To dream about toys bodes well, it suggests joys for the family, but if some of them are broken or useless, then it suggests disease, suffering and sadness in the family. To dream about kids that are playing with their toys is a symbol of family harmony. To dream that you’re blowing away some toys announces that your matters won’t succeed, whether it relates to your business, employment, love life, etc.

The dreamer who sees the orangutan in his dream should spend more time relaxing and playing instead of being so serious. The monkey is also a symbol of team work. The swinging monkeys signify the wisdom and cleverness of the dreamer. The monkey that has come to you and sit on your shoulder or lap, represents the thieves you should be aware of in your waking life.

…to appear for some time. Dreaming of a little baby boy walking alone, with no one around to protect him, suggests that the dreamer longs for independence. When a woman dreams that she’s taking care of a sick baby it indicates that the people in whom she trusts will disappoint her, particularly the man with whom she has a warm relationship. Dreaming one or more sick babies with a fever is negative sign; it indicates many concerns that affect you in your immediate future. Dreaming of a newborn baby hints that you will soon receive good news. If a young single mother dreams of being mother of a newborn, suggests that someone is creating rumors that will hurt her. Dreaming that a baby is in the water splashing and playing with it, such dream hints that the dreamer will be soon released from the undesirable compromises that affect him….

Owning, buying or playing with a toy is a sign of whimsical love.

Playing with dice is a waste of money or misuse. It is not advisable to play with your money.

As a general rule it is interpreted that children’s games express the desire of escaping worries and it will be interesting to analyze the attitudes of the players in the dream. Especially if we are the ones playing, because if we dream that we are cheating during the game, it could be interpreted as a difficulty to adapt into social norms.

…To see baseball in your dream, denotes you will be easily contented, and your cheerfulness will make you a popular companion. For a young woman Dreaming that she is playing baseball, means much pleasure for her, but no real profit or comfort….

…(Fold | Instrument) In a dream, a flute represents good news. To hear the sound of a flute in a dream means announcing someone’s death. Playing the flute in a dream means developing a good understanding of things. If one is given a flute in a dream, it means an appointment to a high rankingjob, protection from trials, becoming pious and living an ascetic life. (Also see Oboe)…

…Dreaming that you’re laughing and feeling cheerful without reason, suggests that you’re paying proper attention to your affairs and they are in order. Dreaming of being joyful among friends suggests that you have faith in a promising and rewarding future in the family, in society, business, etc. However, if something unpleasant interrupts the joy, the symbolism of the dream changes, and it indicates that several problems that could end all that happiness are approaching. When a woman dreams of being cheerful with friends, including several young men, it suggests that she will soon get all the romance she wants, especially if the guy she likes is among the people in the dream. Dreaming that you’re happy and smiling, even if you’re alone, is a sign of near success, either in society or in the business you are managing. Dreaming of happy children laughing and playing, suggests that you have…

The dolphins are symbols of love, friendship, goodness and affection. The ones that are playing in the water could be interpreted as our minds where we are looking for answers while being in very stable mind. The dolphins could also be understood as the symbolism of the connection between our minds where we can control it and where we are unable to do so.

…Belonging to an orchestra and playing, foretells pleasant entertainments, and your sweetheart will be faithful and cultivated. To hear the music of an orchestra, denotes that the knowledge of humanity will at all times prove you to be a much-liked person, and favors will fall unstintedly upon you….

(Baseball | Basketball | Cricket ball | Football | Glob | Golf ball | Handball | Ping- Pong ball | Pushball | Snowball | Tennis ball | Volleyball) A ball in a dream signifies a dispute, an argument, a fight to control the world and its resources. Some will desire it and others will reject it. A ball in a dream also could signify travels or moving between places. Usually, a ball in a dream represents a man. If it is made from leather, then it represents a leader, a boss, or a scholar. Playing ball in a dream means a fight. (Also see Games)

…(See Dancing.) If you dream you are at a ball, and are dancing with a lady, it is a sign you will marry her; if you dream that she is gone, and you are looking round to find her and cannot, it foretells that she will not five long after marriage. Breaming of playing ball, or seeing it played, foretells the speedy receipt of money; to see the ball roll about, signifies delay in its reception. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 54, 11, 55….

If you are dreaming about compact disc, then such dream foretells about the necessity for joy and entertainment. The dream could also represent the chances you are taking. The CD could also represent the important part music takes in your life. Consider to pay attention to the kind of the music the CD was playing and the type of artist the CD was, because it would give you much more of the clue about your dream. Try to pay attention to the CD letters meaning in your life, maybe you know particular person in your life that the name includes C and D letters?

If you see feces of your own, then such dream indicates the negative aspects of your personality such as greediness, falseness, anger and envy. You must to accept these feelings, because every human being has negative features and thoughts. Perhaps the dream suggests you to let go these negative feelings if you wish to feel clear minded. If you are having difficulties while disposing your feces, then such dream shows the suppressed emotions and feelings you are suffering from. You are the person who keeps things for himself instead of sharing the worries with others. If you are playing with the feces, then such dream indicates the dishonest affairs and business you are getting yourself into. Be careful!

