…To dream of a white cat is lucky; of a black, either extremely lucky or the reverse; of a tabby, neither lucky nor unlucky; of a tortoiseshell, simply disastrous.Of the many cat dreams that have from time to time been related to me, I think the following are the best examples:Mrs. Smith, who resides in the neighbourhood of Haverstock Hill, Hampstead, writes to me thus:My daughters and I have on several occasions dreamed of white cats, and our dreams have always been the precursors of astonishing pieces of good luck. Daisy, my eldest daughter, dreamed a black cat sprang on her shoulder and refused to stir, the night before she received tidings that her picture was on the line in the Royal Academy. Vera, my second girl, dreamed she was punting on a lake, which was overcrowded with white cats, that swam about with the keenest enjoyment, every now…
Dream dictionary: oppo second mobile sale dream meanings
…your character, through pilfering: if the dirt gets into your eyes, you will experience confinement, most likely be imprisoned, if you see clouds rapidly moving, beware of transportation. To run and fall, then rise, and run again, is a sign that you have a litigious temper that will ruin you. But, to dream you run without interruption, is a sign of diligence, and that you will accomplish your design. To dream that you fall from your horse when the hounds are in full cry, and that you see the game killed, denotes the death of a friend, and the funeral of a near relative. To fall from a hill, or any high place, and fancy you drop upon another, is a happy omen: it denotes that your merit will be courted by the great, or in proportion to your state of life: two hills sometimes mean a second wife….
…the utmost craftiness and malice, of which she had never for one moment thought her friend capable. She awoke much impressed, and, before the day was out, learned that this very friend had done her the greatest possible injury by betraying a secret of the utmost consequence.My second illustration is the experience of a man who dreamed he was groping about on the rockery in his garden, when he found, to his horror, a nest of brown snakes that rose on end and hissed at him. He tried to draw back, but found himself wedged in by a well that had in some mysterious fashion, only to be met with in dreams, suddenly sprung up behind him. Every avenue of escape was closed, and wherever he looked he saw snakes the wall and the rockery were covered with them. Overcome with terror, he forced himself to wake, and rather…
…to his office and regain honor, because it is also the month in which God Almighty returned the prophet Solomon to his kingdom. If one is bedridden, it means that he will recover from his illness, because it is the month in which the prophet Job (uwbp) recovered from his illness, or perhaps it could mean that one will be sent as an emissary with a mission, or as an ambassador, because it is during this month that God Almighty spoke to His prophet Moses upon whom be peace. As for the second lunar month, known in Arabic as Safar, having a dream during it could be interpreted as follows – If one is pessimistic about what he saw, then it could mean the opposite. If he is sick, it means recovering from his illness. If one is needy, it means that his needs will be satisfied. If one is…
…from the danger of his enemies. If one who is dismissed from his work sees himself on a boat in a dream, it means that he will be rehired to occupy the same office and regain his authority, or that he may take a dangerous trip during which he may either die or escape from death. If one thinks that the ship does not befit his class or rank in the dream, it means that he will face danger. If one’s ship is drowning, and if another ship comes to its rescue in the dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger to fall into the hands of a strong person, or that he will escape from a danger, though should he disobey its captain and abandon the second ship in his dream, it means that he may disobey his leader and go astray. Recovering one’s ship…
…in a dream means benefits. If a woman marries a deceased man in a dream, it means that she will become lost and impoverished. If a married man sees himself getting married to a second woman in a dream, it means profits. To marry the daughter of a known man of knowledge in a dream means prosperity. If a sick woman marries a man of knowledge in her dream, it means recovering from her illness. If a man sees himself marrying a living relative who is in a degree of consanguinity that precludes such a marriage in a dream, it means that he will sever his ties with such a relative, or with her family. Otherwise, if that relative is already dead, it means that he will contact her immediate relatives and establish a friendly relationship with them. (Also see Cage | Duel | Sanctuary | Wife | Yoke)…
…To blow into fire in a dream means kindling a conflict or exasperating and intensifying it. Blowing into the ground in a dream means unveiling a secret or reprimanding one who does not keep a secret. Blowing into the vagina of a woman in a dream means that she will become pregnant. Blowing the trumpet of resurrection in a dream means salvation of the righteous ones. Hearing the first sound of the trumpet of resurrection in a dream means announcing the truth or hearing shocking and worrisome news. Hearing the second blow of the trumpet of resurrection in a dream means exposure of secrets, recovering of the sick, release of the prisoners, reunion of beloveds, loss of one’s capital invest- ment or the flow of wealth. (Also see Bellows | Trumpet of Resurrection)…
…(Constellations | Firmaments | Heavens) Seeing oneself at the first celestial sphere in a dream means associating with a tyrant or a liar or befriending a mail carrier. The second celestial sphere represents the scribes of a king. The third celestial sphere represents a marriage to a woman from a noble lineage. The fourth celestial sphere represents leadership, prosperity and reverence. The fifth celestial sphere represents marriage to a most beautiful woman. Travelling in its orbit together with its stars in that galaxy in a dream means travelling to meet a ruler, a warrior, a pious man, or a perfect man. The sixth celestial sphere represents knowledge, blessings and steadfastness. The seventh celestial sphere represents the inner circles of a ruler. The eight celestial sphere represents the company of a great ruler. The ninth celestial sphere represents the company of a revered man. Seeing the tenth celestial sphere or…
…I can fly. To substantiate my statement, I then climb on to the table or chair, spring off, and, with both feet together, rise to the ceiling, much to my own gratification and the edification of my audience.Bitter, indeed, is my chagrin when I awake and discover that I am as far off flying as ever. Again, many is the time I have dreamed I have been in a huge, empty house, pursued by some grotesque monstrosity that, after chasing me up endless staircases and along the most blood-curdling corridors, has at length cornered me in a gloomy top attic. All seems hopeless, and I am expecting to be caught every second, when, just as the dreadful creature bounds into the room, I leap on to the window-sill and, with a prodigious bound, spring into space. And then, joy of joys, instead of falling, I find I can fly …
…(Eyewitness | Legitimacy | Testify | Truth) An eyewitness in a dream means triumphing over one’s enemy, testifying to the truth and refuting falsehood. If one sees himself as a true signing witness to an agreement in a dream, it means that he will triumph over his enemies. If one sees himself witnessing a contract or putting his seal on a testimony in a dream, it means that he will loan money to the second party in the contract. If one sees himself bearing a true testimony before someone and against the other in a dream, it means that he will attend the pilgrimage in Mecca….
