…(Amusement | Cynicism | Playing games | Playing) To play games or to act sprightly in a dream means pride, arrogance, being cynical, profanity or defiling what is sacred in one’s religion and lacking reverence for it. Playing backgam- mon in a dream means exaltation, gaining power, honor and rank, or it could denote one’s pride, arrogance and cynicism. Playing with a wedding ring in a dream means concealing secrets, except if someone else appears in one’s dream, then it could mean looking for a missing person. Sitting and playing with one’s heels in a dream means governing. Playing football in a dream means recon- ciliation or making peace with one’s enemy. If a sick person sees himself playing a game in a dream, it means recovering from his illness and returning to a normal healthy life. Playing cricket ball in a dream means a fight followed by reconciliation…

…(Challenges | Game) Playing chess in a dream means mixing with all kinds of people. Playing chess in a dream also means deception, fights or a ploy. Seeing a chessboard, and if no one is playing it in a dream represents a strike, or people who are dismissed from their job. If one sees people playing it, then such people represent the leaders or the statesmen. The winner in a chess game in a dream is the winner of a political or a military maneuver. Whatever steps one takes in playing chess in a dream will be reflected in the political arena. Playing chess in a dream also could mean intending a fight, but not knowing whether he will win or lose. It also could mean facing dangerous people, so one is warned in the dream to be on guard against their tricks or ploys. Playing chess in a…

To dream about playing the music means that you found some inner peace and tranquility with your waking life.

Dreaming of playing ball, or seeing it played, foretells the speedy receipt of money; to see the ball roll about, and signifies delay in its reception.

If you are playing the music nicely and smoothly, you are going through your life easily, relaxed and feeling very happy.

(See Games)

Luck in business, reconciliation, making friends of enemies, being truly loved.

Consolation, steadiness, agreeable situation.

Good prospects.

…(Tricktrack) Playing backgammon in a dream means having an imposing character, being highly skilled and efficient, scheming, mental keen- ness, playing a ruse or eliciting admiration. Playing backgammon in a dream also denotes someone who is highly qualified or it may demonstrate the type of character one assumes in his daily life, or it could mean arguing with others, mockery, deception, gambling, mixing with evil people for business, or it could mean pleasure. It also means indulging in sin, fear of exposure or maneuvering a business scheme. If one sees the game set but no one is playing it in the dream, it means lack of work, dismissal from one’s job, walking the wrong tracks. Playing backgammon in a dream also signifies a fight, an argument or a dispute between business partners, each of them seeking his personal interests. (Also see Chess | Games)…

Separation of a beloved one.

Seeing string instruments in a dream means recovering from an illness, or they can represent man’s spinal cord, or his spinal column, strength, sternness, relentlessness, health condition, or physical fitness. Seeing string instruments in a dream also means gaining some understanding about human nature, or the physiology of the human being, or they could represent medicine or astronomy. If a bachelor sees string instruments in his dream, it may mean that he will get married. If a wife sees herself playing a string instrument in her dream, it means that she will put a child in her lap. If one sees himself playing a string instrument in front of the governor’s house in a dream, it means that he will preside over people should he qualify. Otherwise, it could mean that he will piece together or fabricate a story. Seeing a lute or a guitar in a dream denotes…

…Quarrel, separation among friends, hearing of different people’s advantages. 52….

(See Games)

Disappointment. 24.

Luck, success in business. 45.

Inconstancy, falsehood.

Agreeable companion.

Getting into dispute, being not especially lucky in love; marriage in advanced age. 280.

Having disputes with companions.

Joy and contentment.

Vexation and misfortune; after other interpreters, luck in everything. 212.

Continual disunion, separation of friends.

Much hindrance in undertakings in matrimonial state, trouble, plague, and misfortune of all kinds.

Uncertain and doubtful success in business.

…(Authority | Mace) A scepter in a dream means good conduct, emulating the leading example of the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, rising to a high ranking position, or becoming an authority. A scepter in a dream also could represent a wild son, a crooked man, or a hypocrite. Playing with a scepter in dream means using the help of such a person and assisting him to lay hands on his rivals. The crosier represents the human heart and the staff represents man’s tongue. Thus, playing with a scepter in a dream means playing at will. Whatever may affect a scepter in a dream can be interpreted as affecting one’s son or his tongue. If one sees himself hitting a small ball with a septer, or playing with a ball in his dream, it represents a dispute with his wife, or a fight with a hypocritical person. A…

…Dreaming of playing with cards suggests carelessness and superficiality in handling affairs. Dreaming of betting money with cards is a warning that the dreamer is risking a lot and that in the end there will suffering due to losses and problems. Dreaming of playing with cards with several people, but without money being involved just for pure fun, suggests good social relationships. Dreaming of losing by playing with cards announces the presence of adversaries waiting for the opportunity to attack the dreamer, even legally. If a young woman dreams that her fiancé is playing with cards, is a warning that he is not a man who would be good for her, since he is only looking for fun. Cards in dreams usually have the following meanings: CLUBS: difficult and complicated marriage. CUPS: Love, fidelity, an acceptable marriage, but not a happy one. SWORDS: becoming a widow in a short…

…To hear the accordion playing, symbolizes that the joy and the luck you had is becoming not so joyful and you could get depressed in your near future. If you see yourself playing the accordion in your dream, this could be the warning that you are not as healthy as you used to be. Make sure if you are rested and do not have any physical ailment. If there is someone playing accordion on the stage it could be the meaning of unexpected invitation to a party. If someone plays the accordion, this symbolizes the luck you will have without anyone helping you around. When you see that you are taking the lessons or someone is teaching you how to play accordion, this could be the sign of not trusting the man in your life, as this person could be the one, who is taking you away from succeed…

…If playing them in your dreams with others for social pastime, you will meet with fair realization of hopes that have long buoyed you up. Small ills will vanish. But playing for stakes will involve you in difficulties of a serious nature. If you lose at cards you will encounter enemies. If you win you will justify yourself in the eyes of the law, but will have trouble in so doing. If a young woman dreams that her sweetheart is playing at cards, she will have cause to question his good intentions. In social games, seeing diamonds indicate wealth | clubs, that your partner in life will be exacting, and that you may have trouble in explaining your absence at times | hearts denote fidelity and cosy surroundings | spades signify that you will be a widow and encumbered with a large estate….

