…To dream about your own husband is interpreted as the reflection of your waking life. The reason why you dream about your husband is the situation and relationships you are with him at the moment. Make sure you think enough about the way you are talking with your husband only then you will be able to understand what kind of relationships you two have. If you see the other person being your husband, but not your own husband, it means that you see some of the features your husband has in your dream husbands personality. Alternatively, you are thinking what it would be like to have this person being your husband and what you would like to see in him. The dream in which you are seeing the other person being your husband could simply show that you like some of the features this person has. If you dream…
Dream dictionary: my husband dream meanings
…When a woman dreams that her husband abandons her without giving her any explanation, it suggests upcoming serious trouble between the couple, but they’ll reconcile soon. When a woman dreams that her jealous husband unjustly accuses her of infidelity, it suggests that she has been indiscreet and insinuating to other men. When a woman dreams about her dead husband, it symbolizes that she’ll soon experience problems with his family. When a woman dreams that her husband seems gaunt and has a sickly appearance, it suggests that he or his family actually may actually suffer a disease. When a woman dreams that her husband is cheerful and festive, it indicates that everything is doing well at home, and it may also suggest that all that she desires may come true. When a woman dreams that her husband is unfaithful, it suggests that he’s actually walking in the wrong direction, and…
…Dreaming that your husband is leaving you, and you do not understand why, there will be bitterness between you, but an unexpected reconciliation will ensue. If he mistreats and upbraids you for unfaithfulness, you will hold his regard and confidence, but other worries will ensue and you are warned to be more discreet in receiving attention from men. If you see him dead, disappointment and sorrow will envelop you. To see him pale and careworn, sickness will tax you heavily, as some of the family will linger in bed for a time. To see him gay and handsome, your home will be filled with happiness and bright prospects will be yours. If he is sick, you will be mistreated by him and he will be unfaithful. Dreaming that he is in love with another woman, he will soon tire of his present surroundings and seek pleasure elsewhere. To be…
When you dream about seeing your own husband, then such dream indicates your feelings towards him. The relationships you have with your husband in your dream is the reflection of relationships you have in your waking life. If you dream that you have a husband, but in reality you dont have one, then it shows your desire to be committed to someone. Maybe there is someone in your life you wish to be married to? The dream about the husband could also symbolize the relationships you have with your father and qualities you wish to see in your husband.
…or a Tec?”I see I must explain myself,” she said, pulling out a chair from the table and sitting down.”Though I’m living in a big house in Park Lane, Mr. Bailey, I’m a poor woman. My husband has all the money, and not I.” “That doesn’t sound quite fair, ma’am,” I muttered, not knowing exactly what other remark to make.”Fair! Of course it isn’t fair!” she snapped. “Nothing is fair, is it? But come, I’m not here to expatiate on injustice. Have you ever been hard up, Mr. Bailey? You have. Good! Then you can sympathise with me. I am hard up so hard up that I am anxious to sell my diamonds a wedding present from my husband and, being a wedding present and positively the only present he has ever given me, you can understand my difficulty. In short, I want to sell it, but dare…
To dream of your husband represents how your relationship with him is and the opinion of your subconscious towards him. It is important to analyze your husbands role in the dream, and how do you feel about him. If you dream of having a husband, when you lack of one in your real life, it symbolizes a new relationship or commitment. It may also represent your fathers attributes that you manifest in your dream through a husband image, which are part of the male side of your personality.
The dream in which you see your partner that you love such as your wife or your husband, signifies some cause why you dreamed about it. Make sure you know what is happening in your waking life, therefore you can interpreter your dream better. The dream in which you see some person being your partner, but in reality he is not, means that you like this particular person or wish to see the qualities he has in your partner. The dream may also signify that you wish to be with someone special, especially if you are single. Sometimes people who are in relationships dream about their dreams. If you dream that your ex-boyfriend or husband is your partner again, then it means you are longing for love and affection or simply missed the person youve been with for some time.
…a fugitive sees himself grabbing to his own long and lanky horse like hair in a dream, it means that he will be captured. If one sees himself having hair like that of a hog in a dream, it connotes major calamities. If an unhappy person sees himself hairy in a dream, it means aggravation of his depression and unhappiness, while if a happy person sees himself hairy in a dream, it means increase of his happiness. The black hair of a woman in a dream represents her husband’s love for her. If a woman sees herself wearing a veil, or putting on a head piece in a dream, it means a journey that will take her husband away from her from sometime, or a journey from which he may never return. If she sees people looking at her hair in a dream, it means that she will suffer slander…
Dreaming about husband or wife omens of good events around you. Such dream is also a sign of solid and permanent bond.
