…Wandering through a palace and noting its grandeur, signifies that your prospects are growing brighter and you will assume new dignity. To see and hear fine ladies and men dancing and conversing, denotes that you will engage in profitable and pleasing associations. For a young woman of moderate means Dreaming that she is a participant in the entertainment, and of equal social standing with others, is a sign of her advancement through marriage, or the generosity of relatives. This is often a very deceitful and misleading dream to the young woman of humble circumstances | as it is generally induced in such cases by the unhealthy day dreams of her idle, empty brain. She should strive after this dream, to live by honest work, and restrain deceitful ambition by observing the fireside counsels of mother, and friends. See Opulence….
Dream dictionary: parti dream meanings
…When a woman dreams of being a queen, and shes young and single, it suggests that she wants to get married, have luxuries, and to live with particularly economic commodities. However, if shes married, then this dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems. In some cases this dream means the desire of a change in life that leads you towards self-improvement, when you have intellectual, artistic or spiritual ambitions. Dreaming that you are a grumpy queen, who is badly dressed, suggests that this is the state that you hold in real life, perhaps as a result of negative people who are always bothering you, humiliating you, or criticizing you. Dreaming of traveling next to the queen of a nation suggests that you crave for social success, distinctions and honors of political nature, for example, but they have little chance of realization….
To dream you are abused and insulted, is a certain sign that some dispute will come between you and some person with whom you have business; therefore, after such a dream you should be particularly careful of yourself, and be as gentle and mild as possible, that you may not give those with whom you have dealings any advantage over you.
…The ink in dreams announces good news, except in those cases when the ink pours or spills, if it happens so, then such dream announces discord. If the ink is black in dreams, then it foretells the imminent arrival of a family member or a friend that we value. If it is red, then it is a sign that our behavior could be misunderstood. If the ink is green, as in real life, it is a symbol of hope. Dreaming of seeing the ink stained clothes indicates the fact that there are slanders and intrigues around the dreamer. There is also a possibility of gossip you should be mindful about. This meaning is particularly serious if a young woman dreams about it. If you see yourself with ink on the fingers, then it shows that you are being jealous and if the ink is red, then it represents the…
To see a shooting in your dream, indicates that you have a set goal and know what you are aiming for in life. Your plans are right on target! To dream that you shoot a person with a gun, denotes your aggressive feelings and hidden anger toward that particular person. To dream that someone is shooting you with a gun, suggests that you are experiencing some confrontation in your waking life. You may feel victimized in some situation.
If you dream of mathematics, then such dream indicates the decision which will have to be done, while thinking logically. The dream also suggests you to forget the emotions while making that particular decision. If you are unable to solve the mathematical issue in your dream, then it means you are having the chaos in your life and do not know what to do to figure out the lurking problem. The dream could also indicate the necessity to start acting now.
…A butcher in a dream represents the angel of death. Taking a knife from a butcher in a dream means falling sick, then recovering from one’s illness to become strong and healthy again. In a dream, a butcher also represents a man who causes destruction or evil, and particularly if he is seen holding his cutting knife, or if he is wearing a white uniform stained with blood. If one sees himself as a butcher wearing clean cloths, it represents longevity. A good looking butcher in a dream represents a prosperous culmination of one’s life, or changing one’s trade. If someone looks at him with despise or in the wrong way in the dream, it means that something is unlawful in what he sells. If the butcher is a man in the dream, he then represents the angel of death. Whatever place he appears in will bear the consequences….
You will feel particularly disturbed by a troublesome situation.
Secret grief, near parting.
…(See Sting) To dream of wasps denotes thrift and abundance, particularly to farmers and those who have fruit-trees. If a girl dreams that she is stung by a mud- wasp, it foretells that she will marry a gentleman who will love her dearly. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 62, 18….
…A mold maker in a dream represents a gnostic, or a genius who teaches each and everyone of his students what they particularly need. Since molds are containers, then he represents a man of knowledge who understands and protects people’s secrets. A mold maker practicing his trade, buying and selling what he casts in a dream represents someone who is well acquainted with his profession, and who knows how to promote his services. A molder in a dream is also interpreted as a person who encourages people to travel even as far as China to acquire knowledge. (Also see Mold)…
Dreaming of yourself walking on a rug indicates that everythings going well and that youll soon see the good results. Dreaming of yourself shopping for rugs indicates that prosperity smiles at you, and that you must seize it for it to continue. Dreaming of yourself selling rugs indicates the desire of fun and traveling, but without having to abandon your business. When a woman dreams of beautiful rugs, it may mean that she longs for a good life in a beautiful and comfortable home. Dreaming of a dirty, broken rug indicates the immediate risk of suffering from a chronic disease that will only get worse, particularly a disease of the nervous system. If the dreamer sees himself/herself fixing or cleaning the rug, thats a sign that a visit to the doctor must be made as soon as possible.