…(Debt | Pledge) Making a promise in a dream means indebtedness to the second party. If one also fulfills his promise in the dream, it denotes his true intention, faith and certitude. Making a good promise in a dream means blessings, profits and longevity. Receiving a good promise from one’s enemy, or opponent in a dream means evil. Receiving a bad promise from one’s enemy in a dream means good. A promise in a dream is a good deed. The recipient of the promise in wakefulness is the one who makes that pledge in the dream….
…In a dream, it means toiling in one’s life and exhaustion. This is thus interpreted if one does not actually see himself going through the motion of taking off his shoes and walking barefooted. Otherwise, in that case, it means that he will receive an appointment to a high ranking position. Walking barefooted in a dream is also interpreted as unloading one’s burdens and relief from pressure, divorce or death in one’s family. If one sees himself traveling barefooted, it represents a debt that he could not repay. If one sees himself walking with one foot bare and the second fitted in the dream, it means breaking up a business partnership. (Also see Walking)…
…Taking an ablution and completing it by giving careful attention to details in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs. Taking a second ablution to perform one’a prayers without the ritual need to do so in a dream means increase in one’s light. Taking ablution with milk or honey in a dream means debts. Ablution is a proper deed in all religions. It is a guard, a clemency, assurance of the divine protection and immunity from punishment. Taking an ablution to perform one’s prayers in a dream means entering under God’s protection against what one may fear. It is reported in the traditions that God Almighty has said to Moses, upon whom be peace – “When you are seized by fear, take your ablution and direct your family to enter the sacrament of prayers.” Washing one’s body in a dream is either performed in preparation for prayers or to wash…
…Seeing Abel, the second son of Adam in a dream means suffering from people’s jealousy, grievance, chicanery, or that one may be killed by his enemy. It also means that an unjust person will envy him. Seeing Abel in a dream also means piety, devotion to God Almighty, feebleness toward a woman or making an offering to please God Almighty and entering the heavenly paradise as a reward. One who sees Abel in a dream should beware of his brethren and close friends, and he should fear for his life….
Thunder usually want to give you some important message you are unable to see yourself. You wish to continue the same way in your life, but the dream gives you a second thought. Thunder is also a symbol of our connection with spiritual aspects and how we are dealing with it.
…Dreaming of riding a bike downhill indicates that the dreamer is headed for a disaster in his affairs or business. Dreaming of riding a bike uphill suggests that, even if its going to be difficult, the dreamers affairs or business will succeed. If a woman has one of these dreams, especially if shes young, in the first case, riding a bike downhill, it means that she will be successful in love related things, and in the second – she will fail….
…one another in a dream, it means that their business will succeed, and if the second merchant does not reply to the greetings in the dream, it means that their partnership will dissolve. If one’s enemy greets him and brings a gift to him in a dream, it means that he is seeking reconciliation and is willing to pay damages for a settlement. If one is greeted with an unknown expression and to which he replies with a common greeting in the dream, it means that he will be saved from a fatal accident, though he will be rewarded for his reply. However, if he does not accept it, or reply to it in the dream, it means the opposite. If one sees himself shaking hands with someone, then embracing him in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings, good news, hear good words to which his…
…little present. Are you fond of roast mutton?””Yes, ma’am,’ I replied, feeling very hungry all of a sudden, for the smell of all those good things I have told you about, sir, really made my mouth water.”And tripe? She went on”.”Again I answered, ‘ Yes”.”Then that is all right,’ she said, with a sigh of relief.” My husband and I ordered what we fancied you would most appreciate a good, homely fare and plenty of it so don’t be afraid to have a second helping. Now, Willie dear, let us begin”.”Well, sir, we all sat down. It was by far the” queerest meal I have ever had, and I cannot say I enjoyed it, for the meat was tough and the vegetables half raw. But there was no help for it.When I had got one plateful down and was congratulating myself that I could now give my jaws…
…was so strong that she could not comply. In the evening of the following day, she had appointed to meet her lover at a bowling green, from which he was to conduct her home when the amusement ended. She passed over one field in hopes of meeting the gentleman, and, singing as she tripped along, had entered the second field, when, accidentally turning her head, she beheld in a corner of the field just such a man as her dream represented, dressed in a car mans frock, with red hair, and apparently approaching towards her. Her agitation was so great that she ran with all speed to stile of the third field and, with difficulty, got over it. Fatigued, however, with running, she sat on the stile to recover herself, and, reflecting that the man might be harmless, she was afraid that her flight might put evil and vindictive thoughts…