…a journalist in search of suitable material for my pen. It is wretchedly wet and cold out here; let us go to the nearest restaurant and have some- thing nice and warm, and perhaps you will then tell me all about — him.”Him! She cried, with such a fierceness in her voice that I quailed. “Him! What do you know about him? He would have made two of such as you! But ” — and the scorn in her tones died away — ” I see you mean it kindly. Perhaps you are unlike the rest. Yes, I will trust you!Take me to some shop where I can thaw, and I will tell you about — Mm.”I dreamed we crossed the park and, taking a taxi to Victoria, found a restaurant where, for a moderate sum, I was able to procure her a solid meal — a meal that was…

…a level with my face, and, as I peered through it, a tall man in evening dress entered the room. ‘Mr. Montague, I suppose,’ I murmured to myself, mentioning the name of the banker. ‘Why, he’s actually wearing red socks, and has a coloured handkerchief and a sixpenny ready-made tie,” You see, sir, I notice every detail in a gentleman’s dress; and, as you doubtless know, nothing gives a show away so much as loud-coloured handkerchiefs and ready-made ties; no one in tip-top society wears such things.”Now I didn’t know much about bankers, as most of the people at whose houses I visited were real gentry, but I never should have believed that even a moderately well-to-do business man would have dressed like that. I was gazing at him in astonishment, when he suddenly approached the window, and, seeing me, threw up the sash. ‘Are you the policeman,’ he said,…

Remarking what was said with letter N, N letter in dream can be interpreted as the crowning of success, after many problems or many ups and downs that you had.

If this letter clearly appears in your dream it means that there will be success and failures that you will finally overcome if you keep up your courage and tenacity.

…the tortures of the damned. My sides blistered, burned and cracked, and I gasped, panted and choked. ‘You are on fire!’ a cowl close beside me shrieked out, ‘ on fire! Augh!How disgusting! We shall all get black and sooty!’”Yes, listen to him roaring! Shouted another, and see how the red sparks fly! I hope he will speedily break, and then there will be an end to him! That can never be!’ thundered the voice of a gigantic, bronze weather-cock in mid-air. He is doomed to suffer to eternity; the fire that burns within him is inextinguishable!””Who is that speaking?” A meek little chimney- pot whispered.”What, don’t you know? Snapped a very” tall and angular cowl. That is Moses — Moses, the usurper of Heaven — Moses the Jew! He is now visiting every city in the world in the guise of a wWhat are his sins?””He is a drunkard!’…

…To dream that you are driving a vehicle shows your voyage throughout life. Driving fast is like living fast. So dreaming about fast driving shows how you moving on path in life. Are you always in rush? The dream is also telling of how you are navigating through life. If you are driving and cannot see the road ahead of you, then it indicates pointless phase in your life. Maybe you do not have any goal or you not know where you are headed and what you really want to do with your life. Are you missing direction? Try to create first goal. Make a plan and move toward your target. If you are driving on a curvy road, then it directs your eyes to obstacles. Maybe you have complications in achieving your goals or finishing your plans. Also, it means that the changes are ahead and waiting for…

Dreaming that you’re playing chess or checkers means that you’ll have to do your biggest effort and move very cleverly to solve that problem or problems that haunt you. If you know your opponent, be cautious with your comments because it is a sign of you having a fight with him. If you don’t know your opponent and consider you don’t have any enemies, it indicates possible disease.

…To dream that you are naked in public and feeling absolutely fine and comfortable about it, shows that you are the person who trusts himself very much. If you feel ashamed of your nakedness or feel uncomfortable in your own skin, it means that you are really feeling very bad being yourself. The man that is naked, but only the top part of his body is uncovered shows that some death of the person you know is coming on its way. The death doesn’t have to be like real death, it could mean that someone is not the person you knew before, or is simply depressed in is dead in his personality aspects. The nakedness as the sexual symbol is also known and it could mean that you have some unfulfilled desires, but simply don’t know how to express it. Or you do not release your sexual energy, therefore…

If you dream that you see a sea monster, then such dream indicates the fears you might have from your childhood. The sea monster is also a symbol of something in your waking life that you do not know how to defeat. There are certain problems you do not know how to solve.