…Dreaming of a banjo, denotes that pleasant amusements will be enjoyed. To see a negro playing one, denotes that you will have slight worries, but no serious vexation for a season. For a young woman to see negroes with their banjos, foretells that she will fail in some anticipated amusement. She will have misunderstandings with her lover….

…(Drum | Musical instruments) In a dream, a tambourine means adversities, pain and sufferings. It also means fame for the one carrying it. If a girl dancer carries it in the dream, it means that she may win a lottery, or acquire a publicly known fortune. The sound of a tambourine in a dream represents a recognized and a baseless fallacy. Seeing a man carrying a tambourine means fame for him and for whoever accompanies him in the dream. A woman carrying the tambourine in a dream also means that she will become famous, or it could indicates a new social trend. In general, when musical instruments are used in one’s dream, playing them in a festival, a wedding, or in any type of celebration means trials. (Also see Musical instruments)…

Playing roguish tricks, retrogression in love, loss in trade. 5.

If you are playing with Frisbee, then such dream symbolizes your fun side and ability to perform. The dream also represents some aspects in your waking life where you must take as much as you can, instead of giving it all away.

Dream of playing with an enemy, the dreamer will get on the point of giving him an advantage. Gain at a game without a chance to win, loss of friends. Lose, consolation, relief from troubles.

Nightmares and bad dreams full of angst and fear are usually caused by persistent desires and hopes that are perfectly logical and legitimate (they are natural and likely to happen). In any case, these dreams announce that you will soon succeed in achieving your goals. Dreaming of being distressed when in real life you are proceeding unlawfully in your affairs, indicates that you are taking serious risks and playing with fire, which will easily lead you to fail. Dreaming that you’re in a state of anguish too often without having real causes in your everyday life, can mean that this has a pathological origin, so you should go to your doctor.

Hearing the sound of a trumpet or a horn in a dream means going to war. If one blows into a horn in the dream, it means that he will face adversities, and if one sees himself playing the trumpet, it means that he will receive glad tidings. (Also see Trumpet of Resurrection)

The dream about the jukebox is interpreted as the symbolism of laziness. Perhaps you do not put enough of the effort in order to make some changes for your own goodness. Please try to pay attention what kind of music this jukebox is playing, because it would give you much more of the clue about this dream.

…If a sick person sees himself suppressing his feel- ings, or down-playing his pain and sufferings in a dream, it means that he will shortly recover from his ailment. (Also see Suppressing one’s anger)…

Playing with a ball indicates messes, conflicts, difficulties in the businesses, lack of concrete goals.

If you heard the flute or were playing with one by yourself, then it symbolizes the happy and balanced life. At this time of your life you feel joy and happiness. The future will bring harmonious and stable life for you.

The great celebration is waiting for the dreamer if he is dreaming about tambourine. If you see the roman man playing the tambourine, then you will have to work hard not only for yourself, but for others either. If you see the brand new and excellent tambourine, you will gain your goods.

You’re telling only part of the truth, even to yourself, playing the circumstances in your favor.

If you heard the harmonica in a dream, then it means that you must imply more happiness and delight into your life. The dream also represents the harmony towards certain matter. If you were playing the harmonica in a dream, then it suggests you to let go some of the feelings that you are holding.

…If a man dreams of associating with one of this class of women, it foretells losses and disgrace: should a girl dream of playing the whore, when in fact she is chaste, it foretells her speedy marriage and that she will love her husband. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….

…Dreaming of playing on lute, is an indication of joyful news from absent friends. Pleasant occupations follow the dreaming of hearing the music of a lute….

…If you dream at playing at tenpins, you will doubtless soon engage in some affair which will bring discredit upon your name, and you will lose your money and true friendship. To see others engaged in this dream, foretells that you will find pleasure in frivolous people and likely lose employment. For a young woman to play a successful game of tenpins, is an omen of light pleasures, but sorrow will attend her later….

…Dreaming of listening to the music of a lyre, foretells chaste pleasures and congenial companionship. Business will run smoothly. For a young woman Dreaming of playing on one, denotes that she will enjoy the undivided affection of a worthy man….

If you have the skull in your hands, it can be interpreted as an exaggeration of the own penalties, and it would be worthwhile to analyze your tendency to theatricality. If you see yourself playing with the skull, it indicates a great inner strength, with which you can count to overcome the sufferings that surround you.

…Dreaming of your father, signifies that you are about to be involved in a difficulty, and you will need wise counsel if you extricate yourself therefrom. If he is dead, it denotes that your business is pulling heavily, and you will have to use caution in conducting it. For a young woman Dreaming of her dead father, portends that her lover will, or is, playing her false….

To dream you hear a flute signifies your fondest hopes will be blighted. To dream you are playing the flute is a sign you will have a pleasant, prosperous life.

To dream you are playing chess is a sign of discord with friends.

Playing or listening to piano indicates a huge, corresponded and sweet love. Learning to play piano means satisfied wishes and pleasures.

…Dreaming that you hear the sound of a horn, foretells hasty news of a joyful character. To see a broken horn, denotes death or accident. To see children playing with horns, denotes congeniality in the home. For a woman Dreaming of blowing a horn, foretells that she is more anxious for marriage than her lover….

When the dreamer sees himself playing in the funhouse, then such dream shows overcomes he achieved and situations he is able to control. The dream could also represent the playful aspects of your personality.