If you dream that you are very active, it shows you will have great losses through your own negligence.
Dream dictionary: my activity dream meanings
Dreaming that youre very active means that youre neglecting your interests and this will end up being prejudicial.
Dreaming that many activities are done means that you have to meet certain unavoidable social commitments.
…it means that he is one of the dwellers of paradise. However, if a disbeliever sees him in a dream, it means that he will face tribulations and punishments in his life. If he considers the archangel Gabriel and the archangel Michael as equals in a dream, it means that he agrees with the people of Jewish faith. To his own detriment, such a person might steer into an activity that is opposite to God’s instructions and consequently earns himself God’s wrath. If the archangel Gabriel (uwbp) greets someone in his dream, it means that such a person will become a great man of knowledge and he will be recognized and distinguished in his own field. The archangel Gabriel in a dream also represents the messenger of the king, the confidant, the carrier of glad tidings or the person who announces the birth of a son. Seeing him in a…
Dreaming of a rosebush can have a symbolism of a luxury. It announces a period of success in professional activity and profitability in business. Dreaming of a dead rosebush, symbolizes some chance of ill luck and sorrow because of bad health of you or your relatives.
To see a horseman leading a procession, a caravan, or a group of travellers in a dream means going on a distant journey, recovering from an illness, or it could mean business activity. (Also see Ride)
…Dreaming of vessels, denotes labor and activity. See Ships and similar words….
Early hours of the day means that you start a new beneficial cycle for your social cycle and your business. Well into the day is a sign of intense activity and focus on your projects. When the day ends it announces the ending of a period, of a cycle.
Dreaming of doing any activity related to art or science suggests that in real life you want to be in contact with important people, you want to be included or stand out in a particular social environment, for example in politics, trades or an intellectual area. This dream usually indicates a desire to stand out as an artist or an intellectual. It is also common in people who already have some notoriety in a social environment, at work, or already have rich friends. Usually, those who have this kind of dreams are cheerful, good-natured and very funny people, who like to attend parties, go on trips, etc.
…Dreaming of war, foretells unfortunate conditions in business, and much disorder and strife in domestic affairs. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover goes to war, denotes that she will hear of something detrimental to her lover’s character. Dreaming that your country is defeated in war, is a sign that it will suffer revolution of a business and political nature. Personal interest will sustain a blow either way. If of victory you dream, there will be brisk activity along business lines, and domesticity will be harmonious….
To have interaction with a woodpecker, when you are dreaming, has meaning of blindness and deprivation of perception and insight. Woodpecker in the dream also is interpreted as suggestion that there is something in you waking life which you have failed to notice. The woodpecker also has meaning of activity, busyness, energy, vigour, productiveness, hard work. To see woodpecker in your dream also stands as an omen of diligence.
Denotes activity, gain, advantage. 22.
They are a symbol of sensuality and dreaming of putting them on is an omen of wellness. If they are ripped then its a warning of false promises and deceit and if we take them off during the dream, it predicts a change of activity within your everyday routine. Some authors emphasize the color of the tights, especially if we are observing them in the dream, black tights indicate possible temptations.
…Dreaming that you are sowing seed, foretells to the farmer fruitful promises, if he sows in new ploughed soil. To see others sowing, much business activity is portended, which will bring gain to all….
To have interaction or to encounter or to see a scallop shell when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol and sign for female sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity.
…when the sun starts to come out in the horizon, is a good dream that announces future success, wealth and prosperity. Dreaming of the sun at the zenith implies that were really close to the finish line regarding our goals, and that we only need to protect whats already accomplished. Dreaming of the sun during a beautiful sunset announces prosperity and loose life, provided which we take care of our own behavior. Dreaming that the sun shines through the clouds implies that troubles which are about to come wont disturb us and well finally be able to solve them. Dreaming of the sun obscured by storming clouds announces serious problems in the immediate future. The sun in dreams implies that youre a thoughtful person with a clear vision in everything you take on, which will produce success. Besides, dreaming of the sun means intense activity in a positive way….