…If a woman dreams that she hears the sweet music played by a guitar, but she doesn’t see the musical instrument, it suggests that if she doesn’t stand firm and strong, she can then get caught in the middle of an illicit relationship or at least she could be deceived by false lovers. This is what is known as a siren call. If you see a guitar with broken strings, it suggests that all the harmony that surrounds you will soon disappear, and it can even suggest sentimental breakups. If a man dreams with music played by a guitar, it suggests that he is likely to be driven by difficult love relationships that can ultimately cause him problems. If you dream that you’re singing and playing a guitar or other stringed instrument in front of a woman, it indicates that your love intentions could be reciprocal. If in that…

…(String instruments | Guitar | Lute | Mandolin) In a dream, a banjo repre- sents people’s common business, double-dealing, scrupulousness, adultery, playing chess, sorcery, a medium, evocation of spirits, calling on jinn spirits, being possessed by jinns or similar effects. A banjo in a dream also represents the leader of such a band of people and it denotes distress and sorrows. Playing a banjo with strings made from animals’ intestines in a dream also represents a wise man admonishing or reprimanding people. Playing a banjo in a dream also means sorrow. To tap on a banjo in a dream denotes nostalgia. Listening to the music of a banjo in a dream means turning one’s attention to lies. (Also see Musician | String Instruments)…

When you see yourself playing with drums, then such dream foretells about your independence. You wish to do things on your own and the way you like them to be. You have a very opinionated person and stand for your beliefs. If you see or hear someone else playing the drums, then such dream represents the harmony and rhythm of the life you are trying to hold.

Playing at cards, tables, or any other game in a dream, shows the party shall be very fortunate; and tables allude unto love, for love is the table, fancy the point that stands open; and he that dreams much of table playing shall be a great gamester, as well with Joan as my lady.

…Dreaming of small children or babies is always a good symbol and it suggests good things for the dreamer in the immediate future. Dreaming of playing with children symbolizes good things because it could mean that the dreamer’s matters are unfolding in a satisfactory manner. Dreaming of seeing children happily playing or studying on the floor, it signifies that there will be success of many types in the immediate future. Dreaming of children crying after suffering from a punishment can mean that the dreamer will soon receive disappointments from friends who the dreamer thought that they were sincere. If a mother dreams that her children are sick without them actually being sick in real life, then it could mean that she’s worried about several issues related to herself and to her home. Dreaming that her younger son is sick or dead suggests that the dreamer is very worried because

…I believe there are people who dream the same dreams repeatedly, even down to the most minor details. One of the dreams I am continually dreaming is as follows: I am walking along the sea-front of some popular watering-place, which, judging by the style of houses and appearance of the people, I should say was abroad. The sun is shining, the sea exquisitely blue; whilst, to enhance the beauty of nature, a band is playing, and playing remarkably well, some gay operatic music. What I see, what I feel, what I think, has about it nothing of the unmistakeable idiosyncrasy of a dream, but all is rigorously self -consistent. I am enjoying myself to the utmost, when, on turning round, I perceive behind me a tramp — a man with a shock head of red hair, and features that are ineffaceably stamped on my memory. He is a blight,…

The cards that are being played in a dream represents the fact that you should be aware about your financial situation. If you have are playing with the cards, it could also mean that bad things might happen to you if you won’t be careful. If you see the club of cards while playing with the cards, then great fortune is on your way. When you see the diamonds, great financial growth. If see hearts, luck in love. If see spades, failure and troubles.

The dream in which the dreamer has been playing sport games, indicates the ability to do certain things, desire to work hard and athletic features. The dream also shows your ability to get in contact with others and make the agreements. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the hard sexuality desires you want to express. If you see other teams playing a sports, then such dream indicates two different viewpoints that you confronting or witnessing.

A walnut tree in a dream represents a stingy foreigner, a backbiter, a slanderer, a difficult person who cares only for his selfish interests. A walnut in a dream also represents a healthy body, or it could mean extensive travelling. Playing with walnut in a dream means playing with unlawful earnings. If a woman sees a walnut tree in her dream, it means longevity. A walnut in a dream also means a husband. Crushed walnuts in a dream mean easy money. Eating pecans from a hickory tree in a dream means speaking the truth.

If you were dreaming of playing a banjo it represents joy and happiness you will receive from your friends, family and the ones you love. If you saw the others playing banjo it denotes of an escapade. Alternatively, very soon you will meet somebody you realy like and this will turn into very beautiful love story. Prepare yourself for amazing love journey, as it will bring joy and happiness for both of you.

When you see yourself playing with banjo and it includes other people, then it means joy and good times. If the other people are playing it, the new love will come in your life soon. The sound of the banjo promises visits from your friends and that will make you very happy. It could even predict new love relationships to you.