…A lake in dream represents judges and governors who serve others without conspiracy. A lake in a dream also represents difficulties in completing one’s journey. A small lake in a dream represents a rich woman, or a woman with a military spirit, or a woman who likes to be approached….

…Dreaming that you spy upon others through a keyhole, you will damage some person by disclosing confidence. If you catch others peeping through a keyhole, you will have false friends delving into your private matters to advance themselves over you. Dreaming that you cannot find the keyhole, you will unconsciously injure a friend….

…To see kettles in your dream, denotes great and laborious work before you. To see a kettle of boiling water, your struggles will soon end and a change will come to you. To see a broken kettle, denotes failure after a mighty effort to work out a path to success. For a young woman Dreaming of handling dark kettles, foretells disappointment in love and marriage | but a light-colored kettle brings to her absolute freedom from care, and her husband will be handsome and worthy….

…A killing of a red snake in a dream can be because of an external stimulus reason. For anyone, recently in actual life seen bloody scene of a killing of anything by anybody or a neutralization of a blood sucking mosquito can be a source for dreams. In order to kill a red snake in a dream is enough to see in waking life something that resembles such act. For a woman, a finalization of a menstrual cycle can be an external stimulus for a dream about a killing of a red colored snake. For a man, a release of blood from erected body part can be seen as a cause for the dreams about the killed red long limbless reptiles. And the relaxation of the organ can be felt up to few times during a night sleep. Also, if you move year head and your closed eyes away…

Dream of losing one or more keys indicates the possibility of losing your job. On the other hand it indicates clarification of confusing attitudes and projection of new goals. Dream of opening a door with a key means you will enter a new situation. You must pay attention to the context of the dream, if the situation is good or bad. Dream of opening a door and entering a room where there is a person of the opposite sex means upcoming marriage. Dream of having a lot of keys symbolize a purchase of goods or knowledge, proportional to the number of keys in hand. Dream of having difficulty in turning the key in a lock means you will have some difficulties and obstacles in good situations. Dream of a broken key portends trouble and problems that will block the realization of a wish.

…The kettle in dreams is interpreted as the symbol of your everyday life. There is a possibility that you pay too much attention to minor things instead of seeing the real problems. If the kettle is boiling, then such dream denotes to good choices you’ve made in your career. If the kettle which you see in the dream is whistling, then such dream indicates the patience you have lost. You are no longer able to control your anger and disappointment….

The earthquake in dreams is the symbol of major disturbance in your waking life. Perhaps you have lost the balance and things are changing completely. The dream shows your frustration and the feelings of weakness. If you are able to run away from the earthquake, then it means you will find the way out of your problems. The dream in which you see yourself stuck in the earthquake denotes to the grief and losses especially within your professional life.

Red snake dream can symbolize a discovery of many positive and negative things. It can be finding of sexuality, healthy physical state, improved mental and spiritual shape. Red snake can mean a re-discovery of inner-self. Also, it can be a representation of advance to successful life. It is fortunate symbol for establishing new business or expanding professional career. As negative symbolism, red snake stands for detection of fight against you or denial of something what related to you. If it represents negativity, still it is a fortunate warning because you can be prepared.

…In a dream a red snake demonstrates a progress of sexual urges. According to Freud, a red snake is the one of the best dream images representing male organ. Thus dreaming of a red snake refers to a development of sexuality in a dreamer’s life….

…Red snake as dream symbol can stand for expressive sorrow made by burning situation from waking life. An advancement of a violent confrontation or struggle can be a reason of red snake dream. Also, a development of a contradiction of something is one reason more to dream red snake….

If you are looking through the keyhole at something that you shouldn’t be looking, it means that you will hurt someone. If you see another person who is looking through the keyhole, it means that you should be careful with those people who are around you, because they might betray you. If you are looking for the keyhole, but are unable to find it, then it means you will fail at your friendships by stupid mistakes.

