…(Blessed tree) In a dream, olives represent money, pleasures, or one’s prosperity. An olive tree in a dream represents a blessed man who benefits his family, a chaste woman, or it could mean a son who may become a governor. A yellow olive in a dream represents heavy concerns about one’s religious life. If one presses olives for oil in a dream, it means that he will earn blessings and benefits. If one sees himself watering an olive tree with olive oil in a dream, it means that he sleeps with his mother. The same interpretation applies if one sees himself watering a garden with vinegar. If one buys an olive tree, or eats from one, or drinks from its oil in a dream, it means blessings, or that he will marry a noble and a chaste woman. Seeing the leaves of an olive tree in a dream means…

…(Candle | Flame | Light | Torch) If a pregnant woman sees herself carrying a lamp in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. As for a sick person, a lamp represents his life. If the lamp is dimmed in the dream, it means his death. If one sees himself repairing a lamp in a dream, it means that he will recover from an illness. A lamp with a weak battery, or low electrical current represents health problems for a pregnant woman. A strong lamp that lights one’s entire house denotes righteousness in that house. If one turns off the light in his house in a dream, it denotes the suspicious character of the owner, his financial troubles, his death, the death of a father, a mother, a wife, a child or a sick person. If one sees a sick person rising to the sky and…

…(Sock) In a dream, stockings represent wealth and prevention, as long as they are not worn. Once seen worn in a dream, they mean business losses. If one’s mother is alive, it means that he will migrate with her to another country, or it could mean that she will be deprived of her son. If the socks are new and have a clean smell in the dream, it means that one regularly pays his due alms, that he is praised for his character and that his money will grow in a lawful way. If his socks are old or emit bad odors in the dream, it means that he withholds paying the obligatory alms tax, that he is uncharitable, worthy of blame and that his wealth will quickly disappear….

Dreaming of kissing a stranger effusively, suggests the desire of having illicit relationships that will harm you in some way. Dreaming of children kissing insinuates that you’re living comfortably and in harmony. Dreaming of kissing your mother suggests that you’ll be successful in the immediate future, both in the sentimental and business area. Dreaming that you kiss a relative means that you’ll have a quiet life and all your affairs will be going well. Dreaming of kissing someone of the opposite gender in the dark implies serious threats of being socially discredited due to illicit relationships. Dreaming of seeing an enemy kissing your beloved one means that your self-esteem is not good.

…become a religious, ascetic and devoted worshiper. If one sees fire coming out of his stomach in a dream, it means that he will repent for stealing the properties of orphans. If one sees himself crawling on his stomach in a dream, it shows him being needy and striving to barely feed himself, or it may denote his materialistic character. The stomach in a dream also represents the plains of a valley. It also can be interpreted as one’s tribal belonging or a branch of his lineage. Entering a stomach in a dream means travels, imprisonment, or returning home from one of the two. If one sees himself inside the womb of his mother while he is traveling in a foreign land in a dream, it means that he will return to his motherland to die and be buried there. (Also see Body 1 | Rumbling of one’s stomach)…

…till the whiskey flowed. And all the while the alcohol poured from me, and I saw them gulp it down, my thirst and craving for it grew, and I besought and implored them to spare me a drop — just one drop, one tiny drop. But they shook their heads, and murmured. ‘Serve you right! Ask Paul, and see what he says.’ And none of them pitied me, till my youngest niece, Dorothy, whom I had many a time in her childhood half scared to death by my tipsy antics, and who had lately joined the Salvation Army, came into the room, and, on seeing my mother-in-law slyly give my sore and bleeding nose a vicious twist, at once ran up to her and pulled her away, crying out, ‘ For shame! Poor uncle! See how you have hurt him!’ And as she fetched some cold spring water, and bathed…

…(Butter | Grease | Milk) In a dream, cream represents a fetus in his mother’s womb. (Also see Butter)…

…(arb. Mourning period. Aprescribed waiting period of three month during which a divorced or a widowed woman may not remarry. Islamic Law) If a woman sees herself in a dream observing the ‘Iddah period, it signifies distress, adversities, trouble, concern, sickness, or divorce. If she is observing the ‘Iddah period because of her husband’s death in the dream, it means her divorce, or the death of her husband, mother, father, or anyone for whose sake one will renounce comfort, beautiful clothing, tasty food, the pleasures of this world and the company of others….

…If you dream of sailing in a boat, and losing one or more of the oars, it is a sign of the death of your father, mother, or guardian, or of someone to whom you look for protection: if an engaged young girl or a married woman dreams this, it foretells the death of a lover or husband. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2….

(Oil mill | Oil refinery | Refinery) In a dream, an oil press represents spiritual guidance, knowledge, a foster mother or a wet nurse. (Also see Sugar mill)

…Dreaming of being in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will have unexpected news of the recovery of one whom you had mourned as dead, and you will have your title good to lands occupied by usurpers. To see an old bramble grown and forgotten cemetery, you will live to see all your loved ones leave you, and you will be left to a stranger’s care. For young people Dreaming of wandering through the silent avenues of the dead foreshows they will meet with tender and loving responses from friends, but will have to meet sorrows that friends are powerless to avert. For brides to dream of passing a cemetery on their way to the wedding ceremony, will be bereft of their husbands by fatal accidents occurring on journeys. For a mother to carry fresh flowers to a cemetery in the dream, indicates she may expect the continued good…

…In a dream, a fight means deception, betrayal, misleading or trickery. A fight in a dream also means inflation and rising prices, plague, food lines, adversities or stress. If a soldier sees himself engaged in a battle in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits and a rewarding success. Fighting unjust people in a dream means triumph over injustice, supporting the needs of one’s father or mother first, or being protective of one’s wife or husband. Fighting against the truth in a dream means aligning oneself with heedless people or going astray. (Also see Disbelief | Killing | War | Wrestling)…

…(Rasp | Tongue) A file in a dream represents one’s tongue. It also means satisfying an innate need or giving a keen edge to an expression. It also represents a helper, a son who provides for the need of his mother or younger brothers and sisters. A file in a dream also represents demands, obligations, or sexual intercourse….

This is generally a symbol of affection and understanding. It is possible that one is looking for comfort in his/her mother or any substitute around.

Teeth in dream represents parents or best friends. Teeth at the front, children or relatives of the nearest kin. Upper teeth indicates male, lower – females. The right tooth represents the father, the left one the mother. The large teeth symbolizes distant relatives. Have teeth more beautiful or whiter than usual ones, implies joy, health, prosperity, friendship, good news of relatives. Have them of such a size that impede speaking or eating, denotes family quarrels, lawsuits for inheritance. Polish and whiten the teeth, money counted out to next of kin. Have a tooth larger than the others, affliction on account of parent. Tooth spoiled or gone, means loss of relatives or friends, explained in the foregoing manner. Merely loose, sickness or affliction of a relative or friend.