…Dreaming of mending or darning something that is old and dirty, suggests that you are trying to correct mistakes that are too late to be corrected. However if you are mending something that is new and clean, then it suggests that the mistakes will be corrected promptly, which will give you the success you want. Dreaming of wearing clothes that have been mended suggests that the dreamer is careless with him or others. Dreaming of others wearing mended clothes announces poverty, sadness or upcoming bad times for the dreamer. A young woman who dreams of mending a new dress is a warning that means difficulties precisely when she’s waiting for an era of prosperity. If you’re trying to hide clothing patches in your dream, then it may mean that your bad mood is going to harm you in some way. If you see someone sewing clothes, socks, etc. in…

…If you dream about seeing someone cutting your hair, then such dream represents new opportunities, chances in fresh start. If you are the hairdresser in a dream, then such dream indicates your view towards other people. On the other hand, being a hairdresser in a dream, could show the necessity to build your image in better way. The hairdresser in dreams could also be the symbol of your sexuality, especially if you dream about long, shiny and healthy hair. If you are the hairdresser and cutting your own hair in a dream, then it shows how you are looking after yourself mentally and physically. Being the hairdresser could also point to your desire to change something about yourself or those around you. If you dream that you see other person being at hairdressers, then it denotes to your opinions about that certain person. Overall, the dream about hairdresser is…

…To see a porcupine in your dreams, denotes that you will disapprove any new enterprise and repel new friendships with coldness. For a young woman Dreaming of a porcupine, portends that she will fear her lover. To see a dead one, signifies your abolishment of ill feelings and possessions….

…If a girl dreams of getting a new shawl, it foretells that she will soon have- a new beau who will be very attentive and affable. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 19….

…Dreaming of a porch, denotes that you will engage a new undertakings, and the future will be full of uncertainties. If a young woman dreams that she is with her lover on a porch, implies her doubts of some one’s intentions. Dreaming that you build a porch, you will assume new duties….

To dream that you find something symbolizes the accomplishments in business (in career) throughout hard work. Nothing is going to come easy. Alternatively, to find something is like to find your covered aspects. Maybe you are coming into contact with hidden aspect of your psyche or subconscious. You are identifying a part of yourself that was earlier repressed or undeveloped enough. Alternatively, it represents transformation. To dream that you find someone represents that you are recognizing new aspects of a relationship. You may be taking the relationship to a new direction toward higher level. In some cases, it represents marriage or birth.

…Seeing a wedding in a dream symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your life today. Dreams involving weddings are often negative and highlight some anxiety or fear. They often refer to feelings of bitterness, pain, and death. In addition, the wedding dreams reflect your thoughts on independence. Dreaming that you remarry with your current wife/husband represents truth and happiness. It can also mean a new phase (such as parenthood) of your life. If you are going to get married and dream of your wedding, then it indicates the stress of organizing a wedding. The excessive details of the wedding, the conflicts, and tensions with family, fear of commitment and loss of independence may be the cause of the anxiety produced by the wedding. Research has shown that 40% of brides dream about their ceremony, even though the preparations are going well. Dreaming that you are planning your own…

When you see yourself playing with banjo and it includes other people, then it means joy and good times. If the other people are playing it, the new love will come in your life soon. The sound of the banjo promises visits from your friends and that will make you very happy. It could even predict new love relationships to you.

To dream of the ticket, denotes to the new adventures in your life. Depending on the tickets, the different meanings are coming out of it. The train, plane or bus ticket would show the new journey or other fresh beginning in your life. The cinema or theatre ticket would indicate the creative lack within you. If you have lost the ticket, then such dream indicates the uncertainty and unknowingness.

If you are writing a will in your dream, then such a dream indicates your thoughts about a future. You are planning to start new phase in your life, you desire to make or to create something important in your life, to leave a footprint in your life. If you get a will from somebody in your dream, this is a very positive sign that you can learn new and interesting things from your ancestors. You may have talents and hidden skills which you inherited from your oldest family members.

