Dreaming of being in the oranges’ plantation that will soon be ready for harvest suggests that the dreamer will soon enjoy desired success. Dreaming of eating sour oranges is a symbol of setbacks and failures that are approaching, including own conditions or diseases in family or close friends, unfortunate businesses or frustrations in relationships. But if the orange is sweet and delicious, then it means the opposite.

…Museum usually symbolizes or reveals a person of high level of culture and the capacity to enjoy the little pleasures in life. The richer and better stocked the museum the better the omen of wealth and well-being will be. If it’s abandoned and dusty museum, it is a sign of warning which reveals a state of hopelessness and pessimism….

…it means profits for oneself and sustenance for his dependents. Having good appetite in a dream means longevity. If the dining table is cleared after one’s meal in the dream, it denotes the conclusion of one’s life. If a crowd of people sits on a table to partake their meal in a dream, they represent one’s dependent. If two opponents sit on the same table in a dream, it means war, and particularly if their is broiled meat and herbs on the table. The dining table in the dream then represents the battlefield, and eating their meal means fighting. A dining table in a dream also represents piety. If one shares his meal in a dream, it means that he will meet new friends and enjoy their company, then a conflict will rise concerning his livelihood and earnings. (Also see Food | Guest | Invitation | Hospitality | Table)…

To dream that you are unclothed and have none of the clothes on yourself, means that you are very vulnerable. If you feel ashamed about it, it shows that you feel insecure in your life, therefore you dream about being naked. If you show up in public place being naked, you feel afraid of being yourself and even experience bullying. The dream in which you feel good being naked and enjoy the attention that is given to you shows the confidence and self-trust you have while being yourself. If you see another person being unclothed, it shows that this person might need your support and help, because of vulnerability he or she is suffering from.

…Dreaming that you are an object of scandal, denotes that you are not particular to select good and true companions, but rather enjoy having fast men and women contribute to your pleasure. Trade and business of any character will suffer dulness after this dream. For a young woman dreaming that she discussed a scandal, foretells that she will confer favors, which should be sacred, to some one who will deceive her into believing that he is honorably inclined. Marriage rarely follows swiftly after a dream about scandal….

In a dream, a perfume salesman represents a gnostic, an ascetic, a devout worshiper, or a man of letters. Anyone who sits with him will carry some fragrance of his perfumes, or learn about an etiquette, adopt good manners, learn something about his arts, enjoy a happy surrounding, or earn praises, except if the perfume salesman is burning incense, for the smoke that emanates from burning incense in a dream denotes guarded praises. A perfume salesman in a dream also represents a beautician. Seeing him in a dream also means knowledge, guidance, earning praises or receiving a commendation. (Also see Amber | Musk | Perfume)

…Dreaming of a school teacher, denotes you are likely to enjoy learning and amusements in a quiet way. If you are one, you are likely to reach desired success in literary and other works….

To dream that you see an ice sculpture means that you understand the fragility of the life and the fact that you must enjoy everything at this moment.

Dreaming of sailing on a calm sea suggests that soon the dreamer will enjoy modest but satisfactory joys and triumphs. Dreaming of sailors working on the ship that the dreamer is on suggests that long journeys by sea or land will be made. If a woman has this dream, then it could mean that her relationship with her husband, boyfriend, or lover will suffer from a final break-up.

If you eat the ice cream in a dream then it could indicate your childhood or simply shows the joy you have. You are happy with the current situation, therefore you wish to stay in this state. Everything goes better then you expected and will continue being so. The ice cream that are tasteless, represents the opposite, it shows that you do not enjoy your life.

…day. To dream that you’re fleeing from danger through a slope suggests that the risks that you’re facing may be postponed and perhaps they’ll even disappear. To dream that you’re exhausted and feel like you’re choking because of the effort that you’ve done to climb a slope suggests that you’re accepting more work and responsibilities than the necessary or appropriate. Dreaming about a broken non-mechanical ladder indicates that you have no chance to succeed in what you are planning. To dream that you’re walking under a ladder indicates that you’re taking unnecessary risks. To dream that you’re falling from a ladder insinuates upcoming failures. Dreaming of stately and luxurious stairs suggests that you have to work harder to be able to enjoy some of these stairs as your own. To dream that you’re sitting on some steps suggests that you doubt about your ability to achieve what you desire….

