…of giving birth. Seeing Eve in a dream also could mean givingbirth to both righteous as well as evil children. If the woman in the dream is separated from her husband, it may mean returning to her conjugal life or earning lawful income for her own needs. It also could mean that someone from her progeny may commit murder or die as a martyr. If a man sees Eve in a dream, it means that he may be deceived by a woman or that he hearkens exclusively to the advice of his wife, or if he follows a woman’s advice, it means that he will err and lose his leadership. If one sees Eve with her beautiful countenance in a dream, then she represents his mother, for Eve is the mother of humankind. Should he then be under the pangs of adversities, it means that he will be saved….

…(Mother) A physician in a dream represents a wise man, or a religious doctor. A physician in a dream also represents a scholar, and a scholar in a dream represents a physician. If one sees a physician examining him in a dream, it means an improvement in his health condition. If one sees a religious scholar advising him in a dream, it means that hypocrisy and doubt will be dispelled from his heart. A physician in a dream also represents one’s mother, or he could be an opponent, or an adversary. The death of one’s physician in a dream means the death of one’s mother. If a sick person sees a physician visiting him in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If a physician visits a healthy person in a dream and write a prescription for him, it means that he will fall sick….

…a beast talks to someone in a dream, it means his death. If one’s head or nose talk to him in a dream, it means that whoever these two members represent in one’s life (See Body’) will suffer from an adversity. If a tree speaks to someone in his dream, it means benefiting from that line of thinking. A talking tree in a dream means a fight, or the end of one’s exile. The speech of a tree in a dream also could mean exaltation. Whatever a baby says in a dream is true. It also could mean falling into sin. If a godly and a spiritual person sees a baby talking to him in a dream, it means that he will witness wonders or a miracle, or become a witness to an unbelievable agreement. The speech of inanimate objects in a dream always means good, provides a lesson or…

Dreaming about one or more cradles is always a promise of joy. If the crib is occupied by a beautiful baby, then it is announcement that success can be achieved through hard work. Dreaming of cradling a baby in a crib symbolizes work and happiness. This dream in a woman is a serious warning of what to expect when she gets married, so she should remain alert in her immediate future.

…Dreaming of seeing a baby play with its rattle, omens peaceful contentment in the home, and enterprises will be honorable and full of gain. To a young woman, it augurs an early marriage and tender cares of her own. To give a baby a rattle, denotes unfortunate investments….

…become a religious, ascetic and devoted worshiper. If one sees fire coming out of his stomach in a dream, it means that he will repent for stealing the properties of orphans. If one sees himself crawling on his stomach in a dream, it shows him being needy and striving to barely feed himself, or it may denote his materialistic character. The stomach in a dream also represents the plains of a valley. It also can be interpreted as one’s tribal belonging or a branch of his lineage. Entering a stomach in a dream means travels, imprisonment, or returning home from one of the two. If one sees himself inside the womb of his mother while he is traveling in a foreign land in a dream, it means that he will return to his motherland to die and be buried there. (Also see Body 1 | Rumbling of one’s stomach)…

…Carrying someone in a dream. If the weight is heavy on the carrier, it means trouble or harm caused by one’s neighbor. If a woman sees herself carrying a heavy load, such a load could represent her gluttonous husband. Carrying a load over one’s shoulders in a dream also represents one’s sins. A pregnancy in a dream means comfort for the baby but discomfort for the mother. Seeing oneself carrying bushes from the woods means backbiting, slandering and reporting lies….

Dreaming of your father-in-law, especially if he looks happy, may mean that family and friend ties are in great shape and they’ll continue that way. On the contrary, if he’s angry in the dream, it means the opposite. Dreaming that your mother-in-law is happy indicates that everything’s going great at home, there’s harmony. But if she’s angry, then it may mean that the dreamer is doing something improper. When a woman dreams of herself arguing with her mother-in-law, who’s angry, this indicates that there are family problems or friendships that must be avoided.

For one to dream that he sees the sun in eclipse, means the loss of his father; but if he sees the moon eclipsed in his dream, it betokens the death of his mother; but if the party dreaming have neither father nor mother, then the death of the next nearest relation. Please also see Sun and Moon.