…Dreaming of a mattress, denotes that new duties and responsibilities will shortly be assumed. To sleep on a new mattress, signifies contentment with present surroundings. Dreaming of a mattress factory, denotes that you will be connected in business with thrifty partners and will soon amass wealth….

To dream that you cross a line signifies a new relationship. You can enter a new phase in life.

The egg in dreams is mostly interpreted as the dream where the dreamer is trying to start the new beginning of something important in his/hers life. The egg is the symbol of the new phase and birth of the ideas, relationships or jobs, especially if it is the egg of the bird. The human egg is interpreted as the feminine omen.

Seeing a package in a dream represents energy, skills or creative feelings. Receiving a package indicates that you will recognize certain sensations or you will acquire new resources. Sending a package suggests that you will plan new projects or businesses.

…To have interaction with a terrarium in the dream, indicates secrets. To see a terrarium when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion that you are hiding from others. It means that you are keeping some qualities of yourself as a secret. Are you hiding and protecting something about yourself from others? On the other hand, there can be different explanation. The terrarium in the dream, has meaning of something very fresh and new. It can symbolize birth of new plans, ideas, schemes, or methods. Dreaming of the terrarium also stands as an omen for fertility, activity, creativity….

When you dream of having an awakening it shows you will face new concepts. This dream represents that you do not struggle when realizing your dreams. Alternatively, you are having a new understanding that is revealing in your life. Dreaming of awakening also represent the edge of transparent dreaming.

Many authors agree in interpreting this dream as the harbinger of a new stage in our life, as if points out an important change of situations, whether on the sentimental or professional level. It can also be referred to a change in our expectations and desires, for the acquisition of new spiritual knowledge.

The dream in which you see the wash bowl denotes to the new activity that will bring lots of joy and happiness. The dream, in which you washed the face with the water from the washing bowl, denotes to new unseen feelings. If the washing bowl was broken, then it means you will receive the satisfaction by hurting the others.

If we are dancing, or if we are watching a dance with the desire to participate, many authors interpret that as a sign of our desire to establish new directions, or move some aspects of our lives that are stagnant. It may be the intuition of new possibilities in the immediate future.

To dream you are making a casserole, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for new plans, ideas, schemes, or methods or a new phase in your life.

See a mattress in a dream means that you will have new responsibilities and duties that will occupy you for a while. To dream that you are sleeping on a new mattress symbolizes happiness in your life.

If you dream about the keg, then such dream indicates disputes in your family. The band that is lose signifies the break up between two individuals and it is not possible to avoid. The new future is coming on your way. To dream of seeing many kegs foretells that you will have difficulties against some disaster. The kegs that are empty, foretells about new beginning that must start immediately.

To dream that you see some kind of the door, means that you are entering the new chapter of your waking life. If you dream that you open the door, then such dream indicates the new opportunities that are ahead of you. The doors that are closed signifies the obstacles and barriers you will face while reaching your goals. The dream shows that you are unable to control your life anymore, because of the circumstances or the influence of other people.

To dream that you are knocking at the door, means that you’re trying to get into the new chapter of your life. If the doors are opened, you will get through very easily. If you hear knocking at the door, it could mean new opportunities in your waking life. Sometimes the actual knocking while you sleep makes you dream of knocking the door which means nothing.

…The dream about the wedding usually symbolizes the fresh start and new goals of your life. The people who are getting ready to get married in their waking life, very often dream about the wedding, because of the importance of the day, anxiety and things they are afraid of. Many people dream of the wedding that goes wrong, but only because of the fear they have to put everything in place. The wedding is one of the most important day of our live, therefore we want everything to go according to plan. The stress and many problems that are caused by the wedding reflect in our dreams. The symbol of the wedding in dreams is associated with sadness and bad emotions, but only in those cases when the dreamer is suffering about certain things in his waking life. On the other hand the dream of the wedding denotes to…

If you are weeding in your dream, this is a sign that it is time for you to get rid of bad habits, negative attitude because it is time for you to step into new period in your life and grow yourself as a wise personality. This is the moment when the beginning and basis will be very important because you will build new relations or life. If you see dried weeds this shows your lost friendship.

