…In a dream, butcher’s chopping block represents a hypocrite who interferes in people’s business and takes sides in their arguments….

To dream about a casket usually means you will get a notification or an invitation to an upcoming marriage.

…If you dream of angels it represents the dislocation in your soul. Usually angels represents chastity, innocence and purity. Make sure you heard what angels were trying to say to you in your dream, as this could be the main notification and key to your happy life and what you should do to reach that happiness. The other meaning of seeing angels in your dream could be that you are behaving irresponsibly without thinking of important things. If you see yourself as an angel it means that you behave very good with other people and this dream represents how good you feel about that. Seeing angels is always a good sign, it signifies spiritual and religious aspects of you, how deep you believe in God, how pure and innocent you are. If you see an angel holding the scroll it is very religious dream. Everything that is going to…

In dreams, stuttering usually represents doubt, insecurity about daily issues and matters that surround the dreamer’s life. Dreaming of yourself stuttering when trying to say something means you doubt yourself, a lack of joys in life, perplexity regarding problems, and mental block.

Dream of losing one or more keys indicates the possibility of losing your job. On the other hand it indicates clarification of confusing attitudes and projection of new goals. Dream of opening a door with a key means you will enter a new situation. You must pay attention to the context of the dream, if the situation is good or bad. Dream of opening a door and entering a room where there is a person of the opposite sex means upcoming marriage. Dream of having a lot of keys symbolize a purchase of goods or knowledge, proportional to the number of keys in hand. Dream of having difficulty in turning the key in a lock means you will have some difficulties and obstacles in good situations. Dream of a broken key portends trouble and problems that will block the realization of a wish.

Dreaming of being in a convent or monastery indicates that you can be calm and carefree, for all of the dreamer’s affairs or businesses are going well. Dreaming of entering a convent or monastery and having a priest block your way, hints that you will not enjoy rest nor tranquility because business affairs are not going well, and you have to devote more attention and effort. A young girl who dreams of being in a convent indicates that her personality and honesty are suffering due to malicious gossip and intrigues of other women.

…There are unquestionably certain people who, in their dreams, witness events that are actually taking place at the time.A lady I knew, Mrs. P., who lived in Gloucester Place, W., dreamed one night she was in a big seaport town, where the streets were all numbered and laid out in blocks according to the American system, and where in one part of the city the tramlines descended over a series of plateaux. The houses were very lofty, and in one street a single hotel occupied an entire block. Shortly after her arrival, the entire town shook and heaved under the influence of a stupendous earthquake; houses collapsed like packs of cards, and, amidst the most appalling shrieks and groans, the whole city burst into a lurid sheet of fire. Everywhere was the wildest confusion and despair. People of all nationalities, from fair-skinned Europeans and yellow-visage Chinese — of which…

…Dreaming you are eating hash, many sorrows and vexations are foretold. You will probably be troubled with various little jealousies and contentions over mere trifles, and your health will be menaced through worry. For a woman Dreaming that she cooks hash, denotes that she will be jealous of her husband, and children will be a stumbling block to her wantonness….