…To dream of ripe cherries foretells that you will hear good news, or that someone will do you a favour. After such a dream you can easily borrow money if you wish to. If the cherries are green or mixed, your news will be a mixture of good and bad. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14, 54….

…Dreaming of melons, denotes ill health and unfortunate ventures in business. To eat them, signifies that hasty action will cause you anxiety. To see them growing on green vines, denotes that present troubles will result in good fortune for you….

…Dreaming about making business with coffee announces serious problems and even failures in business and other matters. If you are selling coffee in the dream, soon you will suffer losses. If you are buying coffee, then the risks are lower. When a woman dreams of managing coffee, it’s a warning that she lacks the necessary discretion, which is why she’ll have problems. A young woman who has a dream about her roasting coffee indicates that she desires to travel in order to find a husband. Dreaming about green or immature coffee beans suggests that enemies will try to prevent the dreamer to reach his or her goals in business, affection, etc. Dreaming about a coffee grinder announces serious risks which should be taken with precaution and integrity. If the coffee mill isn’t able to grind the coffee, it signifies that there will be failures in everything the dreamer tries…

…To dream of beautiful apples usually signifies as a good omen. If you see apples among green foliage, but those are within your reach and are ready to be eaten, it suggests a long-awaited success announcement. To that you’re cutting the apples from the tree and eating them indicates that what you have long-hoped for it’s close to become a reality. By contrast, to dream about apples that are located on top of a tree beyond your reach suggests that your goals will still take some time to be achieved, so in the meantime, you must work hard. To dream about apples that are on the ground and worse if they are unripe or rotten, it suggests that your goals are not likely to be realized and therefore you must think and work on other plans or projects. Sometimes these types of dreams indicate losses, either due to your…

…Dreaming of trees in new foliage, foretells a happy consummation of hopes and desires. Dead trees signal sorrow and loss. To climb a tree is a sign of swift elevation and preferment. To cut one down, or pull it up by the roots, denotes that you will waste your energies and wealth foolishly. To see green tress newly felled, portends unhappiness coming unexpectedly upon scenes of enjoyment, or prosperity. See Forest….

…Dreaming of dead corn or stubble fields, indicates to the dreamer dreary prospects for the future. To see green fields, or ripe with corn or grain, denotes great abundance and happiness to all classes. To see newly plowed fields, denotes early rise in wealth and fortunate advancement to places of honor. To see fields freshly harrowed and ready for planting, denotes that you are soon to benefit by your endeavor and long struggles for success. See Cornfields and Wheat….

…A child’s cradle, many children; if the cradle be of green leaves, loss and sorrow….

…It betokens, if full of fruit and green leaves, wealth, many delightful hours with friends. If they are dried, sorrowful news of the absent….

Dry bush or underwood shows distress and grief. Green bushes, to trouble, promises relief.

…For a young woman Dreaming of crossing a plain, denotes that she will be fortunately situated, if the grasses are green and luxuriant | if they are arid, or the grass is dead, she will have much discomfort and loneliness. See Prairie….

Dreaming of eating apricot fruit usually indicates happiness, joy, pleasure, as long as the fruit is ripe. When it’s eaten green or dry, it usually portends disappointments and failures. Dreaming that an apricot tree is full of fruit indicates wellbeing; on the other hand, if it only has leaves, it may indicate suffering.

…Dreaming of a racing turf, signifies that you will have pleasure and wealth at your command, but your morals will be questioned by your most intimate friends. To see a green turf, indicates that interesting affairs will hold your attention….

…Symbolizes the material and biological evolution. It also symbolizes the perpetual birth and the incessant flow of vital energy. If we see them being withered in the dream, then it means that our feelings are withering because of lack of true love. If we see them green, blooming and full of life, then it means that our love life is or will be full and healthy….

…(Elevation) In a dream, a hill represents a powerful and a dangerous person. Any construction surrounding such a hill represents one’s wealth. If one sees a flat land adjacent to a discarded high ground or a hill in a dream, such a hill represents a rich man whose wealth compares to the size of the surrounding property. A valley of green pasture surrounding a hill in the dream represents his strength, justice in method of dealing with others, or it could mean religious devotion. Following that line of thoughts, it also means rising in rank at the hand of a powerful person. Crossing hills in a dream means escaping from danger. Standing on top of a hill in a dream means presiding over a religious person. Descending a hill or an elevation in a dream represents losses, migraine headache, or humiliation. Imprisonment on the top of a hill in…

Green plants in dream is a signal of fame or fortune. Dry plants in dream is a sign that unfavorable news will fill you with sadness.

To eat them at maturity, denotes joy, profit, rejoicing and overall pleasures. Eat them green, small contrasts, followed by heavy profits. Eat grapes dried means loss of cares and/or bitterness. To squash grapes beneath foot, victory over enemies. Red grapes, passion. White, innocence.

In order to interpret this element in our dream we need to observe its color and lighting, and if it’s a very green and sunny meadow, then it’s an omen of prosperity. We will also complete the interpretation by searching for the meaning of the elements that appear on the meadow, such as flowers or animals.

It means wealth unless that we reap out of time. If it is green or yellow, in this case it announces disease.