Your wish will not be granted. If you fall in love with another woman?s husband, it represents that you are growing vicious.
Dreaming of your husband means solid and permanent union, omens of good events in at home.
Dreaming of your husband is a sign of strength in the marital relationship. Long life.
…he sees in his dream, or it may mean that he will acquire a knowledge coupled with fame. If one sees that he owns the sun in a dream, it means that his words will be respected and listened to by someone in authority. If someone in authority sees the sun looking clear and brilliant in the dream, it means that his authority will grow, or that he will assist someone in leadership. Otherwise, it means that he will live happily and acquire lawful wealth. If a woman sees such a dream, it means that she will enjoy her marriage and receive what pleases her from her husband. If the sun rises inside one’s house in a dream, it means that he will receive an important political appointment, or that he should be careful about his asso- ciation with someone in authority, or it may mean marriage. If the sun…
Confusion in your own affairs.
…(A piece of fabric worn by some women as part of their headdress | To conceal one’s face | Attire | Cap | Garb | Mantle | Mantilla | Veil) In a dream, a khimar represents a husband, protection or an ornament. The extent of its size shows the man’s prosperity. Its finesse connotes clarity and the color white represents honor and dignity. If a woman sees herself wearing a mantilla in a dream, it means maliciousness, a bad omen, or rancor and falsehood of female companions that might cause difficulties, or separate between a husband and a wife. If the khimar is made of black torn fabric in the dream, it means poverty of one’s husband, or his being natural, or unsophisticated. Damage to one’s veil in a dream means difficulties affecting one’s marriage, loss of business or a calamity caused by a guardian, a father or a…
Love and respect.
…(Beads | Garden | Glass | Pearls | Ribs | Silver | World) A beautiful looking woman in a dream represents a year of comfort, peace and prosperity. A woman in a dream also represents a coffer, one’s store, or his hiding place. A woman in a dream also represents the earth, the world or a graveyard, for one returns to it after that he cames out of it. A woman in a dream also represents a prison, a confidant, a tree, a well, an inkwell, a house, or a partner who shares wealth and pleasure with the husband. Seeing a beautiful woman entering one’s house in a dream means joy and happiness, money that will not last, or the reversal of one’s condition from harsh to amiable. A fat woman in a dream represents a prosperous year. Seeing an unknown woman in a dream has better connotations than…
…(Yarn) If a woman sees herself working on a spinning wheel and quickly trying to finish her work in a dream, it means that a traveller will soon come home, or that an expected visitor will arrive. If she sees herself taking her time in spinning her wool in a dream, it means that either she or her husband will undertake a journey. If the thread breaks inside the bobbin in her dream, it means cancellation of her plans to travel. If she sees herself in a dream spinning cotton threads, it means separation from her husband. During such a separation, she will cease asking her husband for her bridal dower, and later on she will return to him. If she sees herself spinning linen in a dream, it means that she will seek the company of righteous people to acquire wisdom and knowledge. If a man sees himself…
…(Decoration | Medal | Pendant) In a dream, woman’s necklace or earrings if they are made of pearls represent a gift from her husband. If they are made of silver in the dream, they mean a physical ailment, and if they are made from beads in the dream, they mean being let down by one’s friends. A necklace in a dream also represents women’s adornment. If a man wears a necklace that is incrusted with gold, precious gems or sapphire in a dream, it represents a high ranking appointment, carrying a great responsibility, or fulfilling an important duty. If one’s decoration also carries some silver coins in the dream, it means marriage to a beautiful woman. Wearing a decoration necklace that is made from silver and adorned with precious gems in a dream represents a political appointment which will be coupled with honor and wealth. If the necklace is…
…perhaps tell a real, soft satin from the inferior quality, I’ve heard my wife call papery stuff; but I do know a flaming scarlet velvet bodice with a short yellow skirt and high-heeled patent leathers are as out of place in most gentlemen’s houses as a pair of bishop’s pants would be in mine.”But then, of course, they were Socialists, and there is no accounting for anything, so I have always been told, among that class of people.”Good evening, constable, she said to me, smiling all over her rubicund face and making the trinkets on her bracelets rattle like half-a-dozen bead curtains. ‘My husband and I are so very much obliged to you for taking such care of our house during our absence, and we think the least we can do in return is to invite you to join us at dinner, after which my husband intends making you a…
