If you dream that you are playing some games, then such dream shows the principles and regulations you have while living in your waking life. There is also a possibility that you are looking for some fun.

Seeing or playing with an electric guitar in the dream represents sudden power and immediately occurrence of new passion. You clearly express your thoughts and feelings to others. Alternatively, it is symbol of youth and rebellion.

…Dreaming that you are playing at blind man’s buff, denotes that you are about to engage in some weak enterprise which will likely humiliate you, besides losing money for you….

Playing at cards, dice, or any other game in a dream shows the party will be fortunate in love affairs j for the tables and cards allude to love. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 76, 17….

Playing some musical instrument or hear it means unexpected encounter. Favorable news, you’ll get help and to achieve your goals. Musical instruments represent signing of documents or writing. Attending a concert means harmony in relationships. Wind instruments mean upcoming wedding, party, joy and health.

…One’s heels in a dream also represent his estate. Strong heels in a dream represent good deeds. Dark heels in a dream represent heedlessness and disobedience to the divine commands of God Almighty. Heels in a dream also signify punishment for one’s sins. One’s heels in a dream also may represent a son who is a gambler. A low heel and tendon in a dream represent a daring, courageous and a forward person. As for a bachelor, seeing his heels in a dream means marriage. Heels in a dream also mean vain talk. Playing with one’s heels in a dream means enjoying one’s success over his opponent. A broken heel in a dream means an illness. One’s heels also represent his property and money. Having no heels in a dream means losing one’s wealth. A nice looking heel in a dream means glad tidings and blessings. (Also see Body’)…

…(Rodent | Thief | Woman) A mouse in a dream represents a dissolute and a sinful woman, a thief, or someone who feels flattered at exposing people’s private life. To see a large family of mice in one’s house in a dream means money and prosperity. If one sees a mouse playing inside his house where there is plenty of food in a dream, it means relief and money. If a mouse leaves one’s house in a dream, it means that blessings will depart from that house and its earnings will diminish. Owning a pet mouse in a dream means having a servant or a housekeeper. A black mouse and a white mouse in a dream represent the night and the day. Seeing a mouse of either black or white color going about its own business in the daylight in a dream means longevity. If one sees a mouse…

Dreaming that you are playing hopscotch, has the symbolic significance and suggests your childish and immature behavior. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, the dream can symbolize your tendency to jump from task to task or not being able to stay in one place.

(arb. Rukhkh is A legendary Arabian bird.) Seeing the legendary giant roc in a dream means fast travelling news coming from Western regions, or it could represent distant travels, playing with words, taunt with a serious subject, or just prattling.

To dream of playing at nine-pins is a lucky sign.

…If you were dreaming and in the dream you have seen that you’re playing with cymbals, indicates that you are acting irrationally in some situation. Maybe you are having too many concerns in small things. Are you making a lot of fuss in unimportant things?…

…To dream that you’re plotting a scam suggests that you have adopted this habit just for your personal gain. To dream that you’ve been caught while performing a scam is a warning that your competitors will win those negotiations in which you’re participating, and that will cause you losses. To dream that you’ve been caught cheating while playing a card game or any other wagering game, announces a serious failure. If someone else is the one who cheats, then it announces success for the dreamer. Dreaming about an empty animal trap, no matter for what specie it’s for, it announces upcoming failures….

…Dreaming that you are playing charades, is interpreted as inability to see clearly. Also it shows inability to express your thoughts. Is there something that you aren’t able to put into words or articulate? You should try to decode what message you are trying to announce….

If you are dreaming about bagpipe and hear melodious and beautiful music out of that bagpipe it symbolizes satisfaction and happiness. If you dream of hearing terrible music playing out of bagpipe it denotes disaster and unhappiness you might face in near future.

