…Dreaming of a large, handsomely dressed crowd of people at some entertainment, denotes pleasant association with friends | but anything occurring to mar the pleasure of the guests, denotes distress and loss of friendship, and unhappiness will be found where profit and congenial intercourse was expected. It also denotes dissatisfaction in government and family dissensions. To see a crowd in a church, denotes that a death will be likely to affect you, or some slight unpleasantness may develop. To see a crowd in the street, indicates unusual briskness in trade and a general air of prosperity will surround you. To try to be heard in a crowd, foretells that you will push your interests ahead of all others. To see a crowd is usually good, if too many are not wearing black or dull costumes. Dreaming of seeing a hypnotist trying to hypnotize others, and then turn his attention…
Dream dictionary: nolhlng found dream meanings
The water in dreams have many different explanations depending on the circumstances of the dream and waking life. The water that is seen in the form of sea, ocean or lake indicates the big amount of energy you are surrounded by. If the water is crystal clear, the dream promises good and easy life. If you are floating in the clean and calm water, you found the peace with your mind. The water that is muddy or dirty represents the worries and problems the one is suffering from. If the water is stormy, has many waves, then such dream represents the things in your life that causes stress. The changes of the water indicates the changes of your life.
The lightening is always a good omen for the dreamer. This kind of dream shows the peacefulness and tranquility the one has found in his waking life. Perhaps the dreamer is in very deep connection with his spirituality. He asks the questions that not many people are asking. The dreamer knows that the living is something more than only the living we have every day. The goodness and tranquility that is within his mind is also coming in his dreams, which shows the amazing self-control one has achieved.
The light in dreams is very common, because it gives people hope. The light is the symbol of hope, enlightenment, spirituality and love. The light that you see far way shows that you found the way to get out from all the negativity you were suffering from. You will get the answers to the questions that youve been asking for a very long time. The light could be dreamed of, because of the sun light or any other stimulus that shines into your eyes while sleeping, in this case it means nothing.
…Rams in dreams denote quarrels of a more violent nature than do sheep. For example, I remember, when I was a boy, prior to a quarrel (which ended in a fight) with a schoolfellow, dreaming I was attacked in a field by a big black ram with red eyes, that chased me persistently over hedges and ditches, and through water, and when, in some miraculous fashion, I took to the air, it sprang up after me, never desisting from its fierce butting still I was reduced to a hopeless state of jelly, when I was permitted to awake. In after years, before quarrelling with a venomous attorney, I dreamed I was fishing in a weir, when a grey ram, catching me unawares, butted me in the back and precipitated me head first into the water, where I found myself attacked on all sides by slimy, yellow snakes….
Dreaming of taking medicines means, according to most authors, that we have found the necessary help for a problem that we have, in any aspect of our life. Meaning that it predicts that we will find what we need in order to get out of a difficult situation.
…Sheep in dreams imply the advent of trouble in the form of family disputes and disagreements, quarrels with friends and neighbours.Apart from the experiences of those whom I have met, on which I have based the above statements, I have invariably found that after dreaming of sheep myself I have had to encounter much petty and uncalled-for disagreeableness….
The snow in a dream denotes to unexpressed feelings and longing for something important in your life. Perhaps the dream suggests you to let everything go including your emotions, thoughts and feelings. The snow could also indicate the feeling of loneliness, singleness. To see the snow that is melting denotes to the sad emotions which are going away. Probably you are getting to the point where you are no longer afraid of who you are. If the snow is dirty, then it means that your health, goodness has been lost. If the snow is white and clean, then it means you are in peace and tranquility. If you were playing in the snow, then it means that you need to have some happy time in your life. If you found something valuable in a dream, then it means you are confronting new and exciting ideas of the life.
If you see the gold in a dream, then such dream represents something special you have found in yourself. This could be something you never knew about yourself such as special talent or new unknown abilities. If you are burying the gold in a dream, then such dream shows the qualities you try to hide from the others.
…Wearing a patterned garment of mixed colors in a dream means being reprimanded by one’s superior. It also could represent a flower merchant. Wearing a double sided coat means duplicity and affectation. A washed garment in a dream means poverty and indebtedness. Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means attending a pilgrimage. Oth- erwise, if the person qualifies, it means controlling interests in a farmland, or it may represent a good harvest for that year. Wearing a garment which is brilliant in colors for a man in a dream represents his pride and arrogance. If one sees himself wearing a silken raiment and portraying a religious jurist in a dream, it means that he is a seeker of worldly titles who may invent something new. Announcing lost and found garments in a dream means attending a pilgrimage to Mecca or a journey to an Arab country. A woman wearing…
…When you dreaming of something abnormal, it represents that finally you have found the solution to your problems and you’ve made up a decision to achieve the task you wanted to solve. When you see things being abnormal it signifies your attention to specific phase of the particular question. This means, that you have the opportunity to find the answers to the questions you are looking for. It also can imply that there might be things in your life you are not fully satisfied. Be aware of the challenges you are going to face as you will need to work a lot, to solve the problems you will have, but do not worry, as you are going to sort them out….
