew is.

Dreaming of a wast cathedral with its domes rising into space, denotes that you will be possessed with an envious nature and unhappy longings for the unattainable, both mental and physical | but if you enter you will be elevated in life, having for your companions the learned and wise.

…dragon talks to him with clear expressions, or if the dragon gives him something, it mean glad tidings or good news. If a giant dragon is transformed into a man or a woman in a dream, it represents an army of male or female jinn (see alphabetically), and a marching army of female jinns in a dream means an enemy who conceals his true purpose or identity. Such an enemy has many heads and ways in the arts of ugly actions and evil thinking. Each head from one to seven represents an adversity of a different magnitude or an art of evildoing. If the dragon in one’s dream has seven heads, it represents an enemy that cannot be equalled and whose evil designs cannot be paralleled. If one sees himself owning and controlling a dragon in a dream, it means taking advantage of a person who is mentally ill. (Also…

Hurricane or typhoon symbolizes that a great test is to be faced and the outcome of which will strengthen or break us. If the dream is accompanied by positive emotions or ends well, it will be a test that we will overcome and we will emerge stronger mentally. If the emotions are negative or the dream ends badly that reflects the fear of events that we are unable to overcome and can bring us loss of property, friendships and even an accident.

Dreaming of yourself being lonely, isolated like a hermit, means mental and psychic confusion regarding what you want to do, and for which you may fail. Dreaming that other people are lonely implies that the dreamer is suffering because of other people.

To see a miller in a dream represents mental strength and sincerity. A miller indicates happy and favorable circumstances for you.

…When a woman dreams she’s dressed as a soldier or she’s among soldiers, it may mean that her desires are not healthy and, in consequence with her acts, she’ll be discredited in her social circle. When a man dreams he’s a soldier who just came out triumphant from a battle, it implies his dreams will soon come to fruition. Seeing a soldier in service, as a sentinel, implies that the dreamer must self-discipline himself in order to reach his goals. Dreaming of a soldier at ease implies that the dreamer suffers from illness and physical, or maybe mental, issues from an incorrect behavior. Seeing a soldier in the middle of combat implies that you’ll soon face battles of your own in order to defeat your illness. If you see yourself triumphant in battle, it may mean that the illness won’t stay for long. Dreaming of soldiers in a gala…

To dream that you have an infection means that there is something in your life that makes you feel ill mentally or physically. Sometimes the fungus can indicate the poisonous thoughts the dreamer has which make him feel bad.

…Dreaming of an enormous depth, abyss or precipice is always a warning of upcoming dangers. The best thing you can do after one of these dreams is to stay prepared, watchful. But always serene, waiting for whatever the dream was trying to announce. Usually these dreams reveal themselves in no more than two weeks. Dreaming of being at the edge of a cliff or abyss is usually a warning that some enemies are trying to hurt the dreamer. Dreaming of depths or abyss also suggests that the dreamer has an altered mental state and, if left untreated, he or she could suffer from psychological shocks or panic for almost any reason. The following interpretations are for the case that the dreamer, male or female, enjoys of reasonable good health and that is not being affected by serious concerns: Dreaming of falling off a cliff is an announcement that something…

Symbolizes energy, light, heat, life, irradiation, and brightness, that is to say, everything that is good. Dream with a rising sun indicates the beginning of an increased happiness and prosperity. If the sun is clear and splendorous, then it announces abundance, success, prosperity, health, inner energy and physical and mental abilities. An obscured sun or black represents a grave danger for life, business and happiness. The hidden sun through the clouds reveals sadness, concerns and fear.

The sex in dreams is interpreted as an omen of your intimate life either mental or physical one. The dream could be a reflection of someone in your life that is very close to you. Having intercourse with your partner means that you love and dear him/her very much. Sometimes the sex with some person doesn’t show the actual and sexual affection to him or her, but it simply shows that you would like to be with this person more. If the sex is unpleasant during your dream, you are unhappy about your life or relationships with particular person. Sometimes teenagers have these kind of dreams because of the sexual maturity that they getting into.

To dream it is in danger is a warning to keep a strict guard over your actions, lest you lose a good name; virtue is honoured by the greatest libertine, but mentally so. To dream you boast of your virtue shows you will yield to temptation, and not be able to conceal your fault. Let wisdom be your guide, persevere, and live honoured and happy.

To see an arrangement of parts or elements or in the sky to see a constellation of planets, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as suggestion that something in your life was apart, but now it is coming together. The situation in your life is going to become better, but in a complex way. Constellation also has the symbolic significance of a mental processes. You should consider what it is, that the constellation in your dream is describing or representing.

