If an inconsistent or a thoughtless person sees a plant in his dream, it means blessings, receiving praises, guidance, growing determination, or becoming decisive.

…A plasterer in a dream represents a hypocrite and a trouble maker or an agitator. His presence in a dream also could mean the smoothing of one’s affairs, or dispelling of one’s trouble and quelling the fire of his surrounding evil. (Also see Mortar carrier | Plaster)…

Owning a cotton plantation in a dream signifies havingmoney and trouble. (Also see Carder | Cotton)

…(Fold) In a dream, a pleat means forgiveness, pardon, concealing, or suppressing one’s anger, or depletion of one’s sustenance, or the end of one’s life….

(See Paper | Pledge of allegiance | Promise)

(See Pleasure)

…(Sea gull | Seabird | Shorebird) A plover or any type of seabirds in a dream represent travels, tardiness, delinquency in one’s dealings, putting things in the wrong place, or praying at the wrong time….

…(Animal’s heart, liver, lung and windpipe.) In a dream, animal’s pluck represent savings from solid gold bullions, or they could represent woman’s jewelry….

If a rich person sees himself plucking out his facial hair in a dream, it means losing money, while if a poor person sees that, it means that he will repay his debts. (Also see Shaving | Temples)

To see a large, wide, extended plain, indicates pleasure, excitement, and success, a prospective and agreeable journey.

If you dream that you receive the medal for the first place, it means that you are feeling better than the others. The dream could also indicate your wishes to be the exceptional.

…I believe there are people who dream the same dreams repeatedly, even down to the most minor details. One of the dreams I am continually dreaming is as follows: I am walking along the sea-front of some popular watering-place, which, judging by the style of houses and appearance of the people, I should say was abroad. The sun is shining, the sea exquisitely blue; whilst, to enhance the beauty of nature, a band is playing, and playing remarkably well, some gay operatic music. What I see, what I feel, what I think, has about it nothing of the unmistakeable idiosyncrasy of a dream, but all is rigorously self -consistent. I am enjoying myself to the utmost, when, on turning round, I perceive behind me a tramp — a man with a shock head of red hair, and features that are ineffaceably stamped on my memory. He is a blight,…

…A huge, old-fashioned silver stand, containing one big fruit dish and four small ones, stood in the centre of the table, whilst all round were big silver cake dishes. To each place there were at least five too many forks and spoons, whilst on the sideboard was the most vulgar (you see, sir, I understand the real use of that word) display of silver bowls, cups, entree and bon-bon dishes, knives, forks, and spoons I ever have seen. The sole idea of the hostess seemed to be to impress her visitors with a sense of her wealth — she had, so to speak, purposely made an exhibition of it.”I was so interested in my observations that, quite unconsciously, I left the shelter of the trees, and, stepping up to the railings, leaned over them. I was now close to the window, the lower panes of which were almost on…

Be struck by the plague, means a fortune is disclosed to you, and the possession which will cause great happiness.

Eat plants, announces the termination of distractions and conclusion of bad business.

…Be present at a play, signifies ephemeral recreation, followed by loss of your sweetheart’s good opinion….

Dreaming of playing ball, or seeing it played, foretells the speedy receipt of money; to see the ball roll about, and signifies delay in its reception.

If you are playing the music nicely and smoothly, you are going through your life easily, relaxed and feeling very happy.

Generally, it is a bad omen to be at last place in any kind of competition in our dreams. It usually indicates an upcoming time of bad luck in which failure will prevail. Obligations will emerge, to which it will be impossible to face, just in case you are not already overwhelmed by them.

…(See Blossom) To dream of healthy, thriving plants is a good omen, as it foretells success in life, and smart children: such a dream is an excellent one for lovers, as it denotes an early and happy marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 43, 14, 7….

…To dream that any plant cometh out of one’s body, is death. To dream of plants quick in growth, as the vine and the peach tree, implies that the good or evil portended us shall quickly happen; but to dream of trees and plants that are slow in growing, as the oak, olive, cypress, shows that the good or evil that shall happen to us shall be long in coming. See Trees….

Dreaming of ploughing is good, but if the horses seem to sink into the ground, it portends loss of labour, dearth of corn, and ill-harvest weather; but to plough on a hill, and on a sudden to be loosening the team, and setting them up in a stable, doth show a lazy disposition in the ploughmen, and also that the horses shall not stand, but fall sick in the stable. See Farm, Manure and Husbandry.

To dream that you are trying to sit in your place, but it is already taken by someone else, means that you should be more curious and protective if you fish to save your dignity. The dream could also symbolize the unfair people or situations that you are surrounded by.

Gathering of plums or prunes denotes pride, power and place.

Working with plaster, strong and perishing impressions. Happiness achieved at great pains.

A plough or planks denote a wedding you shall see.

…For a girl to dream of having a plaster on her person is a sign that someone win offer her an insult, or perhaps make an attempt upon her chastity: if a man dreams this, the same will probably happen to his wife or sweetheart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 8….

…To dream of an abundance of this fruit is a sign of health, but yet you are liable to lose your life by an accident: if a girl dreams she is presented with plums, it foretells her early death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36, 14, 77….

If you have won some place in the competition, you will succeed in whatever you do in your waking life. You will be the winner.

Copper plate seen in a dream, is a warning of discordant views causing unhappiness between members of the same household.

To dream about playing the music means that you found some inner peace and tranquility with your waking life.

Dream of a plain indicates advantages in a business. It is also a symbol of a happy, rich, unlimited space, without borders. Always portends a better access to wealth and happiness.

The plain or the prairie are the symbols of unlimited, happy, rich and borderless space. Always portends better access to wealth and happiness.

Dreaming of planes in flight suggests future success in all the affairs that you handle. Dreaming of a plane that it’s not moving, and worse if it appears broken, torn or falling to the ground, indicates future failures that can be dangerous for the dreamer.

Plantain is a male sexual symbol.

If you are dreaming of yourself listening to music on a record player, then it announces joys, parties and happiness due to your own successes or those of family or close friends. If the record is interrupted, for example because the record or tape is broken, then it signifies that serious problems are coming.

…Trick or ploy in a dream shows that you should try to be more distrustful if you don’t want what’s legitimately yours to be taken away….

…For a young woman Dreaming of crossing a plain, denotes that she will be fortunately situated, if the grasses are green and luxuriant | if they are arid, or the grass is dead, she will have much discomfort and loneliness. See Prairie….

Plums, if they are green, unless seen on trees, are signs of personal and relative discomfort. To see them ripe, denotes joyous occasions, which, however, will be of short duration. To eat them, denotes that you will engage in flirtations and other evanescent pleasures. To gather them, you will obtain your desires, but they will not prove so solid as you had imagined. If you find yourself gathering them up from the ground, and find rotten ones among the good, you will be forced to admit that your expectations are unrealized, and that there is no life filled with pleasure alone….

…Dreaming that you use a plane, denotes that your liberality and successful efforts will be highly commended. To see carpenters using their planes, denotes that you will progress smoothly in your undertakings. Dreaming of seeing planes, denotes congeniality and even success. A love of the real, and not the false, is portended by this dream….