To dream that you are recording some kind of video, means that you are very creative person. The dream could also indicate the fact that there is something going on in your waking life that you wish to remember, therefore in dream you are using the video recorder. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of video camera or camera.

If you dream that you are nude, it shows the fairs you have. Perhaps you are afraid that your privacy or secrets will be revealed. If you are nude in front of other people and feeling very bad about it, you have self-trust issues that must be fixed. If you are naked and feel confident being so, then such dream signifies the confident you have while being yourself. You are not afraid to be who you are, because you do not need to pretend someone you are not. If you see the other person being nude, then such dream indicates the sexual attraction you might have for that person.

To play the video game, denotes to your capability of getting what you want from those you are surrounded by. Perhaps you know how to manipulate people, therefore you are able to get what you want. On the other hand, the dream may indicate something you are trying to avoid. Perhaps there are some issues that have not been dealt of. If you were the one who is in the video game and somebody else is controlling you, then it shows you inability to stand for yourself.

If you are recording something on the video camera, it shows your desire to keep the important memories, no matter if they are pleasant or not. If someone is using the camera to videotape you, you should be careful of the certain person, because they could use the evidence that was taken with that camera. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of camera dream.

To dream that you are recording something means that you are holding on your past too much and do not let yourself to move forward. The digital video recorder could also mean that you love the good times and the people that are related to your life and trying to keep these memories as much as it is possible.

To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of naked.

(See Naked)

…ladies fainted. Utterly unable to conceive what I had done, I was about to sneak away as fast as I could, when the verger suddenly tapped me on the shoulder and, in a stage whisper, said, “I beg pardon, sir, I don’t want to say anything disrespectful, but what has become of your clothes ? You had them on right enough a moment ago”. To my unmitigated dismay, I now perceived that what the verger said was only too true — my clothes, had been taken from me; I was absolutely and shamelessly nude. With a howl of anguish, I dropped the bag and awoke.Immediately after each of these dreams I experienced unexpected success in my work.From what I have been told, I conclude that it is the more prudish and ostentatiously pious people who are the more often subjected to this kind of dream. I remember once travelling on…

…(Assertion | Nude | Stripped | Unclothed | Undressed) Nakedness in a dream represents inward purity and clarity, or it could mean committing an act that will culminate in regret. Undressing oneself in a dream means facing a reticent, hidden, unexpected and notorious enemy who will publicly assert his enmity. If one sees himself alone and naked in a dream, it means that one of his enemies, knowing his weaknesses, is demanding capitulation from him, or threatening him, or blackmailing him. If one sees himself naked during an assembly or a party in a dream, it means that he will be exposed or defamed. If one sees himself naked in the midst of people, though he does not feel shy and is not aware of it in the dream, it means that he engages in a project then exaggerates the degree of his involvement, suffer hardships and gains nothing…

…Dreaming of Adam and Eve, foretells that some eventful occasion will rob you of the hope of success in your affairs. To see them in the garden, Adam dressed in his fig leaf, but Eve perfectly nude save for an Oriental colored serpent ornamenting her waist and abdomen, signifies that treachery and ill faith will combine to overthrow your fortune. To see or hear Eve conversing with the serpent, foretells that artful women will reduce you to the loss of fortune and reputation….

If sculpting a naked human such as a nude female or male, that is agreeable to the sight, then it signifies happiness, success.

…likely to meet with and give displeasure. She will quarrel with her dearest friends. Sickness sometimes follows dreams of old negroes. To see one nude, abject despair, and failure to cope with treachery may follow. Enemies will work you signal harm, and bad news from the absent may be expected. To meet with a trusty negro in a place where he ought not to be, foretells you will be deceived by some person in whom you placed great confidence. You are likely to be much exasperated over the conduct of a servant or some person under your orders. Delays and vexations may follow. To think that you are preaching to negroes is a warning to protect your interest, as false friends are dealing surreptitiously with you. To hear a negro preaching denotes you will be greatly worried over material matters and servants are giving cause for uneasiness. See Mulatto….

…in the immensity of the distance, the water in some miraculous manner having disappeared altogether.I was deliberating what I had better do, when an enormously tall, nude figure — not unlike a human being — brushed past me, and, turning round, laid one of its long, gleaming fingers against its nose — and smiled knowingly. Fascinated beyond measure, I immediately followed this strange being, and, almost before I was aware of what was happening, found myself racing down the marble steps in close pursuit of it. The peculiarity of its antics increased the further we descended, and at length reached a climax. Suddenly halting on the very margin of a step, it stood on its head and revolved at such a terrific speed that, overcome with dizziness, I fell. I have a vague notion that the figure caught me in its arms as I whizzed past it, and then all…

…Dreaming of seeing a nude back, denotes loss of power. Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often attends this dream. To see a person turn and walk away from you, you may be sure envy and jealousy are working to your hurt. Dreaming of your own back, bodes no good to the dreamer….

…To dream that you’re with someone and suddenly that person turns his/her back on you and rapidly walks away, indicates that you’re surrounded by envy, jealousy, resentment, revenge and that someone is trying to harm you. Dreaming of someone’s nude back, from either a man or woman, it suggests that you’re losing energy and are at risk of suffering a serious illness or loosing a property (money, property, etc.). To dream that you’re seeing your own back is a bad omen, and worse if you’re injured, it indicates that those who claim to be your friends will soon harm you….