In the dream to drink a cocktail, represents that you will deceive your friends as to your inclinations and enjoy the companionship of fast men and women while posing as a serious student and staid home lover. For a woman the dream about cocktail is a waning of fast living and an ignoring of moral and set rules.

…Dreaming that you have hidden away any object, denotes embarrassment in your circumstances. To find hidden things, you will enjoy unexpected pleasures. For a young woman Dreaming of hiding objects, she will be the object of much adverse gossip, but will finally prove her conduct orderly….

…with a sword, it is the sign of the condemnation with threat of serious punishment. When you see several angels discussing in your dream, and worse, fighting, it suggests that the affairs that you’re managing are not going well. If the law is involved, it means that you’re might be going to lose it. Dreams in which angels appear and have some variations, for example: if you dream of them too often and in diverse and poorly defined activities, it usually means that there are some mental disorders that can be caused by you, or a third person. When you dream of angels frequently and you enjoy it (the dream is received with joy and you want to have it again), it indicates that the dreamer has mystic tendencies. Instead, when the dream produces an unpleasant feeling, tends to point at the poor health of a friend or relative….

…Dreaming that you overcome enemies, denotes that you will surmount all difficulties in business, and enjoy the greatest prosperity. If you are defamed by your enemies, it denotes that you will be threatened with failures in your work. You will be wise to use the utmost caution in proceeding in affairs of any moment. To overcome your enemies in any form, signifies your gain. For them to get the better of you is ominous of adverse fortunes. This dream may be literal….

…To dream that something of your property is on fire, and the fire is stunning, it suggests that you’re at risk of losing something, and it’s worse if there are victims in such fire. In case there are no victims, and you can see yourself as a spectator, then it suggests that your enemies or competitors are losing their chance to beat you. To dream about a bright and smokeless fire suggests that you enjoy inner-peace, which will give you great opportunities to succeed in life. To dream that you’re handling fire without getting burned announces major successes. To dream about a place where a fire occurred suggests grudge, revenge, and resentment towards others and from others towards you. To dream about a major fire when in you’re real life you’re planning a trip suggests that the trip will be successful and enjoyable. For a person linked to an…

…Dreaming that your child is affected with hives, denotes that it will enjoy good health and be docile. To see strange children thus affected, you will be unduly frightened over the condition of some favorite….

…Dreaming of seeing a hoe, denotes that you will have no time for idle pleasures, as there will be others depending upon your work for subsistence. Dreaming of using a hoe, you will enjoy freedom from poverty by directing your energy into safe channels. For a woman Dreaming of hoeing, she will be independent of others, as she will be self-supporting. For lovers, this dream is a sign of faithfulness. Dreaming of a foe striking at you with a hoe, your interests will be threatened by enemies, but with caution you will keep aloof from real danger….

Dreaming of waking up sometimes manifests as a feeling of flying, but almost always with many difficulties and limitations, which implies that the subconscious or spirit, being linked to the physical body, does not enjoy the freedom and independence it would like to have. Also, it indicates that the matters being handled by the dreamer, present many difficulties, and this is the reason for the concern. If during the flight the dreamer passes over beautiful green fields or forests, it suggests that even if the dreamer is suffering from some setbacks, better times will come soon.

People dream about time a lot, especially the ones who are afraid to be late. The time could also foretell about our view towards the world and what do we do with our time. Do we enjoy it? Id the time goes very slowly in dream, it means that we are very relaxed.

Dreaming that you’re in a school or any learning center indicates adversities and personal distress. Take life seriously but enjoy it.

Dreaming of an entertainment where there is music and dancing, you will have pleasant tidings of the absent, and enjoy health and prosperity. To the young, this is a dream of many and varied pleasures and the high regard of friends.

…Dreaming that you are lying to escape punishment, denotes that you will act dishonorably towards some innocent person. Lying to protect a friend from undeserved chastisement, denotes that you will have many unjust criticisms passed upon your conduct, but you will rise above them and enjoy prominence. To hear others lying, denotes that they are seeking to entrap you. Lynx. Dreaming of seeing a lynx, enemies are undermining your business and disrupting your home affairs. For a woman, this dream indicates that she has a wary woman rivaling her in the affections of her lover. If she kills the lynx, she will overcome her rival….