If you dream of the boiling kettle and you are cooking something in it, then it means your problems are on the way. The kettle that is very old and rusty or even broken, signifies the misfortunes. A bright kettle will bring much joy, and the dark one shows that your heart will be broken by the one you love.

If you see the keys, you are controlling your life perfectly. If the keys are broken or you lose them, you have problems while dealing with problems and tasks. If you give away your keys, you let to be in control of your life for that particular person.

…(Shovel) A rake in a dream represents an employee or a servant. Its function is to sweep and gather dirt or manure and all of that means money in a dream. Only one who uses a rake in wakefulness will see one in his dream. As for an unmarried person, seeing a rake in a dream means getting married and protecting one’s chastity, or uniting with one’s beloved, or it could mean a crop, a good appetite, a ladle, a son, a comfortable financial standing, a hard working man, a helper, a hard working and a patient woman, or business activities. (Also see Shovel)…

(Cucumber | Large cucumber | Squirting cucumber) Seeing or eating the large variety of cucumber known as snake-cucumber in a dream means blessed money, a good business, or buying a new property. On the other hand, a snake-cucumber in a dream may represent money that does not remain long in one’s hand. If a woman sees a snake-cucumber in a dream, it means that she is pregnant. (Also see Cucumber)…

…Dreaming of seeing a yoke, denotes that you will unwillingly conform to the customs and wishes of others. To yoke oxen in your dreams, signifies that your judgment and counsels will be accepted submissively by those dependent upon you. To fail to yoke them, you will be anxious over some prodigal friend….

Dream of a lake signifies your emotional state of mind. If the lake is clear and still symbolizes your inner peace. If the lake is disturbed you may go through some emotional turmoil.

…(Diphtheria | Quinsy | Tracer | Tracker) A snake charmer in a dream represents mixing with evil people, participating in a competition, or racing against one’s enemy. If a sick person sees himself sitting with his snakes in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness and live a long and a happy life. If the basket carries silkworms instead of a snake in his dream, it means repentance of a sinner, or prosperity of a poor person, or it could mean changing a bad profession for a good one. The presence of a snake charmer in a dream also represents the presence of a deceiver, any taunting profession, or it could mean an illness or suffocation. (Also see Tracker)…

To dream of walking about naked, signifies disappointment through your friends and relations; to see a naked woman means honour and joy.

…To dream that you’re naked indicates honesty and sincerity of emotions; it also means that you crave pleasures and passions. On the other hand, it can mean your fear of being discovered and exposed on your activities. A dream that you suddenly discover your nudity and are trying to cover it, means your vulnerability to a situation. To see someone naked in a dream and you are disgusted by it, means that you have some anxiety to discover the truth about a person or situation. It can also foresee illicit love affairs….

Others naked show wealth, but yourself naked is shame.

To dream you lose your keys, denotes anger. But to dream you have a bunch of keys, and that you give them to those that desire them of you, shows goodness to the poor. A key seen in a dream, to him that would marry, denotes he shall have a handsome wife and a maid.

…The wake in dreams is interpreted as the celebration the dreamer is having. The wake that is seen in the dream could indicate something in the dreamer’s life that has come to an end. To get more detailed dream interpretation please also see the meaning of burial, it will give you more information about your dream and its meanings….

…If you dream of finding a key, or a bunch of keys, it is a sign that someone will tell you a secret; to dream of losing a key, or keys, is a bad omen, as it predicts that you will come to shame. Such a dream is particularly unfortunate to a young lady. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41 , 8….

To dream that you are eating the cake means that you enjoy your life to the fullest. Your days are the celebration. The cake could also indicate the urge for food because you feel hungry.

A snake bite your right foot signifies injury by a man who has intent to do harm. Also, it can mean betrayal of a woman. To kill a snake, when it bites, means victory against an enemy or opponent. Health problems and bad luck is prognosticated, when dreaming of one biting your right foot and twining around you.

…A snake bite your right foot charmer in a dream represents mixing with evil people, participating in a competition, or racing against one’s enemy. If a sick person sees snakes biting your right foot in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness and live a long and a happy life. The presence of a snake bite right foot in a dream also represents the presence of a deceiver, any taunting profession, or it could mean an illness or suffocation….

