If it concerns us personally it means that something will not come to a successful end and that we will be afflicted by cruel disappointments. If we are seeing a woman having an abortion and we help her, it is feared that we will suffer from an acute illness or that we will suffer from an injury or accident. If we just see it, but are totally oblivious to it, confining ourselves to be spectators, it means that our projects will be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Dream dictionary: oblivi dream meanings
If you have dropped something in a dream, then such dream foretells about the missed chances and opportunities. Perhaps you didnt notice the good offers the life has given to you. Consider what was dropped as it would give much more of the clue about your dream. The dream, in which you have dropped something, could also be interpreted as the symbol of carelessness. Perhaps you are very oblivious person, therefore you missed to notice things or keep dropping them.
Loneliness, bitterness in the oblivion.