Commencement of some sure but troublesome business. 27.

Gain, good business. 33.

…never visited such a spot nor seen such a person, except in my dreams, and can only conclude that it must either be a forecast of what is to happen to me some day, or that projection takes place during sleep and I visit the actual spot in my immaterial body. This unconscious projection, as may be proved by many authentic cases, is by no means an uncommon occurrence, and I am of the opinion that many vivid scenic dreams may thus be explained. One of the best-known stories, illustrating the theory of projection during sleep, is to this effect. A Miss G, who dreamed so frequently of an old country house that she got to know every nook and cranny of it by heart, went on a visit to some friends with whom she had never stayed before. The moment she caught sight of their house she recognised it;…

It may reflect a fear of disease. Sometimes it predicts difficulties due to the wickedness of others. If we visited an infirmary that warns us that we must move away from a business in which we have let ourselves be trapped as soon as possible.

Being soon visited by aristocratic persons.

…a level with my face, and, as I peered through it, a tall man in evening dress entered the room. ‘Mr. Montague, I suppose,’ I murmured to myself, mentioning the name of the banker. ‘Why, he’s actually wearing red socks, and has a coloured handkerchief and a sixpenny ready-made tie,” You see, sir, I notice every detail in a gentleman’s dress; and, as you doubtless know, nothing gives a show away so much as loud-coloured handkerchiefs and ready-made ties; no one in tip-top society wears such things.”Now I didn’t know much about bankers, as most of the people at whose houses I visited were real gentry, but I never should have believed that even a moderately well-to-do business man would have dressed like that. I was gazing at him in astonishment, when he suddenly approached the window, and, seeing me, threw up the sash. ‘Are you the policeman,’ he said,…

…One night, as far back as 1894, 1 dreamed I was in a desert in Phantomnia, and that bounding towards me from a distance, came a white kangaroo decorated with large, brown spots that looked as if they had been recently painted, and which imparted to it a wooden appearance. It came right up to me, and eyeing me in the friendliest manner possible, said, “Have you seen my mother?” “No!” I replied, “I have not seen anyone here for the last two years, because it is fully that time since I visited these parts. What is she like?” The kangaroo was greatly perplexed. “Why,” he said, “To tell you the truth I haven’t the slightest idea. I thought, perhaps, you might know; but, of course; since you have been absent for so long, it is very obvious you are the last person I should have asked. Good-bye.” And,…

…I have, over and over again in my dreams, visited a certain district when the weather has been fine; but the other night I was there during a storm, and the experience, though interesting, was not too agreeable. I was in a hut on a wide, vast desert traversed by a broad river, and bounded by a long chain of mountains on the one side, and on the other by a forest of pines. On my arrival all was hushed and still; the air soft and sweet; the sky clear and blue; typical in every respect of an ideal summer day. The change was brought about in a totally unprecedented manner. The blue of the heavens was suddenly metamorphosed into a vivid violet, and the wind from the mountain tops, shrieking and roaring like ten million devils across the plain, converted the hitherto placid waters of the rivers into…

…Most writers and artists live in dreamland. In their hours of wakefulness, Phantasmagoria comes to them; in their hours of sleep they go to Phantasmagoria. Pursued and pursuing, in bed, at work or at play, they are never free from fantasies. In my novels my imagination runs riot, I make no attempt to suppress it. I write of the fantastic the weird, the occult; for at night I move, I breathe, I think in phantom land. So often have I visited this same phantom land that I have made a map of it, naming its isles, seas, mountains, lakes, forests, rivers, and plains. With many of the smaller landmarks, too, I am familiar, and I know what each turn and twist of certain roads have in store for me. Everything is portrayed to me so vividly that I believe my spiritual body, separating itself from my material body, actually…

Dreaming of seeing intestines, signifies you are about to be visited by a grave calamity, which will remove some friend. To see your own intestines, denotes grave situations are closing around you | sickness of a nature to affect you in your daily communications with others threatens you. Probable loss, with much displeasure, is also denoted. If you think you lay them upon something, which turns out to be a radiator, and they begin to grow hot and make you very uncomfortable, and you ask others to assist you, and they refuse, it foretells unexpected calamity, which will probably come in the form of a desperate illness or a misfortune for which you will be censured by those formerly your friends. You may have trouble in extricating yourself from an unpromising predicament.

…If a rich person sees that in his dream, it means that his wealth will increase. If someone who has renounced the pleasures of this world or an ascetic sees such a dream, it means that he will return to desiring it, or that he will be seduced by the world again. Walking between meadows in a dream means going on a business trip or changing one’s profession. The same interpretation is given if one sees himself walking between two different markets. If one sees a deceased person sitting in the meadows in a dream, it means that he is in paradise. Meadows in a dream also represent the world and its pleasures, or they could represent a rich wife. Seeing an unusual meadow which is admired only when beheld, and enjoyed especially when visited in a dream represents a revered place, a house of God, a mosque, the grave…

…To dream of black beetles signifies impending illness, sometimes serious, sometimes slight. Before being laid up with bronchial colds, I very often have very harrowing dreams of being visited by shoals of black beetles and cockroaches….

…known physician as a judge or a wise man in a dream, it means that one will become renowned, his status will rise and he will become a celebrated pioneer in his field. If he is not known to be a righteous physician, then it means that one will be visited with adversities, or it could mean that someone will die from malpractice, or it could mean persevering with daring attempts do increase one’s business at the expense of people’s lives. If one sees a physician selling coffins or folded shrouds in a dream, one should be suspicious of him in wakefulness even if people are fascinated by his charm. If one sees a physician working as a tanner in a dream, it shows the physicians ingenuity, knowledge of his trade and the many people who recover from their illness at his hand. The exception to that is when the…

…nasty “turns” by enemies, failures in work.I have often dreamed about fish. I remember once having a very vivid dream about a shark.I fancied I was bathing in a fresh-water pool close to the house where I was staying, when, to my surprise and horror, I suddenly saw the fin of a shark bearing straight down on me. I shouted for help, and the next moment found myself falling down a well with the shark, an enormous white shark, in full pursuit of me. On arriving at the bottom, I was abruptly transferred to the drawing-room of a house I had not visited or thought of for at least twenty years, when the first thing I saw on the tea-table, its baleful eyes fixed on mine with a malicious grin, was the head of the shark.I awoke in fear and trembling — as indeed I might after such a startling…

…Bears have always been associated with the unpleasant side of the occult. Those, however, that made such short work of Elisha’s tormentors, although undoubtedly psychic (since to appear and cause to disappear with such startling suddenness is only characteristic of the super physical), were to my mind far more opportune than they were unpleasant. Indeed, I might go further and confess that I should not be extremely sorry were such a demonstration of the occult bear, as that recorded in the Scriptures, to take place periodically amongst the ill-mannered and superfluous children of to-day. Many places are said to be haunted by evil spirits in ursine guise. I have myself visited a house in Chelsea where the apparition of a shaggy bear is seen, and it is a well-known fact that the Tower of London was once (and perhaps still is) haunted by the phantasm of a bear. A…

…To dream of lighted candles, is a night that you will become religious, or will be soon visited by a minister who will tell you good news. To see a candle extinguished, is a sign of a funeral. To light a candle, success in what you undertake. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 67, 46….

If you dream of receiving a visit, you will undertake some enterprise at present, unthoughtful of. To pay a visit, foretells some great loss. To be visited by a physician, brings great profit.

Very rarely it can be a premonition if you recognize the person who visited or visiting you. Almost always it is the dream that reveals our need to interact with others, because we feel intimately isolated and extremely lonely.