…Dreaming of adultery, no matter how you dream of it, its a negative sign. Dreaming that you cheat on one or more people, suggests that the dreamer has hypocrites around who will soon cause difficulties to him or his family, although there are no justifiable grounds for doing so. Dreaming of committing adultery involves serious risk of legal punishment for committing illegal acts. It may also be that the dreamer is sexually repressed or unsatisfied for reasons beyond his control. When a woman dreams of committing adultery, means that, due to her bad temper and intransigence, she feels she wont be able to keep her husband or lover by her side, which makes her think of getting revenge. When a woman dreams of committing adultery with a friend of her husband, it suggests that, among other interpretations, she consciously or subconsciously wants revenge because his husband neglects her, which…
…(Bun | Tuft | Wisp) If a pregnant woman sees a strand of hair in her dream, it means that she will beget a blessed son. A strand of hair hanging over one’s head in a dream means money. Carrying several tufts in a dream represents one’s neighbors. If a woman sees herself having a long strand of hair in a dream, it means that her son will become a leader. If she sees her hair thick in the dream, it means that she will do something that will make her famous. If people see her thick strand of hair, it means that she will be exposed for something wrong she has committed. Black hair represents a respected and a handsome looking husband. If the woman sees herself without a head cover in a dream, it means that her husband has left her and he will not return back…
…Dreaming of being kidnapped basically means that you feel very uncomfortable in the environment you live, so you crave for an immediate change of life. Dreaming of collaborating for kidnapping someone means that you are living and interacting with people with a very low moral level, maybe criminals. A young, single woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that shes getting old and still doesnt find a husband, or that her occupation or job is unpleasant but cant find anything else that suits her desires. A married woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she has a very uncomfortable life with her husband because she doesnt have a nice relationship with her family, her mother in law, or because the husband is very jealous, disobliged or vicious. Dreaming of being in a in a safe place means that you are confident in everything that…
…Without going into detail with regard to variety in shade, colour in dreams, especially when it is vivid and predominant, has much significance. The separate meaning of each separate colour in dreams is as follows:Light blue signifies impending trouble, particularly matrimonial and domestic troubles; serious quarrels between husband and wife, and parents and children; also suicide and murder.Dark blue, recovery from illness; reconciliation of husband and wife, relatives and friends; presents of animals.Brown, success in work and business.Black, illness; and death.Green, success in anything appertaining to the arts; also an impending visit from an occult presence.Gold, success in speculation, commerce, and courtship.Grey, trouble and even danger from unsuspected quarters.Mauve, death; and violent catastrophe, not infrequently with regard to the sight.Orange, illness; treachery.Pink, a wedding or engagement.Purple, accidents, more particularly on land.Red, quarrels, voyages, great changes; and accidents, chiefly by fire.Violet, success in the arts viz. painting, music, literature.Yellow,…
…(Collar | Necklace) In a dream, a neckband represents stinginess. A neckband in a dream also could represent woman’s kindness, gentleness, softness, protection and respect for her husband. Thus, for a woman, a neckband in her dream represents her husband. If her neckband is made of silver, and if it is wide, comfortable and well strapped to her neck in a dream, it denotes her husband’s generosity, richness and forbearance. If the neckband is thin, then it implies difficulties. If it is made of iron in the dream, it represents a strong person. If it is made from wood in the dream, it represents a hypocrite. If a man wears a neckband over a white or a green collar in a dream, it represents victory in his life and comfort he will receive from an unexpected source. If he is a merchant, it means profits, fame, honor and dignity….
