If you heard the symphony in a dream, it symbolizes the peaceful state of your inner self. Perhaps you feel the total tranquility and spiritual rise which makes you feel completely full both physically and emotionally.

…Dreaming of symphonies, heralds delightful occupations. See Music….

…Jealousy means losses for the one experiencing it in the dream. A jealous person has an evil quality, and jealousy is evil. If one who suffers from people’s jealousy sees his condition improving in a dream, it means poverty, rancor, spite, black magic, or malice for the jealous person and benefits for the victim of jealousy. In a dream, jealousy also represents covetousness, grudges, avarice and love for the world. To devastate someone by looking at him with despise in a dream means that the assailant will suffer from the jealous eye of his victim. (Also see Jaundice)…

When we are taking a look at the balcony, it means that our merits will be recognized and rewarded. If we look at the balcony with another person, depending on whether we feel good or wrong with this company, it can be interpreted as fear or joy that a hidden part of ourselves come to light. Other authors believe that in the case that the person who accompanies us on the balcony is of the opposite sex, that symbolizes the fear of rumors or slander about our behavior in private life.

To see a pony, when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol of playfulness, enjoyment, amusement. Pony is also a sign of the playful pleasures in your life. Alternatively, ride on pony (small horse) is representative of your unexplored, underdeveloped, undisciplined abilities to do something or act in a particular way.

…If you dream of visiting a gypsy camp, you will have an offer of importance and will investigate the standing of the parties to your disadvantage. For a woman to have a gypsy tell her fortune, is an omen of a speedy and unwise marriage. If she is already married, she will be unduly jealous of her husband. For a man to hold any conversation with a gypsy, he will be likely to lose valuable property. Dreaming of trading with a gypsy, you will lose money in speculation. This dream denotes that material pleasures are the biggest items in your life….

…Any dream of agony or death is very painful and annoying for the dreamer, since the imagination makes the body to shake and the pulse to accelerate, however, in reality it rarely announces death, because it usually refers to significant material losses, depending on what is driving the dreamer, but always with a probable solution. Curiously, these types of dreams it often indicates great health, depending of the elements on the dream. This is because many of the dreams indicate precisely the opposite of what could be naturally understood. Dreaming that you’re in agony usually indicates that you’re living with uncertainties and, more or less, imaginary fears, but they are almost always unjustified. However, this usually announces an upcoming disease for you or for a loved one, but it won’t be serious. This dream is common in apprehensive people. Dreaming of a woman in agony insinuates that a good…

Dreaming about ebony furniture or other articles of ebony represents distressing disputes and quarrels at home. Dreaming about ebony nights represents unhappiness, despair and sadness.

To dream that you receive some kind of the award means that you feel appreciated and loved by others. The award ceremony in which you take a part could also show the significant meaning you have in other people lives. If you attend the ceremony, but haven’t received any of the awards, you are making too much pressure for yourself. You should let go and become easier on yourself. Sometimes the award ceremony could indicate your desire to be surrounded by the company such as your friends and family more.

If in the dream, the dreamer presences an autopsy, it indicates a business full of difficulties. If the dreamer is practicing the autopsy, it means that insurmountable obstacles will be presented. If the dreamer is the one on whom the autopsy is performed, it won’t be long until he will be in bankrupt, unless he is able to change his skill of money management.

If you dream of syringe, then such dream indicates the need of joy, happiness, passion and ignition. The liquid in the syringe would tell much more about the meaning of the dream. According to other explanations that are related to sexuality, it foretells that the syringe associates with the needle which reminds of sexual intercourse between two individuals.

To dream about a fantasy world, may symbolize that your mind is trying to highlight what is normal and what is abnormal. On the other hand, the dream about fantasy world may be telling you to expand your thinking and use your imagination and creativity. You need to find a way and solution for better future. Dreaming about Fantasy suggests you to explore more options, think about all your options no matter how strange or illogical and absurd it may be.

The dream in which you see some kind of religious symbol, indicates your desire to get more in touch with yourself and spiritual world. To dream about the religious symbol could also be interpreted as the suggestion to be aware with your inner thoughts and emotions, try to find deep connection with another world, because you are too grounded. Sometimes the religious symbol could simply be a reflection how deep religious you are in your waking life.

To dream that you are eating gluttony, means that you are trying to escape the problems while stuffing yourself with food. You want to eat your problems. If you went to bed being hungry or you haven’t eaten enough of the food, it means nothing if you dream of gluttony.

…If it refers to a funny situation, it shows how we represent ourselves indifferent. If it’s a funny person indicates that mocking attitudes will be taken in relation to your interests….

Dreaming your own destiny indicates that there are worries and that they’ll continue to exist, as well as annoying and unpleasant situations. When a woman dreams of her own destiny it indicates that that she is not taking herself seriously and she’s getting involved in matters that do not concern her, which hurts her own family.

…Sitting in a balcony during the summertime in a dream means comfort, dispelling aggravations, recovering from an illness, or exposing one’s secrets. A balcony in a dream also could mean honor, or if seen with the city walls, then it represents the governor of the town, or it could mean the battlement. The parapet on top of the walls represents his armies, his entourage or his ammunition and the stored provisions of the city. If the walls are interpreted to be wealth, then the balconies and the battlement represent its guards and servants. Balconies in a dream also represent the front rows of one’s enemy. (Also see Walls of the city)…

If you dream of ebony furniture or other articles of ebony, you will have many distressing disputes and quarrels in your home.

