…Dreaming of yourself eating vegetables, indicates strange and surprising situations. Dreaming of wilted and spotted vegetables announces the possibility of illness, bad luck and sadness. When a woman dreams of herself preparing vegetables for food it means difficulties with her husband and family. If in the dream the vegetables are being grown in an orchard and are healthy, it symbolizes economic benefits and love in relationships. If we’re cooking them, it portends fights and trouble in the family….

…Dreaming of eating vegetables, is an omen of strange luck. You will think for a time that you are tremendously successful, but will find to your sorrow that you have been grossly imposed upon. Withered, or decayed vegetables, bring unmitigated woe and sadness. For a young woman Dreaming that she is preparing vegetables for dinner, foretells that she will lose the man she desired through pique, but she will win a well-meaning and faithful husband. Her engagements will be somewhat disappointing….

…(Blanched | Boiled eggs | Poached | Stew) In a dream, boiled vegetables, eggs, meat or poached eggs, etcetera, signify fast coming earnings, or a profitable business. Boiled vegetables in a dream also mean paying one’s debts, an unanticipated arrival of some thing expected to happen later, celebra- tions, a wedding or distress, sorrow or poverty. Cooking mixed vegetables with milk in a dream means mixing lineage, or marriage from a different tribe, or it could mean starting a new and a good tradition. (Also see Stew)…

To dream that you bought many vegetables is a good omen, because it shows the abundance you’re living in. The vegetables could also indicate the fact that there are missing nutrition in your organism and your body is calling out for help during the sleep, because it wants food that is good to your health. The different vegetables have different meanings, so make sure you pay attention to which want you wanted or saw in your dream.

To see vegetables in your dream, signifies your need for spiritual nourishment. It may also foretell that you are lacking in that nutrient. To see withered vegetables in your dream, denotes sadness.

…Dreaming of reading or telling fables, denotes pleasant tasks and a literary turn of mind. To the young, it signifies romantic attachments. To hear, or tell, religious fables, denotes that the dreamer will become very devotional….

…If vegetables are in good condition, then it indicates flourishing happiness. If they’re rotten, then will bring minor disappointments….

(See Boiled vegetables | Stew)

(See Boiled vegetables)

…Dreaming of parables, denotes that you will be undecided as to the best course to pursue in dissenting to some business complication. To the lover, or young woman, this is a prophecy of misunderstandings and disloyalty….

Being friendly received in company. 39.

Coming some news from debtors and correspondents.

If we heard a fable being told that announces happy moments.

To dream of apples portends quarrels; beans, presents; cabbages, petty losses; carrots, new dresses and clothes; cherries, presents and kisses; gooseberries, domestic quarrels and legal disputes; grapes, the breaking of friendships; pears, births; plums, minor accidents; wheat, success in work and business, legacies and presents; grass, illness, the breaking off of engagements, disappointments in general; barley and oats, journeys and unexpected visits; hay, weddings, holidays and legacies….

Hospitality, great news.

Wearisome toil; to gather them, quarrels; to eat them, losses in business. Cabbage. Health, long life. Cauliflower: Sickness, infidelity; Beans: Criticism; green beans: considerable loss; Peas: Good fortune; Asparagus: Profit, success; Artichokes: Pain, embarrassment; Turnips: Annoyance, disappointment; Cucumber: Serious indisposition; Onions: Dispute with inferiors; Leeks: Labour; Lettuce: Poverty; Garlic: A woman’s deception; Rue: Family annoyances; Herbs: Prosperity; to eat, grief. Corn, Riches and happiness; Walnuts: To dream that one sees and eats walnuts, or hazelnuts, signifies difficulty and trouble….

(see PULSES).

Vexation in business, troubles, sickness. 44.

