…Dreaming of being insane, forebodes disastrous results to some newly undertaken work, or ill health may work sad changes in your prospects. To see others insane, denotes disagreeable contact with suffering and appeals from the poverty-stricken. The utmost care should be taken of the health after this dream….

…Dreaming of the judgment day, foretells that you will accomplish some well-planned work, if you appear resigned and hopeful of escaping punishment. Otherwise, your work will prove a failure. For a young woman to appear before the judgment bar and hear the verdict of {Guilty}, denotes that she will cause much distress among her friends by her selfish and unbecoming conduct. If she sees the dead rising, and all the earth solemnly and fearfully awaiting the end, there will be much struggling for her, and her friends will refuse her aid. It is also a forerunner of unpleasant gossip, and scandal is threatened. Business may assume hopeless aspects….

…A house symbolizes the physical body of a person| therefore, depending on the condition the house is in, that’s the way the dreamer will feel physically. When the dreamer sees his or her own home in present time and it looks beautiful, it indicates joy for the success in the affairs and business that the dreamer is managing. If there are new foster homes in the dream, especially of children, it indicates tranquility and a pleasant home and work life. When there are small, old, and neglected houses in the dream it indicates that the health of the dreamer is deteriorating and that business, work, etc., will go from bad to worse if they are not given immediate and effective attention. If the dreamer leaves his or her own house it means that there is an internal concern about venturing into new activities in the search of fortune. Dreaming…

…It is a symbol of work, job success. To see the bees free is a happy omen. To see them flying from flower to flower, it indicates a budding love. If a bee stings you, there is a danger to your reputation. If they’re angry or they attack, then that indicates problems with partners or sloppiness at work with consequent ruin. Killing them indicates that ruin is inevitable and is close. Shattering the hive is a sign that we are antisocial and misfit with the environment….

The beaver is the animal who is very creative and able to build things from scratch. The dreamer who sees the beaver in his dream has the power to create his great life from nothing. The dream shows that if you work hard enough you will achieve great things. The beaver could also represent your ability to work as the team member. You have patience and courage to build the world you wish to live in.

If you dream of an advance in any situation, this is a sign of you being raised at work or personal life quickly and in short period of time. Business of love will be in your benefit. If you see other people being advanced in front of your eyes, this represents their happy and successful future at work or personal life. Keep in mind, as you can trust those people.

…(Acknowledgment | Announcement | Distinction | Luminary | Recognition | Renowned | Title) Fame in a dream represents a wedding that will be publicly announced, or it could mean rising in rank. If one earns a title of recognition, or if he becomes renowned, or if he is awarded a great prize for his work in a dream, it means that he will learn that his wife has given birth to a beautiful son. Such a son will follow his father’s footsteps, learn his trade or work at spreading his knowledge or tradition, or he may govern and lead his people after him….

…(Darkness | Heedlessness | Ignorance) In a dream, a moonless night represents lack of work, stagnation, or losing one’s job. If one sees the whole world in the dark and the moon is still radiant in the skies in a dream, it means that the governor will temporarily relinquish his entire duties to his chief minister or secretary, and that thieves and robbers will cluster around them for business. If one then sees the daylight in his dream, it means that such an adversity will pass. If people are under siege in the dream and the daylight dawns after a long dark night in a dream, it means that their siege will be lifted. If people are suffering from high prices and someone sees that dream, it means that prices will go back to normal. If they are suffering from tyranny, it too will pass. The night in a…

…(Yarn) If a woman sees herself working on a spinning wheel and quickly trying to finish her work in a dream, it means that a traveller will soon come home, or that an expected visitor will arrive. If she sees herself taking her time in spinning her wool in a dream, it means that either she or her husband will undertake a journey. If the thread breaks inside the bobbin in her dream, it means cancellation of her plans to travel. If she sees herself in a dream spinning cotton threads, it means separation from her husband. During such a separation, she will cease asking her husband for her bridal dower, and later on she will return to him. If she sees herself spinning linen in a dream, it means that she will seek the company of righteous people to acquire wisdom and knowledge. If a man sees himself…

…This kind of dream shows that you are wasting your energy too much only on one project and that is why you feel tired and not inspired from time to time. If you are working at the laboratory in your waking life, then such dream is a simple reflection of your actual life. If the tests you did with some chemicals in this laboratory have failed, you will fail in your waking life either. If the experiment you did there succeeded you will succeed in your life as well. The laboratory could also indicate the things you find hard to get or you have some problem that is very hard to solve that is why you need the experiments and many tries to make it work. If in the laboratory you work with the stuff that is very expensive, extravagant, you are going to get the life that is…

The brakes are interpreted as the symbol who tells what to do in certain situation. The one that are working properly, indicates your attitude towards some situation or life overall. You do know how to act and when to stop doing whatever you are doing. The brakes that are broken or do not work the way they supposed to work, foretells about something in your life you are unable to handle. Perhaps you should stop being worried and simply find the solution for it. The broken brakes could also be interpreted as the suggestion to check the brakes on your real vehicle.

