Getting wealth, honour and a good wife, receiving money unexpected. 37.

Ridicule, suffering many trials, or poverty and need.

Having luck and happy days.

Death or poor circumstances of one’s parents….

Additionally, read the interpretation about drugs.

Patient and lonely work in your projects.

(See Constellations)

Attacks on your reputation.

(arb. See Five times prayers)

Your relations will compromise you in illicit enterprises.

Suffering and sorrow that will affect your mood and put you down.

(See Workhorse)

It’s a symbol of stubbornness and that maybe you should stop and think that the focus of an issue that you have, might become unproductive.

Indicates that a sincere and devout person is part of your environment.

Financial problems and family relationships deteriorated because of discussions due professional interests.

Seeing them in a dream indicates not good omen to dreamer.

Strategic moves will bring success in commercial circles. Women will find rivals in society | vain and fruitless efforts will be made for places in men’s affections. Taking it, denotes misery and failure to meet past debts….

(Lesbian | Sodomy | Transvestite | Vagina) If one sees himself acting effeminately in a dream, it means evil, distress, fear or that a calamity will befall him. If an effeminate person sees himself having a vagina in a dream, it means that he has two faces or that he is satisfied to be knowledgeable as well as a fraud. If an effeminate person or a homosexual looks at his own male organ and finds no female organ beside it in the dream, it means that he will repent and back up from his loathsome conduct and revert to his natural sexual condition. If an effeminate person who is also bisexual sees himself as having a vagina, or if he looks at his penis in a dream, it means separation from his wife or mother or segregation from his friends. (Also see Sexual intercourse | Vagina)

…a level with my face, and, as I peered through it, a tall man in evening dress entered the room. ‘Mr. Montague, I suppose,’ I murmured to myself, mentioning the name of the banker. ‘Why, he’s actually wearing red socks, and has a coloured handkerchief and a sixpenny ready-made tie,” You see, sir, I notice every detail in a gentleman’s dress; and, as you doubtless know, nothing gives a show away so much as loud-coloured handkerchiefs and ready-made ties; no one in tip-top society wears such things.”Now I didn’t know much about bankers, as most of the people at whose houses I visited were real gentry, but I never should have believed that even a moderately well-to-do business man would have dressed like that. I was gazing at him in astonishment, when he suddenly approached the window, and, seeing me, threw up the sash. ‘Are you the policeman,’ he said,…

…if she weighed each syllable in her mind very carefully before she spoke, ” I have heard of you from the Rev. Mr. Towell.” At the mention of the name of the chaplain at Dartmoor, Lil — you know the fellow who laid it on so thick when I was doing time there, three years ago last May — at the mention of his name, Lil, I jumped as if I had been shot.”Then you’re a lady missionary, are you?” I said, with a scowl. ”If that’s your game, all I can say is that you’ve come to the wrong shop. I don’t cotton to prigs of that kidney.”” I spoke so savage, Lil, that the lady shook all over, and I saw her eyes flash round the room as if seeking the quickest avenue of escape. Then she suddenly grew calm, and, lifting her veil, stared me straight in…

…wood! Through the wood! Beware of the huntsman in the green hood!” struck the animal across the neck with her whip and was off like an arrow, whilst the sound of her words “Through the wood I through the wood!” etc., echoed and re-echoed through the still night air till every stone, and stick, and blade of grass seemed to take it and bellow it in my ears. It was in vain I tried to mount and follow. Every time I tried to get my foot in the stirrup, the beast slipped away from me, and I narrowly escaped a tumble. At last, in desperation, I made a frantic rush, but my steed melted into nothingness, and the next moment I found myself racing through the spinney in hot pursuit of my wayward companion. On and on I tore but no sign of the horse and its rider, only the…

…Dreaming of seeing any of your people dead, warns you of coming dissolution or sorrow. Disappointments always follow dreams of this nature. To hear of any friend or relative being dead, you will soon have bad news from some of them. Dreams relating to death or dying, unless they are due to spiritual causes, are misleading and very confusing to the novice in dream lore when he attempts to interpret them. A man who thinks intensely fills his aura with thought or subjective images active with the passions that gave them birth | by thinking and acting on other lines, he may supplant these images with others possessed of a different form and nature. In his dreams he may see these images dying, dead or their burial, and mistake them for friends or enemies. In this way he may, while asleep, see himself or a relative die, when in…

…When you see the fingernails in a dream, then such dream could have many different explanations depending on the circumstances of the dream. The dreamer, who is polishing his fingernails, is trying to meet the expectations of others. Perhaps the dreamer is trying to make a good impression especially in his appearance. If one or more nails of the fingers have got broken, then it shows your fear of losing the respect from others or it could also show the fear of not succeeding at some stage of your waking life. If you are chewing your nails in a dream, then it shows some problem you are unable to solve. Perhaps you feel helpless and do not know how to find the right solution to it. The fingernails that are red could symbolize the sexual aspects of the dreamer’s personality. Alternatively, the nails that are red could indicate the…