…(Indian meal | Indian stew) Cooking a dish of boiled meat and vegetables in a dream means profits and prosperity for a poor person. Cooking Indian stew which is a meal consisting of corn and other vegetables in a dream means poverty, worship, or devotion. Cooking unripened vegetables in a dream means an illness. If one cooks a nice meal for himself in a dream, it means that he will be honored, or it could mean a political appointment, or money. If someone else cooks one’s meal in a dream, it may denote double-crossing, deception, or perhaps it may mean receiving help from someone according to one’s own intention or state. (Also see Boiled vegetables | Kitchen | Ladle)…

To dream that you plant the vegetables in the garden means that you make the new ideas or projects in your waking life. Something new is coming inti your life. The different vegetables have different meanings, therefore pay attention to the vegetables you saw in your dream and look for particular meaning.

…little present. Are you fond of roast mutton?””Yes, ma’am,’ I replied, feeling very hungry all of a sudden, for the smell of all those good things I have told you about, sir, really made my mouth water.”And tripe? She went on”.”Again I answered, ‘ Yes”.”Then that is all right,’ she said, with a sigh of relief.” My husband and I ordered what we fancied you would most appreciate — a good, homely fare and plenty of it — so don’t be afraid to have a second helping. Now, Willie dear, let us begin”.”Well, sir, we all sat down. It was by far the” queerest meal I have ever had, and I cannot say I enjoyed it, for the meat was tough and the vegetables half raw. But there was no help for it.When I had got one plateful down and was congratulating myself that I could now give my jaws…

…(Cooking pot | Vessel) In a dream, a cooking pot represents one’s wife, his livelihood and home, while the lid represents the husband. If the pot looks in a good condition and of value in one’s dream, then it represents his nobility and honor. A pottery cookware salesman in a dream represents comfort and one does not need to travel to earn his livelihood, while a copper cookware or other types of cookware salesman in a dream represent a livelihood based on travelling from door to door. A cooking pot in a dream also represents a scholar or a man of knowledge who is sitting in the teacher’s chair, while the meat, vegetables and spices inside the pot represent his knowledge, wisdom and their benefits for the seeker. A pot on fire with water boiling inside it in a dream represents a divorced woman. A pot in a dream…

Playing at cards, tables, or any other game in a dream, shows the party shall be very fortunate; and tables allude unto love, for love is the table, fancy the point that stands open; and he that dreams much of table playing shall be a great gamester, as well with Joan as my lady.

…heart-rending scream, and in spite of the remonstrance of the police, every one, saving myself and the constables who held me, made a rush for the door. The master of the house was lying on the floor beside his bed, face downwards, with the back of his skull smashed to pulp. He did it with his jemmy, without a doubt, I heard someone say.” See, there are bloodstains on his coat!” — Which of course there were, stains from my own blood. Then the police sergeant formally charged me with the murder; my clothes were searched, and all the trinkets I had nabbed from the dressing- table were brought to light.”And all the while this was taking place, that demon of a traitress was kneeling beside her dead husband — the man she hated and whom, I am positive, she killed — moaning and groaning, and calling upon Heaven, in…

See Vegetables.

…in it; and in due course of time actually received a reply, stating that, from the photo and the description she gave of Mr. S. , there could be little doubt that he was a scoundrel of the name of Grigson, who, a few days after his marriage with Scott -Tanner’s daughter, had absconded, taking with him all her jewellery and other valuables. Lady B now felt constrained to put the matter in the hands of a detective; but before she had time to carry out her resolution, her would-be bridegroom disappeared, and nothing more was heard of him.Here again I am inclined to attribute the dream to projection; and in this case I think the projection of Lady B was brought about through the friendly connivance of her dead husband, who, eager to save her from an awful fate, was for that reason permitted to converse with her on…

To dream you are eating beans, always betokens trouble and dissensions. Also see the meaning of Vegetables.)

(See Boiled vegetables)

…In dreams, the meaning of selling is symbolic and depends on what is being sold. If you dream that useless things or items of little value are being sold, then it means that there’ll be a slight improvement in work or business. However, if during the dream the dreamer is selling valuables, furniture, paintings, vases, jewelry, etc., it means that his or her current position will improve considerably….