…changing his soiled garment in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness, or escape from an adversity or an accident, or that he will be declared innocent from a false accusation. Nakedness in a dream also means death. As for religious and pious people, nakedness in a dream means renouncing the world, or increase in their devotion. If a farmer sees an unknown woman naked in a dream, it means that the time has come to turn the earth over and to prepare it for a new crop. If their is a true witness or an acceptable reference, then one’s nakedness in the dream means attending the pilgrimage in Mecca. Nakedness in a dream also means putting on a new garment. The nakedness of a woman in a dream means separation from her husband, or it could mean her her divorce. (Also see Na- kedness)…

If you are taking the shower before your wedding during the dream, it means that you are leaving your past away and wish to start a new clean and clear life. You are ready to enter into new life.

To dream that you have a facelift means that you are in the hunt for a new appearance. Maybe your old self-identity is not useful anymore. Are you seeking for new self-image? Maybe you have something to hide. Furthermore, you may have experienced huge growth in the levels of your self-assurance and self-confidence. Alternatively, dream about a facelift symbolizes narcissism, egoism and your concerns about your exteriors side rather than what is inside you. Maybe you are not advanced spiritually.

…money, or repenting from sin, reverting to wrongdoing, the return of a bride to her parent’s house immediately after her wedding night, or it could mean reconciliation between husband and wife. If one sees the sun and the moon shinning on him in a dream, it means that his parents are pleased with him. If one sees himself prostrating to the sun or the moon in a dream, it means that he will commit an awful sin, or a heinous crime. In a dream, the sun also represents one’s livelihood, earnings, spiritual guidance, following the truth, new garments, or recovering from a serious illness. Seeingmany suns in the sky in a dream means the spread of religious innovations. If the brightness of the sun grows beyond normal to become unbearable in the dream, it means adversities. Eating up the sun in a dream means benefiting from its services and prospering…

…Wandering through a palace and noting its grandeur, signifies that your prospects are growing brighter and you will assume new dignity. To see and hear fine ladies and men dancing and conversing, denotes that you will engage in profitable and pleasing associations. For a young woman of moderate means Dreaming that she is a participant in the entertainment, and of equal social standing with others, is a sign of her advancement through marriage, or the generosity of relatives. This is often a very deceitful and misleading dream to the young woman of humble circumstances | as it is generally induced in such cases by the unhealthy day dreams of her idle, empty brain. She should strive after this dream, to live by honest work, and restrain deceitful ambition by observing the fireside counsels of mother, and friends. See Opulence….

Dreaming that you are in a dining room, has the symbolic importance of knowledge and understanding. Are you seeking something new in your life? Then the dream about dining room represents fulfilment of an important decision in your life.

If you see a flashlight in a dream, then such dream indicates your will to get to know yourself better. Perhaps you are trying to look deeper within your personality and find out the new features or negativities within yourself. The dream also represents apprehension and consciousness. On the other hand, the flashlight could be interpreted as the symbol of sexual desires and needs that must be fulfilled.

Commencement of a new business.

…(Sling | Catapult) Bringing a slingshot before a sick person in a dream means transporting him to a new place, or it could mean his death and burial. A slingshot in a dream also means removal of a guardian from his office, or recovering from drug addiction, or it may represent a messenger. Using a slingshot to cast stones at others in a dream also means rightly invoking a strong curse on them. If one sees a woman using a slingshot to throw stones at him in a dream, it means sorcery or witchcraft. A slingshot in a dream also denotes just and harsh words. Holding a slingshot and preparing to shoot in a dream represents one’s strength and determination to say something just and true. If one carries a slingshot but adoes not use it to cast stones in the dream, it means that he will repent for…