When we are taking a look at the balcony, it means that our merits will be recognized and rewarded. If we look at the balcony with another person, depending on whether we feel good or wrong with this company, it can be interpreted as fear or joy that a hidden part of ourselves come to light. Other authors believe that in the case that the person who accompanies us on the balcony is of the opposite sex, that symbolizes the fear of rumors or slander about our behavior in private life.
Dream dictionary: ok aofo dream meanings
…(Notebook | Record | Parchment) A sheet of paper in a dream represents an oath, a vow, or a pledge. Writing a note on a piece of paper in a dream means being ungrateful and perfidious toward others. A writer in a dream also represents someone who is burdened, pressured, doubtful and uncertain, whereby, writing has become his escape goat and a way out of his depression. If one’s boss gives him a paper to write something on it in a dream, it means that he will solicit something from his boss and eventually receive it. If one feels uncertain about some people then sees himself holding a pen and a piece of paper in a dream, it means that his obscurity will be replaced with clarity. Holding a piece of paper in a dream also means attaining one’s goal, or completing a project, or finalizing a program. A…
…If one is offered a wrapping paper and he finds a newborn baby wrapped inside it in a dream, it means that he will hire a servant with some strings attached to his employment. If one is given a newspaper, or a document but does not care to read it in his dream, it means that he may receive an inheritance. If one reads the title page of a newspaper in a dream, it also means that he may receive an inheritance. If he quickly browses through it in his dream, then it means debts. To see one’s records of the Day of Judgment open before his own eyes in a dream, it denotes his faith, certitude, lack of doubt and true belief in what God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, brought from his Lord. (Also see Book | Letter | Paper | Reference book | Write | Writing)…
…If you wore the bracelet in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the affection and bond between two people. The dream could also show the necessity you have to get the approval from others. The dream may also be a suggestion to look at your friends and divide them in true ones and false ones. If you saw the bracelet that is broken, then such dream shows your dedication to other people. Very often you look more after others than yourself….
If your ankles look normal during the dream, then such dream is a harbinger of happiness, success and satisfaction. Consider, that if the ankles look stunted, wounded or broken, then it means that the arrival of difficulties, setbacks of fortune, illness, and even the disappearance of a relative or close friend is on your way.
The dream in which you were riding a skateboard shows the fun and playful side of yours. You are the one who is not afraid to try something new and/or look childish. On the psychological level, the dream signifies your ability to make difficult things look simple to deal with.
To dream of seeing an infant means that you need to look after yourself or have an urge to take care of someone. The dream in which you see yourself being pregnant, shows that you should look after yourself more and take care of your health. Sometimes the infant can represent some person in your waking life that is being taken care of by you a lot. In some dreams the infant could simply indicate your desire to have children. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of pregnant and baby.
…that people will follow his instructions. Hearing, or reading any Qur’anic chapter which is customarily read for a deceased person in a dream, signifies the death of a sick person in that family. Professional Qur’an readers in a dream represent the leading people of the society. To hear a professional Qur’anic recital in a dream means that people in authority will soon gather in the place where the recital is seen in one’s dream. If one sees himself reading his book of records on the Day of Judgment in a dream, and if he is an unlettered person in wakefulness, it means that he will become rich after having suffered from poverty, and that he will answer all the questions he will be asked on the Day of Reckoning, or that he will be protected by God Almighty from what he fears most. This happens if one’s reading of his…
Any justice symbols show how you are dealing with the life are you enjoying it, how you are facing the truth are you being honest. The justice shows that you are being judged or you are the one who is judging others. To get more detailed dream interpretation you have to look deeper into your dream and look for explanations such as judge, jury and others.
If you dream of the telescope, then such dream indicates the need too look deeper in some situation of your waking life. The dream could also show the various and different situations you have at this time of your life. If you used the telescope to look at the starts, then such dream symbolizes the adventurous life.
The dreamer that watches cartoon is going through life easily with no stress or responsibilities. Perhaps the dream is telling you to look more seriously at life in general. If you see yourself being in a cartoon world, then it indicates your humorous view at life. The dream may also suggest you to look at things indulgently and how you are acting. To get a better interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of Cartoon Character.
If you dream of seeing yourself sitting next to the window, then such dream foretells about your wish to have a pleasurable and calm life. If you look through the window and see something you already seen, then such dream suggests to look at the situation from the different angle. The window that is wide opened shows your desire to make the changes in your life, but if it is closed you are not ready for it yet, therefore you should wait when you will prepare yourself.
When you look at the strangers face while dreaming, then such dream shows various aspects of your personality. The different faces have different meanings. The funny face may be a suggestion to be more relaxed. The face without the nose eyes or mouth, shows that you are feeling numb and even have no opinions about something, or simply feel uninteresting person. The happy face with the smile on it, signifies your inner joy, where you feel happy even about minor things. If you look at the mirror at your own face, then you have to deal with some situation you were delaying. You are telling it for yourself during the sleep. The ugly faces, or the ones that are out of proportion, shows your fears.