…Dreaming about other people being naked symbolizes that you want to have illicit pleasures. It may also suggest that some of your friends are not recommendable and will entail problems. When a woman dreams of undressing and worse if she does it in public, it’s a warning of the risk of falling into a scandal because of slander. This dream can be a self-reproach to the behavior which will produce negative situations. Dreaming of suddenly seeing your own nakedness insinuates that you are falling into bad behavior, contrary to the normal behavior of the dreamer. When a woman dreams of admiring her own nakedness it suggests that she longs to have relationships with men. If in the dream she sees that her body is deformed, it suggests that she is a victim of gossip with the consequent loss of prestige because of her misconduct. If she dreams of swimming…

…Dreaming of one or more paths, usually indicates that the dreamer has a constant concern due to dubious conditions found in his affairs, business, love, etc., which produces a constant desire to make changes in one’s life. The probabilities of these changes almost always appear in the same dream showing the difficulties or facilities to do them. For example: A large, long and clean path, easy to navigate, indicates that all is well in the dreamer’s life and that it will remain that way for some time. On the contrary, a narrow, muddy, rocky, and difficult to navigate path indicates abundance of problems, indicating that the change that is desired will not be easy or immediate. A path that appears suddenly blocked by wall or by any other obstacle like a huge rock, or that just doesn’t end, indicates that one should not expect success in the change that…

…or liking to be alone or cessation of activities. The number one in a dream also represents the truth or God Almighty Who has no partner, associate or equal. The number two means help against one’s enemy. The number three signifies fulfillment of a promise. The number four means a pilgrimage to Mecca. The number five means doubt and weakness of one’s faith. Perhaps the number six also means victory against one’s enemy or establishing a proof of guilt against one’s adversaries. Counting up to number seven or eight in a dream has negative connotations. Counting up to number ten in a dream could mean atonement for one’s sins. If one sees himself in a dream counting money coins that has the name of God inscribed on it in a dream, it means that he celebrates God’s praises and glorifies His Name. If one sees himself in a dream counting…

…(Shouting) If one is called by name from a short distance in a dream, it means that he will befriend lowly street people. If one’s name is called from the horizon or from the furthest end of a valley in a dream, it means that he will attain an honorable status and rank. If one’s name is called from a great distance in a dream, it means that he has disobeyed God’s commands and is suffering by being distanced from his Lord….

To dream that you are unclothed and have none of the clothes on yourself, means that you are very vulnerable. If you feel ashamed about it, it shows that you feel insecure in your life, therefore you dream about being naked. If you show up in public place being naked, you feel afraid of being yourself and even experience bullying. The dream in which you feel good being naked and enjoy the attention that is given to you shows the confidence and self-trust you have while being yourself. If you see another person being unclothed, it shows that this person might need your support and help, because of vulnerability he or she is suffering from.

…(Castle | Chivalry | Generosity | Goodness | Merchant | Nobility | Partner | Son | Travels | Wife) Owning horses in a dream means prosperity, or victory over one’s enemy. Riding a horse in a dream means dignity, honor and wealth. Perhaps it could mean that one will befriend a noble person, or meet a good companion on the road. Owning a mare in a dream means begetting a beautiful son. If it is a nag or a workhorse in the dream, it means that he will live satisfied, or that he may marry a rich and a noble woman who will bear his children. Seeing a horse in a dream also may connote owning a good house. If it is a blond horse in the dream, it means knowledge, devotion, piety and fear of wrongdoing. A nag in a dream represents a wife or a husband. A…

…(arb.) Calling the Name of God Almighty in a dream means blessed tidings. Basmalah in a dream also represents attainment, knowledge, guidance and wealth. Reciting the formula – ‘Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem’ (In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate) in a dream also means living to see one’s children and grand children. It also means recovering a lost article. Basmala in a dream also means placing the intention to get married, tidings of a good progeny, and receiving guidance after heedlessness. If one writes down such a call – ‘In the Name of God’ with a beautiful handwriting in his dream, it means that he will receive wealth and recognition in his field of knowledge. If a deceased person writes it in one’s dream, it means that such a person dwells encompassed with God’s mercy. If the one who wrote it in the dream is alive and if…

…seen my physical form,” that the blessed companions knew, while seeing him in another form in a dream means that one’s dream connotes personal interpretations. Following the explanation of Al-Qadi ‘Iyad, Imam Al- Nawawi commented by saying – “This is a weak explanation. A stronger inter- pretation is to say that one who sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream has seen him in reality however his resemblance may appear. Whether the resemblance in the dream is known or not.” In a separate commentary, Shaikh Al-Baqlani added – “What Al-Qadi ‘Iyad has said does not contradict what Imam Al-Nawawi has said.” This is because the first dream does not require interpretation, according to Al-Qadi ‘Iyad. In the second type of dream, that is discussed in Imam Al-Nawawi’s comments, one’s dream does require interpretation or analysis. This is to mean that since no Satan can impersonate God’s Prophet (uwbp), then whatever…

…In the dream to have interaction with centaur, indicates situation with the condition of being dual. To see a centaur, when you are dreaming, has meaning and stands as an omen for the duality of someone’s nature. To be a centaur in a dream, means your duality. Alternatively, centaur is interpreted as suggestion that you are trying to reach harmony in your life, by balancing your intellectual/mental nature with your physical nature. The centaur also has the symbolic significance of humanity, knowledge, wisdom, and compassion, sympathy, condolence….

