When you see the gorilla in a dream, then such dream shows your characteristics that others don’t enjoy. You are someone who becomes wild, especially when gets angry. On the other hand, the dream symbolizes your hidden anger, therefore it is expressed only when you are dreaming.

If you ate the cereal in a dream, then such dream could indicate the internal stimulus from your body, because you actually feeling hungry. The other symbol of the cereal foretells that you are about to start a new phase in your life. The dream might also suggest you to make a refreshment within your life and start everything from the scratch.

The junk food could indicate that you are actually feeling hungry during your dream. The junk food could also show that you feed yourself with the bad food. Your body is giving you a signal. The junk food could be used as the metaphor for people you are surrounded by or the relationships you’ve got yourself into. If you ate too much of the junk food, you should reconsider your life, perhaps you are sick of everything.

If you dream that your spouse partner has made an adultery, means that you have the trust issues. You are afraid to lose this person, therefore you dream that he or she will find someone better than you. Some people who have experienced the adultery in reality dream about it either, because it was unforgettable and painful experience. The dream could also indicate the fact that you are very jealous person and do not trust your other half. If you have been betrayed through the adultery in your dream, it means that there are some unsolved issues with your partner and you wish for revenge or simply are angry.

The dogs in dreams are always the symbolism of friendship especially if the dreamer plays with them. If you are chased by an angry dog, then such dream represents deception from your friends or your relatives.

The dog in dreams is a very positive omen, because it indicates friendship between two individuals. The dog is someone who will always be there for you no matter what are the circumstances, therefore if you dream about the dog, then such dream could mean that there is someone in your waking life you can trust. The dog could also show the love and devotion you have for the animals, therefore you dream about it as well. Sometimes the dog could be interpreted as the playful side of your personality. If the dog is angry or attacked you, you will be in danger of being betrayed. Perhaps you shouldn’t trust people as much as you did until now.

If you read the Zodiac and feeling awkward about this fact, then it means that some kind of unpleasable incident will make you sad or even angry. Make sure you prepare yourself for that, then it won’t be a surprise of something unfavourable. If you read the Zodiac and enjoying it, it means that the growth of your finances are on the way and you will also be happy with your current relationships. If you see your own Zodiac, you know yourself very well and like to examine your thought, feelings and emotions.

If you are kissing someone in romantic way, it shows your romantic feelings towards that particular person. You have a very close relationships to that person. If you kiss someone who is not your partner, it shows that you have the feelings to this person or would like to see the features of him/her in your partner. If the romantic kiss is not enjoyable, you do not have the sexual affection to this person or simply are angry for something and have unsolved problems. The romantic kissing could also show how much you are longing for it, because it don’t experience romantic kissing in a very long time. To get more interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of non-romantic kissing.

…(God’s prophet Yunus, upon whom be peace.) Seeing God’s prophet Jonah (uwbp) in a dream means making a hasty decision that will lead one to prison and tight circumstances. He will then be released to enjoy his life for a while along with a group of bewildered people. He also will be emotional, impulsive, easy to get angry and easy to please….

…For a young woman Dreaming of being seduced, foretells that she will be easily influenced by showy persons. For a man Dreaming that he has seduced a girl, is a warning for him to be on his guard, as there are those who will falsely accuse him. If his sweetheart appears shocked or angry under these proposals, he will find that the woman he loves is above reproach. If she consents, he is being used for her pecuniary pleasures….

To dream that someone or something is evil, symbolizes a suppressed emotion. Dreaming about evil, also means that there in your life is a situation, which makes you angry. Alternatively, to dream evil represents prohibited feature of your character. Maybe this part of your personality may be trying to escape from being forbidden. Is there in you anything what can be seeking recognition and acknowledgment? Alternatively, evil may also be a mirror image of your powerful damaging emotions like hate, anger or annoyance. If in the dream you were able to fight back or to eliminate the evil of someone or something, then your dream is fortunate sign. It indicates that you will be able to deal with and understand the ground of your emotions. You are going to experience positive transformation. And you will elevate yourself to a higher level of consciousness.

When a mythological character appears in our dreams it has the meaning given to it by mythology. To dream Zeus or Jupiter announces fortune in business or employment. Venus predicts a happy love if she is in a good mood, or unhappy love, or even revenge if she is in an angry mood, and so on.

…Dreaming that you’re hitting someone symbolizes aggression. It also symbolizes that you’re angry and you don’t know how to express it. You have a tendency to keep your negative feelings inside, instead of taking them out in a natural and healthy way….

…to recite his final rites in a dream, it means glad tidings and attainment of what his heart desires, a guarantee of his safety, happiness, joy and of having a blessed and a good heart. If he sees them angry with him or beating him or subduing and taming him in a dream, it means that he may revert to sin, earn the displeasure of his parents, disdain from complying with God’s commands, or he could even come to deny the necessity of God’s religion. Such angels in a dream also represent the emissaries of a governor or his deputies. If a dying person is told in the dream that no angels have come to see him, then it is a testimony of his good character and piety, or it could mean payment of one’s debts or recovering from an illness. Angels in a dream also could represent scholars, gnostics…

…(Changing hide into leather or curing it | Dye) Seeing a tanner in a dream is interpreted the same as seeing a cupper. (See Cupping). Both specialties cure something. If one sees a physician becoming a tanner in a dream, it denotes his expertise and the large number of people who benefit from his treatments. Unless one finds the tanning to be faulty, then it indicates a non-professional person. If seeing a tanner in a dream is understood to denote material benefits, then in reality, he represents an escape from death. If he is understood in relationship with religious matters, then seeinghim means feeding the poor and hungry during a drought or a famine. A tanner in a dream also represents a peacemaker, a physician, or a guardian. However, it is possible to interpret a tanner in a dream to mean distress, adversities, or an unjust person. (Also see…

…fear and worries of going to labour. If you dream of a baby which is crying, it shows that you are seeking for attention and understanding and support from the others. There is something missing in your life and you do not feel completed as a person. If you see the baby that is hungry it shows that you are lacking of taking responsibility for yourself. If you dream of very unusually small baby, it represents your apprehension and misgiving of others knowing what you really are. If you dream of a baby that is dead, it shows that part of you will never be the same as it used to be before. If you dream of putting the baby in and out of the water it shows the reversion you will get in. It means that you are missing of times when you had no worries, been easy going…

…(Incite | Induce | Lure | Urge) To urge someone to feed the hungry or to do good deeds in a dream means repentance of a sinner, or attracting one’s good luck, or following the exemplary conduct of God’s Prophet upon whom be peace….