…I became thoroughly demoralised. I quarrelled with the young man to whom I was engaged, and got engaged to someone else, and within six months terminated that engagement and took on with a third. I had no pity for the men I jilted, but laughed in their faces when they upbraided me, and took a fiendish delight in parading about with my latest lover in the face of the one I had just discarded. I spent money recklessly, and when I got in debt I stole! The end of it all was I was sent to prison, and when I came out I drifted anywhere. And I am sure I owe it all, all my folly and subsequent blinding damning misery, to the dream of that bear that cursed, fascinating, and hellish bear”I think these two illustrations will suffice to show the significance of bear-dreams in general….
When you see a giraffe in a dream, then such dream represents the necessity to look wider around yourself. Perhaps the dream suggests to look around yourself in order to get the overall picture of the surroundings you have. If you were riding a giraffe in a dream, then it shows your wish to be noticeable around the others. There is a possibility that you wish to get attention from the others.
…appearance he displays in one’s dream is true. The meaning of God’s prophet’s saying – “For Satan cannot impersonate me, “implies that since God’s guardianship (‘Isma) is inviolable, and since God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is sacrosanct, then as he was protected during the time of delivering God’s message to humanity, he is still protected by the same guardianship after God Almighty took him back to Himself. Thus, whoever sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in any appearance in a dream, it is as if has seen him in reality, regardless whether one sees him as a young man, or at the time of delivering his message, or as an old person. If one sees him looking old in a dream, it means peace. If one sees him looking young in a dream, it means war. If one sees him smiling in a dream, it means that one is truly emulating…
…The jewelry in dreams may have various different meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream and your life. If you see the person putting on the piece of the jewelry, it means that this person or you care a lot about the way they look in front of the others. It shows how the person who wears the jewelry would like to be seen. Make sure you pay attention what kind of jewelry you or other person is wearing, because it shows the better piece of jewelry, the better opinion about yourself you have. For example, the cheap piece of jewelry shows that you do not value yourself enough, you think you are not worth good and valuable things in life. If the jewelry is expensive and beautifully shaped, it shows that you respect yourself and have a good opinion about yourself. Sometimes the piece of jewelry such…
(See Book)
…age of puberty having a beard in a dream, it means the child’s death. If the child’s beard is just starting to grow in the dream, it means that he will grow to lead and command people. If one’s beard is shallow and if it makes him look fatuous in a dream, it means payment of one’s debts or easing of his trouble or dispelling of his distress. If one’s beard looks childish or completely immature in the dream, it means losing people’s respect. If the color of one’s beard is gold in the dream, it means that he will lose some respect and perhaps half of his wealth. Seeing one-half of one’s beard shaved in a dream means poverty. If an unknown young person shaves one’s beard in a dream, it means loss of dignity and injury caused by one’s enemy or competitor or someone who carries the same…
Usually dreams about crocodile represent jeopardy that is waiting for you. The dream offers you to look around in your waking life and find the person that wishes bad things for you. You should be aware, because the danger is waiting for you. The crocodile could also indicate the angry aspects of your personality. If the crocodile has bitten you, then it means you will suffer from the deception by those you love. Alternatively, the crocodile could indicate the false behavior, because of the saying- crocodile tears.
…The tool way in dreams signifies going from one phase to another in your waking life. The dream can indicate the facts that already happened, the ones that happening at this time of your life or some situations that are waiting for you in the future. If you paid for the tool way in your dream it means that you will have to give something in order to receive something in your waking life. The dream shows that you always have to pay for what you get. If you are stuck on the line to the tool way in your dream, it means that you are unable to act now because of the barriers that were given to you. If you see yourself being on the tool way, but somehow took the wrong direction, it shows that you are either very smart for taking this action or silly, because…
…As internal stimuli, it can show illness in your psyche. As external stimuli, loud sound of dripping can represent actual drip of a leaking tap. If dripping was fast the disturbance is going bigger or moving quickly towards you. As superstition, if drops in the dream have bad smell – expect something seriously unfortunate. To interpret colourful dream about soaking, please look into the meanings of particular color. If water was clean, then your dream represents losing spiritual enlightenment. If water was black or muddy, this symbol may refer to your health issues. Alternatively, if you sick right now, then such dream about slowly dripping or leaking black, dirty water, in specific circumstances, can represent healing process. Dreaming about dripping blood, means that something or someone is sucking out of you a lot of vital parts from your life: vitality and spirituality or money. If in the dream you…
…Dreaming of the bereavement of a child, warns you that your plans will meet with quick frustration, and where you expect success there will be failure. Bereavement of relatives, or friends, denotes disappointment in well matured plans and a poor outlook for the future….
Look for the name of the animal you want to know.
To see yourself in a dream protecting and defending the fort is the good sign, because it shows how you are protecting yourself from the various surroundings. If you attacked and took the fort, then such dream shows how blessed you are because you will obtain the targets you are aiming for and will reach the victory.