…value could mean that you will have to help people who you care about. Dreaming of negotiating with a lender is a sign that your own affairs are not going well and that they should be taken care of so they won’t become worse. If during the dream, there are arguments with the lender, then this means that everything will get worse. If the deal ends amicably, it means that soon all problems will be diminished and will be solved. Dreaming of requesting loans of any kind, but especially regarding money, could mean that there’s economic hardship or setbacks of any kind, reason why the dreamer is seeking help. Dreaming of lending something suggests that the dreamer is in risk of falling into misfortune, either by poor health, poverty, etc. Dreaming of lending money or valuables of any kind to other people suggests envy of the prosperity of others….

For asparagus see the meaning of Vegetables.

Dreaming of a dirty old beggar is a sign that the dreamer’s issues are not being handled properly, which can lead to poverty. Failure to address this warning may cause loss of valuables and prestige. Dreaming about helping a beggar indicates that there is something deep inside the dreamer that he or she can’t resolve. Dreaming of rejecting or somehow attacking a helpless beggar is a sign of the dreamer’s own evil or disregard of others.

For artichokes, see the meaning of Vegetables.

…To see a garden in your dreams, filled with evergreen and flowers, denotes great peace of mind and comfort. To see vegetables, denotes misery or loss of fortune and calumny. To females, this dream foretells that they will be famous, or exceedingly happy in domestic circles. Dreaming of walking with one’s lover through a garden where flowering shrubs and plants abound, indicates unalloyed happiness and independent means….

See Vegetables.

(See Boiled vegetables)

…Dreaming of drinking vinegar, denotes that you will be exasperated and worried into assenting to some engagement which will fill you with evil foreboding. To use vinegar on vegetables, foretells a deepening of already distressing affairs. Dreaming of vinegar at all times, denotes inharmonious and unfavorable aspects….

…(Cup | Plate | Tray) In a dream, a bowl represents man’s money pouch or what his wife would like to receive from him. If one sees himself receiving a bowl filled with sweets in a dream, it means receiving abundance of love from one’s beloved. If the bowl is filled with sour food or some green raw vegetables in the dream, it means that animosity will develop on the part of his beloved, and it will provoke despise and fighting between husband and wife. Seeing a bowl in a dream also means increase in one’s earnings. A bowl also represents a servant, a child, a daughter, a nanny, or a handmaiden. Licking a bowl in a dream represents one’s earnings, and it could mean that he has consumed his lot in this life, or that he has reached the term of his life in this world. If one…

…it means that such thorns will prevent him from wrongdoing or from falling into sin. A walnut tree in a dream represents hard earned money. Trees in a dream also represent shops, businesses, tables, festivities, servants, cattle, restaurants, money, hidden treasures, storage houses, religions or sects. If a storm damages a tree, burns it, or causes it to falls in a dream, it means the death or murder of a man or a woman. A date or a palm tree in a dream also represents a famous person, a man of knowledge, the wife of a king, or the mother of a president. If it is an olive tree, then it represents a man of knowledge, a preacher, a passenger, a judge or a physician. Like that, trees are interpreted according to their substance, value, or the harm or benefit they bring, their roots, origin or age. Seeing a vineyard…

…(Harrow | Mattock | Plow | Scoop | Trowel) In a dream, a shovel represents a wife for an unmarried person. She will keep no secret, though she will spare no expense to save her husband from poverty. A shovel in a dream also means dispelling distress, overcoming trouble, or satisfying one’s debts. A shovel in a dream also may represent a trustworthy person one can depend on during hard times, or in times of adversities. Holding a shovel in a dream means receiving benefits and blessings, for a shovel collects dirt as well as valuables. A shovel in a dream also may represent a woman, profits, or business activities. (Also see Rake | Spade)…