…If we reach the summit, then it indicates that in real life we will achieve our goals. If we have barely arrived at the summit and we fall or we don’t get to reach it we will not get to achieve success because of weakness of character….

Symbolizes the woman and in a few cases the soul. To dream about a gazelle amounts to see an exotic and beautiful woman. If we dream we want to hunt the gazelle it means that we will try to seduce her. If we can get catch it indicates that we will get to seduce the woman. To throw stones at a gazelle indicates that we will hit our wife or abandon her for another other. If the gazelle attacks us it shows that our wife will rebel against our control.

To see the floodlights in a dream symbolizes your wish for knowledge. Perhaps you are trying to be more open with the surrounding and wish to get more information about the world. If you see the floodlight that has been burnt out, then such dream shows the dark surroundings. You are unable to get the information you need.

If you see the full shopping cart, then it means you are able to get the most of what you could get. The empty shopping cart denotes to the losses and disappointments.

…If you dreamed of the books, then such dream symbolizes tranquility and intelligence. The books are the tool to get to know the world better and gain the knowledge about the world in general. The dreamer should pay attention to the type of the book he saw in a dream, because it gives much more of the clue about the dream. The unconscious mind of yours might have the message to you that could turn around your life completely. If you saw dirty or dusty books in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the things you have forgotten. Perhaps you need to look back at the past and take the things which will help you in the future. If you saw the book, which is written for kids, then it represents your memories and childhood. The dream could also show your desire to get out of the reality and…

…When a woman dreams of being a queen, and she’s young and single, it suggests that she wants to get married, have luxuries, and to live with particularly economic commodities. However, if she’s married, then this dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems. In some cases this dream means the desire of a change in life that leads you towards self-improvement, when you have intellectual, artistic or spiritual ambitions. Dreaming that you are a grumpy queen, who is badly dressed, suggests that this is the state that you hold in real life, perhaps as a result of negative people who are always bothering you, humiliating you, or criticizing you. Dreaming of traveling next to the queen of a nation suggests that you crave for social success, distinctions and honors of political nature, for example, but they have little chance of realization….

…When you dream of seeing ballons it represents your frustration of finding your soul mate, the true love you have been looking for a very long time. It seems that there is a possibility for you life to get completely upsidedown. Keep in mind that ballons also represent pomposity and very high ambitions about yourself. If you saw ballons that are black it signifies sadness and uhapiness you are suffering from, especially if those ballons are becoming smaller and smaller. If you dream of the ballon that is pumping up with the air or becoming bigger and bigger it symbolizes the desperation and your wish to run from those problems away. The other meaning of seeing ballons indicates celebrations, parties and happy time. If you dream of the ballon that has blowed up it shows that there are some circumstances which you have not noticed yet, but it signifies…

To dream that you have an abscess and is growing means that you’ll get something you have been longing for a lot of time, but you’ll have to overcome some obstacles before getting it. If you dream that you’re starting to get an abscess, it means that you’ll face some difficulties.

To dream that you owe money someone for something means that you are feeling guilty because that certain person did something good to you. If other people owes something to you, then such dream signifies the feeling you can’t get over with, because you think they don’t appreciate your help and don’t feel thankful to you. To get more detailed dream interpretation about owing money, please see the meaning of indebted.

…If you see dead people around you, then such dream warns that you are surrounded by bad people or not appropriate ones. The dead people could also represent the losses you will suffer from, especially material ones. The dreamer should also consider if there are any people in your life that you recently lost and are unable to deal with it. If there is someone in your life that passed away for a long time and you have dreamed about this person, then it means there are certain features in this person you recognize in yourself. It means that you must recognize these issues and get rid of them as soon as it is possible. If you see your relatives such as your parents or children being dead in a dream, then it means you are afraid of losing these people too soon. Every one of us has many…

…This kind of dream shows that you are wasting your energy too much only on one project and that is why you feel tired and not inspired from time to time. If you are working at the laboratory in your waking life, then such dream is a simple reflection of your actual life. If the tests you did with some chemicals in this laboratory have failed, you will fail in your waking life either. If the experiment you did there succeeded you will succeed in your life as well. The laboratory could also indicate the things you find hard to get or you have some problem that is very hard to solve that is why you need the experiments and many tries to make it work. If in the laboratory you work with the stuff that is very expensive, extravagant, you are going to get the life that is…

If you dream that you put something in the vault, then such dream indicates your fear and apprehension of being used by other people. You feel insecure, therefore you think you must hide not only yourself, but things that belong to you. The dream suggests to be less paranoid and start trusting people. If you took something out of vault, it means that you are relaxed person who is capable of taking care not only of himself/herself, but others too. If you are trying to get into vault in which you shouldn’t, because it doesn’t belong to you, you should stay away from other people’s business. If you are unable to get into vault in order to take whatever belongs to you, then such dream indicates the necessity to work harder and take what is supposed to be yours.

