Usually, serenades symbolize jealousy. If we are part of a group of people giving a serenade within a dream, is a harbinger of problems of jealousy, not necessarily with our own partner. If you dream that youre receiving a serenade, it usually means that someone close to you wants to tell you something but hasnt found the means to do it because hes shy or afraid. Listening to an old-fashioned serenade in dreams, is an announcement that indicates that better days are coming, in many ways. Dreaming that you sing a serenade means upcoming joys and a promising future.
Dream dictionary: nade wiman dream meanings
Dream of giving lemonade indicates good friendly ties. Dream of receiving lemonade indicates someone will make you a favor.
…To hear a serenade in your dream, you will have pleasant news from absent friends, and your anticipations will not fail you. If you are one of the serenaders, there are many delightful things in your future….
If you see grenade in a dream, then such dream represents the hidden negative emotions and feelings that are about to explode. You should not hold those feelings to yourself, otherwise the consequences will be bad. You might hurt other people, just because you are frustrated and angry and not because you mean something bad.
If you drink lemonade in a dream, you will concur with others in signifying some entertainment as a niggardly device to raise funds for the personal enjoyment of others at your expense.
Wealth, luck.
Dreaming of promenading, foretells that you will engage in energetic and profitable pursuits. To see others promenading, signifies that you will have rivals in your pursuits….
If one walks alone, amusement of short duration. For two lovers, passing enjoyment. Walk with friends, indicates constancy, truth.
To be in a place where it is sold means trouble and disappointment to a near friend. Drink it, bitterness of spirit and the failure at some task you were working on.
…crash, and engine and coaches vanished from sight, over the side of a precipice. The next moment everything changed, and I found myself racing into the railway station to get my ticket. The place was absolutely deserted, not a porter nor a passenger anywhere, and the train all ready to go. The office was shut, as is always the case when we are in a desperate hurry in Phantomania, but, being determined to make the clerk hear, I commenced a vigorous cannonade with my fist on the pigeon-hole door. Presently the latter flew open, and out popped a bald, white head, with such evil, lurid eyes and sinister smile that, shocked beyond measure, I staggered back. As I did so, I came into conclusion with a porter, who, without asking my permission, unceremoniously shoved me into a train, and, before I could recover my breath, we were off. The compartment,…
…a sore, a gangrene in this place of beauty, cleanliness and elegance; and as I am wondering at the strange incongruity of it, he solicits me for alms. I refuse. He asks again. I threaten him with the police. He is at once silent. Turning my back on him, I continue my promenade. Someone in the street utters a cry of horror. I swing round, and as I do so, the tramp stabs me in the back. I catch a look of hellish vindictiveness in his eyes, and then, seized with an instantaneous and dreadful sickness, I stagger, reel and fall, struggle, gasp and die!I think this dream must be intended as a warning, and I never visit a fresh seaside place particularly abroad without considerable anxiety as to the appearance of the front. So far, I have found no place to correspond quite with that in…
(Brooder | Hatchery) In a dream, seeing an incubator or a hatchery means marriage, progeny, suspicion, a bastard son, a kindergarten, a theater, spectators, a park, a promenade, release from prison, an effeminate male, homosexuality, or cowardice.