When you dream of affluence, then it shows that any situation of your waking life will become better. The bigger the affluence in a dream, the better solution for your problems will be found.
…the ground, and was about to stamp on him when he awoke.Of a pleasanter nature, was a dream I once had, prior to receiving the welcome tidings of the sale of a manuscript. I dreamed I was toiling pain- fully along a dusty road, when a beautiful grey horse suddenly trotted up to me, and, with the gentlest expression imaginable in its fine dark eyes, bid me mount. Not in the slightest degree surprised at hearing it speak, I climbed on its back, and the next moment found myself flying through the air. I forget exactly how the dream terminated, but I fancy it was in some remarkably pleasant manner, and that the horse landed me in a floralElysium, where I fell head over ears in love with a gorgeously apparelled woman.Then, too, I have dreamed of a roan horse; of seeing it struggling desperately to extricate itself from a…
If you are travelling in some new and unknown places and having the journey of your lifetime while dreaming, you are actually found the joy and happiness in your life.
…existence in a deep, brown river that flowed sluggishly by me, when suddenly a white fox came bounding down the street, and, stopping in front of me; vomited sovereign after sovereign. With a wild shout of delight, I sprang forward, and, clutching hold of the gold, was filling my pockets with it when I awoke. That day, I found myself the proud possessor of some hundreds of pounds I won in a lottery; but I attributed it all to the fox.”Another man dreamed he was flying a kite, when his coat-tails were violently pulled, and, on looking round, he saw a white fox that darted swiftly between his legs, and was suddenly metamorphosed into his uncle. The shock was so great that he awoke, and, a day or two later, heard the very same uncle he had seen in his sleep had died and left him his entire fortune….
…nasty “turns” by enemies, failures in work.I have often dreamed about fish. I remember once having a very vivid dream about a shark.I fancied I was bathing in a fresh-water pool close to the house where I was staying, when, to my surprise and horror, I suddenly saw the fin of a shark bearing straight down on me. I shouted for help, and the next moment found myself falling down a well with the shark, an enormous white shark, in full pursuit of me. On arriving at the bottom, I was abruptly transferred to the drawing-room of a house I had not visited or thought of for at least twenty years, when the first thing I saw on the tea-table, its baleful eyes fixed on mine with a malicious grin, was the head of the shark.I awoke in fear and trembling as indeed I might after such a startling…
…prior to my husband’s loss of half his fortune in the failure of an American mine, I dreamed I was bitten by a tortoiseshell cat. Hence; I consider dreaming of a tortoiseshell cat a very bad augury.”Speaking from my own experience, I have found dreams of black cats unlucky. For instance, the night before I had an accident on the stage, I dreamed a huge black cat persistently followed me out of doors, and that when I tried to drive it away it scratched me. And again, before I received an injury in one of my eyes, I dreamed a black cat flew out of a wood and clawed a hole in my hand. And yet again, before I lost a train which it was of vital importance for me to catch, I dreamed a black cat upset an inkpot all over a suit I had just bought, completely ruining…
…from Southsea says: I am sure that canaries in dreams are significant of extreme good fortune. Two years ago, I dreamed a canary dashed against my window-pane, and the very next morning I received a handsome cheque from an uncle, with whom I had held no sort of communication for years. The night before last, I dreamed a couple of canaries flew round my bed singing, and, coming down to breakfast in the morning, I found a letter awaiting me from a solicitor to say that my godfather had died suddenly and had left me a substantial legacy.”A girl whose age I dare not state, lest some at least of my readers should deem her precocious, informs me that she likes to dream of ducks! “They mean so much! ” ”I dreamed of ducks week ago/’ she boldly confided to me, *’ and the following evening my cousin, George …
…had been taken seriously ill, and within the week she received the news that her aunt was dead.Another lady once dreamed she saw her youngest sister lying on the grass, apparently asleep, with two bats on her face. With a cry of dismay, for she loathed bats, my friend picked up a spade, the first thing that came to hand, to knock them off, when the scene changed, and she found herself digging a grave! She awoke in terror, and two days later heard of the death of her youngest sister, who had succumbed under an operation for appendicitis.Writing to me from Gipsy Hill, Norwood, a lady said: My sister Mabel once dreamed a bat settled on her shoulder, and she could not get it off. She awoke in a great fright, she told me, and she could not help feeling that the dream prognosticated something unpleasant. Her presentiment, unhappily,…
Dreaming of a janitor or doorman who neglects his work suggests that issues that the dreamer has are being neglected, which is the reason why subordinates ignore the dreamer. Dreaming of seeking a janitor or doorman because he is not at his post insinuates that there are small doubts or worries regarding the dreamers own issues. But if in the dream the janitor is found, then there is no need to worry, because everything will be fine.
if you dream about the eggs, then such dream brings everything positive that is related to your family. If you found the nest, which has the eggs in it, then it means you will have a great financial growth within few next weeks. If the eggs you see in the nest are small, or there are only couple of them, then it means you will have a fortune, but not a very big one. The eggs that are cracked, or damaged in any other way, then it means you will have misfortune and wont be able to access the biggest goods. Eating the eggs shows great health of yours and if the eggs are colored in many different colors, then joy is unavoidable.