Dreaming of a gorge indicates that you should work to correct some errors at work. Falling into a gorge indicates you´ll suffer disappointments and frustrations in your private life.

…Dreaming of using a hair-brush, denotes you will suffer misfortune from your mismanagement. To see old hair brushes, denotes sickness and ill health. To see clothes brushes, indicates a heavy task is pending over you. If you are busy brushing your clothes, you will soon receive reimbursement for laborious work. To see miscellaneous brushes, foretells a varied line of work, yet withal, rather pleasing and remunerative….

Dreaming with aridity means that you’ll find joy in a love that is reciprocated; you’ll be able to solve your problems if you take the time and make the effort to solve them. Dreaming of a sowing field that must have crops but it appears silent, wilted and dry, it may mean that only with hard work, you’ll achieve appreciable benefits. It is also signal that there has not been enough dedication to work. Dreaming of a small, arid field that has no vegetation may mean that for the moment you don’t have friends, support or advisors to help you solve problems, affairs or business that you’re managing.

The ants in dreams represent the hard work, discipline, the will to follow the instructions and ability to work with others. The dream about ants shows how hard working person you are and how much of the effort you put into anything you do. All off the positive meanings of this dream could be applied not only to you, but to people that were seen in the dream together with ants as well.

…into paradise. The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, the gathering of believers, the local markets and the vicinity of the holy Mosque. If one sees that his own house has become the Ka’aba and people are seeking it and crowds are gathering at his door in a dream, it means that he will be endowed with wisdom, gain knowledge and act upon it, and that people will learn at his hand and follow his example. Performing some of the required rites at the holy Ka’aba in a dream also means that one may work for someone in authority, or serve a man of knowledge, a shaikh, a renunciate, one’s father, one’s mother, or it could mean that one has a master who demands clarity, true following and hard-work from his students and disciples. (Also see Circum- ambulation | Entering Paradise | Gutter of…

…(Servant) In a dream, vinegar means money that is earned and spent in piety with blessings contained therein, or it could mean longevity, or wasting the least time possible in doing one’s work. Vinegar sediments in a dream represent ignoble or evil money that carries meager benefits, or which is deemed shoddy, In a dream, vinegar and its container represent a servant and her dwellings. Drinking vinegar in a dream means enmity with one’s household, or it could mean a family quarrel. As for a prisoner, drinking vinegar in a dream means his release from prison. Good vinegar in a dream means income and blessings, though when rarefied or stale, it means struggling to earn one’s livelihood. It also means toiling to make ends meet, or it could mean hardships. Vinegar in a dream also may mean marital problems, difficulties with one’s children, or a conflict at work. Vinegar…

…painting an old and partially destroyed door, indicates that the dreamer wants a change of life in hopes to earn a fortune by putting in effort and hard work. Dreaming of other people going through a door without any difficulties means that the dreamer has frustrations due to situations that are not going well. If the person, who dreams this dream, is a politician, it means unfavorable changes. For an artist, inventor or writer it may mean that their work will not be accepted, which is a warning for them to check the things that they’ve made. When a door is closed and the dreamer can’t open it, it suggests that the dreamer is not on the right path, which will cause difficulties with family, business and with friends. Dreaming of destroying a door suggests that soon the dreamer will have several problems, including with authorities. Dreaming of hearing what’s…

…(Beauty | Eulogy | Hardness | Wealth) In a dream, marble represents prosperity, a beautiful wife, respectable people, class, servants, or properties. If a poor person sees the floor of his house covered with marble in a dream, it means prosperity, marriage, purchasing a business, acquiring knowledge, learning a poem, bearing righteous children, or if he qualifies, it could mean that he will receive a high ranking appointment, or that he may actually work with marble, or in sculpturing marble or in manufacturing fountains from marble, or work in masonry, or as a stone cutter, or he may change his attitude toward things, signaling the end of depression and the start of a joyful time in his life, living in high rises, or spending money for leisure and vacations. If one sees gravestones made of marble, or if one sees marble pillars in a dream, it means a good…

Dreaming of being styled by a hairdresser signifies gossip, intrigues, and slander. Dreaming about a hairdresser at work, and better if this person is clean and has good presentation, suggests that the dreamer is an honest and educated person, which seeks success in affairs or business, including in love. Although in order to achieve all of this the dreamer must have huge devotion and full attention. Dreaming of being styled by a dirty hairdresser with an unpleasant presence suggests that the dreamer has not chosen good friends and this will create setbacks. When a woman dreams of a hairdresser at work, it suggests that it will be complicated for the dreamer to shortly improve her own economic situation. It’s also a warning of taking care of personal appearance.

