Having several wishes that will not be gratified. 496.

Confusion in your own affairs.

Soon married.

…To dream about a marriage indicates compromise, harmony or transition. To dream of a marriage can also symbolize the unification of opposing aspects of your character. For example, it may represent the union of your masculine and feminine side. To dream of the person with whom you are married or former partner means that you assume certain aspects of your previous relationship with him/her and learned from them. It may also mean that you recognize that your current relationship has something in common with your previous relationship. To dream that you’re forced to marry someone indicates that you’ll be forced into an unpleasant situation. To dream that you’re unhappy with your marriage indicates you tend to perform illegal actions. To dream that you’re unhappy with your marriage can also indicate that you’ll force an unpleasant situation….

Great advantage, profit.

…are no benefits in that climbing in the dream, for there are no benefits without hardships. If at the end of his climbing one thanks God Almighty for what he has reached in the dream, it means that he will become a just ruler. If he calls to prayers on the top of a mountain or performs his prayers thereat in the dream, it means that he will be appointed to govern. If one sees himself descending a mountain in a dream, it means loss of rank, business losses, or regret. If one is accompanied with his king and soldiers in a dream, it means that he is in the company of God Almighty and that of His angels, therefore, he shall be victorious, whereby, he can win a war, conquer an enemy, or renounces his attachment to the world. If climbing a mountain with difficulty means distress, then descending…

…(Donkey | Ingratitude | Sin) If one sees a domesticated zebra in a dream, it means benefits and profits. Transformation of a donkey into a zebra in a dream means evil. If a zebra enters one’s house in a dream, it means that an evil person will enter that house, or that one will bring an evil person to his house. (Also see Donkey)…

…mistress, his wife, or by a gracious man. The bleating of a billy goat or a ram in a dream means happiness and prosperity. The neighing of horses in a dream means receiving guidance from a noble person, or it could represent a courageous soldier. The braying of a donkey in a dream means hideousness, or the ugly character of a despicable enemy. The braying of a mule in a dream means a hardship which is combined with a difficult person, or it could mean vain talk, or indulgingin suspicious acts. The mooing of a calf, a cow, or a steer in a dream means a riot. The gurgling of a camel in a dream represents a blessed journey, a pilgrimage, a successful business trip, or toiling and hardships. The roaring of a lion in a dream represents alarm, esteem, fear, or being threatened by someone in authority. In general,…

…it turns into a dog’s head, a donkey’s head, or a horse’s head, or any of the domesticated animals in a dream, it means toiling and hardships. If it turns into a bird’s head in a dream, it means that he travels a lot. If it turns into an elephant’s head, or a wolfs head, or a tiger’s head in a dream, it means that he is looking to do things beyond his means, though he will still benefit from his ambition. If one’s head is hit with a stone in a dream, it means that he neglects to perform his night prayers before sleeping. If one contracts any pain in his head or neck in a dream, it means an illness. If one sees his head anointed with fragrances or oils in a dream, it represents his good endeavors and piety. Eating someone’s head raw in a dream means…

(Donkey | Braying of a donkey)

…(Appearance | Burden | Control | Hamper | Impose | Money | Seat | Seat of authority | Woman) A saddle in a dream represents the end of one’s sufferings, difficulty, or bad luck, or it could mean planning a journey. Mounting a saddle in a dream means getting married for comfort and companionship. Descending from a saddled animal in a dream means repentance from a wrongdoing after excessive indulgence in its sensations for a while. An unmounted saddle in a dream represents a woman. Seeing a saddle in a dream also represents sexual intercourse. If a dog, a pig, or a donkey sits in one’s saddle in a dream, it means that an ignoble person will betray him with his wife. Riding with a saddled animal in adream also means continuous success, or a growing victory. Abroken saddle in a dream means death. To dismount a saddle in…

When you dream of an ass it symbolizes shortage of perception. This dream is a sign of coming irritations. When you dream of an ass which is carrying burdens it represents that you will attain in professional and personal life. This dream indicates that everything you wished for will become available. If you want to find out more about this dream, please see the meaning of donkey as well.

(Braying of a donkey)

…Dreaming of horses drinking from waterhole means that you’ll experience joy in the future. If the animal that is drinking happens to be a donkey, it means that you will have a fight from which you will come out triumphant. If the waterhole is dry, it foretells a mystery or it may be a harbinger of adversities; if it’s dirty, it predicts the birth of a child. Dreaming of a waterhole usually means tranquility. If you dream that you drink from it, it usually means you’ll lose money, but it won’t be a substantial loss. If animals are drinking from it, it’s a harbinger of great news. If the water is clear, is a symbol of joy; on the contrary, if the water is dirty, it indicates the arrival of a new baby in the family. If you see a wild animal drinking water from a waterhole or someplace…

…for their honesty and good conduct. Buying a mare in a dream also means getting married. If one is already married, then it means that he will own a property or a farm. A mare in a dream also represents a rich person, a beautiful woman or a handsome looking man, a religious person, a comforting wife, a forbearing husband, or a sick person. If one loses his mare, or if it dies in the dream, it means that he will lose his source of income. Dismounting a mare in a dream may mean loss of one’s business, a divorce, or loss of one’s house. Hearing the squealing of a mare in a dream means increase in one’s income, or it could mean one’s promotion at work. Drinking the milk of a mare in a dream means developing a beneficial relationship with a politician. (Also see Donkey | Horse)…

(See Donkey)

(See Donkey | Darkness | Obtrusive person)

…To see an ass in a dream, you will meet many annoyances, and delays will accrue in receiving news or goods. To see donkeys carrying burdens, denotes that, after patience and toil, you will succeed in your undertakings, whether of travel or love. If an ass pursues you, and you are afraid of it, you will be the victim of scandal or other displeasing reports. If you unwillingly ride on one, or, as jockey, unnecessary quarrels may follow. See Donkey….

(See Donkey | Sound of animals)

(See Donkey)

…and to the one who is breast-feeding him. Hiring a wet- nurse to breast-feed one’s child in a dream means raising a child to be like his father, or to have the character of one’s father. Sucking milk from a woman’s breast in a dream also means prosperity and profits. Drinking the milk of a horse in a dream means receiving love and affection from someone in authority and earning benefits from such a relationship. Drinking the milk of a mare in a dream means a meeting with a ruler. In general, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, or sheep’s milk in a dream represent lawful earnings. Milking in a dream means craftiness and cunning, or it could mean prosperity. Milking an Arabian she- camel in a dream means working in an Arab country. Milking an Asian Bactrian camel in a dream means working in another country. If blood comes out of…