Snake in a dream symbolizes inherent supernormal observation by third eye. To dream it can mean the process of making operative this specific capacity. Also, it can indicate that your thoughts are based on this superpower. Thus the dream is just a reminder of it. Inherent supernormal observation by third eye symbolism in a snake dream is good omen and predicts fortunate happenings because of insightful perception.

To dream that you see a snake could be interpreted as the symbol of falseness and lies that you are surrounded by. Snake also stands for symbolism of sexual desires, because of its structure.

It is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us. It represents our energy’s capacity. It shows our appearance and our external appearance. Handlebars represents the ability to be in control. Brakes indicates your will. Gearshift denotes to intelligence. Lights of the bike foretells about our ability view the facts. If the bicycle is in good condition, it means we are confident. If it is in bad condition, it represents our fears. If we are driving the bike alone, it indicates desire for independence. If we travel accompanied, the actions of the passengers, including us, will reveal our attitude to those around us. If it is ridden by another person, it means that we are not masters of our destiny.

…Dreaming of using a rake, portends that some work which you have left to others will never be accomplished unless you superintend it yourself. To see a broken rake, denotes that sickness, or some accident will bring failure to your plans. To see others raking, foretells that you will rejoice in the fortunate condition of others….

…To shake hands with close relative, it’s a sign of happy family life. To shake hands with strangers, it is a warning to be careful in your relationships….

Mostly when the dreamer sees a birthday cake of his own or the others, it symbolizes it’s ability to adapt and be polite with the others. The dreamer stands as a positive thinking person, who is not afraid to share with what he’s got. There is a chance that all of your dream will come true, as the birthday cake in reality usually represents the wishes and desires. The subconscious mind of yours gives the signal that you should prepare yourself for all the goods that you will have. Now is the pay-back time.

To dream that you pay with fake money of any kind implies that your plans are not good, and that if you continue carrying them out, they will bring you difficulties to even a legal rate. Dreaming of receiving fake money as a payment indicates that you are surrounded by hypocrisy and it threats to your integrity.

…Dreaming of a bake-house, demands caution in making changes in one’s career. Pitfalls may reveal themselves on every hand. For a young woman Dreaming that she is in a bake house, portends that her character wil{l} be assailed. She should exercise great care in her social affairs….

Dreaming of yourself suffering during an earthquake usually means that the matters you’re handling are seriously at risk of losses due to somewhat uncontrollable causes that go beyond the dreamer. Earthquakes reflect imbalance in life itself. They predict insecurity and fear, and they indicate that we have to transform our character to reach quotes of stability, as the basis on which we founded our illusions are not solid, and any contingency, however small it may be, will only cause our whole life to wobble. If the dream is linked to unpleasant feelings, then this indicates that you’re going through a period of dejection and sadness. This dream also shows a sudden change in our situation caused by events that we didn’t expect, this change is generally towards less favorable circumstances, in which we’ll suffer financial and emotional loss. The earthquake also announces misfortune, illness and death.

Dreaming that you are going on strike, can be interpreted as symbol that you have a belief of not being highly enough appreciated. Do you feel that you are being forced to do something against your own will? If yes, then your dream about strike represents the loss of the liberty.

Preparing cake means gossiping, whisperings, secret pacts with no licit objectives. Eating cake indicates that we must take care of our goods and businesses.

To be shaken by an earthquake is a symbol of some important matter that will make a lot of stress to you. You will have to deal with unknowingness. If during the earthquake you escaped the danger, then it shows that you will be able to deal with whatever problems you will have easily.

The snake is the symbol of knowledge. If the snakes you see are coming out from the bushes, holes or the ground, then it means that all of the hidden feelings and emotions are finally coming to the daylight. The snake is also a symbol of dreamer’s sexuality, therefore the one who dreams of it is lacking for sexual activities or has hidden desires.