…fault, or recognizing his improper behavior with his customers. If one’s hands are tattooed with henna in a dream, it means that he cheats to acquire his earnings. Eventually, he will be exposed and his opponents will rejoice at his misfortune. If a woman sees her entire body dyed with henna in a dream, it means having a good relationship with her husband. If after applying the henna to her hands, the dye does not work in a dream, it means that her husband does not show his love for her. If only the fingers are dyed with henna in a dream, they then represent branches of dates, or clusters of grapes. In general, dyeing one’s hands and hair with henna as a makeup in a dream represents joy for the husband and wife as long as they do not exceed the common norms. (Also see Dye | Tattoo)…
…Dreaming that you commit adultery, foretells that you will be arrainged{sic} for some illegal action. If a woman has this dream, she will fail to hold her husband’s affections, letting her temper and spite overwhelm her at the least provocation. If it is with her husband’s friend, she will be unjustly ignored by her husband. Her rights will be cruelly trampled upon by him. If she thinks she is enticing a youth into this act, she will be in danger of desertion and divorced for her open intriguing. For a young woman this implies abasement and low desires, in which she will find strange adventures afford her pleasure. It is always good Dreaming that you have successfully resisted any temptation. To yield, is bad. If a man chooses low ideals, vampirish influences will swarm around him ready to help him in his nefarious designs. Such dreams may only be…
…In a dream, arrows mean messages, a messenger, writings, victory over one’s enemy. If a woman sees her husband’s arrows in their quiver in a dream, it means that her husband has turned away from her. Arrows in a dream also are an indicator or a guide. Seeing an arrow outside its quiver, means failure to perform one’s duty or inability to deliver one’s message. Shooting arrows in a dream means writing letters. If one shoots an arrow but fails to hit his target in the dream, it means that he will send a messenger to do something and his messenger will fail to deliver. If one sees a woman shooting him with an arrow in a dream, it means that she is showing kindness toward him and consequently he may fall in love with her, or he may marry her. If one shoots an arrow and hits his…
…doubts about the testimony of his witness. If he is a merchant, it means that he will lose an important business deal. If he is a student, it means that he will not complete his schooling. It is also said that when one’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means that he is a forbearing person. If the wife’s tongue is cut off in a dream it means that she is a chaste and a pious woman. If a wife cuts off the tongue of her husband in a dream, it means that she will flirt with him and show him tenderness and love. Cutting off the tongue of a poor person in a dream means giving something to an impudent person to shun off his evil. If a poor person cuts off the tongue of another poor person in a dream, it means a fight between them….
…Dreaming of hugging generally indicates hypocrisy, lies, and dishonesty, especially if the person that receives the hug is the one thats dreaming of it. Dreaming of hugging your wife or husband means that there will be arguments and difficult moments because of misunderstandings and suspects. Dreaming of hugging an old person indicates a relatives illness. Hugs between lovers almost always indicate dissension, troubles and even a break-up. Dreaming of hugging a foreign person implies the upcoming visit of an undesirable someone. Dreaming of hugging someone suggests that you will be disappointed in love or by a very close friend. When a woman dreams of hugging an unknown man, it indicates a hidden desire to behave illicitly; a married woman who dreams of lovingly hugging a man who is not her husband, is a warning that means that youre putting at risk and questioning his honor. Usually, dreaming of giving…
…Misfortune and disgrace, notable for the husband, to whom this dream foretells his wife’s temptations, while to the wife it announces that her husband closes his eyes upon her improprieties that she shall not watch him. When flying, danger of death to the person toward whom their flight is directed. Hear them cawing, sign of sadness….
