Dreaming of a planet, foretells an uncomfortable journey and depressing work.

…(Planet | Woman) In a dream, the planet Venus represents a beautiful woman. Seeing the planet Venus in a dream means getting married to an attractive and a beautiful woman of no kinship to him, though her beauty will lead many people into temptation. The planet Venus in a dream also could mean allegations, playfulness, complaisance, jokes, images, idolatry, jewelry, nudity, pictures of beautiful women, or it could mean beautiful clothing. Seeing the planet Venus in a dream also means allegations, accusations, or that one may pursue any of the aforementioned elements, or he may establish a friendship with someone who follows such avenues, or perhaps he may marry an attractive and a beautiful woman, a foreign woman, or a famous singer. If one sees the planet Venus mixing with the moon, or if its position is lower than the moon, or if it is burning in the dream,…

…Dreaming of seeing walls plainly plastered, denotes that success will come, but it will not be stable. To have plaster fall upon you, denotes unmitigated disasters and disclosure. To see plasterers at work, denotes that you will have a sufficient competency to live above penury….

To see a plunger, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to restrict your anger and to confront certain emotions. These qualities have created difficulties for your progress. Elimination of these aspects will let you to move forward in your life.

Dreams in which pliers or pincers appear usually indicate that there are problems with the people you surround yourself with, problems that are probably showing themselves or have already manifested through acid comments, doubtful ideas and attitudes against your own interests. It’s a sign that hostile reactions will surely arise among them regarding the decisions the dreamer makes.

…Dreaming of pleasure, denotes gain and personal enjoyment. See Joy….

Plumes in dream are interpreted as a symbol of sexual desire. If the plums are ripe, we will get what we want, but will suffer love pains if the plums are green and not matured well. Some authors suggest that if the plums are prunes, we need to let pass a time before make known our desires.

…Breaking plates dream means that you will make some unexpected expenses, economic loss. Plate with food means wealth, opulence and wellness. Plates of gold or silver, presage disappointing or fights….

(See Games)

Perhaps the dream is showing concern for your figure. But if in the dream the Juncus is related to any specific person, it can indicate amenability in their part, but also inconstancy.

(See Rake | Shovel)

(See Soliciting advice)

(See Kawthar)

Inflammation of the chest membrane in a dream represents a sinner who is punished as a warning, and perhaps driven through his illness to induce him to repent for his sins.

(See Base)

Quarrel, separation among friends, hearing of different people’s advantages. 52….

(See Games)

(See Nit)

Fortune in matrimonial life.

Anticipated success in an undertaking.


(See Rural warden)

(Morganatic marriage. See Explorer)

(See Braiding)

Being justified in your actions or behaviour.

(See ‘Arafat)…

If you are waiting in the line and someone has taken from you, it shows that you think the life is not fair to you. The dream shows that the unfair friends or colleagues will try to take the advantage that was made to you.

Luck, success in business. 45.

(See Fruit)

(See Chess)

Damage to one’s character by false friends. 346….


Disappointment in hopes.

(See Masjid | Mosque)

Bad times, vexation.

A tedious piece of work in store for you. 158.

Denotes having secret enemies.

Sickness, perhaps death. 219.

Good success in business. 33.

Having many hands employed.