Predict success and prosperity through hard work and teamwork. If bees make honey in our house, or our property, success and fortune are ensured. Being stung by a bee represents the existence of a danger to our reputation because of slander. Seeing angry bees attacking us signifies conflicts with partners, or that you are abandoning work because of the search for pleasures, which can bring misfortune and ruins. Killing bees is the worst dream, it indicates that the ruin is inevitable, and is near. Finally, see them on a flower is a symbol of a new love.

work and who cheats when he does go to work. Using a table knife in a dream means voidance of a project one supports. A knife in a dream also implies a proof. A knife in a dream also means acquiring strength and prosperity at the hands of a servant or an employee. Swallowing a knife in a dream means depriving one’s son from his inheritance, or stealing his money or property. If one’s wife is pregnant, then seeing a knife in a dream means that she will beget a son. If one who is going to appear in court sees himself carrying a knife in a dream, it means that he will win his case. If one is given a knife as a gift in a dream, it means that he will beget a son, or have a new brother. If one is not expecting a son or a…

…life at this very moment. The bigger the storm or the bigger the waves are, the more dractic changes will happen. If you dream of looking towards the beach it means that you are settling down and taking back the life you had or joining the process you used to be in before. Consider that this dream shows your ability to admit all the new sauses that is happening in your life. If you see yourself just lieing down, taking the nap or just loosening on the beach it is a sign of upcoming quiet and peaceful next chapter. If you see yourself doing particular or any work on the beach it foretells that very soon you might get the project that will take lots of your time and strength to get it done, so prepare yourself for hard work and try to keep calm with lots of patience….

If you dream of seeing an amethyst it is a sign of the luck, joy and pleasure in work and personal life. Maybe there will be fall in love with someone very soon and it will be successful new step of your life. This dream is a sign that you are capable of being happy with what you already have. The success in work is not so important to you, because you know that money do not bring happiness and fortune because it is more important spiritual things, which always makes you feel happy. When you dream of losing an amethyst it is a sign of losing someone you love. It could be that the one you love will cheat n you or simply will stop loving you and the relationship you have been into will not recover and will never be the same as it used to be.

…When a woman dreams that she’s harvesting corncobs, or baby corn, it indicates that she’ll soon be in a position that she has longed for, but this may happen as long as she continues to work with the same enthusiasm. To dream about corncobs is positive; it announces good times, good news and a plentiful life. To dream about yourself wondering in a corn field and seeing how it has germinated, i.e., that green plants have raised above ground, suggests that what you are doing in your daily life will bring good results in a short term. However, if the plants you see are wilted, it symbolizes bad news. To dream of yourself shaking the reeds that carry the cobs suggests that you’re too eager for the results of your work, what is something not so good. This dream is a type of warning against an exaggerated impatience feeling….

…Dreaming of a cat, denotes ill luck, if you do not succeed in killing it or driving it from your sight. If the cat attacks you, you will have enemies who will go to any extreme to blacken your reputation and to cause you loss of property. But if you succeed in banishing it, you will overcome great obstacles and rise in fortune and fame. If you meet a thin, mean and dirty-looking cat, you will have bad news from the absent. Some friend lies at death’s door | but if you chase it out of sight, your friend will recover after a long and lingering sickness. To hear the scream or the mewing of a cat, some false friend is using all the words and work at his command to do you harm. Dreaming that a cat scratches you, an enemy will succeed in wrenching from you the…

…In the dream you yield to someone’s decision, this dream shows that you try and want to avoid conflicts in your family or at work. Somebody else yield to you, this dream shows that you will strengthen and consolidate your position at home or at work….

…or lounging at the sea shore in a dream, it means that he will work for such a person or a ruler, though he will be observing caution and diplomacy with him. If one sees himself drinking the entire water of the sea though no one sees him except the king in a dream, it means that he will reign and live a long life. Drinking any portion thereof also means equal earnings to what he takes in. If one sees himself drinking from it to quench his thirst in the dream, it means riches, strength and longevity. If one sees himself asking for some of its water to drink in a dream, it means that he is seeking to work for such a strong person or ruler. If he pours its water in a pitcher in the dream, it means prosperity, or that he will receive a bounteous gift…

To dream that you see some kind of the merge sign means that you are willing to start working together with other people. You are ready for team work where the cooperation is needed and the job that has to be done is related to team work.

Symbolically soil speaks of motherhood and fertility, but this message does not have to be taken literally, but taking into account that soil nourishes. For example, dreaming of rich and fruitful soil may be a harbinger of fertility in an economic sense. If we are plowing it in the dream it could be a signal that we need to work on an issue that we have in mind. Harvesting indicates that success will come soon, and if we see ourselves not being able to work on the land, it can be understood that the issue that worries us is not right for us. Some authors also indicate that the land can symbolize our unconscious, the figure of a loved one.