…(Jester | Music) In a dream, a piper represents someone who is longing for something, or who is anxious to say or do something, or he could denote vain talk. A wedding piper in a dream represents festivities. The court piper in a dream represents an army going to war. A piper in a dream also represents an obituarist, an announcer of a murder, someone who exposes an adulterer, or one who uncovers a secret prostitution ring and exposes it leaders. A piper in a dream also may denote one’s anus. An unknown piper in a dream means suffering from a venereal disease. A piper in a dream also could represent a mourner, a good mother, or perhaps a bad mother who is bereaved of her child….

If you dream that you are in the crib, then such dream suggests to give more time to yourself. The crib is also a symbol of mother instincts you are carrying with yourself. The dream shows that you’re ready to become a mother of you are the woman and if you are the man, you are ready to become a father.

To dream about young people suggests that your family difficulties will soon disappear, allowing you to make new plans. If you feel young in a dream when you no longer are, it suggests a self-reproach because you haven’t properly seized opportunities, as well as it may suggest your desire to correct mistakes. When a mother dreams about her son as a child (who is now an adult), it generally suggests that success and prosperity is near for both her and the child. When a mother dreams that her young son is dying, it suggests that her affairs are going the wrong way and that she may be experiencing a delicate health situation.

To dream of any religious figure, means that you are trying to find the connection between yourself and spiritual you. The Virgin Mary is the symbol of your mother in some dreams as well. The tenderness and goodness of your mother causes dreams about Virgin Mary. To get better understanding about your dream, please also look deeper into yourself and understand what the Virgin Mary means to you.

…Dreaming of any secret order, denotes a sensitive and excited organism, and the owner should cultivate practical and unselfish ideas and they may soon have opportunities for honest pleasures, and desired literary distinctions. There is a vision of selfish and designing friendships for one who joins a secret order. Young women should heed the counsel of their guardians, lest they fall into discreditable habits after this dream. If a young woman meets the head of the order, she should oppose with energy and moral rectitude against allurements that are set brilliantly and prominently before those of her sex. For her to think her mother has joined the order, and she is using her best efforts to have her mother repudiate her vows, denotes that she will be full of love for her parents, yet will wring their hearts with anguish by thoughtless disobedience. To see or hear that the…

To have a pain about the navel, means false news as to father or mother. If the dreamer has neither father neither mother, then it means loss of patrimony, exile from native land: sorrow and sufferings from deprivation of inheritance.

…any of the prescribed rites in a dream means walking the path of righteousness, or correcting one’s religious life as much as one does in his dream. Failure to perform some of the prescribed rites that are associated with being at the holy Ka’aba in a dream indicates one’s deviation from God’s path, and such innovation is equal to changing the direction (arb. Qiblah) of one’s prayers. The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents one’s prayers, for it is the focal point of all praying Muslims. The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents God’s House, a mosque, a community center of all Muslims, and it represents a teacher, a guide, Islam, the holy Qur’an, the prophetic traditions, one’s son, a religious scholar, a shaikh, a master, a husband, one’s mother, and the heavenly paradise. The holy Ka’aba is God’s House, and thereat people will be gathered and led…

Deceitful tranquility. To sleep with a man of repulsive ugliness, indicates minor sickness, displeasure. If sleep with a handsome man, means great profit, joy, happiness, pleasure achievements. With a woman who is displeasing to the dreamer, minor sickness of his wife or mother. With a handsome and agreeable woman, indicates joy, happiness and pleasure things. With a woman of bad reputation means safety. For a husband to sleep with his wife when she is in reality absent, implies unpleasant news, speedy mourning. If the dreamer is the wife, then it signifies friendship, joy profit. For a mother to dream of sleeping with her daughter, indicates consolation, or rather compulsory resignation.

…forwardness. Any defect or crookedness in them in a dream will mirror in wakefulness. If a toe or a finger is bitten or crushed in a dream, it denotes evil or perhaps an accident. If one sees milk coming forth from his thumb and blood coming forth from his index finger in a dream, it means that he will marry a mother, then will he marry her daughter, or it could mean that he will rape the mother, then her daughter. Cracking one’s fingers in a dream means exchanging bad words between relatives or being sarcastic or making fun of other people. If one’s fingers are paralyzed in a dream, it means that he has committed an awful sin. If one sees his right hand paralyzed in a dream, it means injustice toward a weak person or inflicting losses upon an innocent person. If one’s left hand is paralyzed in…