If you dream of smelling some kind of aromas, it symbolizes that you might receive a present or will enjoy yourself. This dream represents good, healthy and wealthy life you will have.

Dreaming of being homesick, foretells you will lose fortunate opportunities to enjoy travels of interest and pleasant visits.

…Dreaming of listening to the music of a lyre, foretells chaste pleasures and congenial companionship. Business will run smoothly. For a young woman Dreaming of playing on one, denotes that she will enjoy the undivided affection of a worthy man….

If you dream that you live in the convent, it shows that you are attached to your religion and believe a lot. The dream indicates the spiritual aspects of the dreamer, what he believes in and how he deals with the promises that were given and vows that were promised. If you didn’t enjoy while living in this convent, it shows that you feel too much pressure from your surroundings and not believing in your own beliefs.

…Dreaming of sitting at the table with an epicure, denotes that you will enjoy some fine distinction, but you will be surrounded by people of selfish principles. Dreaming that you an epicure yourself, you will cultivate your mind, body and taste to the highest polish. For a woman Dreaming of trying to satisfy an epicure, signifies that she will have a distinguished husband, but to her he will be a tyrant….

The pavilion means that you enjoy being surrounded by the company if there are more people in this pavilion. If you are enjoying the time with these people, the dream shows that you are in total happiness. If you wish to get out of this pavilion, your surroundings are unpleasant.

To dream that you bathe in clear water, is a sign that you will enjoy good health; if muddy, the death of relatives or friends. To see a bath, anger; to take a warm bath denotes happiness; if you take one either too hot or too cold, domestic troubles. If you undress, without going into the water, you may expect trouble, but it will soon pass away; a sea bath is a sign of honour, and increase of fortune.

…Dreaming of husking pied ears of corn, denotes you will enjoy varied success and pleasure. To see others gathering corn, foretells you will rejoice in the prosperity of friends or relatives….

If you dream that you are recording the VCR, it shows your desire to hold on to the past. The dream could also represent the creative side of your personality. If you are watching VCR, it shows the strong connection with your past, because the memories are very important to you. The dream may also indicate the current situation in your life you wish to remember because you enjoy it a lot.

To dream of being under the shade of an oak-tree, and that you pick up an acorn and eat it, shows that you will become rich when you are past the meridian of life, but to drop the acorn on the ground again, denotes that you will be rich, but another will enjoy your property.

…To dream of jewels suggests that you are enjoying or want to enjoy a comfortable and pleasant life, although the chances of living it, in case you’re not doing so by the moment, are minimal. If such jewels are broken or dirty, it suggests a bad business. To dream that you’re wearing jewelry indicates that you’re too ambitious and that you’ll suffer painful setbacks and frustrations. To dream that others are wearing jewelry indicates that you have met or want to meet distinguished people. To dream about a woman’s dress that is full of jewelry suggests that you want to obtain a fortune by winning the lottery, for example, or by performing stock market speculations. To dream that you’re receiving jewelry announces good news. To dream that you’re delivering or giving away jewelry warns you of an imminent risk of serious losses. When a young woman dreams that she’s…

When you see the gorilla in a dream, then such dream shows your characteristics that others don’t enjoy. You are someone who becomes wild, especially when gets angry. On the other hand, the dream symbolizes your hidden anger, therefore it is expressed only when you are dreaming.

If you dream that you drink alcohol and celebrate something, it has a positive meaning, which shows that you enjoy and celebrate life. You are the happy person. Alternatively, if you drink alcohol and feel very drunk or unhappy, then it signifies your emotional state of mind where you feel melancholic and even depressed.

You will enjoy support and protection to resolve distressing or painful issues.

If you dream about the labyrinth, then it foretells how difficult it is for you to find the way out of some situation. The labyrinth that is full of green plants and flowers, you will enjoy unknown places and unexperienced joys.

Dreaming of drinking mineral water, foretells fortune will favor your efforts, and you will enjoy your opportunities to satisfy your cravings for certain pleasures.

…To dream a golden crown is placed upon your head foretells that success and great honour await you; if the crown is silver, you will enjoy good health; if crowned with green leaves friends and fortune will forsake you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 52, 6, 13….