If someone has stabbed you in a dream, then it shows your fear of being unappreciated and unapproved. The dream could also show the features you have lost such as the control of your life, power towards others and management of your and other people actions. On the other hand, the dream may be the warning for you to be more careful with those around you, as you never know you can stab you, especially from the back, when you will be unable to see or know it. If you stabbed somebody in your dream, then such dream could indicate the aggression you have towards that particular person.

…husband on the margin of a beautiful lake. She went up to him and, laying her hand on his arm, said,” I know you will not object to anything that will promote my happiness. I am thinking of marrying!”Regarding her with a look of the greatest kindness and affection, the phantasm remained silent for a few minutes, and then replied, “No, I object to nothing that will ensure your happiness; but marriage with Mr. S will have an opposite result. He does not love you, he only wants your money. If you wish to know more — to find out what manner of man he really is, write to Mr. Scott Tanner, of West Watling Street, Brisbane, enclosing your fiancé’s photograph.” The phantasm then kissed her, and, with the impression of his lips still upon hers, she awoke. Much startled by the dream. Lady B carried out the instructions Contained…

If you see yourself shooting to air it can be interpreted it as you do not know the right way to act, do not know where to shoot. If you see yourself shooting at a target or another mark means that possibly matters will be presented to you as easy goals to achieve.

(Caprice | Distinguishing quality | Temper) In a dream, a trait represents someone who is impulsive, or who has an arbitrary change of mind, or someone who does not know rest in his work, or someone who does not know an end to his pursuit of success, or it could represent an argumentative person. The good or bad of such a character may show depending of the place, circumstance, or temper of the moment in the dream.

To see a hurricane in a dream is very important sign. This dream warns you about unknown and unexpected changes you will face in your waking life. It will come out of the blue and you will not know how to deal with it. If you are dreaming that the hurricane has swept you, then such dream signifies the emotional disturbance you are suffering from. You do not know how to act in certain situations. Overall, you feel out of control.

…To know, what the meanings of the dreams are, when we bury an animal or an object, we must look at the meaning of what we bury. If we don’t know what we bury, that augurs a radical change in our life….

…Who has not dreamed of being suddenly bereft of their clothes and of finding themselves in some public place, the cynosure of all eyes, without even so much as a pocket-handkerchief? A dream of this kind happened to someone I know — someone who is much to the fore in society. He dreamed that he and his brother were strutting up and down Bond Street, when he suddenly noticed that everyone was looking at them in a very odd and marked manner. Wondering what it could mean, he hurriedly glanced at his person (the subject of clothes, by the way, was ever uppermost in his mind), and, to his undying shame and horror, saw that he was naked, and so was his brother. In an agony of mind, he caught hold of the latter by the arm and whispered: “For goodness sake, Dick, make for the first cab you…

…We talk about the funeral as the religious ceremony accompanying the funeral, therefore, we are talking about the soul of the deceased. If it’s the funeral of someone we know it announces the marriage of this person. If it is for a child it announces their baptism. If we do not know who officiated the funeral or if it is a very close relative, it means that we want to eliminate personal situations and problems or guilt complexes….

…If you’ve dreamed of seeing bites it foretells about the evil you are surrounded by. You should stay wide awake and pay more attention to people you are in contact. Be careful as the enemy manages to destroy many things. Evil is not point of view, because it is something that people chose to do or not to do and mostly all of the bad things happen instantly. This is an example that you never know what to expect from the others and especially at this time of your life you’ve got t stay focused and careful. If you were dreaming that someone bit you, then it signifies to your inability to deal with severities. Maybe you have the barriers which should be removed, otherwise you will stay at the same point you are now. If the vampire has bitten you, you’ve got to get rid of the person

To dream about the person you don’t know shows that you are afraid of unknown situations or people. Perhaps you are the person who likes his privacy. The stranger in dreams may also denote to the person you know, but do not recognize the way he or she is acting, therefore you look at him or her as the stranger.