The light in dreams is very common, because it gives people hope. The light is the symbol of hope, enlightenment, spirituality and love. The light that you see far way shows that you found the way to get out from all the negativity you were suffering from. You will get the answers to the questions that you’ve been asking for a very long time. The light could be dreamed of, because of the sun light or any other stimulus that shines into your eyes while sleeping, in this case it means nothing.

To dream you fall into a pit, and cannot get out easily, denotes some serious calamity; to the sailor ship-wreck; to the farmer a bad harvest. But to dream you fail into a pit and cannot get out by any means, augurs death.

To dream that you are drinking wine may have many various explanations. Make sure you pay attention to the way you felt during the dream. Drinking wine could indicate the fact that you are trying to forget your problems, therefore you think that alcohol will help you get over with it. Sometimes the people who are not excited about the life also dream about drinking the wife which means that they are in some kind of the depression. To get more information about your dream please see the meaning of drunk.

…The griffon in dreams is the symbol of something special. Everything that the dreamer has his best is presented in the griffon. All of the talents and great abilities are shown in the object of griffon. The griffin or griffon is the creature that is made of lion and eagle, therefore the characteristics these animals have are forwarded to the dreamer. The dreamer is strong and able to handle any situation he is going to get in. The dreamer is strong not only physically, but mentally either. The griffon as the symbol could also be associated with the symbol of the sun. Sun is something where all of the life is coming from. Otherwise, the sun can burn you, therefore the griffon can be interpreted as a very good omen and a bad omen. Perhaps the dream suggests you to use your abilities in a smart way, otherwise you…

…To dream of eating fried sausages, foretells that you will come in contact with some person who is very poor, and will be disagreeable to you: a girl who dreams this, will be very sure to get a shiftless and needy lover, and perhaps marry him if she is in much of a hurry to get married. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 38, 16….

…When you are dreaming about acceptance, it symbolizes how much you respect yourself and what do you expect from the others. This is a sign, that you want to be accepted, you want to get into environment and atmosphere where you could express your own personality. The dream also signifies things you will get back you’ve lost before….

When you dream of an accelerator, it signifies the achievement you will have, through your endeavor. This dream could also tell you to move on things a little bit slower, as there is no need to rush, you will reach the task you wanted to achieve for a long time. If you see the accelerator broken or fractured it means that you do not have control in some parts of your life, what you have to do is, to pull yourself together and take that control into your hands to get the results you wanted to get. Do not rush when you will make the important decisions.

The dream in which you are in the library, could indicate your deep desire for knowledge. You wish to get as much information as you can for the subjected you are interested very much. It could also represent the new idea that just popped into your head and you need to get to know more about it and how to make it real. If you bring the books to the library, you wish to give some valuable information to others.

To dream that you are knocking at the door, means that you’re trying to get into the new chapter of your life. If the doors are opened, you will get through very easily. If you hear knocking at the door, it could mean new opportunities in your waking life. Sometimes the actual knocking while you sleep makes you dream of knocking the door which means nothing.

…is scarce appears in the dream means you are going through a difficult and uncertain time. Dreaming of stagnant, muddy and swampy water is a sign of upcoming illness or death. If in the dream you are spilling water, then it is a sign of loss or theft. Dreaming of walking on water is a sign of success in companies you intend to start. It also suggests that you have supreme and ultimate control over your emotions. It may also suggest that you must control your emotions. Also symbolizes faith in yourself. If in the dream you jump over river or a stream of water, it is a sign that you are trying to get rid of certain situations that haunt you. Dreaming of drinking cold water means good events and joys are approaching. Dreaming of drinking hot water means you will get upset and receive very bad news….

…(Carpenter | Mason | Woodworker | Workman) Seeing a construction worker in a dream means both poverty or richness, or he could denote travels or uncertainty about what profession one should get into to earn his livelihood, or he could represent someone who patiently carries someone else’s burdens, or someone who fabricates a story, or someone who embellishes a story with lies, or someone who mixes the lawful with the unlawful. A construction worker in a dream also represents someone who stirs-up people against one another for a price. If some dust falls over him during his work in the dream, it means that he will benefit accordingly, and if no dust falls over him duringhis work in the dream, it means that he will get nothing from inciting people against one another. If one sees a construction worker demolishing a wall or a house in a dream, it…

When you see a giraffe in a dream, then such dream represents the necessity to look wider around yourself. Perhaps the dream suggests to look around yourself in order to get the overall picture of the surroundings you have. If you were riding a giraffe in a dream, then it shows your wish to be noticeable around the others. There is a possibility that you wish to get attention from the others.

Idle in dreams signifies that you do not know how to plan your day and time overall. For a female being idle is the sign that she will get married to a man, who is not good enough for her. The man you know is in idle means that he is looking for help. This person will get in some trouble.