…and interacting with people with a very low moral level, maybe criminals. A young, single woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she’s getting old and still doesn’t find a husband, or that her occupation or job is unpleasant but can’t find anything else that suits her desires. A married woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she has a very uncomfortable life with her husband because she doesn’t have a nice relationship with her family, her mother in law, or because the husband is very jealous, disobliged or vicious. Dreaming of being in a in a safe place means that you are confident in everything that you decide to do. Dreaming of kidnapping means the lack of security such as locks also indicates self-doubt. Dreaming of trying to break a lock indicates mental confusion, that doesn’t allow you to solve your problems….

When you dream of the hickey, then such dream indicates the conflict between your emotions and thoughts. Perhaps you are not thinking clearly, instead you follow your feelings and make the decisions according to what you feel. On the other hand, the dream may show the tiredness and frustration you are suffering from. Perhaps you are tired mentally or physically. The dream suggests you to look more after yourself instead of others.

To dream that something bursts, is interpreted as mental or emotional strain. It means that you are in stressful situation. Maybe you are under a lot of pressure in your relationship.

…To see mustard growing, and green, foretells success and joy to the farmer, and to the seafaring it prognosticates wealth. To eat mustard seed and feel the burning in your mouth, denotes that you will repent bitterly some hasty action, which has caused you to suffer. Dreaming of eating green mustard cooked, indicates the lavish waste of fortune, and mental strain. For a young woman to eat newly grown mustard, foretells that she will sacrifice wealth for personal desires….

The dream of worshiping an image represents serious mental disturbance or unlucky business.

If you dreamed of being a Satyr or seeing one, then such dream symbolizes the desire of being sexually free. The dream suggests to get united the mental and physical states of the individual.

To see a metal object in your dream means physical and mental strength.

(Wedding) An officiant in a dream means a wedding, a divorce, or he could represent a pimp, depending on the mental condition, or the type of work one who is seeing the dream performs. (See Saddler)

(Carrier | Carrying weight | Burdens | Forbearance | Serving others) In a dream, a porter or a carrier represents a school bus driver who is entrusted with bringing the children to school, then taking them back home. Whatever appear- ance he shows in the dream, it will indicate the mental state of the school bus driver. A porter in a dream also represents someone who is carrying his own sins and burdens. To see oneself as a porter in a dream means doing penance. If a porter enters before a sick person in a dream, it means recovering from an illness. (Also see Tithe collector)

The fluid, chiefly water with dissolved sugars and mineral salts, that circulates in the vascular system of a plant, is explained as the dream with symbolism of strong health and vitality of the dreamer. To see sap in you dream means your physical health and great mental energy. It may also represent someone who is excessively trusting or believing. Maybe you are the person, which can be easily tricked or deceived. Dreaming of sap also is the representation of sentimental aspects in the dreamer.

…If one acts irrationally in a dream, it means that he will act with disgrace, stupidity or shamelessness in real life. Being irrational in a dream and intentionally using violent or insulting words, and acting deliberately in an evil way means despair of God’s mercy. It also means refuting or opposing some- thing. It is also interpreted to mean attending to one’s prayers without the ritual ablution. Irrationality in a dream also may mean insolent behavior, or ill speaking of peoples’ honor or chastity. (Also see Insanity | Mental derangement)…

…Walking on a slippery surface, or tripping over a slippery surface may mean abolition of a wrongdoing one has committed in the past. It also means forgetfulness, distraction, slowing of mental keenness, or diversion from one’s pursuit of knowledge. (Also see Slip of a tongue)…

Dreaming of being blind indicates that soon there will be changes in the dreamer’s life, generally towards poverty which usually appears subconsciously in the desperation of not finding a way out of certain problems. Dreaming that someone else is blind indicates that someone is asking mentally for the dreamer’s help.

To dream of public rejoicings means personal sorrow. To participate in them represents mental delusion.

…with a sword, it is the sign of the condemnation with threat of serious punishment. When you see several angels discussing in your dream, and worse, fighting, it suggests that the affairs that you’re managing are not going well. If the law is involved, it means that you’re might be going to lose it. Dreams in which angels appear and have some variations, for example: if you dream of them too often and in diverse and poorly defined activities, it usually means that there are some mental disorders that can be caused by you, or a third person. When you dream of angels frequently and you enjoy it (the dream is received with joy and you want to have it again), it indicates that the dreamer has mystic tendencies. Instead, when the dream produces an unpleasant feeling, tends to point at the poor health of a friend or relative….

…(Creation | Lower world | Material | Woman) In a dream, the world repre- sents a woman, and a woman represents the world. If one sees himself departing from this world in a dream, it means that he may divorce his wife. If one sees the world as totally destroyed and that he is the only remaining soul in it in a dream, it means that he may lose his sight. If one sees as though the entire world is placed before him to take whatever he desires from it in a dream, it means that he may become poor, or that he may die shortly after that dream. Seeing the world in a dream also means distractions, jokes, deception, arrogance, negating promises, failing one’s promises, theft, cheating, trickery, sufferings, a prostitute, adversities, sickness, paying fines, mental depression, limitations, appointments, dismissals, or disappointments. It also may be interpreted as…