…If you see the herd in a dream, then such dream represents the tendency of yours to follow the others. Perhaps you are the person who is afraid to take the responsibilities or doesn’t know how to do things on your own. The dream about herd could also be a pun on “heard”. Perhaps you have heard something you shouldn’t hear, therefore you do not know what to do with that information. To get more detailed information about your dream, you should consider the specific animal that was on the herd….

…One night, as far back as 1894, 1 dreamed I was in a desert in Phantomnia, and that bounding towards me from a distance, came a white kangaroo decorated with large, brown spots that looked as if they had been recently painted, and which imparted to it a wooden appearance. It came right up to me, and eyeing me in the friendliest manner possible, said, “Have you seen my mother?” “No!” I replied, “I have not seen anyone here for the last two years, because it is fully that time since I visited these parts. What is she like?” The kangaroo was greatly perplexed. “Why,” he said, “To tell you the truth I haven’t the slightest idea. I thought, perhaps, you might know; but, of course; since you have been absent for so long, it is very obvious you are the last person I should have asked. Good-bye.” And,…

…The flying-dream is, I believe, more common to people with the psychic faculty and artistic temperament than to others. I have sounded many artists and writers on the subject, and they tell me that they often dream they are flying, but seldom, if ever, with wings. I know the sensation well, for I frequently experience it in dreamland. Maybe, as I am walking along a road, I suddenly feel I can fly. I give a jump, and the next moment am moving through the air, a yard or so from the ground, with both feet close together. It is a most enjoyable sensation, and I am so entranced that I keep saying to myself: “It is real this time. I am not dreaming. I can fly at last.” I sometimes fancy I am in a room full of people, who naturally express the greatest incredulity when I tell them…

The dream in which you receive some letter or any other kind of mail, means that you will receive some news. The dream could also mean that you wish to know something you don’t know yet, therefore you wish someone to tell you about it.

The dream in which you see the rice that are dry and in perfect condition indicates the fulfilment of all aspects of your personality. You feel that you know how to deal with all of the situations, the family life is perfect, the friendships are great and the job you do is going according to plan. The sticky or wet rice is an indicator of some situation where you do not feel confident or feel that you are stuck and do not know how to divide things in order to make them work perfectly.

When you dream of archaelogy it means that you started to know your personality. This is the time when you look deeper into yourself and you are able to find new facts about yourself, which you did not know before.

Dreaming of killing someone means that you will soon experience anxieties and concerns for various causes, but most of them are your fault. Dreaming about someone, that you know is killed or commits suicide, insinuates problems due to hesitations and doubts. Dreaming that someone commits a murder suggests that, as a result of your own behavior, people will be suspicions about you, and will have doubts concerning the affairs, business and social relationships that you’re managing or having. It also tends to announce the death of someone you know. Dreaming of murdering a victim implies that your opponents are trying to hurt you. Seeing murderers indicates that it’s quite possible to have a reunion with your most loved relatives soon.

When you dream of being deaf, then it shows your desire to escape some situation and do not know some of the things. The dream could also represent some situation you do not understand, therefore you feel like you are deaf and do not know what is going on around you. If you see the other person being deaf, then it means there is some distance and gap between you and that person.

To dream about the deity means that you are trying to find the way to the religious aspects of your life, perhaps you wish to know yourself better in spiritual way. The deity could also mean that you should start doing it, because the dream is the suggestion to get to know yourself better even if you didn’t think about it before.

Idle in dreams signifies that you do not know how to plan your day and time overall. For a female being idle is the sign that she will get married to a man, who is not good enough for her. The man you know is in idle means that he is looking for help. This person will get in some trouble.