…are no longer physical. The ZONE ARTO Society extracted your radio-activity from your material body, and the latter is now lying at the bottom of the Thames.””In other words, they murdered me! I said.””Yes, the whisper echoed, “If you prefer to use so harsh an expression, they murdered you!And they are now deliberating what physical body you shall next inhabit! Good-bye!”And with ”Good-bye” ringing in my ears. I awoke.In this dream (the following features have already been fulfilled): Being borne through the air signifies falling in love; the bare mountains, change of occupation; the plains, state of tranquillity; slow-flowing rivers, happiness; rapid rivers, difficulties; cataracts, great troubles; pine trees, death, illness, or a journey abroad; flowers in general, the forming of friendship; beautiful maidens, thoughts of suicide; sunlight, success in love, legacies and presents; marble, death; black in streets; illness and death; grey in sky, trouble and danger from…
Dreaming of being confused hints that the dreamer doubts accepting a certain activity that could be favorable and even fun. A woman that has this dream insinuates that shes indecisive in participating in certain activities because she fears of compromising her dignity and prestige.
…To see lamps filled with oil, denotes the demonstration of business activity, from which you will receive gratifying results. Empty lamps, represent depression and despondency. To see lighted lamps burning with a clear flame, indicates merited rise in fortune and domestic bliss. If they give out a dull, misty radiance, you will have jealousy and envy, coupled with suspicion, to combat, in which you will be much pleased to find the right person to attack. To drop a lighted lamp, your plans and hopes will abruptly turn into failure. If it explodes, former friends will unite with enemies in damaging your interests. Broken lamps, indicate the death of relatives or friends. To light a lamp, denotes that you will soon make a change in your affairs, which will lead to profit. To carry a lamp, portends that you will be independent and self-sustaining, preferring your own convictions above others….
Many authors believe that dreaming of being operated is a call to our subconscious, about a part in our life, or activity that could harm us. If in the dream we are having heart surgery, then this could mean emotional problems and if its the stomach, it indicates moral situations that cant be accepted or analyzed.
If you dream of the trident, then such dream symbolizes the flown and power of the dreamer just like the ocean. On the other hand, the dream could show the imaginative and sensual sides of the dreamer. Perhaps you are the one who makes the most boring activity to be the exciting and interesting one.
To have prize or trophy in the dream, means memento of your personal achievements. To see a trophy, when you are dreaming, has meaning of recognition for your superior abilities and your hard work. Alternative interpretation of the dream about award, cup or trophy speaks that your subconscious activity is trying to provide you with a motive for doing something.
Domestic activity, good idea of housekeeping. 18.
…Scary dreams that occur frequently are a reflection of the dreamers mental health. For example, organic disorders due to poor digestion after a heavy meal, an illness that has the dreamer worrying constantly or even the dreamers own shyness that is stopping the dreamers development to success, so the dreamer should begin by analyzing these factors before seeking another interpretation. Scary dreams usually have an interpretive indication when they occur in the morning, waking up and being aware that its not related to the problems mentioned above. When a woman dreams of having fear because a dog is attacking her, it means that some friends are betraying her or that they will at least try to. Dreaming of having fear because of a certain activity, business or trip, indicates that the dreamer will face problems and diverse failures. Dreaming of other people being possessed by fear, indicates that the…
…Dreaming of a store filled with merchandise, foretells prosperity and advancement. An empty one, denotes failure of efforts and quarrels. Dreaming that your store is burning, is a sign of renewed activity in business and pleasure. If you find yourself in a department store, it foretells that much pleasure will be derived from various sources of profit. To sell goods in one, your advancement will be accelerated by your energy and the efforts of friends. Dreaming that you sell a pair of soiled, gray cotton gloves to a woman, foretells that your opinion of women will place you in hazardous positions. If a woman has this dream, her preference for some one of the male sex will not be appreciated very much by him….
Dreaming that you are gossiping, can be interpreted as symbolism of time consuming and worthless activities. Are you engaging in any counter-productive activity? To hear gossip, when you are dreaming, is interpreted as a sign of incorrect facts provided or learned about something or someone. Maybe you are using bad sources to get information that may not be accurate.
