…To dream of going to a wake where drinking and howling is going on, is a sign of poverty and misery: if a girl dreams this, it foretells her speedy marriage with a man who will turn out to be a miserable drunkard. If a young man dreams of seeing his sweetheart at a wake, he had better back out from the bargain, as she will never be of much account, and may become a drunkard. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 8….

…Dreaming that you attend a wake, denotes that you will sacrifice some important engagement to enjoy some ill-favored assignation. For a young woman to see her lover at a wake, foretells that she will listen to the entreaties of passion, and will be persuaded to hazard honor for love….

To dream of eating the birthday cake, means that you are feeling loved and appreciated by someone who gave you this cake in the dream. The dream could also signify the fact that you are feeling hungry during the sleep.

To dream of coming into wake of good friend means that you will have bad news very soon. If one of your friends is coming to a wake, it means that this friend needs your help and support. Maybe you should ask people around if they need your help.

…Dreaming of a red snake can be a warning. It alerts a dreamer to be more cautious in waking life. Red snake indicates a development of a fight or an upgrade to a denial. It means burning situations in waking life….

To dream that you wake up and do the usual things you do in the morning, means that you are worrying of oversleeping. You can’t get yourself into the deep sleep, therefore you keep dreaming of waking up. If you dream that you wake up at the night, it shows that you can’t relax properly during your sleep, therefore you should look after yourself better.

…If you dream of sailing on a smooth and clear lake, it foreshadows success in all your undertakings; if the lake is rough, but yet has clear water, the sign still holds good, though you will encounter difficulties; if it is muddy water, it denotes sickness, and losses through dishonest people about you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 17….

If you dream of the smoke stack, then it means that the upcoming distress is almost arrived. Consider that there might be some urgent conditions which need to be dealt with as soon as it is possible. The dream about smoke stack is also associated with the sexual tense that you must let go.

If you dream about the key, then it means you found the solution for some problem. If you cannot open something with your key, you are doing things the wrong way. If you have lost your keys, then it shows unexpected troubles. If you found the keys in a dream, then it signifies the joy you will have, because of the solution you will find. If you gave your keys to someone else, it means that there is a person you can rely on perfectly.

Hitting the car brake means you’ll overcome the obstacles in your way. Pressing a horse brake means unrequited love.

Dream in which you are making a joke denotes that you are not being taken seriously and therefore you feel frustrated. On the other hand, you cannot take the situation seriously. To hear a joke in your dream means that you do something that is pointless or ridiculous. It can also mean a release of tension that gives you an uncomfortable state.

…(Personal guard | Prison guard) If a notable or a public figure sees his keepers of the gates, or his personal guards standing-up in a dream, it means that they are performing their duty correctly. If they are sitting in the dream, it means that they are failing their duties. The governor’s keeper of the gate in a dream represents glad tidings. Usually he represents a notable person, or a great person who is sought for advice, whereby both great and little people depend on him for access. The keeper of the gate in a dream also represents abeyance, or blocking one’s access. (Also see Doorman)…

Red snake as a symbol of Divine Power is very optimistic. It shows growth of your spiritual power. Also, it shows your unity with inner subconscious mind. Moreover, red snake stands as a symbol for infinite power of Holy Wholeness, which is discovered recently in waking life.

Dreaming that you are at the kennel, is interpreted as a sign of being expelled. Are you feeling shut out of some situation or relationship in your waking life? Kennel in the dream may also has the symbolic significance of being undesirable and unwanted. Are you feeling of being unloved?

If you are shaking hands with someone, then such dream represents the respect you have towards that certain person. The handshake could also indicate the beginning or the end of some situation or relationships in your waking life. If someone was giving you a handshake, then such dream shows how this certain person respects you. The dream could also denote that there is something or someone new in your waking life you are going to meet.

…Dreaming of smoke, foretells that you will be perplexed with doubts and fears. To be overcome with smoke, denotes that dangerous persons are victimizing you with flattery….

Artichoke dream is a metaphor for the need of patience and hard work, because to reach the heart of the artichoke, we must carefully separate leaf by leaf.

…To dream of being in a room full of smoke, foretells that you will engage in an angry controversy, and perhaps quarrel: lovers who dream of smoke, will nose out the fire when they next meet, and it will prove to be either one of anger or of lust. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 76, 5….