…dream, it means that his movements will be hampered with various restrictions. If one marries a deceased woman in a dream, it means that he will revive a profitable project he had earlier abandoned. If a man offers his mother in marriage to one of his friends in a dream, it means that he will sell his house. If a pregnant woman sees herself getting married in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl. If she sees herself in her wedding night in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. If a mother who has a son sees herself getting married in a dream, it means that she will marry off her son. In general, the marriage of a married woman, or of an unwed woman in a dream means benefits. If a woman marries a deceased man in a dream, it…

…with a young servant in a dream means suffering from continuous stress and a lasting depression. Sleeping with a beautiful woman one recognizes in his dream means profits. Sleeping with an ugly looking old woman in a dream means the opposite. Having sexual intercourse with an unknown woman in a dream represents the type of interactions and dealings one fosters with people in general. Accordingly, and depending on the condition of the woman one is sleeping with in a dream, one’s actions will substantiate. Sleeping with someone’s wife in a dream means engaging in a profitable business with the husband. If a sick person sees himself having sexual intercourse with his mother in a dream, it means his death, for the mother here represent the earth. If a woman sees herself engaging in tribadism, or a lesbian relationship with another woman she knows in a dream, it means that she…

…young woman), came Martha — Martha wearing one of those short skirts so popular with the depraved aristocracy, and her feet — bare!””Only her feet?” I exclaimed. ” Was that all?””All! ‘‘My companion sighed reproachfully —”all! And was not that enough, and more than enough? Bare feet! Oh, how indecent! But I can assure you, much though the devil tempted me, I did not look twice at them. I kept my eyes glued to my cup. And her mother — her mother! Oh, how shocked she was!’ Martha!’ she screamed, clutching hold of me for support, ‘Martha! Are you bereft of your senses? Whatever has come over you? And before Mr. Simpson, of all people!What mortification!’ ‘Well, ma, neither of you need talk!’ Martha retorted, her face one broad, shameless grin. ‘Neither need pa, for he is dealing out the groceries in just the same plight. Oh, what a day…

To dream about your belly button could mean that your mother instincts are very high. You have a special bond with your mother. Sometimes the belly button could indicate some situation or person that is being attached too much with you. If you see the ring on the belly button, it shows that you like the attention that is giving by other people or you are the person who gives away too much.

…For one to dream he sees the sun in eclipse, signifies the loss of his father; if he sees the moon eclipsed, it denotes the death of his mother; but if he has neither father nor mother, then it denotes the death of a relation. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 8….

…memory of so valuable a friend.) The other extraordinary story to which I have alluded, I heard from what I consider unimpeachable authority. Mrs. Brooke, whom I have already mentioned, told me that she was drinking tea one evening in Fleet Street, when a medical gentleman was expected but did not arrive till late. Apologising for his delay, he said he had attended a lady who suffered from a contracted throat, which occasioned her great difficulty in swallowing. He said she traced the cause to the following circumstance. When she was a young woman, and in bed with her mother, she dreamed that she was on the roof of a church struggling with a man, who attempted to throw her over. He appeared in a car man’s frock and had red hair.Her mother ridiculed her terror, and bade her compose herself to sleep again; but the impression of her dream…

If one dream that he sees the sun eclipsed it signifies the loss of his father, but if he sees the moon eclipsed m his dream, it foretells the death of his mother, but if the dreamer have neither father nor mother, then the death of the next nearest relation.

The mom in dreams could either represent you or your own mother. If you are the other it is very common dream to see the mother. The dream could also be interpreted as your spiritual guide that is called Mom.

…or evil talk. Plucking fruits other than what the mother tree bears in a dream means carrying someone else’s money or property. A tree bearing a fruit other than its own in a dream represents an adulterous wife who bears a child from someone other than her husband. Cutting a tree in a dream means killing someone, or it could mean an illness. Climbing a tree in a dream means meeting a strong man. Coming down from a tree in a dream means parting with someone. Falling down from a tree in a dream means death resulting from fight. If one’s right hand breaks from such fall in the dream, it means the death of his brother or his sister in a fight. If the leg breaks in the dream, it means losing one’s money. If one sees blessed trees such as an olive tree with thorns in a dream,…