…(Charmer | Poet | Reciting) A poet reciting his verses in a dream represents a man who brings peace to people’s hearts, entertains them and dispels anger from their hearts if God’s name is mentioned in his poem. If he does not mention the name of God Almighty in the dream, then his words may be baseless and false. A poet in a dream also represents someone who pieces together a conversation, or who embellishes his words with lies, or who deceives people by giving them bad advice, encourages them to do wrong and to abstain from what is right, or misleads them with deceptive words. In general, seeing a poet in a dream means concoctions, lies, adultery, alcoholism, greed, or someone who writes poems for money and fame. If the person seeing the dream memorizes poetic verses containing words of wisdom, or verses glorifying God Almighty, or praising…

…(Mecca | Pilgrimage) Performing a pilgrimage during its season in a dream means dispelling one’s worries, distress, apprehensions or trouble. Praying or delivering a sermon at the valley of Mina during the pilgrimage season in a dream, and if neither the person seeing the dream or anyone in his family or clan qualify for that, it means that someone with the same name among his acquaintances will do so. If this is not feasible, it means that he may face adversities, though become known for his good nature and deeds. If a learned person sees himself delivering a sermon at Mina, and if the people listen to him attentively in the dream, it means that he will rise in station and lead his people, or he could be appointed as a project manager or become an administrator. If one does not complete his sermon or prayers in the dream,…

…The green color, in dreams, as in everyday life, is a symbol of hope and continual nature regeneration, indicating happiness and prosperity. However, we must be cautious when associating it to a jungle, as it means that serious dangers of an unknown nature are approaching. It can also be a warning that you need to be patient if you’re awaiting a resolution, this dream indicates that it’s not the right time yet….

…Dreaming of camping in the open air, you may expect a change in your affairs, also prepare to make a long and wearisome journey. To see a camping settlement, many of your companions will remove to new estates and your own prospects will appear gloomy. For a young woman dreaming that she is in a camp, denotes that her lover will have trouble in getting her to name a day for their wedding, and that he will prove a kind husband. If in a military camp she will marry the first time she has a chance. If a married woman after the dream of being in a soldier’s camp is in danger of having her husband’s name sullied, and divorce courts may be her destination….

…(Money | Penny) Seeing one cent in a dream means an argument, falsehood, ostentation or pride. Swallowing a quarter and excreting it as a penny in a dream signifies that the person is a zendik or an atheist. Pennies in a dream signify evil, fights and speaking despicable words. If God’s name is encrusted on the penny in the dream, it means that such a person who carries it has licensed himself to do evil in the name of God Almighty. Seeing a cent in a dream also could signify cheating, toiling, fights, boredom, atheism, sorrow, sadness, tight circumstances, an argument, meager earnings, dispelling poverty, going to work, wages, insolvency or the spread of mutual defamation among scholars. (Also see Money | Penny)…

…If we are lying on the grass and enjoying, it’s a warning that we are wasting our lives in unnatural ways. It is a promise of hope and freedom. If the grass is dry it’s the dream of the defeated, the resigned, those who have given up on a natural and simple life. If we lie on fresh and fragrant grass and we realize that it’s medicinal herbs, it means hope for a free and natural life coupled with knowledge and wisdom….

…If one undresses himself in a dream though not knowing whether he did so for good or for an unlawful purpose, or if he strips himself from his clothing in a public place, feels shy and tries to cover his private parts in the dream, it means that his private life will be exposed and that he will be disgraced. If he takes off his garment in public and does not feel ashamed of his nakedness in a dream, it means that he will be credited for his honesty. If the person is sick in real life, it means that he will recover. If he is indebted, it means that he will repay his debts. If he is seized with fear, it means that he will regain his peace. Nakedness in a dream also means injustice. Stripping a dead person of his shroud means divorce, loss in business, repentance…

…(Garden greens | Leguminosae) A fresh sprout in a dream means distress, but if it is dry, then it means a good harvest, or clean money which is earned with joy. If one sees himself gathering a bunch of green sprouts in a dream, it denotes a warning. If one recognizes its substance in his dream, interpreting the element then goes back to its innate quality. Entering into a field of sprouts in a dream means a marriage into the family who owns that farmland, or it could mean a business partnership. If one sees himself bartering green sprouts for bread in a dream, it means aversion to poverty. Eating cooked sprouts in a dream means benefits in every respect. If one sees himself in a dream exchanging quails and manna (See Manna) for green sprouts and garlic, it means that he will be subjugated to poverty and humiliation….