…For a woman Dreaming of a beautiful fat, white kitten, omens artful deception will be practised upon her, which will almost ensnare her to destruction, but her good sense and judgment will prevail in warding off unfortunate complications. If the kittens are soiled, or colored and lean, she will be victimized into glaring indiscretions. Dreaming of kittens, denotes abominable small troubles and vexations will pursue and work you loss, unless you kill the kitten, and then you will overcome these worries. To see snakes kill kittens, you have enemies who in seeking to injure you will work harm to themselves. See Cats….

…Dreaming of seeing a negro standing on your green lawn, is a sign that while your immediate future seems filled with prosperity and sweetest joys, there will creep into it unavoidable discord, which will veil all brightness in gloom for a season. Dreaming of seeing a burly negro, denotes formidable rivals in affection and business. To see a mulatto, constant worries and friction with hirelings is foretold. Dreaming of a difficulty with a negro, signifies your inability to overcome disagreeable surroundings. It also denotes disappointments and ill fortune. For a young woman Dreaming of a negro, she will be constrained to work for her own support, or be disappointed in her lover. Dreaming of negro children, denotes many little anxieties and crosses. For a young woman Dreaming of being held by a negro, portends for her many disagreeable duties. She is likely to meet with and give displeasure. She…

…Dreaming about bees is a good omen, because it indicates success nearby at work and on all matters that are being handled. To dream of killing one or more of the bees hints that you will have various setbacks. Dreaming about angry bees that attack signifies conflicts with partners, or the fact that you will leave the job because of the pursuit of pleasure, which can bring misfortune and total ruin. To dream of being stung by bees hints that you will suffer betrayal from someone who has been trusted and appreciated. Dreamed of eating honey foretells about present and future prosperity hints. When you dream that you are surrounded by bees which are flying peacefully, then it indicates the fact that you are being surrounded by people of good behavior. Dreaming about wasps instead of bees indicates that you are being surrounded by negative people who are going…

Symbolizes the work and if it is clean relates to how we present ourselves to the tasks. If the apron is dirty the dream can be announcing discussions or disorders at work.

Dreaming of a field that should be sown and bright, but instead it appears wilted and dry, may mean that only if you work hard you’ll achieve appreciable benefits. This dream also suggests that there hasn’t been enough dedication to work. Dreaming of a small and dry field with no vegetation, it may mean that, for the moment you don’t have friends or economic advisers that support you or help you to solve your problems, or give you some help with the affairs or business that you’re managing.

…When you dream of being in a cold air it represents the proportion of your household and work. Make sure you keep the balance between your personal life and work. This dream could be a sign of the risk being out of proportion. Maybe there is something you are not sure about and lost connection with truthfulness. This dream wants to show you that you should take a break, go away even if it’s just for a few days. If you dream of breathing a hot air it means that there are too much of negative energy around you, be aware of that and make sure you are attentive to people around you….

…To dream your own wrist, this dream signifies your ability to join two different things – joy and work. You are very hard working person, but you never forget to make a joy from a hard work. And such a feature lets you to involve others to such an attitude….

…To see kettles in your dream, denotes great and laborious work before you. To see a kettle of boiling water, your struggles will soon end and a change will come to you. To see a broken kettle, denotes failure after a mighty effort to work out a path to success. For a young woman Dreaming of handling dark kettles, foretells disappointment in love and marriage | but a light-colored kettle brings to her absolute freedom from care, and her husband will be handsome and worthy….

…(Bread | Learning | Wall) To see oneself acquiring knowledge in a dream means marriage and rising in status. Such a wedding will be announced publicly. If one earns a title of recognition, or if he becomes renowned, or if he is awarded a great prize for his work in a dream, it means glad tidings of a beautiful son he will beget and who will follow his father’s footsteps, learn his trade, or work at spreading his father’s knowledge or traditions, or he may govern or lead after him. To learn about God Almighty, or about the prophetic traditions of His Messenger, upon whom be peace, in a dream means being encompassed with God’s mercy and subtle kindness. To learn about sorcery, black magic or similar arts in a dream mean following innovation and walking the path of heedlessness. (Also see Learning)…

…To dream of portfolios or suitcases suggests that you desire to make a long journey or to have a change of lifestyle, work or business. The realization of such desire depends on how the suitcase is (new and nice, old and ugly, broken, etc.). If the suitcase is lost or it disappears, it suggests that you will experience frustrations and there will be almost no chance of succeeding your dreams. To walk with a portfolio in hand suggests that you’ll soon travel. To dream about a bulky and heavy portfolio suggests that you are overloaded with work and obligations, and that you are looking forward to change of your life’s pace. To dream of a full (of whatever) suitcase, suggests prosperity. If you see it empty, it’s a warning against future losses and failures. This dream suggests that savings should be sought, and that you should avoid wasting money,…