Reading in dreams reveals a finding, surprise or desire to know a thought or personality of another person. To read a letter augurs news. A newspaper means that we are waiting for the successful conclusion of a business or company. If this is a well-known book, the argument or any circumstances will give us the clue about what we want to know.

Usually this dream reflects our concern about the health. If we see our skin with wrinkles it reflects fear of menopause and old age. The imperfections in our skin revels sentimental doubts, unless they were rashes or spots that are very obvious, in which case it is a warning about our health. If we see the imperfections on someone we know, then this is a person of whom we attribute the meaning of the dream. If we don´t know this person, then it reflects our own fears. Dreaming about animal skin indicates that your material goods will be increased, depending on what kind of animal’s skin you’ve dreamed of.

…he is not really my cousin, you know — he is a middy, and I secretly adore him — kissed me!I felt certain he was in love, only he was too shy to say anything and — well, I never thought he would have clinched matters so precipitately. But my duck-dreams are always good. When I dreamed of them once before, what do you think I got in the morning? Why, a gold watch from a great-aunt, who had never in her life before made me a present of anything. So, you see, I just mean to dream of ducks as often as I can.”The experience of an elderly married lady, who until recently resided in Upper Norwood, is not so pleasant. “I dread either seeing or dreaming of magpies, she said to me;” they always foretell “a death. I dreamed three magpies crossed my path the day before my…

…them, or mocks them, or argues with them in a dream, it means that he is an innovator and a heedless person. This could also mean that he will be persecuted by his superiors, for a prophet in a dream also represents a ruler or a king, and God’s prophets are in truth the guardians of the souls, and they are kings in this world and in the hereafter. A prophet in a dream also represents a religious scholar, because religious scholars are the heirs of the prophets, upon all of them be peace. Religious scholars also know God’s prophets better than the common people. They understand their message and follow their traditions of glorifying God’s Oneness, devotion, piety, prayers, charity, acting upon what they know and admonishing others to follow the path of truth and righteousness. A prophet in a dream also represents one’s superior, a preacher, a righteous…

To dream that someone you know dies, means that you love this person a lot or have a special connection with him or her and you are afraid of losing him/her. The dream in which somebody you know dies could also mean completely different things, it shows that you are no longer in special bond, but only if you felt nothing because of the death of this person during your dream.

If you use the knife as the weapon in order to protect yourself, it means that you feel as being attacked by something or someone. You know that there is no one that can protect you, but yourself. The knife that’s been used against you indicates the dangers you could put yourself into. The dream suggests to be more careful with people you know.

The raft in dreams usually means that you are going through life in very risky way. Perhaps you are not sure about your future, you do not know where you will be brought with the flow and who will save you. You should rely only on yourself, because you cannot let yourself go with the flow, the effort is needed to make your life better which will make you happy. If you see yourself being already on that raft, the changes must be done immediately, because you are feeling very scared, don’t know where you are going and how you will reach your destination in life.

When we pray in dreams it is because we feel guilty of something that we do not want to reveal in a waking life. It can also mean that we are in a compromising situation and we do not know how to get out of it. Maybe we expect some miraculous intervention to take us out of trouble.

When you see yourself being abroad, then such dream indicates your desire to escape some kind of situation, because you don’t know how to deal with it. If you go abroad with your ship, then such dream is an omen that one of your close friends will get in touch with you.

…The plane crash in dreams is an indicator of your broken dreams and hopes. The dream might also represent some situation in which you are feeling totally out of control. Maybe some things are not going according to plan, therefore you are dreaming about such thing as plane crash and you feel you do not know what to do about it….

If you dream that you are being in darkness, it shows some situation you are feeling out of control. Perhaps you are not feeling the controller of the situation and do not know what will happen in the future. The darkness is also a symbol of unknown people or places that came into your life.