…Seeing nuts in a dream symbolizes that a lot of mental activity is being used on a current task. Nuts also represent joy and abundance. Dreaming that you’re cracking a walnut indicates that your activities will collapse….
If you are not bisexual, but you are dreaming that you are bisexual, then the dream can symbolize repressed sexual thoughts or desires. Your subconscious activity may be trying to compensate the limitation of your sexual expression. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, bisexuality may communicate as sign of general confusion in sexual orientation.
Its the color of mystery, transcendence and beyond. But some authors also relate it to submission and abundance. In general, its interpreted as a dream in which an inner growth is sensed, an increased activity in mystical matters, and in some sense a compliance with universal laws. It is a mixture of devotion (blue) and feeling (red).
…herd of cows suggests affairs will go from bad to worse due to the lack of control and it threatens to cause significant losses. Dreaming about milking means longing for profit, quick enrichment, fun and pleasures, but if the cow in any way spills the milk, means imminent risk of failures in any activity. An artist or an intellectual who dreams about young cows may have a significant improvement in their affairs (social or economic success in the near future), but if cows are skinny and sick, it will mean the exact opposite. Dreaming of black, dirty, skinny and sick cows is a bad omen. To dream about white and healthy cows is always a promise of prosperity for the immediate future. When you see one or more calves in a dream, then it is a warning that a cruel disappointment will be received from a much estimated person….
To dream that one or more persons are hand knitting just like Indians do symbolizes labor in society. This type of dream suggests that you aspire to better one-self, to stand out in an intellectual, artistic or political activity. It also suggests that persistence will help you achieve your desired success.
…Dreaming of tending a bar, denotes that you will resort to some questionable mode of advancement. Seeing a bar, denotes activity in communities, quick uplifting of fortunes, and the consummation of illicit desires….
Dreaming of an ambassador means envy, jealousy, and dislikes. To dream that you are an ambassador means you will have some obstacles to your professional activity.
Dreaming of being in an observatory looking at the stars suggests that theres a possibility of reaching a significant level in society or in another activity, perhaps in the intellectual field. If a young woman dreams of stargazing, it indicates that she desires to have fun and enjoy the company of a loved one. But if the starts disappear because of clouds, then this means that there will be failures and sorrows in the future.
To have interaction with bandit or to see or dream that you are a bandit, shows the way to or the direction of primitive sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity and primal lust.
…(Grindstone | Razor strop) In a dream, a hone, or a razor strop represents guidance, forthrightness and knowledge. A hone in a dream also means incite- ment or promoting an activity, or encouragement to continue one’s course of actions. A hone in a dream is also interpreted to represent a woman, or someone who causes division between a husband and a wife, or between friends and beloveds. A hone in a dream also signifies tribadism, or lesbianism when in use in one’s dream. In a dream, a hone also signifies movement, activities, sharpness and good nature….
…To see intestines is explained as the dream with the symbolism of tough times, sorrow and grief. The dream about intestines also means deceitful partners, envious enemies, disaster in professional activity, and extreme misfortune in overcoming difficulties. Alternatively, dreaming of intestines can symbolize the possibility of huge financial gains, but it requires a lot of patience in coping with hard situations. There might be huge work that must be done before any result can come on in the life of the dreamer….
Dreaming of a large manufactory, denotes unusual activity in business circles. See Factory.
…To have interaction or to encounter or to see a hamster, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests underdeveloped emotions. You are distancing yourself from others so that you won’t end up getting hurt. It may also indicate that issues of sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity are trivial to you. You are able to separate sex and love….
…hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward with your goals. To see a happily barking dog in your dream, indicates pleasures, friendship and much social activity in your life. If the dog is barking ferociously, then it represents your habit of making demands on people and controlling situations around you. It could also indicate unfriendly or dangerious companions. To dream that you are buying a dog, indicates your inclination to bribe or buy your friends or buy compliments / favors. Alternatively, it suggest a need for you to find friendship, companionship and new place in society. Dreaming that you are dressing up your dog with clothes, signifies your attempts to cover up your own character imperfections, flaws and habits. Also you must reconsider the conceptions associated with the word dog, such as loyalty (man’s best friend) and to be “treated like a dog”….