…now no longer strange to her, and she found herself turning first to the right and then to the left in the most familiar and natural manner possible, until she came to 119th Street, where her anxious eyes immediately travelled to the house she imagined was her own. It was a mass of flames, and at one of the windows she saw the white and agonised faces of her husband and children.With the fury of a tigress she beat and pushed her way through the dense crowd of fugitives, whom she besought but besought in vain to assist her in the rescue of her family. Eventually she arrived opposite her house. Her husband and youngest child were still at the window clawing frantically at the iron bars, through which neither of them could crawl, and as soon as they saw her they yelled and grinned, and thrust out…
…Dreaming that you are looking through glass, denotes that bitter disappointments will cloud your brightest hopes. To see your image in a mirror, foretells unfaithfulness and neglect in marriage, and fruitless speculations. To see another face with your own in a mirror indicates that you are leading a double life. You will deceive your friends. To break a mirror, portends an early and accidental death. To break glass dishes, or windows, foretells the unfavorable termination to enterprises. To receive cut glass, denotes that you will be admired for your brilliancy and talent. To make presents of cut glass ornaments, signifies that you will fail in your undertakings. For a woman to see her lover in a mirror, denotes that she will have cause to institute a breach of promise suit. For a married woman to see her husband in a mirror, is a warning that she will have cause…
…husband on the margin of a beautiful lake. She went up to him and, laying her hand on his arm, said,” I know you will not object to anything that will promote my happiness. I am thinking of marrying!”Regarding her with a look of the greatest kindness and affection, the phantasm remained silent for a few minutes, and then replied, “No, I object to nothing that will ensure your happiness; but marriage with Mr. S will have an opposite result. He does not love you, he only wants your money. If you wish to know more to find out what manner of man he really is, write to Mr. Scott Tanner, of West Watling Street, Brisbane, enclosing your fiancés photograph.” The phantasm then kissed her, and, with the impression of his lips still upon hers, she awoke. Much startled by the dream. Lady B carried out the instructions Contained…
…(Life | Rain | River | Vapor) Water in a dream represents a happy life, money, prosperity, expansion of one’s business, increase in one’s income, or it could mean marriage. If one sees the water pure and abundant in his dream, it means lowering of prices, peace and social justice. If one sees himself chewing on water in a dream, it means toiling and hardships related to earning his livelihood. Drinking a glass of water in a dream means protection against any danger from one’s enemy and it denotes a prosperous year for the one who drinks it in a dream. Drinking more water in a dream than what one usually drinks in wakefulness means longevity. If one glass of water does not quench one’s thirst in the dream, it means discord between husband and wife. If one immerses his hand in water in a dream, it means that…
…(arb. Mourning period. Aprescribed waiting period of three month during which a divorced or a widowed woman may not remarry. Islamic Law) If a woman sees herself in a dream observing the ‘Iddah period, it signifies distress, adversities, trouble, concern, sickness, or divorce. If she is observing the ‘Iddah period because of her husband’s death in the dream, it means her divorce, or the death of her husband, mother, father, or anyone for whose sake one will renounce comfort, beautiful clothing, tasty food, the pleasures of this world and the company of others….
…Love in itself involves suffering, but that doesnt mean it cant be beautiful. Consequently, dreaming that youre loved intensively means that you will have a bright and promising future; it doesnt matter if the other person rejects you in the same dream. However, if the other person accepts your love, it suggests that there is a dangerous enemy around and you must stay alert, so you must be prepared. Dreaming of acting very lovely with a person of the opposite sex, suggests that there are sexual needs that are not being satisfied, or at least the desire of getting into affair that will discredit you, especially if you are a woman. Dreaming of other people being overly loving insinuates that someone will soon make to you indecent propositions, even if its not exactly sex. When a woman dreams of being very romantic with a man without being her husband,…
…Dreaming of quilts, foretells pleasant and comfortable circumstances. For a young woman, this dream foretells that her practical and wise business-like ways will advance her into the favorable esteem of a man who will seek her for a wife. If the quilts are clean, but having holes in them, she will win a husband who appreciates her worth, but he will not be the one most desired by her for a companion. If the quilts are soiled, she will bear evidence of carelessness in her dress and manners, and thus fail to secure a very upright husband….
…If an unmarried woman dreams that she sees her lover reflected in a mirror, it suggests that she’ll receive a love promise that may not be sincere. If married woman dreams that she sees her husband reflected in a mirror, it announces that she’ll experience moments of anguish because she doubts about her husband’s fidelity. When a young woman dreams that she’s looking at her own reflection in a mirror, it suggests that she desires to have an advantageous marriage but she won’t be able to, and if the woman is already married, her marriage will experience very serious problems and disagreements. When a man dreams that he’s looking at his reflection in a mirror, it indicates that he is mistreating his health; it may also indicate the same for his businesses and social relations, due to the mismanagement of his behavior. To dream that you’re breaking a mirror…
…food to cook or water to boil over it in the dream, it means that the head of the household, the butler or the house keeper will become angry and infuriated by someone’s slander or backbiting. If the cooking pot in the dream is interpreted to represent the wife, then the fireplace would represent her husband who faces the adversities and hardships of life. On the other hand, if the fireplace in the dream is interpreted to represent the wife, then the cooking pot would be her husband who is always sitting on fire. If the fireplace or the stove is not lit in the dream, then it represents distress, worries and trouble, but if it is on, then it means fulfilling one’s needs and earning one’s livelihood through hard work. A fireplace in a dream also represents one’s wife, his tools and instruments, his vehicle, or it could represent…