…To dream of eating hominy with a relish is a sign that you will marry below your station in life, or else you will entertain a new acquaintance who is much below you in position, who will eventually command your esteem. To an educated young girl such a dream predicts a runaway match. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 10….

An ebony tree in a dream represents a rich Indian woman, or a rich strong man.

…a dream, they represent his livelihood. Owing money in a dream means that one will be summoned to testify in a court of justice. If his pennies are old, chipped, or broken in the dream, they denote a faltering faith. Losing a penny in a dream means wasting time and money, or wasting one’s words, or advising an ignorant person who will not heed his advice. If one’s pennies carry the picture of a person in a dream, it means that both the carrier and the one who mints these pennies are innovators. Broken pennies in half in a dream represent an enmity that cannot be healed. Receiving money in a dream is better than giving it. If one’s actual liquid asset turns into pennies in a dream, it means insolvency or bankruptcy. If one’s little money grow in a dream, it means prosperity. (Also see Cent | Money)…

If you were attending the ceremony, then such dream shows the dedication you will make to someone special. The dream might also show the difficult time you have in your waking life and now you have to accept the challenges that life have given to you. Perhaps this is a time of your life where you will see lots of discoveries within yourself.

To suffer it indicates violent confrontations with their adversaries. If you are the one who is imposing the tyranny, then such dream represents your aggression and anger.

Dream of zany, represents the fact to be cautious who you choose as a partner for life.

A bright sunny morning one will bring good news and relief.

…Dreaming you’re going to start a company means you will receive support in your problems….

…This is not as good a dream, as some would wish you to believe. It portends worry and pleasure intermingled, more of the former than of the latter. To be in agony over the loss of money, or property, denotes that disturbing and imaginary fears will rack you over the critical condition of affairs, or the illness of some dear relative. See Weeping….

Giving a false testimony in a dream denotes a panderer or a pimp. (Also see Panderer | Pimp)

Dreaming that you are the subject of calumny, denotes that your interests will suffer at the hands of evil-minded gossips. For a young woman, it warns her to be careful of her conduct, as her movements are being critically observed by persons who claim to be her friends.

To see a Nymph in your dream represents the feminine mysticism and also symbolizes innocence, grace and purity.

(See Yoke of matrimony)

…To commit a felony or to incriminate an innocent person in a dream means that one will fall into peril. It also can he interpreted as achieving one’s goals. If one injures a forbidden animal to kill in a dream, it means that he will be fined with a like value or worth….

…When you dream of devoting an alimony, it represents you paying the debts for something you did before. Think of what you did in the past, maybe there are some things that were not done in a positive way, that’s why you have to repay for it now. This dream could also be the meaning of how responsible and reliable you are not only when it come to your own business, but in other people’s sake….

…If one sees himself struggling with death in a dream, it means arguing about his religion, or doubt about God’s revelations. Death rattling in a dream also signifies preparing to take a journey, marriage of an unmarried person, moving from one house to a new one, changing one’s trade or repaying one’s debt, or divorcing one’s wife. If one sees himself in agony in his deathbed, combating the throes and pangs of death in a dream, it means that he is unjust toward himself or others. (Also see Death)…

…To see nymphs bathing in clear water, denotes that passionate desires will find an ecstatic realization. Convivial entertainments will enchant you. To see them out of their sphere, denotes disappointment with the world. For a young woman to see them bathing, denotes that she will have great favor and pleasure, but they will not rest strictly within the moral code. Dreaming that she impersonates a nymph, is a sign that she is using her attractions for selfish purposes, and thus the undoing of men….

Mermaids, undines or water nymphs or any female water spirits symbolize the female aspect of water, its dangers and the mud brought from lakes, rivers and torrents. In dreams they warn us of the deathly curses of love and against giving ourselves without control to the seductions of pleasure.

Symbol of pride and pretension, unappreciated by those around you. Desist or it will be harmful.

Dreaming about the loss of ability to speak through disease of or damage to the mouth has a symbolism of a threat to our independence.

Dreaming of a sybil, foretells that you will enjoy assignations and other demoralizing pleasures.

Daisy represents news and invitation for a wedding. It shows marital happiness and peace.

…(Involved | Occupied) Seeing oneself busy in a dream means marriage to a virgin girl, interfering in others’ business, or changing one’s profession. If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship….

If you see the sycamore tree in a dream, then it refers to thing you want to remove out of your life forever.

Leprosy, shows today, and death tomorrow.

If you dream of the syrup, then such dream symbolizes the childhood and past memories. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the glutinous situation that is also adhesive and does not make you perform easily.

When you dream of an autopsy it indicates your disconnection from your thoughs and mind. Make sure you think of your behaviour and the way you are treating those around you, because you are the one who is responsible for your own actions.

Dream of suffering from leprosy indicates fortune and pleasant feelings. Dream of a leper is a sign of unfounded fears.

…Dreaming of jealousy means that there is a danger, fear and a lot of apprehension. You must be very careful to avoid bad situations in the future. Dreaming that you’re jealous means your unconscious feelings toward a person are seen. On the other hand, it represents vulnerability and fear of intimacy. You must work in recognition of your self-esteem. To dream that others feel jealous towards you means, honor and optimism….

If you feel ecstasy in a dream, then such dream indicates the pleasant experiences and celebration with your relatives and friends.

To dream pansy flower means that in these days someone remembers us and also it motivates us to reflection and meditation, so essential to thinking.

…Dreaming of a syringe, denotes that false alarm of the gravity of a relative’s condition will reach you. To see a broken one, foretells you are approaching a period of ill health or worry over slight mistakes in business….

Dreaming that you have leprosy always represents a very great future misfortune. Perhaps you have committed some crime to be severely punished by law. You will have many enemies.

Dropsy or abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the body in a dream means humiliation and despise by others.

When you see yourself or somebody else being clumsy in a dream, then such dream indicates the relationships in your life that doesn’t go very well. Perhaps the dream suggests you to become less serious and make the life easier for yourself.

To curtsy, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are acknowledging something that is great. Is there anything that deserves your respect? Are submitting to a power larger than you? Show respect and you will be rewarded.

Dreaming of being afflicted with the dropsy, denotes illness for a time, but from which you will recover with renewed vigor. To see others thus afflicted, denotes that you will hear from the absent shortly, and have tidings of their good health.

Syringes are the symbols of sadness, conflict, disease, penalties. If the syringe brakes, it means relief and comfort.

…If you dream of these wandering vagrants, it foretells that you will have trouble of some kind either a vexatious loss, or else something will happen to worry you: to dream that a gipsy tells your fortune, shows that someone will rob you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 16, 57….

Dreaming and seeing a gypsy has lucky symbolism. This dream means your desire to be free and roam freely without restriction, limitation and responsibility with obligation. Alternatively, this symbol may suggest your need to look into your direction toward the future.