…dream, it means that his movements will be hampered with various restrictions. If one marries a deceased woman in a dream, it means that he will revive a profitable project he had earlier abandoned. If a man offers his mother in marriage to one of his friends in a dream, it means that he will sell his house. If a pregnant woman sees herself getting married in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl. If she sees herself in her wedding night in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. If a mother who has a son sees herself getting married in a dream, it means that she will marry off her son. In general, the marriage of a married woman, or of an unwed woman in a dream means benefits. If a woman marries a deceased man in a dream, it…

If we are actors in a dream, it indicates that we will handle actively to succeed in an ongoing business, whether working or loving. However, if the dream is repeated in more than one night in a short period of time, it means that we cannot solve some of the problems that overwhelm us. When, on the contrary, we see the work of actors and actresses, it presages a simple game of pleasure, frivolous distractions with friends who are not as safe nor as reliable as we would like, and even perhaps, that take advantage of us under the disguise of friendship. We must not forget that real life is like a play, sometimes it’s funny, sometimes is tragic, and that basically this dream tells us that sometimes we pretend to get what we want, and that sometimes pretenders are others.

…unfamiliar room hints that friends will visit soon. Dreaming about sleeping in a bed outdoors hints that the dreamer will soon receive important opportunities that will make life better. If a sick person dreams about lying in bed this means that it could be a warning, and if the dreamer doesn’t take the proper precautions, soon their illness will get worse risking his or her life. Dreaming about someone familiar in bed and seeing them pale hints that soon unpleasant situations will occur among the dreamer’s friends that will somehow affect the dreamer, such as family illnesses that threaten to cause misfortunes. Dreaming about wetting the bed announces problems either by disease or unforeseen bad business. When a woman dreams about one or more of her children wetting the bed at night, it hints that she lives in a constant state of nervousness, restlessness and uncertainty for several reasons….

(See Darkness | Evening | Night)

…Red snake in a dream can be induced by external stimulus. For anyone, recently encountered intensive red color in waking life can be a reason of dreaming about red snake. It can be a blood, a sunset, a red apple, a red painting and anything else with red color. For a woman, a start of a period can be a cause of dreaming about snake in red. For a man, a spontaneous blood flow into reproductive organ is a trigger for the dreams about the red snakes. It can occur up to few times per night. Also, if closed eyes being touched by rising sun rays in a morning, it can invoke a red color snake dream….

To dream an owl flies over your sweetheart, and screeches violently, is a bad omen. It denotes he will be a sot, a rake, and night-walker, and he will be guilty of murder, or some great crime.

…with all the horrible disfigurements of advanced decomposition. But the climax of horror was not yet reached, for, as I gazed, the corpse slowly opened its eyes, and, with a hideous flippancy, winked and leered at me. I awoke sweating with fright, and two or three days later my host died in a fit of apoplexy.A friend of mine, before the death of her brother, dreamed she went to the window one still and moonlight night, and, on peeping out, saw her brother standing on the garden path, looking up at her. His eyes were glassy, his cheeks white and fleshless, and he was swathed all over in a winding-sheet. The sight so shocked her that she awoke, and within the week received tidings that her brother was dead. But these are exceptions, and I maintain that as a rule dreams of the dead presage births, engagements, and marriages….

…mean death of a beloved such as one’s wife, or it could mean relocating to a blessed place or finding a sanctuary. Seeing oneself at ‘Arafat in a dream also could mean losing a battle to one’s adversary, though the results or consequences of such a battle will bring him honor and exalted station, or it could mean winning the battle against one’s enemy. If a sinner sees himself praying and repenting at Mount Arafa or near the Mount of Mercy in the Plain of ‘Arafat in a dream, it means that his repentance will be accepted, or that a secret will be exposed, or it could mean that a reunion of beloveds will take place shortly after one’s dream. If one sees himself standing in ‘Arafa during the night time in a dream, it means that his goals will be attained and that he will satisfy his quest. If…

…still felt a hellish pain in my eyes, and ears, and all the most sensitive parts of my body.A lady once told me that the night before hearing of the unexpected promotion of her son, she dreamed she saw him standing in a pool of water literally surrounded by huge salmon that rubbed themselves affectionately against his legs in the manner of a dog.And another dream, that has been told me relative to the same fish, was to the effect that shortly before the dreamer received a high official appointment in the East Indies, he dreamed he was paddling in a brook, when he suddenly trod on a huge salmon, that leaped out of the water and went on rising and rising in the air, till it finally disappeared altogether.It is no uncommon thing for me to dream about eels, and whenever I do, something unpleasant is sure to follow….