The dream may be talking to you about your desire for harmony and spirituality. Also about a stage of good health as when you look at the clear sky and you breathe deeply and you feel full of energy. However, some authors say that if the dreamer is a materialistic person a dream with the color blue may be a warning to the person of a danger or threat to their hopes of economic stability. Blue is considered the color of devotion.
…If the water is pure and clean in the dream, it means depression along with a strong and a healthy body. What is disliked in such dreams is the murky water. If one owns a stream in a dream, it represents one’s livelihood, his shop, business, work, or one’s good deeds that remain beneficial even after his death and until the Day of Judgment such as a blessed progeny, a school or a mosque he builds, a road he opens, a book of knowledge he leaves behind, or a charitable endowment. Seeing waters overflowing from a fountainhead and flooding one’s property means sadness, crying and sorrow and the same applies if one drinks from that water in his dream. If one sees several springs gushing forth in a dream, it means prospering through dirty actions and corruption. Seeing a spring in the valley in a dream means blessings for most…
The flowers are the symbols of vitality and renewal. The different flowers gives the different meanings and its colors either. The flowers in dreams shows how you look at things in your waking life.
If you dream of your car, van motorcycle or any other vehicle that you are driving has broken down, than such dream shows the pressure you have made for yourself. Perhaps you should slow down, otherwise you will get exhausted. Try to look after yourself much more and change the attitude to the prosperous things, because it is not the most important thing in the world.
…Dreaming that you are taking part in the Holy Communion, warns you that you will resign your independent opinions to gain some frivolous desire. If you dream that there is neither bread nor wine for the supper, you will find that you have suffered your ideas to be proselytized in vain, as you are no nearer your goal. If you are refused the right of communion and feel worthy, there is hope for your obtaining some prominent position which has appeared extremely doubtful, as your opponents are popular and powerful. If you feel unworthy, you will meet with much discomfort. Dreaming that you are in a body of Baptists who are taking communion, denotes that you will find that your friends are growing uncongenial, and you will look to strangers for harmony….
The floor symbolizes how much you are grounded to your life and the way you are able to move one. The floor could also signify your relationships with yourself if you are floating or feel grounded enough in order to understand who you are. If you are brushing the floor or cleaning it in any other way, then it shows that you are looking after your life and take care of many things no matter how hard it is to do them. The floor that is distorted signifies that you are not grounded enough, you took the turn from your path, and therefore you do not feel stable anymore.
…(Roll up | Swathe) In a dream, a wrap represents one’s limbs. To wrap up something in a dream means turning the page on something, closing a book, retracing one’s steps, winding up a conversation, or controlling the spread of a rumor. (Also see Wrap | Wrapping)…
The dream, in which you see the cross represents suffer, death and disappointments. The dream shows the pain you are experiencing, but you must consider what causes it. Try to look at the surroundings and find the solution to these problems.
To dream that you took the third place in some kind of competition, means that you are doing great and the results of your hard work already showing up. If you felt very unhappy, because you won the third place and not the second or first one, then such dream means that you are the person who like to be leader and first in whatever you do. The one who is happy because of accomplishing third place is the person that is happy for any achievement he does. Keep going that way, because you will succeed in your life later on because of your positive attitude towards the life.
…If you’re sick, the dream means the fear of losing one’s eyesight. When the bandage is over your eyes which are ill, then it means a speedy recovery and progress. If we don’t want to see ourselves being immersed in pain and suffering, we’ll need to be very cautious and pay attention to everything around us. If we are carrying bandages, the dream means good modifications in our lives after a time of worries and sorrows. It also symbolizes the healing of our disease or of someone close to us. If we’re putting bandages on another person, it means we want to bring consolation to someone who’s in desperate need of it. It’s a bad omen if, in the dream, the bandages are bloody as this usually indicate depression and cruelty. If you’re a fan of gambling, it’s time to be more prudent and look after what you’re spending….
If you dream of sweet potato, then it suggests to look deeper into your emotions, as they might be way too strong or too low, depending on who you are in contact. Make sure you find the agreement within yourself as it will be much easier to build the relationships with someone.
If someone has stabbed you with the fork, or you saw the other person being stabbed with it, then such dream suggests to look after your financials and family, because there is a possible danger you are unable to avoid. If you eat the food with the fork or see others doing so, it means that we follow the rules and like the comfortable life.
Wistfully contemplating old photographs reveals that we are anchored in the past. If we are photographing a person indicates that we have a particular interest in them. If we look at a photograph of ourselves that reveals how we are or how we want to be.
To have interaction or to encounter or to see the dusk of day, when you are dreaming, stands as a sign for defeated hopes and a dark, gloom outlook in your ambitions and aspirations.
To look through a magnifying-glass in your dreams, means failure to accomplish your work in a satisfactory manner. For a woman to think she owns one, foretells she will encourage the attention of persons who will ignore her later.