…The hands in a dream represent your ability to connect with the outer world. The hands are also the part of communication, mostly used to express the emotions. The dream about hands could show the necessity to give a hand to those around you. It is known that the right hand is the symbol of manhood and the right one is a symbol of feminine factors of the dreamer. The dream, in which you were holding the hand of other person, indicates the strong bond, love and affection you have towards that particular person. The dream could also indicate the actual fear of being no longer in connection with that person. If you have abnormally large hands, then such dream symbolizes the proficiency in your life. If you hands were closed, then it might show you are hiding something or have made the acceptance about something. If your hands…
If you are the person who is hitting another person, it shows the suppressed anger issues towards that particular person or to life in general. You feel angry about something and havent expressed those emotions, so during the dream you are hitting In order to get rid of the extra negative energy. Make sure you solve these problems.
If you dreaming that you are arguing, it shows that you want to solve personal problems you have with particular people. Make sure you know who you were arguing with, try to recognize that person in your dream, how does that person acts while arguing with you. This is a sign of your life making progress and it only depends on you if these changes will make a good or bad impact.
Dreaming about any kind of shredder is an omen for particular distressing circumstances, in which your interests and relationships could be threatened.
To buy, sell, or eat walnuts indicates that soon you will be participant in a ceremony.
If you receive the message from a particular person in your dream, it shows how important relationships are to you with this person. There are unsolved issues and the things werent said either.
If you dream of being unusually silent, then it means that you are unable to express your thoughts or feelings. You feel like there is a barrier which does not let you express of how you feel. If somebody else is in silent, then it means that you feel lost and do not know how to deal with this particular person.
To dream about the ice cream is the positive omen, because it indicates the happiness and childhood. Perhaps the subconscious mind of yours is looking for some fun activities, therefore the ice cream is related to happiness of your life. If you eat the ice cream with particular individual, then this person makes you happy a lot.
…To dream of ghosts like the ones that wear white sheets, and that they have a cheerful attitude, or at least are friendly, it announces an upcoming success and the realization of long-yearned goals, including material gains. When young people frequently dream that they’re dressed as black ghosts, they should monitor their behavior, but particularly their sexual behavior, because it can affect their future. To dream about ghosts of one or more of your acquaintances that in real life are still alive is a sign that you have not put enough attention to your activities, such as your social relations and businesses; this can end up hurting you. To dream that one or more dressed in black ghosts suddenly appear and then they suddenly disappear announces upcoming calamities that will affect some of your most important economical affairs and in some cases even your life. Dreaming about the ghost…
The dream, in which you became voiceless, shows the state of your mind that is lost. Perhaps you cannot present yourself the way you would like to, therefore you are not showing you true opinions and views towards particular thing.
…To dream that you’re sick when you really aren’t is a warning that you’re starting to suffer from a disease, although it is not a serious disease, it will alter your activities. This type of dream also warns that you could experience serious difficulties with your relatives or close friends. If a young woman dreams that she’s sick, it suggests that she fears remaining single. To dream of any disease and worse if its an epidemic, suggests that you may be suffering particular mental disorders. If this has been confirmed, you should consult a doctor immediately. To dream that you’re always sick indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they’ll continue to worsen; also this type of dream usually refers to your health. To dream that a friend or loved one is sick suggests that your family or friends are likely to suffer a misfortune that…
Wistfully contemplating old photographs reveals that we are anchored in the past. If we are photographing a person indicates that we have a particular interest in them. If we look at a photograph of ourselves that reveals how we are or how we want to be.
…Dreaming of being in a bank without tellers is a sign that your own businesses are not going well. Dreaming of a closed bank is a symbol of diseases, particularly in the nervous system; it also indicates that you have been neglecting your health, being careless with money, and in some cases loss of money or problems to recover it. Simply dreaming of being a spectator in a bank is a recommendation to take precautions about the business you make. It also indicates that there isnt a complete control of your health or anxiety. Dreaming of being in a bank when employees are delivering gold coins is a symbol of carelessness; however, if they are getting them, its a sign of success in business. Dreaming of being in a bank where large amounts of silver coins are visible indicates that, in the immediate future youll be successful in your…
…Dreaming of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life. If you run from danger, you will be threatened with losses, and you will despair of adjusting matters agreeably. To see others thus running, you will be oppressed by the threatened downfall of friends. To see stock running, warns you to be careful in making new trades or undertaking new tasks….
…To dream that you’re watching pictures announces disappointments, frustrations and deteriorating relations, particularly sentimental relations. To dream about a picture of your beloved one implies infidelity, and so it makes you feel disappointed. To dream that others are shooting pictures announces upcoming unpleasant visits. To dream that you’re watching your own picture suggests that your misconduct is hurting other people who deserve your respect and esteem….
To dream that you are ignoring some person or situation, means that you have unsolved issues with this particular person. Perhaps you do not want to know what other people are trying to tell you or you dont like what they are telling you.
If you dream that you are being on the trial, then such dream shows the state of your mind where you are feeling being judged. The trial in which you are the one who is judging others, signifies your tendency to be very judgmental. The trial could also indicate particular situation in your life where you feel guilty or insecure.