…To dream about a flute or any other wind instrument suggests an upcoming excessively frivolous party. When the instrument appears broken or is badly damaged it indicates that the dreamer self- criticizes for defrauding his/her friend’s, partner’s, etc., faith and trust. To dream that you’re listening to music produced by flutes or other wind instruments suggests that you (especially if you’re women) will have to defend your honor or a family member’s honor. To dream that you’re playing a flute suggests that no matter what is scheme against you, you’ll end up doing great and defending your honor. When a woman dreams this way it suggests that she’s likely to formalize a romantic relationship with a military or someone who normally wears a uniform….

…(Bounce | Hop | Leap) To see oneself hopping on one leg in a dream means moving from an old place into a new one. If one takes a broad leap with one jump in his dream it means travels. Hopping on one leg because of an illness or an impairment in a dream means loss of half of one’s money or property and finding it difficult to sustain one’s needs with the balance. Playing football or hopping with a ball, or jumping while performing acrobatic exercises, or gymnastic feats in a dream means profits or benefits for someone who is used to play such games, or participates in such training. Otherwise, it could mean facing dangerous or severe adversity. In a dream, jumping from place to place also means false news, fabricated accusations, changing moods with one’s friends, or finding oneself bored with them. If one jumps over…

The snow in a dream denotes to unexpressed feelings and longing for something important in your life. Perhaps the dream suggests you to let everything go including your emotions, thoughts and feelings. The snow could also indicate the feeling of loneliness, singleness. To see the snow that is melting denotes to the sad emotions which are going away. Probably you are getting to the point where you are no longer afraid of who you are. If the snow is dirty, then it means that your health, goodness has been lost. If the snow is white and clean, then it means you are in peace and tranquility. If you were playing in the snow, then it means that you need to have some happy time in your life. If you found something valuable in a dream, then it means you are confronting new and exciting ideas of the life.

If you dream of playing or watching a badminton game it signifies that there are possibilities and you will have to make up your mind about those choices otherwise you will not get the same chance again in your life. Make sure you are not in doubt, have an opinion for everything and go on with your gut.

…it means that she will beget a son. If she never had children before, it means that she is barren. If one is circumcised in a dream, it means that he will fulfil his religious covenant, or pay a debt. A pubic area which is excessively hairy in a dream represents an insolent person. Feeding one’s sexual organ in a dream means dying an ugly death. If one’s male organ turns into a female organ in a dream, it means that he has lost his virility, or that he will become submissive. If one sees himself touching his wife’s sexual organ which then turns into a male organ in a dream, it means that she may undergo an operation in relation to abnormal sexual trend. A male organ in a dream also represents a craftsman’s tools. Playing with one’s male organ in a dream means that one does not shy…

Dreaming about playing indicates agility and energy.

When you dream of watching the game of golf, then such dream symbolizes exciting discoveries. If you are playing the golf in the dream, then it shows your ability to control things in life. Alternatively, the dream may indicate the laziness you are suffering from.

Seeing an ace when playing cards indicates that we will receive good news. If there are some more cards, it means we begin a period of good luck.

Dreaming about gambling money in a casino indicates that there are friendships being formed which are not recommendable and that the dreamer is getting involved in an environment which has a very low morale, and this would entail unpleasant results. Dreaming of playing in a casino and earning money that others are losing insinuates that the dreamer wants to enjoy life at the expense of others, but if the dreamer is the one who loses and the other people win, then this indicates that the dreamer’s failures are consequences of his or her bad behavior.

Card playing is a sign of displeasure and woe.

To dream of playing with dice is a sign of disgrace, or that you will do some act that, if it is not bad in itself, will cause people to censure you for. To a young girl engaged to be married, dreaming, of dice foretells that her lover will be wild and not of much account.

…Dreaming of hearing the music of an accordion, denotes that you will engage in amusement which will win you from sadness and retrospection. You will by this means be enabled to take up your burden more cheerfully. For a young woman Dreaming that she is playing an accordion, portends that she will win her lover by some sad occurrence | but, notwithstanding which, the same will confer lasting happiness upon her union. If the accordion gets out of tune, she will be saddened by the illness or trouble of her lover….