Bad News and marital misfortunes. If the snake curls: a big problem will be fixed soon. When the snake is killed: honor and triumph.

When you dream of being in karaoke, then such dream represents the fun side of yours. The dream could also represent unnoticed and undiscovered gift you were given. Alternatively, the karaoke in a dream could show how arrogant and self confident you are.

In many cases, dreaming of the keys of a piano announces unexpected wealth in the future. If the dream is about the keys of a typewriter or a computer keyboard, this is a sign of an imminent improvement in our current situation.

To dream that you are using a rake means you have difficulty completing a task. Seeing other people who are raking, indicates that you will be happy for some time. Seeing a broken rake means that an accident will interrupt your plans.

To dream that a snake is attacking you indicates a betrayal from a person you’d least expect. If you are able to kill this snake, this signifies a victory against your enemies.

…To dream of seeing sleek and healthy cattle yoked-together and acting in harmony, is a sign of a happy marriage: if a girl dreams this, she will be apt to put her own neck in Hymen’s yoke before a great while. To imagine you see yoked cattle wrangling, and trying to get their necks out of the yoke, foretells matrimonial troubles, though it still denotes wedlock to the unmarried. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6, 11….

When you dream of the keepsake, then such dream indicates your power to cherish or be cherished by those around you. The keepsake could also indicate your life’s journey and how much you’ve been through.

To dream we wake up means luck and success. If we wake someone else up, means conflicts and opposition.

In a dream, it means belligerence and injustice. (Also see Naked)

One person means honesty and sincere affection. If you are naked, it means you desire pleasure and passion.

…emulating his trade or traditions, whether they be material or spiritual. If the Imam of the country dies in a dream, it means destruction of that city by war. On the other hand, if one sees a city in ruins in a dream, it means that the Imam has died. If one sees that he is immortal in a dream, it means the nearing of his death. Death in a dream also signifies being recalled to account for a major sin or a crime. To die in a dream with no apparent reason or illness and to exhibit no features of a dead person means longevity. To suffer from death-pangs in a dream means being unjust to oneself or to others. To sees oneself dead and naked in a dream means poverty. To see oneself dead and lying on a straw-mat or a carpet in a dream means prosperity and…

The animal yoke that is seen in the dreams indicates the hard work the dreamer does while achieving his/hers goals. The explanation could be applied to someone in his life as well. The dream could also represent the leader of the company.

…If anyone dreams of being vexed, annoyed, or injured by reason of making a mistake, it shadows forth disgrace. Mistaking one person for another in your dream, denotes scandal: thus if a young girl should dream that she hailed a young man as her lover, and found it was a stranger, it shows that some malicious person will make influence on her character. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 78, 16….

Dreaming about red snake can symbolize a development of a fear. Something in a waking life is getting bigger as a problem, which is progressing also as becoming less predictable. The problem soon will might be unreachable and thus out of your reach to control it.

…A red snake dream symbolizes the cyclic circle of the infinity wheel. It can mean that waking life experiences are repeating over and over again. It is a representation that Yin and Yang balance of powers has been encountered in life. Everything what is good or bad will go away and will come again. To feel it and to experience it – never to forget. Enjoy!…

Dreaming of being surrounded by smoke, is interpreted as the inability to clearly see the problems that you are in. Mental confusion and possible hidden enemies.

…Red snake as a symbol of a fire represents most violent destructive power of burning fire. It can mean digging to raw energy, excavation of vitality power, finding of infinite light. It is positive signs because they represent a part of never ending cycle of life. Thus after this part, a calm period always come into waking life….

Smoke is a sign of fading fantasies. Dreaming of it represents purposes that are not being carried out.

The spiritual symbolism is revealed only when the smoke is white and rises straight to heaven. The materials symbolism is the most common and reveals a state of mental confusion that prevents us from solving problems in which we are involved, or announces the existence of hidden enemies.

Dreams in which you have a stroke usually indicate disputes and lack of peace strangely caused by yourself.

To dream of the keel, represents emotional balance and strength.

(Boiler) Seeing a kettle in a dream means sitting in the seat of honor, or it could represent a public roast.