For a woman Dreaming that she is drinking coca-cola signifies that she will lose health and a chance for marrying a wealthy man by her abandonment to material delights.

When you dream of seeing or riding gondola, then such dream symbolizes harmony, affection and balance. Perhaps you are happy with the certain phase of your life, where you can keep the balance between your individual and romantic feelings you have to someone. The dream could also suggest you to take the brake, especially if you are working really hard in your waking life.

(See Mill)

It indicates the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. The message of the dream will be deducted from what happens on the trip. It indicates a change in our lives, but we do not do it alone, but surrounded by all that we know. Getting on a ship full of people reflects the need for relationships with others. If the boat is empty, it indicates our shyness. When the boat arrives, some passengers get off before we get in, it means that this life change is not definitive. If we only see the ship, it indicates that we will receive a proposition that can change our lives, although we have not yet decided whether to accept it or not.

Omen of upcoming trip.

Invisible treasure.

(See Watchtower)

(Cupola | Minaret | Observatory) In a dream, a watchtower repre- sents a notable person. Seeing a watchtower from a distance in a dream means victory over one’s adversary, attainment of one’s goals, rising in rank, or it could mean happiness. If a merchant sees a watchtower in a dream, it means prosperity, presiding over his fellow merchants and gaining power. Building a watchtower in a dream has the same interpretation as building an edifice or a house….

(Grinder | Press) In a dream, a mill represents a school, a courthouse, a balance, justice, righteousness, benefits, blessings, money, food, charity, or marriage. The millstone in a dream represents a wife and a husband. The flour that issues from between the two grinding stones represents sperms or children. A mill in a dream also means distress and adversities, uptightness, headache, a rivulet, or a windmill. If one sees a mill grinding human beings in a dream, it means loss of lives and adversities. If one sees a mill grinding something that is not edible in a dream, it means drought and rising prices. If the amount of flour coming from the mill is plentiful in the dream, it means lowering of prices, or recovering from an illness. Grinding lupine seeds, henna seeds, potash, saltwort, salsola kali, jojobe seeds or any seeds from the marsh mallow tree in…