If you dream that you are playing bowling, then it is a sign that you may have a bitter struggle to obtain what you most wish for. If the balls fall, it is sign that you have sorrows and misfortunes and should face them now and move forward.

If you dream of seeing the winds of zephyr, then such dream shows that you are longing for love and affection in your waking life, but only if you feel sad during your dream. If you see the children who are playing in zephyr winds and feel calm and serenity, then it means that your children will have a wonderful life full of joy, love and good friends.

When you dream of playing the backgammon game, it signifies new people in you life which you did not expect to see and you will not be satisfied and comfortable seeing them. If you dream that you are being defeated in backgammon game it might be the sign of a failure in your love life. Maybe you start making a new relationships with inappropriate people. Make sure you think twice before making new friends or lovers.

…Paralysis in a dream means corruption in one’s religious life, or introducing innovations to one’s religion and suffering the consequences of playing with God’s words. (Also see Paralysis | Physical fitness)…

If you’re playing it, you should not make investments of any kind.

If you dreamed that you played or saw someone playing a softball, then such dream offers you to stay with your opinion and do not let other circumstances change it. The dream could also show that you must value your ability to perform in all aspects of the life. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the relationships between man (the bat) and woman (the ball), according to the shape and position of them.

…To dream of seeing one or more boys is a good sign, because it is the symbol of strength, childishness and power. If the boy is in some kind of contact with a girl, then it shows the great future that is ahead for the dreamer. The boy who is playing with the adults signifies the confusion or the opposite – the comfort the one is feeling. The working boy is also good omen, which brings much of goods….

…To dream you are playing at dice, backgammon, or draughts denotes much good to the dreamer, in either love, marriage, or business. To a young girl, engaged to be married, dreaming of dice foretells that her lover will be wild and not of much account. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 54….

…Play with a dog means you will experience damage. Playing with many of them, stinginess. See white dogs mean upcoming happiness. Black ones, betrayal of your close friends. See a dog being angry means well-founded fears. Lying down dog indicates dishonest, dishonorable love intrigues. If the dreamer imagine the dog to be his own, means that the services of a faithful, honest and courageous friend will be received. You will be honored by trustworthy servant. If it belongs to a stranger, an unscrupulous and infamous enemy will be met. See a dog who is tearing apart some clothing symbolizes scandal on the part of a mendacious villain, for the one whose clothes were completely ruined. If the dog bites, vexations will be brought by enemies. See dogs righting, ambushes will be avoided. Dogs baying, means shocking publications. Be worried by dogs, means a victory over enemies. Seeing some dogs…

To dream of dogs, the meaning, in a great measure depends on the sex. To dream that they fawn upon you, your company will be caressed by all. If one bites you, a man or woman, you may fancy your dearest friend will become your inveterate enemy. If a man dreams that a black bitch follows him, he is loved by a sincere, good natured female. If he cannot force the dog away he will be married. A woman to dream of a black dog following her, denotes the same. To dream a dog howls, you will hear of a death if it is playing about, look for prosperity.

…(Aircraft | Soar) In a dram, a kite represents exaltedness, rising in station, determination, or gaining respect. A kite in a dream also means being dis- missed, or banished, or it could mean sorcery and magic. If one sees himself playing with a kite in a dream, it means that he might suffer from a spell of black arts. If a kite falls over one’s house in a dream, it means that he will be evicted from it….

When you are jumping the rope in a dream, then such dream could indicate your selfish side of personality, especially if you are playing this game with kids. The jumping rope in a dream could indicate your tendency to take risks, without thinking of the consequences.

If you dream of seeing or playing a harp, then it represents the spiritual aspects of your personality. Your nature is looking for the answers to the important questions you’ve had before.

…To dream of seeing these beautiful fishes playing in the water, denotes the death of some dear friend or relative. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 4….