…too small for the horse’s foot, you will be charged with making fraudulent deals with unsuspecting parties. To ride a horse down hill, your affairs will undoubtedly disappoint you. For a young woman Dreaming that a friend rides behind her on a horse, denotes that she will be foremost in the favors of many prominent and successful men. If she was frightened, she is likely to stir up jealous sensations. If after she alights from the horse it turns into a pig, she will carelessly pass by honorable offers of marriage, preferring freedom until her chances of a desirable marriage are lost. If afterward she sees the pig sliding gracefully along the telegraph wire, she will by intriguing advance her position, For a young woman Dreaming that she is riding a white horse up and down hill, often looking back and seeing some one on a black horse, pursuing her,…
The dream, in which you have made a vote, denotes to your desire to express your thoughts and opinions. The dream could also indicate your will to be part of some particular group.
…(Azan | Muezzin) Hearing the call to prayers in a dream denotes the pilgrimage season or announces its holy months. It also may indicate backbiting, a theft, announcing a major move or blowing the trumpets of war, or it could denote rank and honor or obeyed commands of the one seeing the dream, or perhaps announcing a wife for an unmarried man, and it could mean telling the truth. Hearing the call to prayers in a language other than the Arabic in which it was revealed in a dream means lies and backbiting. If one sees a woman calling to prayers, standing on the top of a minaret in a dream, it means innovation and trials. If children give the call to prayers in a dream, it means that people filled with ignorance will rule the land. This is particularly true when the call is made outside the proper…
(The prophet Ismail, son of the prophet Abraham, upon both of them be peace.) If one sees him in a dream, it means that he will gain clarity of speech and preside over his colleagues. He also may build a mosque, or participate in such a project. It also means that someone will make a promise and be truthful about fulfilling it. If one sees Ismail in a dream, it means that he may suffer at the hands of his father, then God Almighty will relief him from such sufferings or pain.
Seeing ourselves as a teacher represents our sense of intellectual superiority and it will be interesting to analyze carefully the subject being taught and the people who appear in the dream. If we are the ones receiving advice from another teacher, it will be represented as a being aware that we should know more about that subject and the invitation to seek that knowledge in a particular place.
…beard and kissing it in a dream means lacking determination or will, regardless if it is his own beard or if it is someone else’s beard. If a straw or anything sticks to one’s beard in a dream, it means hearing bad words. Shaving half of one’s beard in a dream means losing one’s source of income or loss of one’s dignity. Holding the beard of one’s uncle in a dream means unjustly inheriting him. If a woman sees herself having a beard like a man in a dream, it means that she will never beget children, unless if she has a reddish beard as the natural color of her hair. However, for a man, to have a reddish beard in a dream means trials and temptation and particularly if some gray hair is also mixed with it. (Also see Face | Scissors | Shaving | Twisting a rope)…
The fish in dreams is always a good omen that brings luck, because you are able to catch it, except if you dream about the particular fish such as carp, because it is a symbol of misfortune or the fact that you do not take any criticism. The fish that you see in clear sea, river or any kind of water represents good health. The dirty and muddy water in which you see the fish signifies the opposite. When you eat the fish, or simply cooking it, you will succeed in everything you do.
…To see your parents looking cheerful while dreaming, denotes harmony and pleasant associates. If they appear to you after they are dead, it is a warning of approaching trouble, and you should be particular of your dealings. To see them while they are living, and they seem to be in your home and happy, denotes pleasant changes for you. To a young woman, this usually brings marriage and prosperity. If pale and attired in black, grave disappointments will harass you. Dreaming of seeing your parents looking robust and contented, denotes you are under fortunate environments | your business and love interests will flourish. If they appear indisposed or sad, you will find life’s favors passing you by without recognition. See Father and Mother….
…Dreaming of being in any type of disaster is a warning that there is a risk of serious losses, either, health or material values, prestige, credit, etc. A young, unwed woman that dreams about suffering from the consequences of a disaster of any kind, suggests that she is at risk of dying or being abandoned by her lover or even the death of a very close and dear relative. Dreaming of a disaster at sea indicates a serious danger if you have planned to travel on any type of transport, but especially if traveling by boat. This type of dream is particularly indicative for marines or people that somehow live in the sea. Dreaming of being in a sea disaster, but being rescued, indicates that despite all the problems you will eventually triumph. Dreaming of being a spectator of a railway accident, hints that something very unpleasant will happen…
When you dream of armadillo it means that you need to determine particular limits. Maybe you are making the boundaries with those around you and do not let get anyone too close to you. What you have to do is to become more opinionated and stand up for yourself. Make sure you show more initiative in work you are doing.
…To dream that you hate any particular person is a sign that he or she has been talking bad about you. If a girl should ever be so silly as to dream such a dream about her lover, it shows that he meditates an attack upon her chastity; on the contrary, if she dreams that he hates her, it is a sign that she possesses his whole heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 44….