…replaced by his minister. Sweeping the floor and caring for the floor mat or carpet in a dream means to care for one’s community or family. Earth in a dream also represents one’s mother, or the governor of the land. Working in a farmland in a dream, seeing its tools, elements, seeds, water, plowing, harvesting, landscaping, blossoming of its flowers, their fragrance, light, whatever positive or negative results one sees therein in a dream represent such success or failure. Seeing an unknown land could denote one’s mother, child, husband, wife, partner, guardian, a servant, or it could mean one’s heirs. Earth in a dream also may mean arguments, knowledge or clarity of speech. Earth in a dream also represents the element of the world, as the skies represent the element of the hereafter. If both the earth and the skies are seen simultaneously in a dream, it means that they…

In a dream, invasion means poverty, failure, facing danger and destruction, or seeking to do business overseas. (Also see Elephant)

…also indicates the necessity to serve one’s parents and to be true to them, or the duty to serve one’s teacher and be truthful with him. Performing one’s pilgrimage in a dream also means visiting a gnostic, a saint, a shaikh, a scholar, or it it could mean getting married, acquiring knowledge, satisfying one’s needs, recuperating from an illness, repenting from sin, or joining the company of pious people. If one travels to perform his pilgrimage using a vehicle in a dream, it means that he will receive help from God Almighty. If he travels on foot leading a camel in the dream, it means that he will do so with the help of a woman. If he rides an elephant in the dream, it means that he will perform his pilgrimage as a member of a governmental delegation. If one travels on foot in the dream, it means that…

(See Elephant man | Love)

…it turns into a dog’s head, a donkey’s head, or a horse’s head, or any of the domesticated animals in a dream, it means toiling and hardships. If it turns into a bird’s head in a dream, it means that he travels a lot. If it turns into an elephant’s head, or a wolfs head, or a tiger’s head in a dream, it means that he is looking to do things beyond his means, though he will still benefit from his ambition. If one’s head is hit with a stone in a dream, it means that he neglects to perform his night prayers before sleeping. If one contracts any pain in his head or neck in a dream, it means an illness. If one sees his head anointed with fragrances or oils in a dream, it represents his good endeavors and piety. Eating someone’s head raw in a dream means…

(med. See Elephant man)

…To show arrogance in a dream based on one’s success in life and richness means the nearing end of one’s life in this world. Arrogance in a dream also means prosperity and a high rank in this world, though evil maybe the end of it. (Also see Advice | Elephant)…

…or deposed from his leadership position following his tyranny and injustices. If the tongue of a leader or a ruler becomes long in a dream, it also signifies the expansion of his power and the infallibility and effectiveness of his commands. One’s tongue in a dream also symbolizes a milk suckling baby, a lion in his den, or an intelligent warrior. Thus, if one lets a lion out of a lair in a dream, it denotes his tongue, or hurting people’s feeling or reputation with one’s tongue. If one sees himself without a tongue in a dream, it may mean the death of an infant. If one has to appear in court and sees his tongue cut off in a dream, it means that his proof will be rejected by the judge. If only the side of one’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means that he has…

…(Baby | Chicken | Fowl) A chick in a dream represents a stolen or a missing child. The sound of chicks in a dream represents the voice of insolent people. Eating chick’s meat in a dream means receiving unlawful or stolen money. Chicks in a dream also signify something that will develop fast and produce its results without much effort on the part of the person caring for them….

(Dissolute | Immoral | Shameless) In a dream, profligacy signifies ingratitude, disbelief, or denial of the truth. If a pregnant woman acts shamelessly in a dream, it means that she will soon deliver her baby, or it could represent a recalcitrant child, or a rebellious son.

To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of baby carriage.

…of October in one’s dream, then it represents a common illness, safety of pregnant women and lowering or stabilization of prices. If it takes place duringthe month of November in the dream, it means frequent miscarriages. If it takes place duringthe month of December in a dream, then it represents severe calamities, plagues and death, though no enemy threat is visible. If it takes place during the month January in one’s dream, then it means the death of young people. If it takes place during the month of February in the dream, then it means hunger and miscarriages. If it takes place during the month of March in the dream, then it means prosperity and a good harvest. If a pregnant woman sees an earthquake in her dream, it means that she is delivering her baby. (Also see Cave in | De- struction | Earth | Thunder | Tremor)…

(See Baby crow)