…Cows are a very ancient symbol in dreams. It recalls the biblical passage about seven fat cows and seven lean cows, dream of an Egyptian pharaoh played by Joseph, one of Jacob’s sons. Thus this ancient and traditional symbol is considered a good omen. Dreaming of fat and beautiful cows suggests that everything is okay and will continue to be this way at least in the immediate future. If a woman dreams about this, it means her wishes will be carried out. Dreaming about the milking of healthy fat cows suggests affairs are going well. Dreaming of skinny cows on poor pasture fields symbolizes the exact opposite. To dream about a stampeding herd of cows suggests affairs will go from bad to worse due to the lack of control and it threatens to cause significant losses. Dreaming about milking means longing for profit, quick enrichment, fun and pleasures, but…

Dreaming that you are infected with this dread disease, foretells sickness, by which you will lose money and incur the displeasure of others. If you see others afflicted thus, you will meet discouraging prospects and love will turn into indifference….

Small profits.

Dreaming of intervening in other people’s affairs, either marital or other types, suggests that the dreamer will have family problems.

Dreaming of being afflicted with this disease, denotes discouraging employments. To see others with it, sickness will cause you much anxiety….

…To dream that you speak with someone who is known as a hypocrite warns that you should be careful with your so-called friends who are actually acting in bad faith. To dream that you’re being hypocritical symbolizes a self-criticism, and at the same time this dream is a warning that you’re acting improperly….

This dream is a warning about the risk of deceits.

…In order to understand secret meaning of Boney M name, the words and the letters have to be rearranged into M one y B. As you see, when you change first letters places with each other you are getting meaning of Money. Then you also see that One is in it B one y M or M one y B. So it secretly symbolize One. Also, B stands for a open book, as you can see in picture of Moses. Also, B in other languages are spelled like V or W and then we are getting this Money V. And reading this from right to left will gives VyenoM, which has a meaning in Lithuanian language and means One, or to the One, for the One, One OM (OM is sacred spiritual sound-mantra of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism). Money in Lithuania language sounds like things that have been…

Gypsies in the dreams mean that you will achieve the sympathy and appreciation of others.

This dream reveals our capacity for analysis.

It can be about an affable and classy person or a cheater.

Dreaming about being sympathetic towards other people and thoughts insinuates that the dreamer is friendly, quiet, and sincere, which makes it easy for the dreamer to have good friends, and handle matters in a good way as well as aspiring for success.

Help and assistance in the resolution of delicate and sorrowful businesses.

Getting to the top indicates success in your activities. Not being able to climb it, bad luck and frustration.

(See Adulation | Flattery)

Being jealous is a sign of danger and fears. Be careful so you avoid future problems. If you dream that other people are jealous of you, it means honor and optimism.

To be jealous shows that you are betrayed.

A possible mysterious pregnancy.

Inflammation of the chest membrane in a dream represents a sinner who is punished as a warning, and perhaps driven through his illness to induce him to repent for his sins.

Dreaming of a bunch of daisys, implies sadness, but if you dream of being in a field where these lovely flowers are in bloom, with the sun shining and birds singing, happiness, health and prosperity will vie each with the other to lead you through the pleasantest avenues of life. Dreaming of seeing them out of season, you will be assailed by evil in some guise….

Receiving money, or being rescued from disaster. 138.

…Dreaming that you are jealous of your wife, denotes the influence of enemies and narrow-minded persons. If jealous of your sweetheart, you will seek to displace a rival. If a woman dreams that she is jealous of her husband, she will find many shocking incidents to vex and make her happiness a travesty. If a young woman is jealous of her lover, she will find that he is more favorably impressed with the charms of some other woman than herself. If men and women are jealous over common affairs, they will meet many unpleasant worries in the discharge of every-day business….

(See Sugar)

Denotes riches, good success in business.

Dreaming of white daisies is a promise of love, unless we tear its petals, in which case it is a budding love or a simple affair.

…To dream about a bunch of wilted daisies suggests sadness. If in your dream you’re surrounded by a field of beautiful daisies, it symbolizes that your family and you are enjoying good health. When you can also hear birds singing, it announces prosperity. In love matters, it suggests joy and success, and as for those who have a partner, it suggests a forthcoming marriage….

(See Dispute)

Making progress in business or love.

Dreaming about being jealous of a significant other indicates that there are nearby enemies, perhaps in the family. If the dreamer is a woman and she is jealous of her husband, this suggests that there are mishaps that will alter her peace of mind. Dreaming about being in a marriage where both people feel jealous, insinuates that they’re both facing problems in their own interests, which may be economic or sentimental issues.

When you dream of astrology or pseudoscience (any of belief systems) it foretells that you are worrying about things that will happen in the future. This dream could tell you the essential news, which you should look into very closely and try to find out how it could connect with you. Maybe there are important cases in this message, which will have a huge consequences.

…If we are the doctor this dream warns us that we must attend to both the body and the soul. The medicine symbolizes support for the body and soul. If the medicine is for someone else then it’s that person who requires our help….

It is always a sign of love and feelings. (Also look at the meaning of “flowers”)

If you feel jealous about something in your dream, then it shows how unhappy or childish your behavior is. Perhaps you should pay attention to your own life more, instead of being jealous of others.

Getting it means fortune and degrading feelings. Seeing a leper is signal of unfounded fears.

To dream you are jealous of your sweetheart, or wife, signifies that they will betray you; for a maiden to dream she is jealous of her sweetheart is a sign some particular friend will “cut her out” for a wife to dream she is jealous of her husband, foretells the loss of his love. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 28, 6….

When you see daisies in dream, then such dream symbolizes purity, vitality, goodness and freshness. Is you received the bouquet of roses, then it means you will suffer from unhappy relationships with those you love. If you see yourself being surrounded by daisies, then it shows the wealthy and rich life you are going to have.

(See Bartender)

(Piper | Venereal disease)

(See Church | Temple)

(See Condolences)