…To a lover, this dream is a sign he will be successful with his sweetheart; if the clams are large, it signifies he will get through the world easy, but if they are small he may get into difficulties, and be caught in a tight place. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 24….

If you are vomiting in the dream, then it shows the emotions you want to get rid of. There are certain situations you are no longer able to handle. Sometimes vomiting is dreamed by those who ate too much before their sleep. To get more detailed dream interpretation please see the meaning of being sick.

…If the bathroom is nice, it indicates both physical and spiritual health, especially if the water is clear and transparent. If it’s cloudy, too hot or too cold, it indicates that something is wrong, but if it ends up being nice, we will get a profit. If the tub is empty or we do not get into it, that indicates missed opportunities….

…To dream of crossing a large and clear river, foretells a splendid fortune: if the water is muddy or riled, it predicts difficulties, but they will be overcome provided you get safe over the river without accident. If a girl dreams this, it is a sign she will travel somewhere and get a rich husband. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34, 20….

…Fire is favorable to the dreamer if he does not get burned. It brings continued prosperity to seamen and voyagers, as well as to those on land. Dreaming of seeing your home burning, denotes a loving companion, obedient children, and careful servants. For a business man Dreaming that his store is burning, and he is looking on, foretells a great rush in business and profitable results. Dreaming that he is fighting fire and does not get burned, denotes that he will be much worked and worried as to the conduct of his business. To see the ruins of his store after a fire, forebodes ill luck. He will be almost ready to give up the effort of amassing a handsome fortune and a brilliant business record as useless, but some unforeseen good fortune will bear him up again. If you dream of kindling a fire, you may expect many…

…(Buttonhole | Fastener | Man) A button in a dream represents protection, guarding one’s honor, a just contract, money, or profits particularly if the button is made of silver or gold. A button and a buttonhole in a dream also represents a man and a woman. If an unwed person sees himself buttoning a shirt in a dream, it means that he will get married, or that he will play an important role in uniting two people, or to bring peace between two partners, or that he will revive an old and a forsaken project. Tying one’s buttons in a dream means getting married, or going through difficult financial circumstances. Wearing a buttoned shirt in a dream means experiencing tight circumstances, or reuniting with a traveller returning home, or marriage of an unmarried person. (Also see Clothing)…

…If you dream you see trees or plants in blossom, it predicts that you will get some money, or some article that you little expected. It also signifies that you will be pleased at something that will soon happen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 43, 14, 7….

If you are surfing in a dream, then it means that you like taking risks. You are the person who is not afraid to fall down, because you tend to get up and move on very quickly.

Dreaming about doorbell is a subconscious creation to get attention from your conscious mind. Maybe there is something that you have overlooked. You need to open your eyes widely, if you want to see an opportunity. Try it and you will realize that a lucky chance is open to you. Alternatively, in the dream to hear or to ring a door bell is an indication of your curious nature, it indicates that you are seeking for new experiences. To dream that someone else is ringing doorbell, can be induced by external stimuli. Often we dream things that are actually going right now. Maybe someone has ringed your doorbell while you were asleep.

The panther in dreams is interpreted as something powerful and that is able to provide protection. The panther is the animal that has fierce and is not afraid to fight for her rights. If the panther is attacking you, it means that you are being slandered by others, but if you are able to escape it or you killed the panther, you will overcome all of the obstacles. The Black Panther is a very rare animal, therefore the one who sees is may get a very good luck in short period of time. Overall, you should go through life without fear and act like no one can hurt you no matter what are the circumstances.

To dream of the clouds means that you understand the fact that everything is very temporary. The clouds that are white foretells about your spiritual growth. The clouds that are dark show how depressed, melancholic and even frustrated you are feeling. There is a possibility that you will face some challenge in your waking life that will take a lot of courage to deal with. However, you will be ok with it. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of sky.

The feathers in dreams could have various interpretations depending on the circumstances of the dream. The dream in which you see floating feathers that are white, pure and beautiful, always brings luck and joy to your life, especially on the financial aspects. The feather that are black or dirty shows that the joy will be false and you shouldn’t trust those around you, because they might promise you the great things, but you will get bad ones. The dream in which you brush feathers means joy and happiness.

To see the vermin in a dream denotes to problems and illness. There is a possibility that you will get to meet many despairs and frustrations.

…To dream you vomit blood, is good for him that is poor, for he shall soon get a sum of money. It is also very good for him that has no children, and whose kindred are in a strange country; the first shall see a child of his own; the other will hear favourable news of his kindred, or see them returning home. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….

If you saw or ride yourself a surfboard, then it denotes to your way to continue with the present without changes the circumstances you are in. The dream suggests you to take more enterprise and motivation instead of being nonchalant. If there is something you wish to get in this life, you must put the effort to achieve the result you wish for.