…during the sixth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadu Thani. and if the dream carries a good meaning, it will come, but slow and one should not contradict it. If one sees this dream during the seventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Rajab, it means that he will gain honor and status, for it is the month of the prophet’s Ascension (Mi’raj) and his night journey to the seventh heaven. A dream during the eighth lunar month, known in Arabic as Sha*ban, represents honor and ranks, for during this month, every good deed will be honored. As for the ninth lunar month, known in Arabic as Ramadan, in it, all difficulties will be suspended, evil will be shun and stinginess will be dispelled. During this month all what is good will manifest and bad dream will dissipate to become null and void. During this month, the dreams of…

…Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina in a dream means seeking God’s nearness and his pleasure through good deeds. It also means feeling safe, mixing with people of knowledge, associating with people of religious ranks, joining the company of knowledge seekers, and developing sincere love for the family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, serving and loving those who love his progeny. Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in a dream also means love, knowledge and guidance. Visiting Al-Aqsa Sacred Mosque in Jerusalem in a dream means blessings, understanding the inner meaning of important spiritual subjects and miraculous events, or reflecting upon the Nocturnal Journey of God’s Messenger (uwbp), the night in which the eight heavens were decorated to receive and honor him when he was called upon to come before God Almighty. Visiting the grave of God’s Prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream means obedience to…

…To dream of a tiger signifies the advent of an illness, loss of money, accident, and disappointment in love. For my own part, I dreamed I was stalked and pounced upon by a white tiger, prior to being thrown from a bicycle; whilst a night or two before I was seized with appendicitis — i.e. in December 1906 — I dreamed a tiger got into the house through one of the lower windows, and after gorging itself on a dog, whose screams half frightened me out of my senses, came stealing up the stairs to attack me. The agonies I underwent, as I heard it drawing nearer and nearer, were such as one could only experience in sleep. I awoke as its hideous, striped head and malevolent, yellow eyes peeped gloatingly in at me through the door….

…going on behind a door, it indicates that some friends are plotting against the dreamer, or that the dreamer is trying to do something that’s wrong. Dreaming of trying to go through a door and having the door become unattached and hurting someone, could signify that the dreamer’s advice and recommendations may seriously hurt the person who’s receiving them, which is why the dreamer should think carefully before giving them. If a woman dreams that she goes through a door during a rainy night, it could mean that she intends to experience objectionable adventures. If a man has this same dream, it signifies vices and reprehensible behavior. According to Freud, when a man has a dream about a door it symbolizes something sexual, meaning that there are sexual desires and impulses that haven’t been satisfied. Dreaming of going through a door, no matter the shape or size suggests that soon…

To adore Christ will signify joy day and night.

…Rats, whether white, black, or brown, singly or collectively, import illness, death, and serious misfortunes.The night before his son was drowned at sea, a man I once met dreamed his bedroom was full of enormous black rats with grey eyes that raced round and round the bed, and eventually leaped into the empty grate and disappeared up the chimney.Another person, a lady in London, if I remember rightly, dreamed that she saw her youngest daughter sitting on the floor playing with a big brown rat that suddenly sprang at her, tore the ribbon out of her hand, and raced out of the room with it. Some days later, this particular daughter developed consumption, of which she eventually died….

…Dreaming of seeing your shoes ragged and soiled, denotes that you will make enemies by your unfeeling criticisms. To have them blacked in your dreams, foretells improvement in your affairs, and some important event will cause you satisfaction. New shoes, augur changes which will prove beneficial. If they pinch your feet, you will be uncomfortably exposed to the practical joking of the fun-loving companions of your sex. To find them untied, denotes losses, quarrels and ill-health. To lose them, is a sign of desertion and divorces. Dreaming that your shoes have been stolen during the night, but you have two pairs of hose, denotes you will have a loss, but will gain in some other pursuit. For a young woman Dreaming that her shoes are admired while on her feet, warns her to be cautious in allowing newly introduced people, and men of any kind, to approach her in…

Dreaming of a maze means that you will be involved in complicate situations that are absolutely intolerable. The dream of being in a maze of glass or wood means unexpected turn of happiness, where despair and loss were anticipated. Dream of a maze indicates mistake and detachment from reality. It reflects troubles and difficulties of all kinds except when you manage save yourself from this type of situation, then it means you’ll find an unexpected solution that will let you work out a muddled affair. It also indicates the ability to react to the absurd. Dream of being in a maze at night or in the darkness indicates a bitter serious situation or illness.

The bats that are flying signifies instability, especially if you see them during the night, because you will face some obstacles and troubles. If one of the bats have brushed you, then everything will pass quickly and you will be fine.

To dream that you wake up and do the usual things you do in the morning, means that you are worrying of oversleeping. You can’t get yourself into the deep sleep, therefore you keep dreaming of waking up. If you dream that you wake up at the night, it shows that you can’t relax properly during your sleep, therefore you should look after yourself better.

In the dirt sickness; in water, grief; in the night, trouble.