To dream of something being very little and tiny, means that there is some part of you which is very vulnerable. There is also a possibility that you lack of self-trust and confidence. Alternatively, you may think about yourself in very good way and you are arrogant, but only if you are surrounded by tiny things.

…When you dream of being in agony it represents that there are some kind of task that haven’t been resolved, that’s why you should consider about those problems and find the solution to sort them out. Make sure you will deal with those problems because as a result of it, you will keep dreaming about agony….

Dreaming of being in agony, despite the feeling, is a sign of great shape, but you have a big fear of death and physical pain. The arrival of money is coming. If the state of agony is suffered by an unknown person, then it means you’ll have an unusual joy.

…Seeing a penny in a dream indicates your fear of poverty or some financial loss. On the other hand, the dream symbolizes your talents, energies and perseverance. The bright penny means luck. Finding pennies in a dream suggests that you’re discovering your hidden talents….

…For lovers Dreaming of making sad adieus on a balcony, long and perhaps final separation may follow. Balcony also denotes unpleasant news of absent friends….

…A huge, old-fashioned silver stand, containing one big fruit dish and four small ones, stood in the centre of the table, whilst all round were big silver cake dishes. To each place there were at least five too many forks and spoons, whilst on the sideboard was the most vulgar (you see, sir, I understand the real use of that word) display of silver bowls, cups, entree and bon-bon dishes, knives, forks, and spoons I ever have seen. The sole idea of the hostess seemed to be to impress her visitors with a sense of her wealth — she had, so to speak, purposely made an exhibition of it.”I was so interested in my observations that, quite unconsciously, I left the shelter of the trees, and, stepping up to the railings, leaned over them. I was now close to the window, the lower panes of which were almost on…

…Dreaming that you are tipsy, denotes that you will cultivate a jovial disposition, and the cares of life will make no serious inroads into your conscience. To see others tipsy, shows that you are careless as to the demeanor of your associates….

…Dreaming that you are afflicted with palsy, denotes that you are making unstable contracts. To see your friend so afflicted, there will be uncertainty as to his faithfulness and sickness, too, may enter your home. For lovers Dreaming that their sweethearts have palsy, signifies that dissatisfaction over some question will mar their happiness….

To see the symbol that is unknown, denotes to confusion, fear and misbalance. You are unable to recognize the situation you are in at the moment and cannot find the solution to the certain problem. Consider what kind of the symbol you saw in a dream, as that would give more cleared dreamed information.

(bibl. Fig tree | Mulberries tree | Maple tree) In a dream, this large shade tree represents beneficial and lawful earnings which keep multiplying. A sycamore tree in a dream also represents a rich and a strong person who benefits others. A sycamore tree in a dream also could be interpreted as a beautiful and a rich woman, or it may represent suffering from heart disease or sight problems. (Also see Mulberry tree | Tree)

To dream that you have epilepsy, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are suppressing your feelings. Epilepsy represents the necessity to recognize the importance of your inability to be expressive in showing your emotions. Then the healing part will come into your soul. The expression of these emotions will be the last point before new beginning.

If you are tipsy in a dream, then it indicates your free attitude about your future. If you see other people being tipsy, then such dream warns you to be aware of those you are in contact with.

To dream that you have leprosy, can be interpreted as symbolism of weakness, inability or incompetence. Leprosy means that you are not utilizing skills at your full potential power. You are wasting away your time by not using your skills, talents, abilities in full capacity.

…Dreaming of feeling ecstasy, denotes you will enjoy a visit from a long-absent friend. If you experience ecstasy in disturbing dreams you will be subjected to sorrow and disappointment….

…Dreaming of a synagogue, foretells that you have enemies powerfully barricading your entrance into fortune’s realms. If you climb to the top on the outside, you will overcome oppositions and be successful. If you read the Hebrew inscription on a synagogue, you will meet disaster, but will eventually rebuild your fortunes with renewed splendor. See Church….

To dream about some kind of symbol means that you are looking for signs. The symbol could be interpreted better if you saw the meaning of it.

…(Plant | Woman) In a dream, daisies represent a close friend who will bring a gift or contribute something to one’s business. A daisy flower in a dream is also interpreted to represent a beautiful woman. Gathering daisies from the foot of a mountain in a dream means that a strong man or someone in authority will introduce one of his daughters or relatives to him for marriage. A daisy flower in a dream is also interpreted to means marrying one’s cousin….

The dream in which you feel the ecstasy shows the enormous happiness and joy you are feeling at this time of your life. If you do not feel well about the ecstasy, then it shows the opposite, sadness and unhappiness.

If you see something shiny in a dream then it symbolizes your inner self which has opened for the others. The dream could also indicate the confidence the one has about his appearance.

If you dream of seeing yourself on a balcony it shows that you want to be seen. Maybe there are some people in your life that not paying enought of the attention to you. Alternatively, this dream tells that you are looking for acceptance and approval. The other meaning of this dream also explains of an upcoming social progress.

(See Agony of death | Death | Distress | Gambling | Uptight | Worries)

Dreaming of hominy, denotes pleasant love-making will furnish you interesting recreation from absorbing study and planning for future progression.